
     1  //! @file mathlib-fftpack5.c
     2  //
     3  //! @section copyright
     4  //
     5  // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
     6  // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
     7  //
     8  //! @section license
     9  //
    10  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
    11  // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the 
    12  // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or 
    13  // (at your option) any later version.
    14  //
    15  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
    16  // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability 
    17  // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for 
    18  // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public 
    19  // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
    20  //
    21  //! @Synopsis
    22  //
    23  //! 220 subprograms from FFTPACK5
    25  // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
    26  // Selected subprograms are:
    27  //
    51  // Source:
    52  // 
    53  // FFTPACK5.1, a FORTRAN77 code which computes the Fast Fourier Transform, by Paul Swarztrauber and 
    54  // Dick Valent.
    55  // 
    56  // Special features include:
    57  // 
    58  //     Real or complex data can be handled;
    59  //     Separate routines for forward analysis (data => Fourier coefficients) and backward analysis 
    60  // (Fourier coefficients => data);
    61  //     Sine and cosine transform routines;
    62  //     Quarter wave sine and cosine transform routines;
    63  //     The amount of data is NOT required to be a power of 2.
    64  // 
    65  // Routines in the library come in groups of three:
    66  // 
    67  //     An initialization routine;
    68  //     The forward computational routine (data to FFT coefficients);
    69  //     The backward computational routine (FFT coefficients to data).
    70  // 
    71  // The following table shows how the names of the routines in each group:
    72  // Initialization  Forward Backward        Purpose
    73  // CFFT1I  CFFT1F  CFFT1B  FFT for complex 1D data
    74  // CFFT2I  CFFT2F  CFFT2B  FFT for complex 2D data
    75  // CFFTMI  CFFTMF  CFFTMB  FFT for complex multi-D data
    76  // COSQ1I  COSQ1F  COSQ1B  Even function 1D quarter-cosine FFT
    77  // COSQMI  COSQMF  COSQMB  Even function 1D quarter-cosine FFT
    78  // COST1I  COST1F  COST1B  Even function 1D cosine FFT
    79  // COSTMI  COSTMF  COSTMB  Even function 1D cosine FFT
    80  // RFFT1I  RFFT1F  RFFT1B  FFT for real 1D data
    81  // RFFT2I  RFFT2F  RFFT2B  FFT for real 2D data
    82  // RFFTMI  RFFTMF  RFFTMB  FFT for real multi-D data
    83  // SINQ1I  SINQ1F  SINQ1B  Even function 1D quarter-sine FFT
    84  // SINQMI  SINQMF  SINQMB  Even function 1D quarter-sine FFT
    85  // SINT1I  SINT1F  SINT1B  Even function 1D sine FFT
    86  // SINTMI  SINTMF  SINTMB  Even function 1D sine FFT
    87  // Bugfixes from FFTPACK 5.0 to FFTPACK 5.1
    88  // 
    89  // The functionality of FFTPACK 5.1 is identical with the previous version 5.0.
    90  // 
    91  // The following bugfixes have been applied:
    92  // 
    93  //     Corrected index error for high-level routines [CR]FFT[12][BFI] requiring WSAVE array, and all 
    94  // dependent routines to which LWSAVE is passed. Namely, in LWSAV = L + LOG(REAL(INT(L))) + 4 
    95  // definitions, the summand term LOG(REAL(INT(L))) has been corrected to LOG(REAL(INT(L)/LOG(2.)).
    96  //     Corrected index error in routime C1FM1F at label 56, where array offset was declared 1 that 
    97  // should have been 2. This resulted in C1FFTF transforms of length N calculated incorrectly, where N 
    98  // is any prime .GT. 5, or N=7*M, M .GE. 6.
    99  //     Corrected RFFT2x routines by rewriting them. The backward transform followed by forward now 
   100  // returns identity. Input argument LENSAV must be be at least L + 3*M + INT(LOG(REAL(L))/LOG(2.)) + 
   101  // 2*INT(LOG(REAL(M))/LOG(2.)) +12. Previously, the required value was smaller.
