Posts in "Computing history"

Marcel van der Veer Computing history
FORTRAN - lingua franca with a promising future behind it
March 2022

I wrote a simple compiler that translates most FORTRAN IV/66/77 source code …

Marcel van der Veer Computing history
VM/CMS and MVS/TSO reunited
October 2021

Virtualisation began half a century ago as a method of sharing mainframe resources between different operating systems, applications or users …

Marcel van der Veer Computing history
Algol68C on MVS revisited
August 2018

As the author of Algol 68 Genie I am interested in having access to other Algol 68 compilers for reference purposes …

Marcel van der Veer Computing history
Running Algol68C on MVS
October 2012

Recently, Algol68C Release 1.3039 was made public for download …