1 //! @file mathlib-slatec-sdrive.c
2 //
3 //! @section copyright
4 //
5 // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
6 // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
7 //
8 //! @section license
9 //
10 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the
12 // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability
17 // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for
18 // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public
19 // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //! @Synopsis
22 //
23 //! 36 subprograms from SLATEC-SDRIVE
25 // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
26 // Selected subprograms are:
27 //
33 // SDRIVE routines from SLATEC.
34 //
35 // Source:
37 // The license for SLATEC Fortran source code is:
38 //
39 // The SLATEC Common Mathematical Library was developed at
40 // US government research laboratories and is in the public domain.
41 //
42 // Repository:
43 //
44 // The SLATEC common mathematical library is issued by the following
45 //
46 // Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Albuquerque
47 // Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore
48 // Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos
49 // National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington
50 // National Energy Research Supercomputer Center, Livermore
51 // Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
52 // Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque
53 // Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore
54 //
55 // All questions concerning the distribution of the library should be
56 // directed to the NATIONAL ENERGY SOFTWARE CENTER, 9700 Cass Ave.,
57 // Argonne, Illinois 60439, and not to the authors of the subprograms.
58 //
59 // * * * * * Notice * * * * *
60 //
61 // This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the
62 // United States Government. Neither the United States, nor the
63 // Department of Energy, nor the Department of Defense, nor any of
64 // their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or
65 // their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or
66 // assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
67 // completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product,
68 // or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
69 // upon privately owned rights.
71 /*
72 Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
73 VIF release 1.2.10
74 */
153 static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
154 {"cdcor", 0}, // subroutine
155 {"cdcst", 0}, // subroutine
156 {"cdntl", 0}, // subroutine
157 {"cdntp", 0}, // subroutine
158 {"cdpsc", 0}, // subroutine
159 {"cdpst", 0}, // subroutine
160 {"cdriv1", 0}, // subroutine
161 {"cdriv2", 0}, // subroutine
162 {"cdriv3", 0}, // subroutine
163 {"cdscl", 0}, // subroutine
164 {"cdstp", 0}, // subroutine
165 {"cdzro", 0}, // subroutine
166 {"ddcor", 0}, // subroutine
167 {"ddcst", 0}, // subroutine
168 {"ddntl", 0}, // subroutine
169 {"ddntp", 0}, // subroutine
170 {"ddpsc", 0}, // subroutine
171 {"ddpst", 0}, // subroutine
172 {"ddriv1", 0}, // subroutine
173 {"ddriv2", 0}, // subroutine
174 {"ddriv3", 0}, // subroutine
175 {"ddscl", 0}, // subroutine
176 {"ddstp", 0}, // subroutine
177 {"ddzro", 0}, // subroutine
178 {"sdcor", 0}, // subroutine
179 {"sdcst", 0}, // subroutine
180 {"sdntl", 0}, // subroutine
181 {"sdntp", 0}, // subroutine
182 {"sdpsc", 0}, // subroutine
183 {"sdpst", 0}, // subroutine
184 {"sdriv1", 0}, // subroutine
185 {"sdriv2", 0}, // subroutine
186 {"sdriv3", 0}, // subroutine
187 {"sdscl", 0}, // subroutine
188 {"sdstp", 0}, // subroutine
189 {"sdzro", 0}, // subroutine
190 {NULL, 0}
191 };
193 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_
194 nde_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_,
195 logical_4 _p_ evalfa_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, complex_8 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
198 impl_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4
199 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_users)(),
200 complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, real_4 _p_
201 rc_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_4 _p_ el_, complex_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_
202 , int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_
203 tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
205 complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ y_);
208 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4
209 _p_ nq_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_
210 ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ dfdy_, complex_8 _p_ fac_,
211 logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ bnd_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
213 mstate_, real_4 _p_ eps_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
215 mstate_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ mint_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_,
216 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
218 tout_, int_4 _p_ ntask_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4
219 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ mxord_, real_4 _p_ hmax_, complex_8 _p_ work_,
220 int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_
221 mxstep_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 (*_users)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
223 real_4 _p_ rh_, complex_8 _p_ yh_);
225 ierror_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_,
226 int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_
227 avgh_, real_4 _p_ avgord_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ hused_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_,
228 int_4 _p_ nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, int_4 _p_ nqused_, int_4 _p_ nstep_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ yh_
229 , complex_8 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, complex_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ el_, complex_8 _p_ fac_, real_4 _p_ hold_,
230 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ jstate_, int_4 _p_ jstepl_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4 _p_
231 rmax_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_
232 mtrsv_, int_4 _p_ mxrdsv_);
234 real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ fb_,
235 real_4 _p_ fc_, complex_8 _p_ y_);
237 impl_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_
238 , int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, logical_4 _p_
239 evalfa_, real_8 _p_ save1_, real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
242 impl_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4
243 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_8 _p_ save1_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_8
244 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, real_8 _p_ rc_, real_8
245 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_,
246 int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_8 _p_ rh_, real_8 _p_ rmax_, real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ tq_, real_8 _p_ trend_
247 , int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
249 real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ y_);
252 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4
253 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, real_8
254 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_,
255 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_ save1_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_8 _p_ bnd_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
257 mstate_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
259 mstate_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ mint_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4
260 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, real_8 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
262 , int_4 _p_ ntask_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_
263 miter_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ mxord_, real_8 _p_ hmax_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_
264 lenw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ mxstep_,
265 real_8 (*_g)(), int_4 (*_users)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
267 real_8 _p_ rh_, real_8 _p_ yh_);
269 ierror_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_,
270 int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, real_8 _p_ uround_, real_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ avgh_,
271 real_8 _p_ avgord_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ hused_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_
272 nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, int_4 _p_ nqused_, int_4 _p_ nstep_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ a_,
273 logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ fac_, real_8 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
274 jstate_, int_4 _p_ jstepl_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_8 _p_ rc_, real_8 _p_ rmax_, real_8 _p_ save1_,
275 real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ tq_, real_8 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ mtrsv_, int_4 _p_ mxrdsv_);
277 real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ uround_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ fb_, real_8
278 _p_ fc_, real_8 _p_ y_);
280 impl_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_
281 , int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, logical_4 _p_
282 evalfa_, real_4 _p_ save1_, real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
285 impl_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4
286 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_4 _p_ save1_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_4
287 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4
288 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_,
289 int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_
290 , int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
292 real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ y_);
295 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4
296 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, real_4
297 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_,
298 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_ save1_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ bnd_, int_4 _p_ jstate_);
300 mstate_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
302 mstate_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ mint_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4
303 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
305 , int_4 _p_ ntask_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_
306 miter_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ mxord_, real_4 _p_ hmax_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_
307 lenw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ mxstep_,
308 real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 (*_users)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_);
310 real_4 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ yh_);
312 ierror_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_,
313 int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ avgh_,
314 real_4 _p_ avgord_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ hused_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_
315 nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, int_4 _p_ nqused_, int_4 _p_ nstep_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ a_,
316 logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_4 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ fac_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
317 jstate_, int_4 _p_ jstepl_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ save1_,
318 real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ mtrsv_, int_4 _p_ mxrdsv_);
320 real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ fb_, real_4
321 _p_ fc_, real_4 _p_ y_);
322 int_4 _cdcor (complex_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ el_, int_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ impl_,
323 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4
324 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_, logical_4 _p_
325 evalfa_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, complex_8 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
326 { // ** body not listed **
531 }
532 int_4 _cdcst (int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ tq_)
533 { // ** body not listed **
619 }
620 int_4 _cdntl (real_4 _p_ eps_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ hmax_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ impl_,
621 int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_
622 , int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_users)(), complex_8
623 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, real_4 _p_ rc_,
624 complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_4 _p_ el_, complex_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_,
625 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_