   103  // The license for FFTPACK5 Fortran source code is:
   104  //
   105  // Source:
   106  // 
   107  // Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
   108  // Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Scientific Computing Division,
   109  // University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
   110  // 
   112  /*
   113  Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
   114  VIF release 1.2.10
   115  */
   239  static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
   240    {"dc1f2kb", 0}, // subroutine
   241    {"dc1f2kf", 0}, // subroutine
   242    {"dc1f3kb", 0}, // subroutine
   243    {"dc1f3kf", 0}, // subroutine
   244    {"dc1f4kb", 0}, // subroutine
   245    {"dc1f4kf", 0}, // subroutine
   246    {"dc1f5kb", 0}, // subroutine
   247    {"dc1f5kf", 0}, // subroutine
   248    {"dc1fgkb", 0}, // subroutine
   249    {"dc1fgkf", 0}, // subroutine
   250    {"dc1fm1b", 0}, // subroutine
   251    {"dc1fm1f", 0}, // subroutine
   252    {"dcfft1b", 0}, // subroutine
   253    {"dcfft1f", 0}, // subroutine
   254    {"dcfft1i", 0}, // subroutine
   255    {"dcfft2b", 0}, // subroutine
   256    {"dcfft2f", 0}, // subroutine
   257    {"dcfft2i", 0}, // subroutine
   258    {"dcfftmb", 0}, // subroutine
   259    {"dcfftmf", 0}, // subroutine
   260    {"dcfftmi", 0}, // subroutine
   261    {"dcmf2kb", 0}, // subroutine
   262    {"dcmf2kf", 0}, // subroutine
   263    {"dcmf3kb", 0}, // subroutine
   264    {"dcmf3kf", 0}, // subroutine
   265    {"dcmf4kb", 0}, // subroutine
   266    {"dcmf4kf", 0}, // subroutine
   267    {"dcmf5kb", 0}, // subroutine
   268    {"dcmf5kf", 0}, // subroutine
   269    {"dcmfgkb", 0}, // subroutine
   270    {"dcmfgkf", 0}, // subroutine
   271    {"dcmfm1b", 0}, // subroutine
   272    {"dcmfm1f", 0}, // subroutine
   273    {"dcosq1b", 0}, // subroutine
   274    {"dcosq1f", 0}, // subroutine
   275    {"dcosq1i", 0}, // subroutine
   276    {"dcosqb1", 0}, // subroutine
   277    {"dcosqf1", 0}, // subroutine
   278    {"dcosqmb", 0}, // subroutine
   279    {"dcosqmf", 0}, // subroutine
   280    {"dcosqmi", 0}, // subroutine
   281    {"dcost1b", 0}, // subroutine
   282    {"dcost1f", 0}, // subroutine
   283    {"dcost1i", 0}, // subroutine
   284    {"dcostb1", 0}, // subroutine
   285    {"dcostf1", 0}, // subroutine
   286    {"dcostmb", 0}, // subroutine
   287    {"dcostmf", 0}, // subroutine
   288    {"dcostmi", 0}, // subroutine
   289    {"dfactor", 0}, // subroutine
   290    {"dmcfti1", 0}, // subroutine
   291    {"dmcsqb1", 0}, // subroutine
   292    {"dmcsqf1", 0}, // subroutine
   293    {"dmcstb1", 0}, // subroutine
   294    {"dmcstf1", 0}, // subroutine
   295    {"dmradb2", 0}, // subroutine
   296    {"dmradb3", 0}, // subroutine
   297    {"dmradb4", 0}, // subroutine
   298    {"dmradb5", 0}, // subroutine
   299    {"dmradbg", 0}, // subroutine
   300    {"dmradf2", 0}, // subroutine
   301    {"dmradf3", 0}, // subroutine
   302    {"dmradf4", 0}, // subroutine
   303    {"dmradf5", 0}, // subroutine
   304    {"dmradfg", 0}, // subroutine
   305    {"dmrftb1", 0}, // subroutine
   306    {"dmrftf1", 0}, // subroutine
   307    {"dmrfti1", 0}, // subroutine
   308    {"dmsntb1", 0}, // subroutine
   309    {"dmsntf1", 0}, // subroutine
   310    {"dr1f2kb", 0}, // subroutine
   311    {"dr1f2kf", 0}, // subroutine
   312    {"dr1f3kb", 0}, // subroutine
   313    {"dr1f3kf", 0}, // subroutine
   314    {"dr1f4kb", 0}, // subroutine
   315    {"dr1f4kf", 0}, // subroutine
   316    {"dr1f5kb", 0}, // subroutine
   317    {"dr1f5kf", 0}, // subroutine
   318    {"dr1fgkb", 0}, // subroutine
   319    {"dr1fgkf", 0}, // subroutine
   320    {"dr2w", 0}, // subroutine
   321    {"drfft1b", 0}, // subroutine
   322    {"drfft1f", 0}, // subroutine
   323    {"drfft1i", 0}, // subroutine
   324    {"drfft2b", 0}, // subroutine
   325    {"drfft2f", 0}, // subroutine
   326    {"drfft2i", 0}, // subroutine
   327    {"drfftb1", 0}, // subroutine
   328    {"drfftf1", 0}, // subroutine
   329    {"drffti1", 0}, // subroutine
   330    {"drfftmb", 0}, // subroutine
   331    {"drfftmf", 0}, // subroutine
   332    {"drfftmi", 0}, // subroutine
   333    {"dsinq1b", 0}, // subroutine
   334    {"dsinq1f", 0}, // subroutine
   335    {"dsinq1i", 0}, // subroutine
   336    {"dsinqmb", 0}, // subroutine
   337    {"dsinqmf", 0}, // subroutine
   338    {"dsinqmi", 0}, // subroutine
   339    {"dsint1b", 0}, // subroutine
   340    {"dsint1f", 0}, // subroutine
   341    {"dsint1i", 0}, // subroutine
   342    {"dsintb1", 0}, // subroutine
   343    {"dsintf1", 0}, // subroutine
   344    {"dsintmb", 0}, // subroutine
   345    {"dsintmf", 0}, // subroutine
   346    {"dsintmi", 0}, // subroutine
   347    {"dtables", 0}, // subroutine
   348    {"dw2r", 0}, // subroutine
   349    {"xercon", 0}, // logical*4 function
   350    {"xerfft", 0}, // subroutine
   351    {"c1f2kb", 0}, // subroutine
   352    {"c1f2kf", 0}, // subroutine
   353    {"c1f3kb", 0}, // subroutine
   354    {"c1f3kf", 0}, // subroutine
   355    {"c1f4kb", 0}, // subroutine
   356    {"c1f4kf", 0}, // subroutine
   357    {"c1f5kb", 0}, // subroutine
   358    {"c1f5kf", 0}, // subroutine
   359    {"c1fgkb", 0}, // subroutine
   360    {"c1fgkf", 0}, // subroutine
   361    {"c1fm1b", 0}, // subroutine
   362    {"c1fm1f", 0}, // subroutine
   363    {"cfft1b", 0}, // subroutine
   364    {"cfft1f", 0}, // subroutine
   365    {"cfft1i", 0}, // subroutine
   366    {"cfft2b", 0}, // subroutine
   367    {"cfft2f", 0}, // subroutine
   368    {"cfft2i", 0}, // subroutine
   369    {"cfftmb", 0}, // subroutine
   370    {"cfftmf", 0}, // subroutine
   371    {"cfftmi", 0}, // subroutine
   372    {"cmf2kb", 0}, // subroutine
   373    {"cmf2kf", 0}, // subroutine
   374    {"cmf3kb", 0}, // subroutine
   375    {"cmf3kf", 0}, // subroutine
   376    {"cmf4kb", 0}, // subroutine
   377    {"cmf4kf", 0}, // subroutine
   378    {"cmf5kb", 0}, // subroutine
   379    {"cmf5kf", 0}, // subroutine
   380    {"cmfgkb", 0}, // subroutine
   381    {"cmfgkf", 0}, // subroutine
   382    {"cmfm1b", 0}, // subroutine
   383    {"cmfm1f", 0}, // subroutine
   384    {"cosq1b", 0}, // subroutine
   385    {"cosq1f", 0}, // subroutine
   386    {"cosq1i", 0}, // subroutine
   387    {"cosqb1", 0}, // subroutine
   388    {"cosqf1", 0}, // subroutine
   389    {"cosqmb", 0}, // subroutine
   390    {"cosqmf", 0}, // subroutine
   391    {"cosqmi", 0}, // subroutine
   392    {"cost1b", 0}, // subroutine
   393    {"cost1f", 0}, // subroutine
   394    {"cost1i", 0}, // subroutine
   395    {"costb1", 0}, // subroutine
   396    {"costf1", 0}, // subroutine
   397    {"costmb", 0}, // subroutine
   398    {"costmf", 0}, // subroutine
   399    {"costmi", 0}, // subroutine
   400    {"factor", 0}, // subroutine
   401    {"mcfti1", 0}, // subroutine
   402    {"mcsqb1", 0}, // subroutine
   403    {"mcsqf1", 0}, // subroutine
   404    {"mcstb1", 0}, // subroutine
   405    {"mcstf1", 0}, // subroutine
   406    {"mradb2", 0}, // subroutine
   407    {"mradb3", 0}, // subroutine
   408    {"mradb4", 0}, // subroutine
   409    {"mradb5", 0}, // subroutine
   410    {"mradbg", 0}, // subroutine
   411    {"mradf2", 0}, // subroutine
   412    {"mradf3", 0}, // subroutine
   413    {"mradf4", 0}, // subroutine
   414    {"mradf5", 0}, // subroutine
   415    {"mradfg", 0}, // subroutine
   416    {"mrftb1", 0}, // subroutine
   417    {"mrftf1", 0}, // subroutine
   418    {"mrfti1", 0}, // subroutine
   419    {"msntb1", 0}, // subroutine
   420    {"msntf1", 0}, // subroutine
   421    {"r1f2kb", 0}, // subroutine
   422    {"r1f2kf", 0}, // subroutine
   423    {"r1f3kb", 0}, // subroutine
   424    {"r1f3kf", 0}, // subroutine
   425    {"r1f4kb", 0}, // subroutine
   426    {"r1f4kf", 0}, // subroutine
   427    {"r1f5kb", 0}, // subroutine
   428    {"r1f5kf", 0}, // subroutine
   429    {"r1fgkb", 0}, // subroutine
   430    {"r1fgkf", 0}, // subroutine
   431    {"r2w", 0}, // subroutine
   432    {"rfft1b", 0}, // subroutine
   433    {"rfft1f", 0}, // subroutine
   434    {"rfft1i", 0}, // subroutine
   435    {"rfft2b", 0}, // subroutine
   436    {"rfft2f", 0}, // subroutine
   437    {"rfft2i", 0}, // subroutine
   438    {"rfftb1", 0}, // subroutine
   439    {"rfftf1", 0}, // subroutine
   440    {"rffti1", 0}, // subroutine
   441    {"rfftmb", 0}, // subroutine
   442    {"rfftmf", 0}, // subroutine
   443    {"rfftmi", 0}, // subroutine
   444    {"sinq1b", 0}, // subroutine
   445    {"sinq1f", 0}, // subroutine
   446    {"sinq1i", 0}, // subroutine
   447    {"sinqmb", 0}, // subroutine
   448    {"sinqmf", 0}, // subroutine
   449    {"sinqmi", 0}, // subroutine
   450    {"sint1b", 0}, // subroutine
   451    {"sint1f", 0}, // subroutine
   452    {"sint1i", 0}, // subroutine
   453    {"sintb1", 0}, // subroutine
   454    {"sintf1", 0}, // subroutine
   455    {"sintmb", 0}, // subroutine
   456    {"sintmf", 0}, // subroutine
   457    {"sintmi", 0}, // subroutine
   458    {"tables", 0}, // subroutine
   459    {"w2r", 0}, // subroutine
   460    {NULL, 0}
   461  };
   463  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   465  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   467  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   469  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   471  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   473  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   475  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   477  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   479  real_8 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   481  real_8 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   483  fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_);
   485  fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_);
   487  _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   489  _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   492  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   494  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   497  lenc_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   499  lenc_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   502  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   504  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   506  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   508  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   510  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   512  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   514  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   516  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   518  real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   519  _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   521  real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   522  _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   524  ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_);
   526  ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_);
   528  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   530  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   533  ier_);
   535  ier_);
   537  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   539  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   542  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   544  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   547  ier_);
   549  ier_);
   551  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   553  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   558  wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   560  wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   562  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   564  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   566  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_);
   568  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
   570  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_);
   572  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_);
   574  real_8 _p_ c1_, real_8 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   575  _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   577  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_);
   579  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
   581  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_);
   583  real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_);
   585  real_8 _p_ c1_, real_8 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   586  _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   588  real_8 _p_ wa_, real_8 _p_ fac_);
   590  real_8 _p_ wa_, real_8 _p_ fac_);
   593  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_8 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   595  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_8 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   597  , real_8 _p_ wa1_);
   599  , real_8 _p_ wa1_);
   601  , real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
   603  , real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
   605  , real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_);
   607  , real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_);
   609  , real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_);
   611  , real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_);
   613  , real_8 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   615  , real_8 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
   618  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   620  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   623  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   625  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   631  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   633  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   636  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   638  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   641  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   643  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   646  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   648  lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   651  work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   653  work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   655  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   657  , real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   664  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   666  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   668  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   670  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   672  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   674  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   676  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   678  int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   680  real_4 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   682  real_4 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   684  fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_);
   686  fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_);
   688  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   690  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   693  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   695  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   698  lenc_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   700  lenc_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   703  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   705  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   707  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   709  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   711  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   713  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   715  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   717  int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   719  real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   720  _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   722  real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   723  _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   725  ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_);
   727  ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_);
   729  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   731  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   734  ier_);
   736  ier_);
   738  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   740  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   743  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   745  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   748  ier_);
   750  ier_);
   752  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   754  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   759  wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   761  wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   763  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   765  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   767  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_);
   769  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
   771  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_);
   773  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_);
   775  real_4 _p_ c1_, real_4 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   776  _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   778  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_);
   780  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
   782  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_);
   784  real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_);
   786  real_4 _p_ c1_, real_4 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 
   787  _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   789  real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fac_);
   791  real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fac_);
   794  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   796  wsave_, real_8 _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   798  real_4 _p_ wa1_);
   800  real_4 _p_ wa1_);
   802  real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
   804  real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
   806  real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_);
   808  real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_);
   810  real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_);
   812  real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_);
   814  real_4 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   816  real_4 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
   819  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   821  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   824  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   826  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   832  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   834  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   837  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   839  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   842  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   844  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   847  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   849  lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   852  work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   854  work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   856  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   858  real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
   862  int_4 _dc1f2kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
   863  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
   864  { // ** body not listed **
   916  }
   917  int_4 _dc1f2kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
   918  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
   919  { // ** body not listed **
   984  }
   985  int_4 _dc1f3kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
   986  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
   987  { // ** body not listed **
  1088  }
  1089  int_4 _dc1f3kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
  1090  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1091  { // ** body not listed **
  1215  }
  1216  int_4 _dc1f4kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
  1217  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1218  { // ** body not listed **
  1324  }
  1325  int_4 _dc1f4kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
  1326  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1327  { // ** body not listed **
  1462  }
  1463  int_4 _dc1f5kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
  1464  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1465  { // ** body not listed **
  1639  }
  1640  int_4 _dc1f5kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
  1641  in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1642  { // ** body not listed **
  1857  }
  1858  int_4 _dc1fgkb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ 
  1859  cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1860  { // ** body not listed **
  1992  }
  1993  int_4 _dc1fgkf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ 
  1994  cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  1995  { // ** body not listed **
  2151  }
  2152  int_4 _dc1fm1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, 
  2153  real_8 _p_ fac_)
  2154  { // ** body not listed **
  2219  }
  2220  int_4 _dc1fm1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, 
  2221  real_8 _p_ fac_)
  2222  { // ** body not listed **
  2287  }
  2288  int_4 _dcfft1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  2289  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2290  { // ** body not listed **
  2315  }
  2316  int_4 _dcfft1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  2317  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2318  { // ** body not listed **
  2343  }
  2344  int_4 _dcfft1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2345  { // ** body not listed **
  2362  }
  2363  int_4 _dcfft2b (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_16 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  2364  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2365  { // ** body not listed **
  2409  }
  2410  int_4 _dcfft2f (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_16 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  2411  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2412  { // ** body not listed **
  2456  }
  2457  int_4 _dcfft2i (int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2458  { // ** body not listed **
  2487  }
  2488  int_4 _dcfftmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, 
  2489  real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2490  { // ** body not listed **
  2519  }
  2520  int_4 _dcfftmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, 
  2521  real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2522  { // ** body not listed **
  2551  }
  2552  int_4 _dcfftmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  2553  { // ** body not listed **
  2570  }
  2571  int_4 _dcmf2kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  2572  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  2573  { // ** body not listed **
  2645  }
  2646  int_4 _dcmf2kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  2647  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  2648  { // ** body not listed **
  2741  }
  2742  int_4 _dcmf3kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  2743  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  2744  { // ** body not listed **
  2857  }
  2858  int_4 _dcmf3kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  2859  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  2860  { // ** body not listed **
  3000  }
  3001  int_4 _dcmf4kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  3002  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  3003  { // ** body not listed **
  3121  }
  3122  int_4 _dcmf4kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  3123  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  3124  { // ** body not listed **
  3275  }
  3276  int_4 _dcmf5kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  3277  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  3278  { // ** body not listed **
  3476  }
  3477  int_4 _dcmf5kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
  3478  in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  3479  { // ** body not listed **
  3728  }
  3729  int_4 _dcmfgkb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ 
  3730  cc_, real_8 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
  3731  real_8 _p_ wa_)
  3732  { // ** body not listed **
  3928  }
  3929  int_4 _dcmfgkf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ 
  3930  cc_, real_8 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
  3931  real_8 _p_ wa_)
  3932  { // ** body not listed **
  4172  }
  4173  int_4 _dcmfm1b (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, 
  4174  real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  4175  { // ** body not listed **
  4238  }
  4239  int_4 _dcmfm1f (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_16 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, 
  4240  real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  4241  { // ** body not listed **
  4304  }
  4305  int_4 _dcosq1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  4306  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4307  { // ** body not listed **
  4352  }
  4353  int_4 _dcosq1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  4354  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4355  { // ** body not listed **
  4401  }
  4402  int_4 _dcosq1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4403  { // ** body not listed **
  4431  }
  4432  int_4 _dcosqb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4433  { // ** body not listed **
  4484  }
  4485  int_4 _dcosqf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4486  { // ** body not listed **
  4532  }
  4533  int_4 _dcosqmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
  4534  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4535  { // ** body not listed **
  4593  }
  4594  int_4 _dcosqmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
  4595  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4596  { // ** body not listed **
  4650  }
  4651  int_4 _dcosqmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4652  { // ** body not listed **
  4680  }
  4681  int_4 _dcost1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  4682  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4683  { // ** body not listed **
  4715  }
  4716  int_4 _dcost1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  4717  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4718  { // ** body not listed **
  4750  }
  4751  int_4 _dcost1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4752  { // ** body not listed **
  4789  }
  4790  int_4 _dcostb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4791  { // ** body not listed **
  4876  }
  4877  int_4 _dcostf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4878  { // ** body not listed **
  4961  }
  4962  int_4 _dcostmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
  4963  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  4964  { // ** body not listed **
  4998  }
  4999  int_4 _dcostmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
  5000  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  5001  { // ** body not listed **
  5035  }
  5036  int_4 _dcostmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  5037  { // ** body not listed **
  5074  }
  5075  int_4 _dfactor (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nf_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  5076  { // ** body not listed **
  5143  }
  5144  int_4 _dmcfti1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  5145  { // ** body not listed **
  5161  }
  5162  int_4 _dmcsqb1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 
  5163  _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  5164  { // ** body not listed **
  5237  }
  5238  int_4 _dmcsqf1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 
  5239  _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  5240  { // ** body not listed **
  5309  }
  5310  int_4 _dmcstb1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
  5311  _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  5312  { // ** body not listed **
  5429  }
  5430  int_4 _dmcstf1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
  5431  _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  5432  { // ** body not listed **
  5544  }
  5545  int_4 _dmradb2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  5546  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_)
  5547  { // ** body not listed **
  5617  }
  5618  int_4 _dmradb3 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  5619  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
  5620  { // ** body not listed **
  5701  }
  5702  int_4 _dmradb4 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  5703  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_)
  5704  { // ** body not listed **
  5832  }
  5833  int_4 _dmradb5 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  5834  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_)
  5835  { // ** body not listed **
  6020  }
  6021  int_4 _dmradbg (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ 
  6022  c1_, real_8 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
  6023  real_8 _p_ wa_)
  6024  { // ** body not listed **
  6324  }
  6325  int_4 _dmradf2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  6326  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_)
  6327  { // ** body not listed **
  6396  }
  6397  int_4 _dmradf3 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  6398  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
  6399  { // ** body not listed **
  6485  }
  6486  int_4 _dmradf4 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  6487  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_)
  6488  { // ** body not listed **
  6619  }
  6620  int_4 _dmradf5 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ 
  6621  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_)
  6622  { // ** body not listed **
  6831  }
  6832  int_4 _dmradfg (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ 
  6833  c1_, real_8 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
  6834  real_8 _p_ wa_)
  6835  { // ** body not listed **
  7141  }
  7142  int_4 _dmrftb1 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ im_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_
  7143  , real_8 _p_ fac_)
  7144  { // ** body not listed **
  7284  }
  7285  int_4 _dmrftf1 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ im_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_
  7286  , real_8 _p_ fac_)
  7287  { // ** body not listed **
  7431  }
  7432  int_4 _dmrfti1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  7433  { // ** body not listed **
  7547  }
  7548  int_4 _dmsntb1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
  7549  _p_ dsum_, real_8 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  7550  { // ** body not listed **
  7644  }
  7645  int_4 _dmsntf1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
  7646  _p_ dsum_, real_8 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  7647  { // ** body not listed **
  7742  }
  7743  int_4 _dr1f2kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  7744  _p_ wa1_)
  7745  { // ** body not listed **
  7795  }
  7796  int_4 _dr1f2kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  7797  _p_ wa1_)
  7798  { // ** body not listed **
  7850  }
  7851  int_4 _dr1f3kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  7852  _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
  7853  { // ** body not listed **
  7919  }
  7920  int_4 _dr1f3kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  7921  _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
  7922  { // ** body not listed **
  7996  }
  7997  int_4 _dr1f4kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  7998  _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_)
  7999  { // ** body not listed **
  8111  }
  8112  int_4 _dr1f4kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  8113  _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_)
  8114  { // ** body not listed **
  8226  }
  8227  int_4 _dr1f5kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  8228  _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_)
  8229  { // ** body not listed **
  8394  }
  8395  int_4 _dr1f5kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 
  8396  _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_)
  8397  { // ** body not listed **
  8585  }
  8586  int_4 _dr1fgkb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ c1_, real_8 
  8587  _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  8588  { // ** body not listed **
  8823  }
  8824  int_4 _dr1fgkf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_8 _p_ cc_, real_8 _p_ c1_, real_8 
  8825  _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
  8826  { // ** body not listed **
  9062  }
  9063  int_4 _dr2w (int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ldw_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ w_)
  9064  { // ** body not listed **
  9073  }
  9074  int_4 _drfft1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  9075  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9076  { // ** body not listed **
  9099  }
  9100  int_4 _drfft1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  9101  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9102  { // ** body not listed **
  9125  }
  9126  int_4 _drfft1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9127  { // ** body not listed **
  9142  }
  9143  int_4 _drfft2b (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  9144  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9145  { // ** body not listed **
  9231  }
  9232  int_4 _drfft2f (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  9233  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9234  { // ** body not listed **
  9319  }
  9320  int_4 _drfft2i (int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9321  { // ** body not listed **
  9357  }
  9358  int_4 _drfftb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  9359  { // ** body not listed **
  9485  }
  9486  int_4 _drfftf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ch_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  9487  { // ** body not listed **
  9605  }
  9606  int_4 _drffti1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wa_, real_8 _p_ fac_)
  9607  { // ** body not listed **
  9721  }
  9722  int_4 _drfftmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_8 
  9723  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9724  { // ** body not listed **
  9751  }
  9752  int_4 _drfftmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_8 
  9753  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9754  { // ** body not listed **
  9781  }
  9782  int_4 _drfftmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9783  { // ** body not listed **
  9798  }
  9799  int_4 _dsinq1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  9800  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9801  { // ** body not listed **
  9844  }
  9845  int_4 _dsinq1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
  9846  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9847  { // ** body not listed **
  9891  }
  9892  int_4 _dsinq1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9893  { // ** body not listed **
  9911  }
  9912  int_4 _dsinqmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
  9913  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9914  { // ** body not listed **
  9969  }
  9970  int_4 _dsinqmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
  9971  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
  9972  { // ** body not listed **
 10026  }
 10027  int_4 _dsinqmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10028  { // ** body not listed **
 10046  }
 10047  int_4 _dsint1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 10048  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10049  { // ** body not listed **
 10077  }
 10078  int_4 _dsint1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 10079  real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10080  { // ** body not listed **
 10108  }
 10109  int_4 _dsint1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10110  { // ** body not listed **
 10142  }
 10143  int_4 _dsintb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_8 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 
 10144  _p_ ier_)
 10145  { // ** body not listed **
 10212  }
 10213  int_4 _dsintf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, real_8 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 
 10214  _p_ ier_)
 10215  { // ** body not listed **
 10282  }
 10283  int_4 _dsintmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
 10284  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10285  { // ** body not listed **
 10320  }
 10321  int_4 _dsintmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_8 
 10322  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10323  { // ** body not listed **
 10358  }
 10359  int_4 _dsintmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 10360  { // ** body not listed **
 10392  }
 10393  int_4 _dtables (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
 10394  { // ** body not listed **
 10417  }
 10418  int_4 _dw2r (int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ldw_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ w_)
 10419  { // ** body not listed **
 10428  }
 10429  logical_4 _xercon (int_4 _p_ inc_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ lot_)
 10430  { // ** body not listed **
 10451  }
 10452  int_4 _xerfft (char _p_ srname_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 10453  { // ** body not listed **
 10977  }
 10978  int_4 _c1f2kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 10979  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 10980  { // ** body not listed **
 11032  }
 11033  int_4 _c1f2kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11034  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11035  { // ** body not listed **
 11100  }
 11101  int_4 _c1f3kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11102  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11103  { // ** body not listed **
 11204  }
 11205  int_4 _c1f3kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11206  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11207  { // ** body not listed **
 11331  }
 11332  int_4 _c1f4kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11333  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11334  { // ** body not listed **
 11440  }
 11441  int_4 _c1f4kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11442  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11443  { // ** body not listed **
 11578  }
 11579  int_4 _c1f5kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11580  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11581  { // ** body not listed **
 11755  }
 11756  int_4 _c1f5kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ 
 11757  in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11758  { // ** body not listed **
 11973  }
 11974  int_4 _c1fgkb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ 
 11975  cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 11976  { // ** body not listed **
 12108  }
 12109  int_4 _c1fgkf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ 
 12110  cc1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 12111  { // ** body not listed **
 12267  }
 12268  int_4 _c1fm1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 
 12269  _p_ fac_)
 12270  { // ** body not listed **
 12335  }
 12336  int_4 _c1fm1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 
 12337  _p_ fac_)
 12338  { // ** body not listed **
 12403  }
 12404  int_4 _cfft1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 12405  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12406  { // ** body not listed **
 12431  }
 12432  int_4 _cfft1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 12433  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12434  { // ** body not listed **
 12459  }
 12460  int_4 _cfft1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12461  { // ** body not listed **
 12478  }
 12479  int_4 _cfft2b (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 12480  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12481  { // ** body not listed **
 12525  }
 12526  int_4 _cfft2f (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 12527  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12528  { // ** body not listed **
 12572  }
 12573  int_4 _cfft2i (int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12574  { // ** body not listed **
 12603  }
 12604  int_4 _cfftmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, real_4 
 12605  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12606  { // ** body not listed **
 12635  }
 12636  int_4 _cfftmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ lenc_, real_4 
 12637  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12638  { // ** body not listed **
 12667  }
 12668  int_4 _cfftmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 12669  { // ** body not listed **
 12686  }
 12687  int_4 _cmf2kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 12688  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 12689  { // ** body not listed **
 12761  }
 12762  int_4 _cmf2kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 12763  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 12764  { // ** body not listed **
 12857  }
 12858  int_4 _cmf3kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 12859  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 12860  { // ** body not listed **
 12973  }
 12974  int_4 _cmf3kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 12975  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 12976  { // ** body not listed **
 13116  }
 13117  int_4 _cmf4kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 13118  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 13119  { // ** body not listed **
 13237  }
 13238  int_4 _cmf4kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 13239  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 13240  { // ** body not listed **
 13391  }
 13392  int_4 _cmf5kb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 13393  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 13394  { // ** body not listed **
 13592  }
 13593  int_4 _cmf5kf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ 
 13594  in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 13595  { // ** body not listed **
 13844  }
 13845  int_4 _cmfgkb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ 
 13846  cc_, real_4 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
 13847  real_4 _p_ wa_)
 13848  { // ** body not listed **
 14044  }
 14045  int_4 _cmfgkf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ lid_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ 
 14046  cc_, real_4 _p_ cc1_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch1_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
 14047  real_4 _p_ wa_)
 14048  { // ** body not listed **
 14288  }
 14289  int_4 _cmfm1b (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 
 14290  _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 14291  { // ** body not listed **
 14354  }
 14355  int_4 _cmfm1f (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, complex_8 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 
 14356  _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 14357  { // ** body not listed **
 14420  }
 14421  int_4 _cosq1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 14422  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14423  { // ** body not listed **
 14468  }
 14469  int_4 _cosq1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 14470  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14471  { // ** body not listed **
 14517  }
 14518  int_4 _cosq1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14519  { // ** body not listed **
 14547  }
 14548  int_4 _cosqb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14549  { // ** body not listed **
 14600  }
 14601  int_4 _cosqf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14602  { // ** body not listed **
 14648  }
 14649  int_4 _cosqmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 14650  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14651  { // ** body not listed **
 14709  }
 14710  int_4 _cosqmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 14711  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14712  { // ** body not listed **
 14766  }
 14767  int_4 _cosqmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14768  { // ** body not listed **
 14796  }
 14797  int_4 _cost1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 14798  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14799  { // ** body not listed **
 14831  }
 14832  int_4 _cost1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 14833  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14834  { // ** body not listed **
 14866  }
 14867  int_4 _cost1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14868  { // ** body not listed **
 14905  }
 14906  int_4 _costb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14907  { // ** body not listed **
 14992  }
 14993  int_4 _costf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 14994  { // ** body not listed **
 15077  }
 15078  int_4 _costmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 15079  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15080  { // ** body not listed **
 15114  }
 15115  int_4 _costmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 15116  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15117  { // ** body not listed **
 15151  }
 15152  int_4 _costmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15153  { // ** body not listed **
 15190  }
 15191  int_4 _factor (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nf_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 15192  { // ** body not listed **
 15259  }
 15260  int_4 _mcfti1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fnf_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 15261  { // ** body not listed **
 15277  }
 15278  int_4 _mcsqb1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 
 15279  _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15280  { // ** body not listed **
 15353  }
 15354  int_4 _mcsqf1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 
 15355  _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15356  { // ** body not listed **
 15425  }
 15426  int_4 _mcstb1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
 15427  _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15428  { // ** body not listed **
 15545  }
 15546  int_4 _mcstf1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
 15547  _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 15548  { // ** body not listed **
 15660  }
 15661  int_4 _mradb2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 15662  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_)
 15663  { // ** body not listed **
 15733  }
 15734  int_4 _mradb3 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 15735  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
 15736  { // ** body not listed **
 15817  }
 15818  int_4 _mradb4 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 15819  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_)
 15820  { // ** body not listed **
 15948  }
 15949  int_4 _mradb5 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 15950  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_)
 15951  { // ** body not listed **
 16136  }
 16137  int_4 _mradbg (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ 
 16138  c1_, real_4 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
 16139  real_4 _p_ wa_)
 16140  { // ** body not listed **
 16440  }
 16441  int_4 _mradf2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 16442  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_)
 16443  { // ** body not listed **
 16512  }
 16513  int_4 _mradf3 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 16514  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
 16515  { // ** body not listed **
 16601  }
 16602  int_4 _mradf4 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 16603  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_)
 16604  { // ** body not listed **
 16735  }
 16736  int_4 _mradf5 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ 
 16737  ch_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_)
 16738  { // ** body not listed **
 16947  }
 16948  int_4 _mradfg (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ 
 16949  c1_, real_4 _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ im1_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ im2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, 
 16950  real_4 _p_ wa_)
 16951  { // ** body not listed **
 17257  }
 17258  int_4 _mrftb1 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ im_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, 
 17259  real_4 _p_ fac_)
 17260  { // ** body not listed **
 17400  }
 17401  int_4 _mrftf1 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ im_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, 
 17402  real_4 _p_ fac_)
 17403  { // ** body not listed **
 17547  }
 17548  int_4 _mrfti1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 17549  { // ** body not listed **
 17663  }
 17664  int_4 _msntb1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
 17665  _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 17666  { // ** body not listed **
 17760  }
 17761  int_4 _msntf1 (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_8 
 17762  _p_ dsum_, real_4 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 17763  { // ** body not listed **
 17858  }
 17859  int_4 _r1f2kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 17860  _p_ wa1_)
 17861  { // ** body not listed **
 17911  }
 17912  int_4 _r1f2kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 17913  _p_ wa1_)
 17914  { // ** body not listed **
 17966  }
 17967  int_4 _r1f3kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 17968  _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
 17969  { // ** body not listed **
 18035  }
 18036  int_4 _r1f3kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 18037  _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
 18038  { // ** body not listed **
 18112  }
 18113  int_4 _r1f4kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 18114  _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_)
 18115  { // ** body not listed **
 18227  }
 18228  int_4 _r1f4kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 18229  _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_)
 18230  { // ** body not listed **
 18342  }
 18343  int_4 _r1f5kb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 18344  _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_)
 18345  { // ** body not listed **
 18510  }
 18511  int_4 _r1f5kf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 
 18512  _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_)
 18513  { // ** body not listed **
 18701  }
 18702  int_4 _r1fgkb (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ c1_, real_4 
 18703  _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 18704  { // ** body not listed **
 18939  }
 18940  int_4 _r1fgkf (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ idl1_, real_4 _p_ cc_, real_4 _p_ c1_, real_4 
 18941  _p_ c2_, int_4 _p_ in1_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ ch2_, int_4 _p_ in2_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 18942  { // ** body not listed **
 19178  }
 19179  int_4 _r2w (int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ldw_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ w_)
 19180  { // ** body not listed **
 19189  }
 19190  int_4 _rfft1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 19191  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19192  { // ** body not listed **
 19215  }
 19216  int_4 _rfft1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 19217  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19218  { // ** body not listed **
 19241  }
 19242  int_4 _rfft1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19243  { // ** body not listed **
 19258  }
 19259  int_4 _rfft2b (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 
 19260  _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19261  { // ** body not listed **
 19347  }
 19348  int_4 _rfft2f (int_4 _p_ ldim_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 
 19349  _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19350  { // ** body not listed **
 19435  }
 19436  int_4 _rfft2i (int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19437  { // ** body not listed **
 19473  }
 19474  int_4 _rfftb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 19475  { // ** body not listed **
 19601  }
 19602  int_4 _rfftf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ch_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 19603  { // ** body not listed **
 19721  }
 19722  int_4 _rffti1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wa_, real_4 _p_ fac_)
 19723  { // ** body not listed **
 19837  }
 19838  int_4 _rfftmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_4 
 19839  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19840  { // ** body not listed **
 19867  }
 19868  int_4 _rfftmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lenr_, real_4 
 19869  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19870  { // ** body not listed **
 19897  }
 19898  int_4 _rfftmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19899  { // ** body not listed **
 19914  }
 19915  int_4 _sinq1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 19916  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19917  { // ** body not listed **
 19960  }
 19961  int_4 _sinq1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 19962  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 19963  { // ** body not listed **
 20007  }
 20008  int_4 _sinq1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20009  { // ** body not listed **
 20027  }
 20028  int_4 _sinqmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 20029  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20030  { // ** body not listed **
 20085  }
 20086  int_4 _sinqmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 20087  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20088  { // ** body not listed **
 20142  }
 20143  int_4 _sinqmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20144  { // ** body not listed **
 20162  }
 20163  int_4 _sint1b (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 20164  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20165  { // ** body not listed **
 20193  }
 20194  int_4 _sint1f (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, 
 20195  real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20196  { // ** body not listed **
 20224  }
 20225  int_4 _sint1i (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20226  { // ** body not listed **
 20258  }
 20259  int_4 _sintb1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 
 20260  _p_ ier_)
 20261  { // ** body not listed **
 20328  }
 20329  int_4 _sintf1 (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, real_4 _p_ xh_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 
 20330  _p_ ier_)
 20331  { // ** body not listed **
 20398  }
 20399  int_4 _sintmb (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 20400  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20401  { // ** body not listed **
 20436  }
 20437  int_4 _sintmf (int_4 _p_ lot_, int_4 _p_ jump_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ inc_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ lenx_, real_4 
 20438  _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenwrk_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20439  { // ** body not listed **
 20474  }
 20475  int_4 _sintmi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ wsave_, int_4 _p_ lensav_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
 20476  { // ** body not listed **
 20508  }
 20509  int_4 _tables (int_4 _p_ ido_, int_4 _p_ ip_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
 20510  { // ** body not listed **
 20533  }
 20534  int_4 _w2r (int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ldw_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ w_)
 20535  { // ** body not listed **
 20544  }

© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (