
     1  //! @file mathlib-slatec-dassl.c
     2  //
     3  //! @section copyright
     4  //
     5  // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
     6  // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
     7  //
     8  //! @section license
     9  //
    10  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
    11  // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the 
    12  // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or 
    13  // (at your option) any later version.
    14  //
    15  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
    16  // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability 
    17  // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for 
    18  // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public 
    19  // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
    20  //
    21  //! @Synopsis
    22  //
    23  //! 10 subprograms from SLATEC-DASSL
    25  // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
    26  // Selected subprograms are:
    27  //
    30  // The license for SLATEC Fortran source code is:
    31  //
    32  // The SLATEC Common Mathematical Library was developed at
    33  // US government research laboratories and is in the public domain.
    34  // 
    35  // Repository:
    36  // 
    37  // The SLATEC common mathematical library is issued by the following
    38  // 
    39  //         Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Albuquerque
    40  //         Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore
    41  //         Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos
    42  //         National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington
    43  //         National Energy Research Supercomputer Center, Livermore
    44  //         Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
    45  //         Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque
    46  //         Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore
    47  // 
    48  // All questions concerning the distribution of the library should be
    49  // directed to the NATIONAL ENERGY SOFTWARE CENTER, 9700 Cass Ave.,
    50  // Argonne, Illinois  60439, and not to the authors of the subprograms.
    51  // 
    52  //                  * * * * * Notice * * * * *
    53  // 
    54  // This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the
    55  // United States Government.  Neither the United States, nor the
    56  // Department of Energy, nor the Department of Defense, nor any of
    57  // their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or
    58  // their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or
    59  // assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
    60  // completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product,
    61  // or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
    62  // upon privately owned rights.
    64  /*
    65  Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
    66  VIF release 1.1.7
    67  */
   136  static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
   137    {"ddaini", 0}, // subroutine
   138    {"ddajac", 0}, // subroutine
   139    {"ddaslv", 0}, // subroutine
   140    {"ddassl", 0}, // subroutine
   141    {"ddastp", 0}, // subroutine
   142    {"sdaini", 0}, // subroutine
   143    {"sdajac", 0}, // subroutine
   144    {"sdaslv", 0}, // subroutine
   145    {"sdassl", 0}, // subroutine
   146    {"sdastp", 0}, // subroutine
   147    {NULL, 0}
   148  };
   150  (*_jac)(), real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_8 _p_ phi_, real_8 
   151  _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_8 _p_ hmin_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nonneg_, 
   152  int_4 _p_ ntemp_);
   154  _p_ cj_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ier_, real_8 _p_ wt_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), 
   155  int_4 _p_ ires_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_);
   158  tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 
   159  _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 (*_jac)());
   161  (*_jac)(), real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ jstart_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_8 
   162  _p_ phi_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 
   163  _p_ gamma_, real_8 _p_ psi_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ cj_, real_8 _p_ cjold_, real_8 _p_ hold_, real_8 _p_ s_, 
   164  real_8 _p_ hmin_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ iphase_, int_4 _p_ jcalc_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ ns_
   165  , int_4 _p_ nonneg_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_);
   167  (*_jac)(), real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_4 _p_ phi_, real_4 
   168  _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 _p_ hmin_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nonneg_, 
   169  int_4 _p_ ntemp_);
   171  _p_ cj_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ier_, real_4 _p_ wt_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), 
   172  int_4 _p_ ires_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_);
   175  tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 
   176  _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 (*_jac)());
   178  (*_jac)(), real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ jstart_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_4 
   179  _p_ phi_, real_4 _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 
   180  _p_ gamma_, real_4 _p_ psi_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ cj_, real_4 _p_ cjold_, real_4 _p_ hold_, real_4 _p_ s_, 
   181  real_4 _p_ hmin_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ iphase_, int_4 _p_ jcalc_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ ns_
   182  , int_4 _p_ nonneg_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_);
   183  int_4 _ddaini (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yprime_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), 
   184  real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_8 _p_ phi_, real_8 _p_ delta_, 
   185  real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_8 _p_ hmin_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nonneg_, int_4 _p_ 
   186  ntemp_)
   187  { // ** body not listed **
   378  }
   379  int_4 _ddajac (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yprime_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ cj_, 
   380  real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ier_, real_8 _p_ wt_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 
   381  _p_ ires_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_)
   382  { // ** body not listed **
   490  }
   491  int_4 _ddaslv (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_)
   492  { // ** body not listed **
   516  }
   517  int_4 _ddassl (real_4 (*_res)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yprime_, real_8 _p_ tout_, 
   518  int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ 
   519  iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 (*_jac)())
   520  { // ** body not listed **
  2480  }
  2481  int_4 _ddastp (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yprime_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), 
  2482  real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ jstart_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_8 _p_ phi_, 
  2483  real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ 
  2484  gamma_, real_8 _p_ psi_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ cj_, real_8 _p_ cjold_, real_8 _p_ hold_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 
  2485  _p_ hmin_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ iphase_, int_4 _p_ jcalc_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ ns_, int_4 
  2486  _p_ nonneg_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_)
  2487  { // ** body not listed **
  2926  }
  2927  int_4 _sdaini (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yprime_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), 
  2928  real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_4 _p_ phi_, real_4 _p_ delta_, 
  2929  real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 _p_ hmin_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nonneg_, int_4 _p_ 
  2930  ntemp_)
  2931  { // ** body not listed **
  3122  }
  3123  int_4 _sdajac (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yprime_, real_4 _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ cj_, 
  3124  real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ier_, real_4 _p_ wt_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 
  3125  _p_ ires_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_)
  3126  { // ** body not listed **
  3234  }
  3235  int_4 _sdaslv (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_)
  3236  { // ** body not listed **
  3260  }
  3261  int_4 _sdassl (real_4 (*_res)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yprime_, real_4 _p_ tout_, 
  3262  int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ 
  3263  iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 (*_jac)())
  3264  { // ** body not listed **
  5224  }
  5225  int_4 _sdastp (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yprime_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), 
  5226  real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ wt_, int_4 _p_ jstart_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_4 _p_ phi_, 
  5227  real_4 _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ 
  5228  gamma_, real_4 _p_ psi_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ cj_, real_4 _p_ cjold_, real_4 _p_ hold_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 
  5229  _p_ hmin_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ iphase_, int_4 _p_ jcalc_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ ns_, int_4 
  5230  _p_ nonneg_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_)
  5231  { // ** body not listed **
  5670  }

© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (