VIntage Fortran (VIF) is my experimental compiler for vintage Fortran, that is, Fortran 66-77. VIF is experimental in the sense that it does not emulate the Fortran machine model, and therefore cannot compile a few rarely used archaic statements. This is a trade-off between completeness and efficiency. Also, VIF has reserved words unlike Fortran, facilitating straightforward translation.

Even so, VIF builds a mathematical library including vintage packages that are still in use today such as BLAS, ARPACK (used in SciPy, Mathematica, GNU Octave and MATLAB), LAPACK, or ODRPACK (used in SciPy). This legacy code adheres to the by-then Fortran standard and recommended coding practice. I like to think that most people avoided Fortran's idiosyncrasies as to write portable code.

Here you can download the current VIF source distribution. The linux manual page can be viewed here.

A goal for VIF was to make available multiple precision data types REAL*32 and COMPLEX*64, considering that most multi-precision applications require twenty up to sixty digits. VIF is probably the only vintage Fortran implementation offering these types.

A caveat when compiling vintage code is that in the old days, different machines had different representations of types. A REAL value could occupy a 32-bit, 36-bit or 64-bit word, depending on the hardware. Portable programs from the time call routines like D1MACH for details of a type representation. Next trivial snippet x1mach.f prints machine parameters for REAL*32 analogous to the D1MACH function:

      real*32 x1mach 
      do k = 1, 5 
         print *, k, x1mach(k) 
      end do 

VIF can immediately execute a program upon successful compilation, like WATFOR or WATFIV, or a JCL CLG-type procedure under MVS or z/OS. We can execute above snippet with VIF like so, specifying -g:

 $ vif -g x1mach.f 
 ** main       ** end of compilation 1 
 ** linker     ** object size 372280 bytes 
 ** statistics ** 1 subprogram, no errors, no warnings 
 ** execution  ** 
 1  3.3621031431120935062626778173217526025980793448464712401088272298088533e-4932 
 2  1.1897314953572317650857593266280071307634446870965102374726748212332616e+4932 
 3  1.1319598848533390459386399113609739725853163997673922736978268612419382e-0072 
 4  2.2639197697066780918772798227219479451706327995347845473956537224838764e-0072 
 5  3.0102999566398119521373889472449302676818988146210854131042746112710819e-0001 

Below is a list with the cross-referenced source files of the current version.

VIF source files

File Synopsis Lines
compiler assign.c Compile assignments. 97
compiler autosave.c Compile SAVE. 183
compiler banner.c Banner for listing files. 169
compiler call.c Compile CALL and function calls. 174
compiler code.c Routines to emit C object code. 466
compiler coerce.c Type conversions for assignments and function statements. 229
compiler common.c Compile COMMON. 153
compiler data.c Compile DATA. 338
compiler decls.c Compile declarations. 271
compiler diag.c Diagnostic message routines. 93
compiler dimension.c Compile DIMENSION. 136
compiler emit.c Emit C object code. 211
compiler equivalence.c Compile EQUIVALENCE. 333
compiler expression.c Compile Fortran expressions. 611
compiler external.c Compile declarations. 63
compiler factor.c Compile Fortran expression factors. 362
compiler fold.c Constant folder. 562
compiler format.c Compile FORMAT. 456
compiler fpp.c Fortran preprocessor. 173
compiler goto.c Compile GOTO. 138
compiler implicit.c IMPLICIT declaration routines. 187
compiler intrinsic.c Compile inline intrinsic functions. 788
compiler jcl.c Rudimentary JCL handler 152
compiler macro.c Compile function statements. 223
compiler modules.c Compile BLOCK DATA, FUNCTION, PROGRAM and SUBROUTINE. 606
compiler parameter.c Compile PARAMETER. 74
compiler renum.c Vintage Fortran statement renumbering tool. 647
compiler scan.c Fortran scanner. 764
compiler slice.c Compile array slices. 185
compiler statements.c Compile statements. 683
compiler table.c Symbol table routines. 337
compiler transput.c Compile Fortran IO. 1111
compiler type.c Type routines. 360
compiler vif.c VIF driver. 673
compiler vif.h VIF include file. 861
runtime rts.c Runtime support. 334
runtime rts-char.c Runtime support for character - integer/real conversion. 117
runtime rts-format.c Runtime support for formatted IO. 816
runtime rts-io.c Runtime support for Fortran IO. 341
runtime rts-jit.c Just-in-time compilation of FORMAT strings. 387
runtime rts-lapack.c Runtime support for LAPACK subprograms. 807
runtime rts-math.c Runtime support for math operations. 451
runtime rts-real16.c Runtime support for REAL*16 and COMPLEX*32. 127
runtime rts-real32.c Runtime support for REAL*32 and COMPLEX*64. 2468
runtime rts-slatec.c Runtime support for SLATEC subprograms. 600
runtime rts-wapr.c Runtime support implementing the W-function. 359
runtime rts-real32.h Runtime support for REAL*32 and COMPLEX*64. 320
runtime box-behnken.f Box-Behnken desing related subprograms. 172
runtime chemometrics.f Machine Learning subprograms for VIF. Needs LAPACK. 207
runtime doomsday.f Doomsday algorithm giving the day of the week for a date. 595
runtime fortran-iv.f FORTRAN IV library functions for VIF. 44
runtime vif-math.f Auxiliary math functions for VIF. 185
mathlib mathlib-arpack.c 82 subprograms from ARPACK 28895
mathlib mathlib-blas.c 148 subprograms from BLAS 19249
mathlib mathlib-eispack.c 81 subprograms from EISPACK 9442
mathlib mathlib-fftpack.c 68 subprograms from FFTPACK 3934
mathlib mathlib-fishpack.c 19 subprograms from FISHPACK 4030
mathlib mathlib-fnlib.c 268 subprograms from FNLIB 86703
mathlib mathlib-lapack-arpack.c 161 subprograms from LAPACK-ARPACK 22749
mathlib mathlib-lapack-svd.c 85 subprograms from LAPACK-SVD 16516
mathlib mathlib-linpack.c 177 subprograms from LINPACK 21036
mathlib mathlib-minpack.c 23 subprograms from MINPACK 3021
mathlib mathlib-odepack.c 85 subprograms from ODEPACK 17235
mathlib mathlib-odrpack.c 63 subprograms from ODRPACK 14847
mathlib mathlib-pchip.c 41 subprograms from PCHIP 4180
mathlib mathlib-quadpack.c 73 subprograms from QUADPACK 15449
mathlib mathlib-slatec.c 527 subprograms from SLATEC 105987
mathlib mathlib-slatec-dassl.c 10 subprograms from SLATEC-DASSL 5670
mathlib mathlib-slatec-extended.c 22 subprograms from SLATEC-EXTENDED 3011
mathlib mathlib-slatec-sdrive.c 24 subprograms from SLATEC-SDRIVE 10220
mathlib mathlib-toeplitz.c 19 subprograms from TOEPLITZ 960
Total 414333

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