626 tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
627 { // ** body not listed **
775 }
776 int_4 _cdntp (real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ tout_, complex_8 _p_
777 yh_, complex_8 _p_ y_)
778 { // ** body not listed **
819 }
820 int_4 _cdpsc (int_4 _p_ ksgn_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, complex_8 _p_ yh_)
821 { // ** body not listed **
845 }
846 int_4 _cdpst (real_4 _p_ el_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4
847 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ nq_, complex_8 _p_
848 save2_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_,
849 int_4 _p_ nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ dfdy_, complex_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4
850 _p_ ipvt_, complex_8 _p_ save1_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ bnd_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
851 { // ** body not listed **
1154 }
1155 int_4 _cdriv1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ y_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ mstate_,
1156 real_4 _p_ eps_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
1157 { // ** body not listed **
1351 }
1352 int_4 _cdriv2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ y_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ mstate_,
1353 int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ mint_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_
1354 iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
1355 { // ** body not listed **
1498 }
1499 int_4 _cdriv3 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ nstate_, real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4
1500 _p_ ntask_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_,
1501 int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ mxord_, real_4 _p_ hmax_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_
1502 , int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ mxstep_, real_4
1503 (*_g)(), int_4 (*_users)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
1504 { // ** body not listed **
3334 }
3335 int_4 _cdscl (real_4 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4
3336 _p_ rh_, complex_8 _p_ yh_)
3337 { // ** body not listed **
3358 }
3359 int_4 _cdstp (real_4 _p_ eps_, int_4 (*_f)(), real_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ierror_,
3360 int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_
3361 mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, complex_8 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ avgh_, real_4
3362 _p_ avgord_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ hused_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_,
3363 int_4 _p_ nje_, int_4 _p_ nqused_, int_4 _p_ nstep_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_
3364 a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, complex_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ el_, complex_8 _p_ fac_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_,
3365 int_4 _p_ jstate_, int_4 _p_ jstepl_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, complex_8 _p_
3366 save1_, complex_8 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ mtrsv_, int_4 _p_ mxrdsv_
3367 )
3368 { // ** body not listed **
3775 }
3776 int_4 _cdzro (real_4 _p_ ae_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ iroot_, real_4 _p_
3777 re_, real_4 _p_ t_, complex_8 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ fb_, real_4 _p_ fc_
3778 , complex_8 _p_ y_)
3779 { // ** body not listed **
3851 }
3852 int_4 _ddcor (real_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_8 _p_ el_, int_4 (*_fa)(), real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ impl_,
3853 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4
3854 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, logical_4 _p_ evalfa_,
3855 real_8 _p_ save1_, real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
3856 { // ** body not listed **
4061 }
4062 int_4 _ddcst (int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ tq_)
4063 { // ** body not listed **
4149 }
4150 int_4 _ddntl (real_8 _p_ eps_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), real_8 _p_ hmax_, real_8 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ impl_,
4151 int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_
4152 , int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_8 _p_ save1_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ y_,
4153 real_8 _p_ ywt_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, real_8 _p_ rc_, real_8 _p_ yh_,
4154 real_8 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
4155 nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_8 _p_ rh_, real_8 _p_ rmax_, real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ tq_, real_8 _p_ trend_, int_4
4156 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
4157 { // ** body not listed **
4305 }
4306 int_4 _ddntp (real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, real_8 _p_ yh_
4307 , real_8 _p_ y_)
4308 { // ** body not listed **
4349 }
4350 int_4 _ddpsc (int_4 _p_ ksgn_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ yh_)
4351 { // ** body not listed **
4375 }
4376 int_4 _ddpst (real_8 _p_ el_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4
4377 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_
4378 save2_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, real_8 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_
4379 nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_8 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_
4380 save1_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_8 _p_ bnd_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
4381 { // ** body not listed **
4689 }
4690 int_4 _ddriv1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ mstate_, real_8
4691 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
4692 { // ** body not listed **
4886 }
4887 int_4 _ddriv2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ mstate_, int_4
4888 _p_ nroot_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ mint_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_,
4889 int_4 _p_ leniw_, real_8 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
4890 { // ** body not listed **
5033 }
5034 int_4 _ddriv3 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ nstate_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4
5035 _p_ ntask_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_,
5036 int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ mxord_, real_8 _p_ hmax_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_,
