1 //! @file mathlib-fnlib.c
2 //
3 //! @section copyright
4 //
5 // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
6 // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
7 //
8 //! @section license
9 //
10 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the
12 // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability
17 // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for
18 // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public
19 // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //! @Synopsis
22 //
23 //! 254 subprograms from FNLIB
25 // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
26 // Selected subprograms are:
27 //
55 // Routines from SLATEC's AMOSLIB and FNLIB.
56 //
57 // FNLIB is W. Fullerton's special-function package.
58 //
59 // AMOSLIB is D. E. Amos' portable package for Bessel Functions of a
60 // Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order.
61 //
62 // Functions that are already in the VIF library have been removed
63 // (acos, asin, atan, lngam, erf, ...).
64 //
65 // Source:
67 // The license for FNLIB Fortran source code is:
68 //
69 // The SLATEC Common Mathematical Library was developed at
70 // US government research laboratories and is in the public domain.
71 //
72 // Repository:
73 //
74 // The SLATEC common mathematical library is issued by the following
75 //
76 // Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Albuquerque
77 // Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore
78 // Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos
79 // National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington
80 // National Energy Research Supercomputer Center, Livermore
81 // Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
82 // Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque
83 // Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore
84 //
85 // All questions concerning the distribution of the library should be
86 // directed to the NATIONAL ENERGY SOFTWARE CENTER, 9700 Cass Ave.,
87 // Argonne, Illinois 60439, and not to the authors of the subprograms.
88 //
89 // * * * * * Notice * * * * *
90 //
91 // This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the
92 // United States Government. Neither the United States, nor the
93 // Department of Energy, nor the Department of Defense, nor any of
94 // their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or
95 // their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or
96 // assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
97 // completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product,
98 // or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
99 // upon privately owned rights.
101 /*
102 Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
103 VIF release 1.2.10
104 */
408 static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
409 {"aie", 0}, // function
410 {"ai", 0}, // function
411 {"albeta", 0}, // function
412 {"algams", 0}, // subroutine
413 {"ali", 0}, // function
414 {"alnrel", 0}, // function
415 {"besi0e", 0}, // function
416 {"besi0", 0}, // function
417 {"besi1e", 0}, // function
418 {"besi1", 0}, // function
419 {"besi", 0}, // subroutine
420 {"besj0", 0}, // function
421 {"besj1", 0}, // function
422 {"besj", 0}, // subroutine
423 {"besk0e", 0}, // function
424 {"besk0", 0}, // function
425 {"besk1e", 0}, // function
426 {"besk1", 0}, // function
427 {"beskes", 0}, // subroutine
428 {"besk", 0}, // subroutine
429 {"besknu", 0}, // subroutine
430 {"besks", 0}, // subroutine
431 {"besy0", 0}, // function
432 {"besy1", 0}, // function
433 {"besy", 0}, // subroutine
434 {"besynu", 0}, // subroutine
435 {"beta", 0}, // function
436 {"betai", 0}, // real*4 function
437 {"bfqad", 0}, // subroutine
438 {"bie", 0}, // function
439 {"bi", 0}, // function
440 {"binom", 0}, // function
441 {"bint4", 0}, // subroutine
442 {"bintk", 0}, // subroutine
443 {"bkias", 0}, // subroutine
444 {"bkisr", 0}, // subroutine
445 {"bskin", 0}, // subroutine
446 {"bspev", 0}, // subroutine
447 {"bsppp", 0}, // subroutine
448 {"bspvd", 0}, // subroutine
449 {"bsqad", 0}, // subroutine
450 {"bvalu", 0}, // function
451 {"c0lgmc", 0}, // complex*8 function
452 {"c9lgmc", 0}, // complex*8 function
453 {"c9ln2r", 0}, // complex*8 function
454 {"cacai", 0}, // subroutine
455 {"cacon", 0}, // subroutine
456 {"cacos", 0}, // complex*8 function
457 {"cacosh", 0}, // complex*8 function
458 {"cairy", 0}, // subroutine
459 {"carg", 0}, // function
460 {"casin", 0}, // complex*8 function
461 {"casinh", 0}, // complex*8 function
462 {"catan2", 0}, // complex*8 function
463 {"catan", 0}, // complex*8 function
464 {"catanh", 0}, // complex*8 function
465 {"cbesh", 0}, // subroutine
466 {"cbesi", 0}, // subroutine
467 {"cbesj", 0}, // subroutine
468 {"cbesk", 0}, // subroutine
469 {"cbesy", 0}, // subroutine
470 {"cbeta", 0}, // complex*8 function
471 {"cbinu", 0}, // subroutine
472 {"cbiry", 0}, // subroutine
473 {"cbknu", 0}, // subroutine
474 {"cbrt", 0}, // function
475 {"cbuni", 0}, // subroutine
476 {"cbunk", 0}, // subroutine
477 {"ccbrt", 0}, // complex*8 function
478 {"ccosh", 0}, // complex*8 function
479 {"ccot", 0}, // complex*8 function
480 {"cexprl", 0}, // complex*8 function
481 {"cgamma", 0}, // complex*8 function
482 {"cgamr", 0}, // complex*8 function
483 {"chu", 0}, // function
484 {"ckscl", 0}, // subroutine
485 {"clbeta", 0}, // complex*8 function
486 {"clngam", 0}, // complex*8 function
487 {"clnrel", 0}, // complex*8 function
488 {"clog10", 0}, // complex*8 function
489 {"cmlri", 0}, // subroutine
490 {"cosdg", 0}, // function
491 {"cot", 0}, // function
492 {"cpsi", 0}, // complex*8 function
493 {"cseri", 0}, // subroutine
494 {"csevl", 0}, // function
495 {"csinh", 0}, // complex*8 function
496 {"ctan", 0}, // complex*8 function
497 {"ctanh", 0}, // complex*8 function
498 {"cuni1", 0}, // subroutine
499 {"cuni2", 0}, // subroutine
500 {"cunk1", 0}, // subroutine
501 {"cunk2", 0}, // subroutine
502 {"cuoik", 0}, // subroutine
503 {"cwrsk", 0}, // subroutine
504 {"d9aimp", 0}, // subroutine
505 {"d9atn1", 0}, // real*8 function
506 {"d9b0mp", 0}, // subroutine
507 {"d9b1mp", 0}, // subroutine
508 {"d9chu", 0}, // real*8 function
509 {"d9gmic", 0}, // real*8 function
510 {"d9gmit", 0}, // real*8 function
511 {"d9knus", 0}, // subroutine
512 {"d9lgic", 0}, // real*8 function
513 {"d9lgit", 0}, // real*8 function
514 {"d9lgmc", 0}, // real*8 function
515 {"d9ln2r", 0}, // real*8 function
516 {"d9pak", 0}, // real*8 function
517 {"d9upak", 0}, // subroutine
518 {"daie", 0}, // real*8 function
519 {"dai", 0}, // real*8 function
520 {"dasyjy", 0}, // subroutine
521 {"daws", 0}, // function
522 {"dbesi0", 0}, // real*8 function
523 {"dbesi1", 0}, // real*8 function
524 {"dbesi", 0}, // subroutine
525 {"dbesj0", 0}, // real*8 function
526 {"dbesj1", 0}, // real*8 function
527 {"dbesj", 0}, // subroutine
528 {"dbesk0", 0}, // real*8 function
529 {"dbesk1", 0}, // real*8 function
530 {"dbesk", 0}, // subroutine
531 {"dbesks", 0}, // subroutine
532 {"dbesy0", 0}, // real*8 function
533 {"dbesy1", 0}, // real*8 function
534 {"dbesy", 0}, // subroutine
535 {"dbeta", 0}, // real*8 function
536 {"dbetai", 0}, // real*8 function
537 {"dbfqad", 0}, // subroutine
538 {"dbie", 0}, // real*8 function
539 {"dbi", 0}, // real*8 function
540 {"dbinom", 0}, // real*8 function
541 {"dbint4", 0}, // subroutine
542 {"dbintk", 0}, // subroutine
543 {"dbkias", 0}, // subroutine
544 {"dbkisr", 0}, // subroutine
545 {"dbsi0e", 0}, // real*8 function
546 {"dbsi1e", 0}, // real*8 function
547 {"dbsk0e", 0}, // real*8 function
548 {"dbsk1e", 0}, // real*8 function
549 {"dbskes", 0}, // subroutine
550 {"dbskin", 0}, // subroutine
551 {"dbsknu", 0}, // subroutine
552 {"dbspev", 0}, // subroutine
553 {"dbsppp", 0}, // subroutine
554 {"dbspvd", 0}, // subroutine
555 {"dbsqad", 0}, // subroutine
556 {"dbsynu", 0}, // subroutine
557 {"dbvalu", 0}, // real*8 function
558 {"dcbrt", 0}, // real*8 function
559 {"dchu", 0}, // real*8 function
560 {"dcosdg", 0}, // real*8 function
561 {"dcot", 0}, // real*8 function
562 {"dcsevl", 0}, // real*8 function
563 {"ddaws", 0}, // real*8 function
564 {"de1", 0}, // real*8 function
565 {"dei", 0}, // real*8 function
566 {"dexint", 0}, // subroutine
567 {"dexprl", 0}, // real*8 function
568 {"dfac", 0}, // real*8 function
569 {"dgamic", 0}, // real*8 function
570 {"dgami", 0}, // real*8 function
571 {"dgamit", 0}, // real*8 function
572 {"dgamlm", 0}, // subroutine
573 {"dgamln", 0}, // real*8 function
574 {"dgamr", 0}, // real*8 function
575 {"dgamrn", 0}, // real*8 function
576 {"dhkseq", 0}, // subroutine
577 {"dlbeta", 0}, // real*8 function
578 {"dlgams", 0}, // subroutine
579 {"dli", 0}, // real*8 function
580 {"dlnrel", 0}, // real*8 function
581 {"dpfqad", 0}, // subroutine
582 {"dpoch1", 0}, // real*8 function
583 {"dpoch", 0}, // real*8 function
584 {"dppqad", 0}, // subroutine
585 {"dppval", 0}, // real*8 function
586 {"dpsi", 0}, // real*8 function
587 {"dpsifn", 0}, // subroutine
588 {"dsindg", 0}, // real*8 function
589 {"dspenc", 0}, // real*8 function
590 {"e1", 0}, // function
591 {"ei", 0}, // function
592 {"exint", 0}, // subroutine
593 {"exprel", 0}, // function
594 {"fac", 0}, // function
595 {"fundoc", 0}, // subroutine
596 {"gamic", 0}, // real*4 function
597 {"gami", 0}, // function
598 {"gamit", 0}, // real*4 function
599 {"gamlim", 0}, // subroutine
600 {"gamln", 0}, // real*4 function
601 {"gamr", 0}, // function
602 {"initds", 0}, // function
603 {"inits", 0}, // function
604 {"pfqad", 0}, // subroutine
605 {"poch1", 0}, // function
606 {"poch", 0}, // function
607 {"ppqad", 0}, // subroutine
608 {"ppval", 0}, // function
609 {"psi", 0}, // function
610 {"r9aimp", 0}, // subroutine
611 {"r9atn1", 0}, // function
612 {"r9chu", 0}, // function
613 {"r9gmic", 0}, // function
614 {"r9gmit", 0}, // function
615 {"r9knus", 0}, // subroutine
616 {"r9lgic", 0}, // function
617 {"r9lgit", 0}, // function
618 {"r9lgmc", 0}, // function
619 {"r9ln2r", 0}, // function
620 {"r9pak", 0}, // function
621 {"r9upak", 0}, // subroutine
622 {"rand", 0}, // function
623 {"rgauss", 0}, // function
624 {"runif", 0}, // function
625 {"sindg", 0}, // function
626 {"spenc", 0}, // function
627 {"zabs", 0}, // real*8 function
628 {"zacai", 0}, // subroutine
629 {"zacon", 0}, // subroutine
630 {"zairy", 0}, // subroutine
631 {"zasyi", 0}, // subroutine
632 {"zbesh", 0}, // subroutine
633 {"zbesi", 0}, // subroutine
634 {"zbesj", 0}, // subroutine
635 {"zbesk", 0}, // subroutine
636 {"zbesy", 0}, // subroutine
637 {"zbinu", 0}, // subroutine
638 {"zbiry", 0}, // subroutine
639 {"zbknu", 0}, // subroutine
640 {"zbuni", 0}, // subroutine
641 {"zbunk", 0}, // subroutine
642 {"zdiv", 0}, // subroutine
643 {"zexp", 0}, // subroutine
644 {"zkscl", 0}, // subroutine
645 {"zlog", 0}, // subroutine
646 {"zmlri", 0}, // subroutine
647 {"zmlt", 0}, // subroutine
648 {"zrati", 0}, // subroutine
649 {"zs1s2", 0}, // subroutine
650 {"zseri", 0}, // subroutine
651 {"zshch", 0}, // subroutine
652 {"zsqrt", 0}, // subroutine
653 {"zuchk", 0}, // subroutine
654 {"zunhj", 0}, // subroutine
655 {"zuni1", 0}, // subroutine
656 {"zuni2", 0}, // subroutine
657 {"zunik", 0}, // subroutine
658 {"zunk1", 0}, // subroutine
659 {"zunk2", 0}, // subroutine
660 {"zuoik", 0}, // subroutine
661 {"zwrsk", 0}, // subroutine
662 {NULL, 0}
663 };
693 real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ work_);
698 fbcl_, real_4 _p_ fbcr_, int_4 _p_ kntopt_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ w_
699 );
701 real_4 _p_ q_, real_4 _p_ work_);
703 int_4 _p_ ms_, real_4 _p_ gmrn_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
706 _p_ ierr_);
708 int_4 _p_ inev_, real_4 _p_ svalue_, real_4 _p_ work_);
710 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, real_4 _p_ work_);
712 ldvnik_, real_4 _p_ vnikx_, real_4 _p_ work_);
714 real_4 _p_ bquad_, real_4 _p_ work_);
716 int_4 _p_ inbv_, real_4 _p_ work_);
721 y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
723 y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
727 ierr_);
735 cy_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
737 nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
739 nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
741 nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
743 nz_, complex_8 _p_ cwrk_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
746 nz_, real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
749 nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
752 nz_, int_4 _p_ nui_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
754 y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
763 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ ascle_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_);
769 nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_);
774 nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
780 nz_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
782 nz_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
784 y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
786 y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
788 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nuf_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
790 nz_, complex_8 _p_ cw_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
808 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflw_);
826 real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_8 _p_ work_);
831 fbcl_, real_8 _p_ fbcr_, int_4 _p_ kntopt_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ w_
832 );
834 real_8 _p_ q_, real_8 _p_ work_);
836 int_4 _p_ ms_, real_8 _p_ gmrn_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
844 int_4 _p_ ierr_);
847 int_4 _p_ inev_, real_8 _p_ svalue_, real_8 _p_ work_);
849 real_8 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, real_8 _p_ work_);
851 ldvnik_, real_8 _p_ vnikx_, real_8 _p_ work_);
853 real_8 _p_ bquad_, real_8 _p_ work_);
856 int_4 _p_ inbv_, real_8 _p_ work_);
866 int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
882 int_4 _p_ id_, real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
886 real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ pquad_);
888 ideriv_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ inppv_);
891 int_4 _p_ ierr_);
897 int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
910 int_4 _p_ id_, real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
914 real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ pquad_);
916 , real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ inppv_);
937 real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
939 real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_,
940 real_8 _p_ alim_);
942 aii_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
944 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
946 real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
948 , real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
950 , real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
952 , real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
954 , real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ cwrkr_, real_8 _p_ cwrki_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
956 , real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_
957 );
959 bii_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
961 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
963 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ nui_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_,
964 real_8 _p_ alim_);
966 real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
970 , int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rzr_, real_8 _p_ rzi_, real_8 _p_ ascle_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_);
973 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_);
976 , real_8 _p_ tol_);
978 s2i_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ ascle_, real_8 _p_ alim_, int_4 _p_ iuf_);
980 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
982 _p_ cchi_);
986 phir_, real_8 _p_ phii_, real_8 _p_ argr_, real_8 _p_ argi_, real_8 _p_ zeta1r_, real_8 _p_ zeta1i_, real_8 _p_ zeta2r_
987 , real_8 _p_ zeta2i_, real_8 _p_ asumr_, real_8 _p_ asumi_, real_8 _p_ bsumr_, real_8 _p_ bsumi_);
989 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
990 ;
992 real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
993 ;
995 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ init_, real_8 _p_ phir_, real_8 _p_ phii_, real_8 _p_ zeta1r_, real_8 _p_ zeta1i_, real_8 _p_
996 zeta2r_, real_8 _p_ zeta2i_, real_8 _p_ sumr_, real_8 _p_ sumi_, real_8 _p_ cwrkr_, real_8 _p_ cwrki_);
998 real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
1000 real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
1002 n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nuf_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_);
1004 yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ cwr_, real_8 _p_ cwi_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_
1005 alim_);
1006 real_4 _aie (real_4 _p_ x_)
1007 { // ** body not listed **
1629 }
1630 real_4 _ai (real_4 _p_ x_)
1631 { // ** body not listed **
1874 }
1875 real_4 _albeta (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_)
1876 { // ** body not listed **
1916 }
1917 int_4 _algams (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ algam_, real_4 _p_ sgngam_)
1918 { // ** body not listed **
1932 }
1933 real_4 _ali (real_4 _p_ x_)
1934 { // ** body not listed **
1947 }
1948 real_4 _alnrel (real_4 _p_ x_)
1949 { // ** body not listed **
2241 }
2242 real_4 _besi0e (real_4 _p_ x_)
2243 { // ** body not listed **
2898 }
2899 real_4 _besi0 (real_4 _p_ x_)
2900 { // ** body not listed **
3074 }
3075 real_4 _besi1e (real_4 _p_ x_)
3076 { // ** body not listed **
3732 }
3733 real_4 _besi1 (real_4 _p_ x_)
3734 { // ** body not listed **
3907 }
3908 int_4 _besi (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
3909 { // ** body not listed **
4399 }
4400 real_4 _besj0 (real_4 _p_ x_)
4401 { // ** body not listed **
5103 }
5104 real_4 _besj1 (real_4 _p_ x_)
5105 { // ** body not listed **
5806 }
5807 int_4 _besj (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
5808 { // ** body not listed **
6402 }
6403 real_4 _besk0e (real_4 _p_ x_)
6404 { // ** body not listed **
6919 }
6920 real_4 _besk0 (real_4 _p_ x_)
6921 { // ** body not listed **
7092 }
7093 real_4 _besk1e (real_4 _p_ x_)
7094 { // ** body not listed **
7613 }
7614 real_4 _besk1 (real_4 _p_ x_)
7615 { // ** body not listed **
7790 }
7791 int_4 _beskes (real_4 _p_ xnu_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nin_, real_4 _p_ bke_)
7792 { // ** body not listed **
7854 }
7855 int_4 _besk (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
7856 { // ** body not listed **
8122 }
8123 int_4 _besknu (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
8124 { // ** body not listed **
8571 }
8572 int_4 _besks (real_4 _p_ xnu_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nin_, real_4 _p_ bk_)
8573 { // ** body not listed **
8603 }
8604 real_4 _besy0 (real_4 _p_ x_)
8605 { // ** body not listed **
9321 }
9322 real_4 _besy1 (real_4 _p_ x_)
9323 { // ** body not listed **
10055 }
10056 int_4 _besy (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ y_)
10057 { // ** body not listed **
10235 }
10236 int_4 _besynu (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ y_)
10237 { // ** body not listed **
10647 }
10648 real_4 _beta (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_)
10649 { // ** body not listed **
10694 }
10695 real_4 _betai (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ pin_, real_4 _p_ qin_)
10696 { // ** body not listed **
10811 }
10812 int_4 _bfqad (real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ id_, real_4 _p_
10813 x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ work_)
10814 { // ** body not listed **
10893 }
10894 real_4 _bie (real_4 _p_ x_)
10895 { // ** body not listed **
11993 }
11994 real_4 _bi (real_4 _p_ x_)
11995 { // ** body not listed **
12464 }
12465 real_4 _binom (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_)
12466 { // ** body not listed **
12544 }
12545 int_4 _bint4 (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ ndata_, int_4 _p_ ibcl_, int_4 _p_ ibcr_, real_4 _p_ fbcl_,
12546 real_4 _p_ fbcr_, int_4 _p_ kntopt_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ w_)
12547 { // ** body not listed **
12697 }
12698 int_4 _bintk (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ bcoef_, real_4 _p_ q_
12699 , real_4 _p_ work_)
12700 { // ** body not listed **
12785 }
12786 int_4 _bkias (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ktrms_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_
12787 ms_, real_4 _p_ gmrn_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
12788 { // ** body not listed **
13671 }
13672 int_4 _bkisr (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ sum_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
13673 { // ** body not listed **
13758 }
13759 int_4 _bskin (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_
13760 )
13761 { // ** body not listed **
14291 }
14292 int_4 _bspev (real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ ad_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_
14293 inev_, real_4 _p_ svalue_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14294 { // ** body not listed **
14367 }
14368 int_4 _bsppp (real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ xi_,
14369 int_4 _p_ lxi_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14370 { // ** body not listed **
14409 }
14410 int_4 _bspvd (real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, int_4 _p_ ldvnik_,
14411 real_4 _p_ vnikx_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14412 { // ** body not listed **
14497 }
14498 int_4 _bsqad (real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_
14499 bquad_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14500 { // ** body not listed **
14689 }
14690 real_4 _bvalu (real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ideriv_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_
14691 inbv_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14692 { // ** body not listed **
14794 }
14795 complex_8 _c0lgmc (complex_8 _p_ z_)
14796 { // ** body not listed **
14833 }
14834 complex_8 _c9lgmc (complex_8 _p_ zin_)
14835 { // ** body not listed **
15017 }
15018 complex_8 _c9ln2r (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15019 { // ** body not listed **
15046 }
15047 int_4 _cacai (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4
15048 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
15049 { // ** body not listed **
15138 }
15139 int_4 _cacon (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4
15140 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
15141 { // ** body not listed **
15320 }
15321 complex_8 _cacos (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15322 { // ** body not listed **
15340 }
15341 complex_8 _cacosh (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15342 { // ** body not listed **
15360 }
15361 int_4 _cairy (complex_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ id_, int_4 _p_ kode_, complex_8 _p_ ai_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
15362 { // ** body not listed **
15640 }
15641 real_4 _carg (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15642 { // ** body not listed **
15650 }
15651 complex_8 _casin (complex_8 _p_ zinp_)
15652 { // ** body not listed **
15747 }
15748 complex_8 _casinh (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15749 { // ** body not listed **
15768 }
15769 complex_8 _catan2 (complex_8 _p_ csn_, complex_8 _p_ ccs_)
15770 { // ** body not listed **
15805 }
15806 complex_8 _catan (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15807 { // ** body not listed **
15889 }
15890 complex_8 _catanh (complex_8 _p_ z_)
15891 { // ** body not listed **
15910 }
15911 int_4 _cbesh (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4
15912 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
15913 { // ** body not listed **
16106 }
16107 int_4 _cbesi (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4
16108 _p_ ierr_)
16109 { // ** body not listed **
16250 }
16251 int_4 _cbesj (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4
16252 _p_ ierr_)
16253 { // ** body not listed **
16380 }
16381 int_4 _cbesk (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4
16382 _p_ ierr_)
16383 { // ** body not listed **
16534 }
16535 int_4 _cbesy (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ nz_,
16536 complex_8 _p_ cwrk_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
16537 { // ** body not listed **
16644 }
16645 complex_8 _cbeta (complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_)
16646 { // ** body not listed **
16679 }
16680 int_4 _cbinu (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ nz_,
16681 real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
16682 { // ** body not listed **
16809 }
16810 int_4 _cbiry (complex_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ id_, int_4 _p_ kode_, complex_8 _p_ bi_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
16811 { // ** body not listed **
17054 }
17055 int_4 _cbknu (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4
17056 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
17057 { // ** body not listed **
17655 }
17656 real_4 _cbrt (real_4 _p_ x_)
17657 { // ** body not listed **
17748 }
17749 int_4 _cbuni (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4
17750 _p_ nui_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
17751 { // ** body not listed **
17909 }
17910 int_4 _cbunk (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4
17911 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
17912 { // ** body not listed **
17929 }
17930 complex_8 _ccbrt (complex_8 _p_ z_)
17931 { // ** body not listed **
17940 }
17941 complex_8 _ccosh (complex_8 _p_ z_)
17942 { // ** body not listed **
17960 }
17961 complex_8 _ccot (complex_8 _p_ z_)
17962 { // ** body not listed **
17999 }
18000 complex_8 _cexprl (complex_8 _p_ z_)
18001 { // ** body not listed **
18045 }
18046 complex_8 _cgamma (complex_8 _p_ z_)
18047 { // ** body not listed **
18052 }
18053 complex_8 _cgamr (complex_8 _p_ z_)
18054 { // ** body not listed **
18072 }
18073 real_4 _chu (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_)
18074 { // ** body not listed **
18220 }
18221 int_4 _ckscl (complex_8 _p_ zr_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, complex_8 _p_ rz_,
18222 real_4 _p_ ascle_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_)
18223 { // ** body not listed **
18345 }
18346 complex_8 _clbeta (complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_)
18347 { // ** body not listed **
18357 }
18358 complex_8 _clngam (complex_8 _p_ zin_)
18359 { // ** body not listed **
18459 }
18460 complex_8 _clnrel (complex_8 _p_ z_)
18461 { // ** body not listed **
18497 }
18498 complex_8 _clog10 (complex_8 _p_ z_)
18499 { // ** body not listed **
18517 }
18518 int_4 _cmlri (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4
18519 _p_ tol_)
18520 { // ** body not listed **
18688 }
18689 real_4 _cosdg (real_4 _p_ x_)
18690 { // ** body not listed **
18720 }
18721 real_4 _cot (real_4 _p_ x_)
18722 { // ** body not listed **
18899 }
18900 complex_8 _cpsi (complex_8 _p_ zin_)
18901 { // ** body not listed **
19144 }
19145 int_4 _cseri (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4
19146 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
19147 { // ** body not listed **
19330 }
19331 real_4 _csevl (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ cs_, int_4 _p_ n_)
19332 { // ** body not listed **
19374 }
19375 complex_8 _csinh (complex_8 _p_ z_)
19376 { // ** body not listed **
19394 }
19395 complex_8 _ctan (complex_8 _p_ z_)
19396 { // ** body not listed **
19433 }
19434 complex_8 _ctanh (complex_8 _p_ z_)
19435 { // ** body not listed **
19453 }
19454 int_4 _cuni1 (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4
19455 _p_ nlast_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
19456 { // ** body not listed **
19647 }
19648 int_4 _cuni2 (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4
19649 _p_ nlast_, real_4 _p_ fnul_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
19650 { // ** body not listed **
19923 }
19924 int_4 _cunk1 (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4
19925 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
19926 { // ** body not listed **
20325 }
20326 int_4 _cunk2 (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4
20327 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
20328 { // ** body not listed **
20816 }
20817 int_4 _cuoik (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ ikflg_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_,
20818 int_4 _p_ nuf_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
20819 { // ** body not listed **
21013 }
21014 int_4 _cwrsk (complex_8 _p_ zr_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_,
21015 complex_8 _p_ cw_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
21016 { // ** body not listed **
21078 }
21079 int_4 _d9aimp (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ ampl_, real_8 _p_ theta_)
21080 { // ** body not listed **
25310 }
25311 real_8 _d9atn1 (real_8 _p_ x_)
25312 { // ** body not listed **
25808 }
25809 int_4 _d9b0mp (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ ampl_, real_8 _p_ theta_)
25810 { // ** body not listed **
27648 }
27649 int_4 _d9b1mp (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ ampl_, real_8 _p_ theta_)
27650 { // ** body not listed **
29488 }
29489 real_8 _d9chu (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ z_)
29490 { // ** body not listed **
29555 }
29556 real_8 _d9gmic (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ alx_)
29557 { // ** body not listed **
29658 }
29659 real_8 _d9gmit (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ algap1_, real_8 _p_ sgngam_, real_8 _p_ alx_)
29660 { // ** body not listed **
29749 }
29750 int_4 _d9knus (real_8 _p_ xnu_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ bknu_, real_8 _p_ bknu1_, int_4 _p_ iswtch_)
29751 { // ** body not listed **
30505 }
30506 real_8 _d9lgic (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ alx_)
30507 { // ** body not listed **
30547 }
30548 real_8 _d9lgit (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ algap1_)
30549 { // ** body not listed **
30599 }
30600 real_8 _d9lgmc (real_8 _p_ x_)
30601 { // ** body not listed **
30811 }
30812 real_8 _d9ln2r (real_8 _p_ x_)
30813 { // ** body not listed **
31838 }
31839 real_8 _d9pak (real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_)
31840 { // ** body not listed **
31913 }
31914 int_4 _d9upak (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_)
31915 { // ** body not listed **
31940 }
31941 real_8 _daie (real_8 _p_ x_)
31942 { // ** body not listed **
33344 }
33345 real_8 _dai (real_8 _p_ x_)
33346 { // ** body not listed **
33690 }
33691 int_4 _dasyjy (int_4 (*_funjy)(), real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, real_8 _p_ flgjy_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ y_,
33692 real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflw_)
33693 { // ** body not listed **
35774 }
35775 real_4 _daws (real_4 _p_ x_)
35776 { // ** body not listed **
36592 }
36593 real_8 _dbesi0 (real_8 _p_ x_)
36594 { // ** body not listed **
36837 }
36838 real_8 _dbesi1 (real_8 _p_ x_)
36839 { // ** body not listed **
37081 }
37082 int_4 _dbesi (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
37083 { // ** body not listed **
37573 }
37574 real_8 _dbesj0 (real_8 _p_ x_)
37575 { // ** body not listed **
37826 }
37827 real_8 _dbesj1 (real_8 _p_ x_)
37828 { // ** body not listed **
38089 }
38090 int_4 _dbesj (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
38091 { // ** body not listed **
38685 }
38686 real_8 _dbesk0 (real_8 _p_ x_)
38687 { // ** body not listed **
38916 }
38917 real_8 _dbesk1 (real_8 _p_ x_)
38918 { // ** body not listed **
39152 }
39153 int_4 _dbesk (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
39154 { // ** body not listed **
39420 }
39421 int_4 _dbesks (real_8 _p_ xnu_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nin_, real_8 _p_ bk_)
39422 { // ** body not listed **
39452 }
39453 real_8 _dbesy0 (real_8 _p_ x_)
39454 { // ** body not listed **
39720 }
39721 real_8 _dbesy1 (real_8 _p_ x_)
39722 { // ** body not listed **
40003 }
40004 int_4 _dbesy (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ y_)
40005 { // ** body not listed **
40183 }
40184 real_8 _dbeta (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_)
40185 { // ** body not listed **
40230 }
40231 real_8 _dbetai (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ pin_, real_8 _p_ qin_)
40232 { // ** body not listed **
40349 }
40350 int_4 _dbfqad (real_8 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ id_, real_8 _p_
40351 x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_8 _p_ work_)
40352 { // ** body not listed **
40431 }
40432 real_8 _dbie (real_8 _p_ x_)
40433 { // ** body not listed **
42658 }
42659 real_8 _dbi (real_8 _p_ x_)
42660 { // ** body not listed **
43343 }
43344 real_8 _dbinom (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_)
43345 { // ** body not listed **
43426 }
43427 int_4 _dbint4 (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ ndata_, int_4 _p_ ibcl_, int_4 _p_ ibcr_, real_8 _p_ fbcl_,
43428 real_8 _p_ fbcr_, int_4 _p_ kntopt_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ w_)
43429 { // ** body not listed **
43579 }
43580 int_4 _dbintk (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ bcoef_, real_8 _p_
43581 q_, real_8 _p_ work_)
43582 { // ** body not listed **
43667 }
43668 int_4 _dbkias (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ktrms_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_
43669 ms_, real_8 _p_ gmrn_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
43670 { // ** body not listed **
44553 }
44554 int_4 _dbkisr (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ sum_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
44555 { // ** body not listed **
44640 }
44641 real_8 _dbsi0e (real_8 _p_ x_)
44642 { // ** body not listed **
46168 }
46169 real_8 _dbsi1e (real_8 _p_ x_)
46170 { // ** body not listed **
47697 }
47698 real_8 _dbsk0e (real_8 _p_ x_)
47699 { // ** body not listed **
48718 }
48719 real_8 _dbsk1e (real_8 _p_ x_)
48720 { // ** body not listed **
49743 }
49744 int_4 _dbskes (real_8 _p_ xnu_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nin_, real_8 _p_ bke_)
49745 { // ** body not listed **
49808 }
49809 int_4 _dbskin (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_
49810 ierr_)
49811 { // ** body not listed **
50337 }
50338 int_4 _dbsknu (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_)
50339 { // ** body not listed **
50786 }
50787 int_4 _dbspev (real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ ad_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_
50788 inev_, real_8 _p_ svalue_, real_8 _p_ work_)
50789 { // ** body not listed **
50862 }
50863 int_4 _dbsppp (real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ xi_,
50864 int_4 _p_ lxi_, real_8 _p_ work_)
50865 { // ** body not listed **
50904 }
50905 int_4 _dbspvd (real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, int_4 _p_ ldvnik_,
50906 real_8 _p_ vnikx_, real_8 _p_ work_)
50907 { // ** body not listed **
50992 }
50993 int_4 _dbsqad (real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ bcoef_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_
50994 bquad_, real_8 _p_ work_)
50995 { // ** body not listed **
51184 }
51185 int_4 _dbsynu (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ y_)
51186 { // ** body not listed **
51596 }
51597 real_8 _dbvalu (real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ideriv_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_
51598 inbv_, real_8 _p_ work_)
51599 { // ** body not listed **
51702 }
51703 real_8 _dcbrt (real_8 _p_ x_)
51704 { // ** body not listed **
51798 }
51799 real_8 _dchu (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_)
51800 { // ** body not listed **
51949 }
51950 real_8 _dcosdg (real_8 _p_ x_)
51951 { // ** body not listed **
51982 }
51983 real_8 _dcot (real_8 _p_ x_)
51984 { // ** body not listed **
52241 }
52242 real_8 _dcsevl (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ cs_, int_4 _p_ n_)
52243 { // ** body not listed **
52286 }
52287 real_8 _ddaws (real_8 _p_ x_)
52288 { // ** body not listed **
53919 }
53920 real_8 _de1 (real_8 _p_ x_)
53921 { // ** body not listed **
57553 }
57554 real_8 _dei (real_8 _p_ x_)
57555 { // ** body not listed **
57561 }
57562 int_4 _dexint (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ en_, int_4 _p_
57563 nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
57564 { // ** body not listed **
57868 }
57869 real_8 _dexprl (real_8 _p_ x_)
57870 { // ** body not listed **
57914 }
57915 real_8 _dfac (int_4 _p_ n_)
57916 { // ** body not listed **
58311 }
58312 real_8 _dgamic (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_)
58313 { // ** body not listed **
58436 }
58437 real_8 _dgami (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_)
58438 { // ** body not listed **
58457 }
58458 real_8 _dgamit (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_)
58459 { // ** body not listed **
58557 }
58558 int_4 _dgamlm (real_8 _p_ xmin_, real_8 _p_ xmax_)
58559 { // ** body not listed **
58595 }
58596 real_8 _dgamln (real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
58597 { // ** body not listed **
59337 }
59338 real_8 _dgamr (real_8 _p_ x_)
59339 { // ** body not listed **
59365 }
59366 real_8 _dgamrn (real_8 _p_ x_)
59367 { // ** body not listed **
59490 }
59491 int_4 _dhkseq (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
59492 { // ** body not listed **
59719 }
59720 real_8 _dlbeta (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_)
59721 { // ** body not listed **
59762 }
59763 int_4 _dlgams (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ dlgam_, real_8 _p_ sgngam_)
59764 { // ** body not listed **
59779 }
59780 real_8 _dli (real_8 _p_ x_)
59781 { // ** body not listed **
59794 }
59795 real_8 _dlnrel (real_8 _p_ x_)
59796 { // ** body not listed **
60313 }
60314 int_4 _dpfqad (real_8 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_
60315 id_, real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
60316 { // ** body not listed **
60389 }
60390 real_8 _dpoch1 (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_)
60391 { // ** body not listed **
60727 }
60728 real_8 _dpoch (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_)
60729 { // ** body not listed **
60819 }
60820 int_4 _dppqad (int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_
60821 x2_, real_8 _p_ pquad_)
60822 { // ** body not listed **
60893 }
60894 real_8 _dppval (int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ideriv_, real_8
60895 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ inppv_)
60896 { // ** body not listed **
60941 }
60942 real_8 _dpsi (real_8 _p_ x_)
60943 { // ** body not listed **
61676 }
61677 int_4 _dpsifn (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_
61678 ierr_)
61679 { // ** body not listed **
62086 }
62087 real_8 _dsindg (real_8 _p_ x_)
62088 { // ** body not listed **
62119 }
62120 real_8 _dspenc (real_8 _p_ x_)
62121 { // ** body not listed **
62628 }
62629 real_4 _e1 (real_4 _p_ x_)
62630 { // ** body not listed **
64373 }
64374 real_4 _ei (real_4 _p_ x_)
64375 { // ** body not listed **
64381 }
64382 int_4 _exint (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ en_, int_4 _p_
64383 nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
64384 { // ** body not listed **
64680 }
64681 real_4 _exprel (real_4 _p_ x_)
64682 { // ** body not listed **
64725 }
64726 real_4 _fac (int_4 _p_ n_)
64727 { // ** body not listed **
65065 }
65066 int_4 _fundoc (void)
65067 { // ** body not listed **
65070 }
65071 real_4 _gamic (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_)
65072 { // ** body not listed **
65196 }
65197 real_4 _gami (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_)
65198 { // ** body not listed **
65216 }
65217 real_4 _gamit (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_)
65218 { // ** body not listed **
65316 }
65317 int_4 _gamlim (real_4 _p_ xmin_, real_4 _p_ xmax_)
65318 { // ** body not listed **
65352 }
65353 real_4 _gamln (real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
65354 { // ** body not listed **
66094 }
66095 real_4 _gamr (real_4 _p_ x_)
66096 { // ** body not listed **
66121 }
66122 int_4 _initds (real_8 _p_ os_, int_4 _p_ nos_, real_4 _p_ eta_)
66123 { // ** body not listed **
66145 }
66146 int_4 _inits (real_4 _p_ os_, int_4 _p_ nos_, real_4 _p_ eta_)
66147 { // ** body not listed **
66169 }
66170 int_4 _pfqad (real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_
66171 id_, real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ quad_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
66172 { // ** body not listed **
66245 }
66246 real_4 _poch1 (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_)
66247 { // ** body not listed **
66460 }
66461 real_4 _poch (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_)
66462 { // ** body not listed **
66550 }
66551 int_4 _ppqad (int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_
66552 x2_, real_4 _p_ pquad_)
66553 { // ** body not listed **
66624 }
66625 real_4 _ppval (int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ideriv_, real_4
66626 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ inppv_)
66627 { // ** body not listed **
66671 }
66672 real_4 _psi (real_4 _p_ x_)
66673 { // ** body not listed **
67185 }
67186 int_4 _r9aimp (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ ampl_, real_4 _p_ theta_)
67187 { // ** body not listed **
68816 }
68817 real_4 _r9atn1 (real_4 _p_ x_)
68818 { // ** body not listed **
69100 }
69101 real_4 _r9chu (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ z_)
69102 { // ** body not listed **
69167 }
69168 real_4 _r9gmic (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ alx_)
69169 { // ** body not listed **
69275 }
69276 real_4 _r9gmit (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ algap1_, real_4 _p_ sgngam_, real_4 _p_ alx_)
69277 { // ** body not listed **
69370 }
69371 int_4 _r9knus (real_4 _p_ xnu_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ bknu_, real_4 _p_ bknu1_, int_4 _p_ iswtch_)
69372 { // ** body not listed **
69889 }
69890 real_4 _r9lgic (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ alx_)
69891 { // ** body not listed **
69930 }
69931 real_4 _r9lgit (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ algap1_)
69932 { // ** body not listed **
69986 }
69987 real_4 _r9lgmc (real_4 _p_ x_)
69988 { // ** body not listed **
70096 }
70097 real_4 _r9ln2r (real_4 _p_ x_)
70098 { // ** body not listed **
70664 }
70665 real_4 _r9pak (real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_)
70666 { // ** body not listed **
70738 }
70739 int_4 _r9upak (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_)
70740 { // ** body not listed **
70765 }
70766 real_4 _rand (real_4 _p_ r_)
70767 { // ** body not listed **
70843 }
70844 real_4 _rgauss (real_4 _p_ xmean_, real_4 _p_ sd_)
70845 { // ** body not listed **
70856 }
70857 real_4 _runif (real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ n_)
70858 { // ** body not listed **
70896 }
70897 real_4 _sindg (real_4 _p_ x_)
70898 { // ** body not listed **
70928 }
70929 real_4 _spenc (real_4 _p_ x_)
70930 { // ** body not listed **
71222 }
71223 real_8 _zabs (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_)
71224 { // ** body not listed **
71249 }
71250 int_4 _zacai (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
71251 yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
71252 { // ** body not listed **
71347 }
71348 int_4 _zacon (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
71349 yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_
71350 alim_)
71351 { // ** body not listed **
71584 }
71585 int_4 _zairy (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, int_4 _p_ id_, int_4 _p_ kode_, real_8 _p_ air_, real_8 _p_ aii_, int_4
71586 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
71587 { // ** body not listed **
71931 }
71932 int_4 _zasyi (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
71933 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
71934 { // ** body not listed **
72137 }
72138 int_4 _zbesh (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
72139 cyr_, real_8 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
72140 { // ** body not listed **
72337 }
72338 int_4 _zbesi (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8
72339 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
72340 { // ** body not listed **
72490 }
72491 int_4 _zbesj (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8
72492 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
72493 { // ** body not listed **
72626 }
72627 int_4 _zbesk (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8
72628 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
72629 { // ** body not listed **
72778 }
72779 int_4 _zbesy (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8
72780 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ cwrkr_, real_8 _p_ cwrki_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
72781 { // ** body not listed **
72893 }
72894 int_4 _zbinu (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8
72895 _p_ cyi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rl_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
72896 { // ** body not listed **
73028 }
73029 int_4 _zbiry (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, int_4 _p_ id_, int_4 _p_ kode_, real_8 _p_ bir_, real_8 _p_ bii_, int_4
73030 _p_ ierr_)
73031 { // ** body not listed **
73327 }
73328 int_4 _zbknu (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
73329 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
73330 { // ** body not listed **
74039 }
74040 int_4 _zbuni (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
74041 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ nui_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8
74042 _p_ alim_)
74043 { // ** body not listed **
74211 }
74212 int_4 _zbunk (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
74213 yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
74214 { // ** body not listed **
74229 }
74230 int_4 _zdiv (real_8 _p_ ar_, real_8 _p_ ai_, real_8 _p_ br_, real_8 _p_ bi_, real_8 _p_ cr_, real_8 _p_ ci_)
74231 { // ** body not listed **
74242 }
74243 int_4 _zexp (real_8 _p_ ar_, real_8 _p_ ai_, real_8 _p_ br_, real_8 _p_ bi_)
74244 { // ** body not listed **
74253 }
74254 int_4 _zkscl (real_8 _p_ zrr_, real_8 _p_ zri_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4
74255 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ rzr_, real_8 _p_ rzi_, real_8 _p_ ascle_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_)
74256 { // ** body not listed **
74400 }
74401 int_4 _zlog (real_8 _p_ ar_, real_8 _p_ ai_, real_8 _p_ br_, real_8 _p_ bi_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
74402 { // ** body not listed **
74471 }
74472 int_4 _zmlri (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
74473 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_)
74474 { // ** body not listed **
74694 }
74695 int_4 _zmlt (real_8 _p_ ar_, real_8 _p_ ai_, real_8 _p_ br_, real_8 _p_ bi_, real_8 _p_ cr_, real_8 _p_ ci_)
74696 { // ** body not listed **
74704 }
74705 int_4 _zrati (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ cyr_, real_8 _p_ cyi_, real_8
74706 _p_ tol_)
74707 { // ** body not listed **
74861 }
74862 int_4 _zs1s2 (real_8 _p_ zrr_, real_8 _p_ zri_, real_8 _p_ s1r_, real_8 _p_ s1i_, real_8 _p_ s2r_, real_8 _p_ s2i_,
74863 int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ ascle_, real_8 _p_ alim_, int_4 _p_ iuf_)
74864 { // ** body not listed **
74922 }
74923 int_4 _zseri (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
74924 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
74925 { // ** body not listed **
75153 }
75154 int_4 _zshch (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ cshr_, real_8 _p_ cshi_, real_8 _p_ cchr_, real_8 _p_ cchi_)
75155 { // ** body not listed **
75167 }
75168 int_4 _zsqrt (real_8 _p_ ar_, real_8 _p_ ai_, real_8 _p_ br_, real_8 _p_ bi_)
75169 { // ** body not listed **
75244 }
75245 int_4 _zuchk (real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ ascle_, real_8 _p_ tol_)
75246 { // ** body not listed **
75263 }
75264 int_4 _zunhj (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ ipmtr_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ phir_,
75265 real_8 _p_ phii_, real_8 _p_ argr_, real_8 _p_ argi_, real_8 _p_ zeta1r_, real_8 _p_ zeta1i_, real_8 _p_ zeta2r_,
75266 real_8 _p_ zeta2i_, real_8 _p_ asumr_, real_8 _p_ asumi_, real_8 _p_ bsumr_, real_8 _p_ bsumi_)
75267 { // ** body not listed **
78593 }
78594 int_4 _zuni1 (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
78595 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
78596 { // ** body not listed **
78824 }
78825 int_4 _zuni2 (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
78826 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ nlast_, real_8 _p_ fnul_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
78827 { // ** body not listed **
79165 }
79166 int_4 _zunik (real_8 _p_ zrr_, real_8 _p_ zri_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ ikflg_, int_4 _p_ ipmtr_, real_8 _p_ tol_,
79167 int_4 _p_ init_, real_8 _p_ phir_, real_8 _p_ phii_, real_8 _p_ zeta1r_, real_8 _p_ zeta1i_, real_8 _p_ zeta2r_, real_8
79168 _p_ zeta2i_, real_8 _p_ sumr_, real_8 _p_ sumi_, real_8 _p_ cwrkr_, real_8 _p_ cwrki_)
79169 { // ** body not listed **
79953 }
79954 int_4 _zunk1 (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
79955 yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
79956 { // ** body not listed **
80438 }
80439 int_4 _zunk2 (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
80440 yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
80441 { // ** body not listed **
81065 }
81066 int_4 _zuoik (real_8 _p_ zr_, real_8 _p_ zi_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ ikflg_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8
81067 _p_ yr_, real_8 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nuf_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
81068 { // ** body not listed **
81301 }
81302 int_4 _zwrsk (real_8 _p_ zrr_, real_8 _p_ zri_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ yr_, real_8
81303 _p_ yi_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_8 _p_ cwr_, real_8 _p_ cwi_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ elim_, real_8 _p_ alim_)
81304 { // ** body not listed **
81382 }
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