5037 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ mxstep_, real_8
5038 (*_g)(), int_4 (*_users)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
5039 { // ** body not listed **
6808 }
6809 int_4 _ddscl (real_8 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ rmax_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ rc_, real_8
6810 _p_ rh_, real_8 _p_ yh_)
6811 { // ** body not listed **
6832 }
6833 int_4 _ddstp (real_8 _p_ eps_, int_4 (*_f)(), real_4 (*_fa)(), real_8 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ierror_,
6834 int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_
6835 mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_8 _p_ ywt_, real_8 _p_ uround_, real_4 (*_users)(), real_8 _p_ avgh_, real_8
6836 _p_ avgord_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ hused_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_,
6837 int_4 _p_ nje_, int_4 _p_ nqused_, int_4 _p_ nstep_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ a_,
6838 logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_8 _p_ dfdy_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ fac_, real_8 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
6839 jstate_, int_4 _p_ jstepl_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_8 _p_ rc_, real_8 _p_ rmax_, real_8 _p_ save1_,
6840 real_8 _p_ save2_, real_8 _p_ tq_, real_8 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ mtrsv_, int_4 _p_ mxrdsv_)
6841 { // ** body not listed **
7248 }
7249 int_4 _ddzro (real_8 _p_ ae_, real_8 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ iroot_, real_8 _p_
7250 re_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ uround_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ fb_, real_8 _p_ fc_,
7251 real_8 _p_ y_)
7252 { // ** body not listed **
7324 }
7325 int_4 _sdcor (real_4 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ el_, int_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ impl_,
7326 int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4
7327 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, logical_4 _p_ evalfa_,
7328 real_4 _p_ save1_, real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
7329 { // ** body not listed **
7534 }
7535 int_4 _sdcst (int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ tq_)
7536 { // ** body not listed **
7622 }
7623 int_4 _sdntl (real_4 _p_ eps_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ hmax_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ impl_,
7624 int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_
7625 , int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_4 _p_ save1_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ y_,
7626 real_4 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4 _p_ yh_,
7627 real_4 _p_ a_, logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
7628 nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4
7629 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
7630 { // ** body not listed **
7778 }
7779 int_4 _sdntp (real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ tout_, real_4 _p_ yh_
7780 , real_4 _p_ y_)
7781 { // ** body not listed **
7822 }
7823 int_4 _sdpsc (int_4 _p_ ksgn_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ yh_)
7824 { // ** body not listed **
7848 }
7849 int_4 _sdpst (real_4 _p_ el_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4
7850 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_
7851 save2_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_, int_4 _p_
7852 nfe_, int_4 _p_ nje_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ fac_, logical_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_
7853 save1_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ bnd_, int_4 _p_ jstate_)
7854 { // ** body not listed **
8162 }
8163 int_4 _sdriv1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ mstate_, real_4
8164 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
8165 { // ** body not listed **
8359 }
8360 int_4 _sdriv2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ mstate_, int_4
8361 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ mint_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_,
8362 int_4 _p_ leniw_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
8363 { // ** body not listed **
8506 }
8507 int_4 _sdriv3 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ nstate_, real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4
8508 _p_ ntask_, int_4 _p_ nroot_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_,
8509 int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ mxord_, real_4 _p_ hmax_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lenw_,
8510 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 (*_fa)(), int_4 _p_ nde_, int_4 _p_ mxstep_, real_4
8511 (*_g)(), int_4 (*_users)(), int_4 _p_ ierflg_)
8512 { // ** body not listed **
10281 }
10282 int_4 _sdscl (real_4 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4
10283 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ yh_)
10284 { // ** body not listed **
10305 }
10306 int_4 _sdstp (real_4 _p_ eps_, int_4 (*_f)(), real_4 (*_fa)(), real_4 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ impl_, int_4 _p_ ierror_,
10307 int_4 (*_jacobn)(), int_4 _p_ matdim_, int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_
10308 mu_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nde_, real_4 _p_ ywt_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 (*_users)(), real_4 _p_ avgh_, real_4
10309 _p_ avgord_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ hused_, int_4 _p_ jtask_, int_4 _p_ mntold_, int_4 _p_ mtrold_, int_4 _p_ nfe_,
10310 int_4 _p_ nje_, int_4 _p_ nqused_, int_4 _p_ nstep_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ a_,
10311 logical_4 _p_ convrg_, real_4 _p_ dfdy_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ fac_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
10312 jstate_, int_4 _p_ jstepl_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ nwait_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ save1_,
10313 real_4 _p_ save2_, real_4 _p_ tq_, real_4 _p_ trend_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, int_4 _p_ mtrsv_, int_4 _p_ mxrdsv_)
10314 { // ** body not listed **
10721 }
10722 int_4 _sdzro (real_4 _p_ ae_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, int_4 _p_ iroot_, real_4 _p_
10723 re_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ uround_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ fb_, real_4 _p_ fc_,
10724 real_4 _p_ y_)
10725 { // ** body not listed **
10797 }
© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (