
   1  //! @file vif.h
   2  //! @author J. Marcel van der Veer
   3  //
   4  //! @section Copyright
   5  //
   6  // This file is part of VIF - vintage FORTRAN compiler.
   7  // Copyright 2020-2024 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
   8  //
   9  //! @section License
  10  //
  11  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  12  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  13  // Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
  14  // (at your option) any later version.
  15  //
  16  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
  17  // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
  18  // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 
  19  // more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
  20  // License along with this program. If not, see <>.
  22  //! @section Synopsis
  23  //!
  24  //! VIF include file.
  26  // This is a monolithic include file to avoid cluttering the installation directory.
  28  #if ! defined (__VIF_H__)
  29  #define __VIF_H__
  31  #define _GNU_SOURCE
  33  #include <complex.h>
  34  #include <ctype.h>
  35  #include <endian.h>
  36  #include <errno.h>
  37  #include <float.h>
  38  #include <inttypes.h>
  39  #include <libgen.h>
  40  #include <limits.h>
  41  #include <math.h>
  42  #include <quadmath.h>
  43  #include <signal.h>
  44  #include <stdarg.h>
  45  #include <stdint.h>
  46  #include <stdio.h>
  47  #include <stdlib.h>
  48  #include <string.h>
  49  #include <sys/stat.h>
  50  #include <sys/time.h>
  51  #include <sys/utsname.h>
  52  #include <time.h>
  53  #include <unistd.h>
  55  #define prototype
  57  #define PACKAGE "vif"
  59  #define STDF_IN 5
  60  #define STDF_OUT 6
  61  #define STDF_PUN 6
  62  #define STDF_ERR 7
  64  typedef char *FORMAT;
  66  // Flags for gcc when compiling generated code from FORTRAN.
  68  #if defined (BOOTSTRAP)
  69    #define CFLAGS "-pipe -ggdb -I. -Isrc/include -L. -I../include -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -fdiagnostics-plain-output -fdiagnostics-show-location=once"
  70    #define LD_FLAGS "-rdynamic -Lsrc/lib -L../lib -lvif -lquadmath -lm"
  71  #else
  72    #define CFLAGS "-pipe -ggdb -I. -Isrc/include -L. -I../include -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -fdiagnostics-plain-output -fdiagnostics-show-location=once"
  73    #define LD_FLAGS "-rdynamic -L./src/lib -lvif -lquadmath -lm"
  74  #endif
  75  #define OFLAGS "-O2"
  79  enum {SOURCE = 0, TEMP, MACRO };
  83  enum {STATIC = 0, AUTOMATIC };
  85  // Shorthands to improve code legibility.
  87  #define int_2 int16_t
  88  #define int_4 int32_t
  89  #define int_8 int64_t
  91  #define unt_2 uint16_t
  92  #define unt_4 uint32_t
  93  #define unt_8 uint64_t
  94  #define unt_16 unsigned __int128
  96  #define logical_4 unsigned
  98  #define real_4 float
  99  #define real_8 double
 100  #define real_16 __float128
 102  #define complex_8 float complex
 103  #define complex_16 double complex
 104  #define complex_32 __complex128
 106  // MAX_STRLEN = 2 ** MAX_STRLENS - 1
 107  #define MAX_STRLEN 4095
 108  #define MAX_STRLENS 12
 109  extern logical_4 strlens[MAX_STRLENS];
 111  #define ERR (-32)
 112  #define SKIP // 
 113  #define TRUE 1
 114  #define FALSE 0
 115  #define MAX_LRECL 32760
 116  #define MAX_NEST 9
 117  #define INCREMENT 500
 118  #define INDENT 2
 119  #define LINES_PER_PAGE 50
 120  #define LINE_WIDTH 122
 121  #define MAX_ARGS 16
 122  #define MAX_COMMONS 100
 123  #define MAX_DIMS 6
 124  #define MAX_IDENTS 1000
 125  #define MAX_LABELS 1000
 126  #define MAX_MODULES 5000
 127  #define MAX_PRIO 9
 128  #define MAX_ERROR 5
 129  #define MAX_WARNS MAX_ERROR
 130  #define RETURN "goto _l0;\n"
 131  #define M_LOG10_2 0.30102999566398119521373889472449q
 133  #define WITHIN (curret != END_OF_LINE && curret != END_OF_MODULE)
 135  #define END_OF_MODULE (-3)
 136  #define END_OF_LINE (-2)
 137  #define START_OF_LINE (-1)
 138  #define LOCAL 0
 139  #define EXTERN 1
 140  #define ARG TRUE
 141  #define NOARG FALSE
 142  #define CONST TRUE
 143  #define NOCONST FALSE
 144  #define FUN TRUE
 145  #define NOFUN FALSE
 146  #define UNIQ TRUE
 147  #define NOUNIQ FALSE
 148  #define NOPATCH 0
 149  #define NOTYPE 0
 150  #define NOLEN 0
 151  #define FORMAL TRUE
 152  #define ACTUAL FALSE
 153  #define CAST TRUE
 154  #define NOCAST FALSE
 155  #define PROTEST TRUE
 156  #define QUIET FALSE
 158  #define ABS(n) ((n) > 0 ? (n) : -(n))
 159  #define IS_COMMENT(c) (strchr ("cd*!/#", tolower (c)) != NULL)
 160  #define IS_VAR(n) (isalpha(n[0]) || n[0] == '_' || n[0] == '$')
 161  #define UNSCAN {curlin = prelin; curcol = precol; strcpy (curlex, prelex); curret = preret;}
 162  #define SAVE_POS int_4 _l_ = curlin, _c_ = curcol;
 163  #define SAVE_PRE int_4 _l_ = prelin, _c_ = precol;
 164  #define RESTORE_POS {curlin = _l_; curcol = _c_;}
 165  #define _EXPCHAR(n) (tolower (n) != '\0' && strchr ("edlqx", tolower (n)) != NULL)
 167  #define MSG(sev, num, text, info)\
 168    if (prelin < 1) {\
 169      message (&source[curlin], curcol, (sev), (num), (text), (info));\
 170    } else {\
 171      message (&source[prelin], precol, (sev), (num), (text), (info));\
 172    }
 174  extern void _vif_backtr(int_4);
 176  #define ERROR(num, s, t) {MSG ("error", (num), (s), (t));}
 177  #define MODE_ERROR(num, s, t) {\
 178    RECORD _txt_;\
 179    _srecordf(_txt_, "cannot convert %s to %s", (s), (t));\
 180    ERROR (num, "error", _txt_);\
 181    }
 182  #define SYNTAX(num, s) {ERROR ((num), "invalid syntax", (s));}
 183  #define EXPECT(num, s) {ERROR ((num), "expected", (s));}
 184  #define ADJACENT(num, s) {ERROR ((num), "adjacent tokens", (s));}
 185  #define WARNING(num, s, t) {MSG ("warning", (num), (s), (t));}
 186  #define ECHO(num, s, t) {MSG ("info", (num), (s), (t));}
 187  #define SCANER(num, s, t) {MSG ("fatal", (num), (s), (t)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE);}
 188  #define FATAL(num, s, t) {message (NULL, ERR, "fatal", (num), (s), (t)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE);}
 189  #define OVERFLOW(num, t) {_vif_backtr (0); fprintf (stderr, "\n** exception  ** f%d: fatal: overflow, (%s)\n", (num), (t)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE);}
 191  #define TOKEN(s) EQUAL (curlex, (s))
 192  #define CHECKPOINT(num, s) {if (!EQUAL (curlex, (s))) {EXPECT ((num), (s));}}
 193  #define CHECKDIGIT(num, s) {if (!isdigit (s)) {EXPECT ((num), "digit");}}
 194  #define IS_NUMBER(u) ((u) == INT_NUMBER || (u) == FLT_NUMBER)
 196  #define FMT_TEXT ((char *) 1)
 197  #define FMT_INT ((char *) 2)
 198  #define FMT_REAL ((char *) 3)
 199  #define FMT_LOGICAL ((char *) 4)
 200  #define FMT_CHAR ((char *) 5)
 202  // REAL*32
 204  #define FLT128_LEN 7                   // Do NOT change this!
 205  #define FLT256_LEN 15                  // Do NOT change this!
 206  #define FLT256_GUARD 2                 // Guard digits.
 207  #define FLT256_DIG (72 - FLT256_GUARD) // 240 * log10 (2) minus guard digits.
 209  typedef unt_2 REAL16[8];
 210  typedef unt_2 REAL32[FLT256_LEN + 1]; // One for exponent.
 212  struct __real_32__
 213  {
 214    REAL32 value;
 215  };
 216  typedef struct __real_32__ real_32;
 218  struct __complex_64__
 219  {
 220    struct __real_32__ re, im;
 221  };
 222  typedef struct __complex_64__ complex_64;
 224  #define xsub(a, b) xadd (a, b, 1)
 225  #define xsum(a, b) xadd (a, b, 0)
 227  extern complex_64 cxcos (complex_64);
 228  extern complex_64 cxdbl(complex_16);
 229  extern complex_64 cxexp (complex_64);
 230  extern complex_64 cxlog (complex_64);
 231  extern complex_64 cxreal32(real_32);
 232  extern complex_64 cxquad(complex_32);
 233  extern complex_64 cxsin (complex_64);
 234  extern complex_64 cxsqrt (complex_64);
 235  extern complex_64 cxtan (complex_64);
 236  extern complex_64 _coctotop (complex_64 *, real_32);
 237  extern complex_64 _cquadtop (complex_64 *, complex_32);
 238  extern int_4 xeq (real_32, real_32); 
 239  extern int_4 xge (real_32, real_32); 
 240  extern int_4 xgt (real_32, real_32);  
 241  extern int_4 xis0 (const real_32 *);
 242  extern int_4 xisMinf (const real_32 *);
 243  extern int_4 xisNaN (const real_32 *);
 244  extern int_4 xisPinf (const real_32 *);
 245  extern int_4 xle (real_32, real_32);  
 246  extern int_4 xlt (real_32, real_32);
 247  extern int_4 xneq (real_32, real_32);
 248  extern int_4 xnot0 (const real_32 *);
 249  extern int_4 xsgn (const real_32 *);
 250  extern real_32 atox (char *);
 251  extern real_32 cxim (complex_64);
 252  extern real_32 cxre (complex_64);
 253  extern complex_64 cxneg (complex_64);
 254  extern complex_64 cxsum (complex_64, complex_64);
 255  extern complex_64 cxsub (complex_64, complex_64);
 256  extern complex_64 cxmul (complex_64, complex_64);
 257  extern complex_64 cxdiv (complex_64, complex_64);
 258  extern real_32 dbltox (real_8);
 259  extern real_32 flttox (real_4);
 260  extern real_32 inttox (int_4);
 261  extern real_32 strtox (char *, char **);
 262  extern real_32 xabs (real_32);
 263  extern real_32 xacos (real_32);
 264  extern real_32 xacotan (real_32);
 265  extern real_32 xadd (real_32, real_32, int_4);
 266  extern real_32 xasin (real_32);
 267  extern real_32 xatan2 (real_32, real_32);
 268  extern real_32 xatan (real_32);
 269  extern real_32 xacosh (real_32);
 270  extern real_32 xcosh (real_32);
 271  extern real_32 xcos (real_32);
 272  extern real_32 xcotan (real_32);
 273  extern real_32 xdiv (real_32, real_32);
 274  extern real_32 xexp (real_32);
 275  extern real_32 xlog10 (real_32);
 276  extern real_32 xlog (real_32);
 277  extern real_32 xmul (real_32, real_32);
 278  extern real_32 xneg (real_32);
 279  extern real_32 xpwr (real_32, int_4);
 280  extern real_32 xround (real_32);
 281  extern real_32 xsfmod (real_32, int_4 *);
 282  extern real_32 xasinh (real_32);
 283  extern real_32 xsinh (real_32);
 284  extern real_32 xsin (real_32);
 285  extern real_32 xsqrt (real_32);
 286  extern real_32 xatanh (real_32);
 287  extern real_32 xtanh (real_32);
 288  extern real_32 xtan (real_32);
 289  extern real_32 xtrunc (real_32);
 290  extern real_32 xfrac (real_32);
 291  extern real_32 xtenup (int_4);
 292  extern real_4 xtoflt (real_32);
 293  extern real_8 xtodbl (real_32);
 295  // In Fortran, only EQUIVALENCE can alias names.
 297  #define _p_ * restrict
 299  //
 301  #define RECLN 4095
 302  typedef char RECORD[RECLN + 1]; 
 303  #define RECCLR(z) memset ((z), 0, RECLN + 1)
 305  typedef struct FTNFILE FTNFILE;
 306  struct FTNFILE {
 307    FILE *unit;
 308    char *name, *form, *action, *disp, *buff;
 309    int_4 lrecl, vers, buff_init, buff_pos, buff_len;
 310  };
 312  #define NEW_FTN_FILE(fp, fmt, act, recl)\
 313    ((FTNFILE) {.unit = fp, .form = fmt, .action = act, .lrecl = recl})
 315  #define MAX_SOURCE_FILES 1500
 316  #define MAX_FILES 100
 318  extern FTNFILE _ffile[MAX_FILES];
 320  typedef struct CALLS CALLS;
 321  struct CALLS {
 322    char *name;
 323    int_8 calls;
 324  };
 326  typedef struct C_SRC C_SRC;
 327  struct C_SRC
 328  {
 329    int_4 proc, phase;
 330    char *text;
 331  };
 332  extern C_SRC *object;
 334  typedef struct FTN_LINE FTN_LINE;
 335  struct FTN_LINE
 336  {
 337    FTN_LINE *file;
 338    int_4 num, inc, isn, len, label, diag, proc, cpp;
 339    char *text;
 340  };
 341  extern FTN_LINE *source, *files;
 342  extern int_4 MAX_FTN_LINES;
 344  typedef struct MODE MODE;
 345  struct MODE
 346  {
 347    int_4 type, len, dim, save, fun;
 348  };
 349  #define PLAIN_MODE(t, l) ((MODE) {.type = type, .len = len, .dim = 0, .fun = FALSE})
 350  #define TYPE(z, t, l) ((z)->mode.type == t && (z)->mode.len == l)
 352  typedef struct IDENT IDENT;
 353  struct IDENT
 354  {
 355    char *name, *fname, *parm;
 356    int_4 arg, call, common, const_ref, external, intrinsic, line, macro, nest, save, source, used, variable; 
 357    IDENT *alias, *equiv;
 358    MODE mode;
 359    int_4 patch1, patch2;
 360    char *lwb[MAX_DIMS], *upb[MAX_DIMS], *len[MAX_DIMS];
 361    char *size;
 362  };
 363  #define CID(z) ((z)->name)
 364  #define FID(z) ((z)->fname)
 366  typedef struct IMPLICIT IMPLICIT;
 367  struct IMPLICIT
 368  {
 369    MODE mode;
 370  };
 372  typedef struct LBL LBL;
 373  struct LBL
 374  {
 375    int_4 index, num, line, jumped, patch, nonexe, data, format;
 376  };
 377  extern LBL *lbl;
 379  typedef struct EXPR EXPR;
 380  struct EXPR
 381  {
 382    RECORD str;
 383    int_4 variant, value, base_elem, opt;
 384    IDENT *idf;
 385    MODE mode;
 386  };
 388  typedef struct INTRINS INTRINS;
 389  struct INTRINS
 390  {
 391    char *ffun, *cfun;
 392    int_4 spec, rtyp, rlen, alen;
 393    int_4 anum, atyp;
 394    real_32 (*f1) (real_32);
 395    real_32 (*f2) (real_32, real_32);
 396    complex_64 (*f3) (complex_64);
 397  };
 399  extern char *action_default;
 400  extern char *action_read;
 401  extern char *action_write;
 402  extern char *action_readwrite;
 403  extern char *form_formatted;
 404  extern char *form_unformatted;
 405  extern char *disp_new;
 406  extern char *disp_old;
 407  extern char *disp_delete;
 408  extern char *disp_keep;
 410  extern IDENT globals[], locals[];
 411  extern char *commons[], *modules[];
 412  extern IMPLICIT implic[];
 413  extern LBL labels[];
 414  extern int_4 optimise, keep, pretty;
 415  extern int_4 hollerith;
 416  extern int_4 end_statements;
 417  extern int_4 syntax_only;
 418  extern int_4 MAX_C_SRC;
 419  extern int_4 macro_nest;
 420  extern int_4 lhs_factor;
 421  extern int_4 MAX_C_SRC;
 422  extern int_4 MAX_FTN_LINES;
 423  extern int_4 pnprocs, nprocs, nglobals, nlocals, nlabels, nftnlines, nfiles;
 424  extern int_4 nloctmps, nglobtmps, func;
 425  extern int_4 prelin, precol;
 426  extern int_4 curlin, curcol;
 427  extern int_4 nerrors, merrors, nwarns;
 428  extern int_4 page, line, ncommons, nmodules;
 429  extern int_4 n_c_src;
 430  extern int_4 indent;
 431  extern int_4 curret, preret;
 432  extern int_4 abend;
 433  extern int_4 compile_only;
 434  extern int_4 implicit_r8;
 435  extern int_4 f4_do_loops;
 436  extern int_4 gcc_ftn_lines;
 437  extern int_4 quiet_mode;
 438  extern int_4 trace;
 439  extern int_4 no_warnings;
 440  extern RECORD curlex, prelex;
 441  extern RECORD libnam, modnam, procnam;
 442  extern RECORD retnam;
 443  extern RECORD stat_start;
 444  extern RECORD program, block;
 445  extern RECORD hmodule, hsection;
 446  extern RECORD hdate;
 448  #if defined (_ROW_MAJOR_)
 449  extern void code_index (RECORD, IDENT *, int_4 *, int_4 *);
 450  #else
 451  extern void code_index (RECORD, IDENT *, int_4, int_4 *);
 452  #endif
 454  extern char *bufcat (char *, char *, int_4);
 455  extern char *bufcpy (char *, char *, int_4);
 456  extern char *bufrep (char *, char *);
 457  extern char *_bufsub (char *, char *, int_4, int_4);
 458  extern char *c_name (char *);
 459  extern char *concat (char *, char *, char *);
 460  extern char *edit_f (char *);
 461  extern char *edit_fmt (int_4);
 462  extern char *edit_tmp (int_4);
 463  extern char *edit_unit (int_4);
 464  extern char *edit_v (char *);
 465  extern char *edit_vn (char *, int_4);
 466  extern char *encode (char *, char *);
 467  extern char *f2c_type (char *, MODE *, int_4, int_4);
 468  extern char *get_uniq_str (char *, char *);
 469  extern char *intnot (char *, int_8, int_4);
 470  extern char *newpage (char *, char *);
 471  extern char *pretty_float (char *);
 472  extern char *ptr_to_array (IDENT *, int_4, int_4, int_4);
 473  extern char *qtype (MODE *);
 474  extern char *strallocat (char *, char *);
 475  extern char *stralloc (char *);
 476  extern char *strlower (char *);
 477  extern char *wtype (MODE *, int_4, int_4);
 478  extern char *xfixed (char *, real_32, int_4, int_4, int_4);
 479  extern char *xfloat (char *, real_32, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4, char);
 480  extern char *xsubfixed (char *, real_32, logical_4, int_4);
 481  extern char *xtoa (char *, real_32, int_4);
 482  extern IDENT *add_local (char *, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4);
 483  extern IDENT *add_nest (char *, int_4, MODE *);
 484  extern IDENT *extf_decl (char *, MODE *);
 485  extern IDENT *find_local (char *, MODE *);
 486  extern IDENT *impl_decl (char *, MODE *);
 487  extern IDENT *void_decl (char *, MODE *);
 488  extern int_4 accept_mode (int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4);
 489  extern int_4 add_block (char *);
 490  extern int_4 code (int_4, int_4, char *);
 491  extern int_4 code_real_32_const (char *);
 492  extern int_4 code_uniq_str (char *);
 493  extern int_4 express (EXPR *, int_4, int_4);
 494  extern int_4 find_module (char *);
 495  extern int_4 fold_expr (EXPR *, int_4);
 496  extern int_4 fold_intrinsic (INTRINS *, EXPR *, EXPR *);
 497  extern int_4 format_str (char *str);
 498  extern int_4 impl_do (void);
 499  extern int_4 intrinsic_call (char *, EXPR *);
 500  extern int_4 is_array (MODE);
 501  extern int_4 isint_4 (char *, int_4 *);
 502  extern int_4 is_intrins (char *);
 503  extern int_4 is_specific (char *);
 504  extern int_4 mix_len (EXPR *, EXPR *);
 505  extern int_4 ord (char);
 506  extern int_4 patch (int_4, char *);
 507  extern int_4 reserved (char *);
 508  extern int_4 same_name (char *, char *);
 509  extern int_4 scan (char *);
 510  extern int_4 scan_fmt (void);
 511  extern int_4 scan_fmt (void);
 512  extern int_4 valid_expr (EXPR *);
 513  extern int new_charlen (int_4);
 514  extern LBL *find_label (char *);
 515  extern void banner (int_4, int_4, char *);
 516  extern void call (void);
 517  extern void code_arrlen (IDENT *);
 518  extern void code_comment (void);
 519  extern void code_common (void);
 520  extern void code_exts (IDENT *, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4);
 521  extern void code_idfs (IDENT *, int_4, int_4, int_4, int_4);
 522  extern void code_parms (RECORD);
 523  extern void common (void);
 524  extern void common (void);
 525  extern void cpp_direct (int_4, int_4, int_4);
 526  extern void decl_autosave (void);
 527  extern void decl_data (void);
 528  extern void decl_equiv (void);
 529  extern void decl_macros (void);
 530  extern void default_impl (void);
 531  extern void diagnostic (int_4, char *);
 532  extern void dimension (void);
 533  extern void do_data (int_4 *);
 534  extern void do_io (char *, int_4 *);
 535  extern void equivalence (void);
 536  extern void executable (void);
 537  extern void exprio (EXPR *, int_4, logical_4);
 538  extern void factor (EXPR *);
 539  extern void *f_malloc (size_t);
 540  extern void fold_int_4 (char *, char *);
 541  extern void format (LBL *);
 542  extern void *f_realloc (void *, size_t);
 543  extern void function_call (EXPR *, RECORD);
 544  extern void gen_statements (LBL *, int_4);
 545  extern void get_decls (void);
 546  extern void get_dims (IDENT *, int_4);
 547  extern void get_impl (void);
 548  extern void get_source (char *, int_4);
 549  extern void idfs_impl (void);
 550  extern void idfs_unused (void);
 551  extern void implicit (void);
 552  extern void impl_type (char *, MODE *);
 553  extern void inline_args (RECORD *, int_4 *);
 554  extern void jump (void);
 555  extern void macro (EXPR *, IDENT *);
 556  extern void merge_commons (void);
 557  extern void message (FTN_LINE *, int_4, char *, int_4, char *, char *);
 558  extern void norm_mode (MODE *);
 559  extern void option (char *);
 560  extern void parameter (void);
 561  extern void patch_args (void);
 562  extern void patch_args (void);
 563  extern void assign (EXPR *);
 564  extern void proc_listing (int_4);
 565  extern void recursion (EXPR *, RECORD, IDENT *);
 566  extern void relabel (char *);
 567  extern void RTE (const char *, const char *);
 568  extern void RTW (const char *, const char *);
 569  extern void scan_modules (void);
 570  extern void skip_card_expr (void);
 571  extern void skip_card (void);
 572  extern void slice_char (EXPR *, IDENT *);
 573  extern void slice (EXPR *, IDENT *);
 574  extern void subprograms (void);
 575  extern void variable (EXPR *, IDENT *, MODE *, RECORD);
 576  extern void vif_close (void);
 577  extern void vif_open (void);
 578  extern void vif_rewind (void);
 579  extern void write_object (char *);
 581  // ++++ MACROS
 583  #define ln(x) log(x)
 585  static int_4 EQUAL (char *s, char *t)
 586  {
 587    if (s == NULL || t == NULL) {
 588      return s == t;
 589    } else {
 590      return strcasecmp (s, t) == 0;
 591    }
 592  }
 594  static int_4 LEQUAL (char *s, char *t)
 595  {
 596    if (s == NULL || t == NULL) {
 597      return s == t;
 598    } else {
 599      return strncasecmp (s, t, strlen (s)) == 0;
 600    }
 601  }
 603  static inline void BUG (char *s)
 604  {
 605    fprintf (stderr, "%d %s\n", curlin, source[curlin].text);
 606    message (NULL, ERR, "fatal", 4001, "compiler bug", (s));
 607    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
 608  }
 610  #define _write_err(rc, funit, action)\
 611    fflush (_ffile[(funit)].unit);\
 612    if ((rc) < 1 || ferror (_ffile[(funit)].unit)) {\
 613      action;\
 614    }
 616  #define _read_err(rc, funit, action_end, action_err)\
 617    if (feof (_ffile[(funit)].unit)) {\
 618      action_end;\
 619    }\
 620    if ((rc) < 1 || ferror (_ffile[(funit)].unit)) {\
 621      action_err;\
 622    }
 624  #define _write_eol(funit) {\
 625    (void) _vifprintf ((funit), "\n", NULL, NOTYPE, 0);\
 626    fflush (_ffile[(funit)].unit);\
 627    }
 629  #define _read_eol(funit) {\
 630    (void) _vifscanf ((funit), NULL, NULL, NOTYPE, 0);\
 631    }
 633  #define _abs(a) ({__typeof__ (a) _u = (a); _u >= 0 ? _u : -_u;})
 634  #define _dim(a, b) ({__typeof__ (a) _a = (a); __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); _a > _b ? _a - _b : 0;})
 635  #define _max(a, b) ({__typeof__ (a) _a = (a); __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); _a > _b ? _a : _b;})
 636  #define _min(a, b) ({__typeof__ (a) _a = (a); __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); _a < _b ? _a : _b;})
 637  #define _mod(a, b) ({__typeof__ (a) _a = (a), _b = (b), _q = (_a / _b); _q = (_q >= 0 ? floor (_q) : -floor (-_q)); _a - _q * _b;})
 638  #define _sign(a, b) ({__typeof__ (a) _a = _abs (a); b >= 0 ? _a : -_a;})
 640  #define _ichar(s) ((int_4) ((s)[0]))
 642  // AINT
 643  static inline real_4 _aintf (real_4 x) {return truncf (x);}
 644  static inline real_8 _aintd (real_8 x) {return trunc (x);}
 645  static inline real_16 _aintq (real_16 x) {return truncq (x);}
 647  // NINT
 648  static inline int_4 _nintf (real_4 x) {return (int_4) (x) >= 0.0 ? floorf (x + 0.5) : -floorf (0.5 - x);}
 649  static inline int_4 _nintd (real_8 x) {return (int_4) (x >= 0.0 ? floor (x + 0.5) : -floor (0.5 - x));}
 650  static inline int_4 _nintq (real_16 x) {return (int_4) (x >= 0.0q ? floorq (x + 0.5q) : -floorq (0.5q - x));}
 652  // ANINT
 653  static inline real_4 _anintf (real_4 x) {return (x) >= 0.0 ? floorf (x + 0.5) : -floorf (0.5 - x);}
 654  static inline real_8 _anintd (real_8 x) {return (x >= 0.0 ? floor (x + 0.5) : -floor (0.5 - x));}
 655  static inline real_16 _anintq (real_8 x) {return (x >= 0.0q ? floor (x + 0.5q) : -floor (0.5q - x));}
 657  // COMPLEX*32
 659  static inline complex_32 CMPLXQ (real_16 re, real_16 im) {complex_32 z; __real__ z = re; __imag__ z = im; return z;}
 661  // COMPLEX*64
 663  #define CMPLXX(re, im) (complex_64){re, im}
 665  // RTS
 667  extern char *_char (int);
 668  extern char *__strtok_r (char *, const char *, char **);
 669  extern char *_strupper (char *);
 670  extern char **_vif_jit (char *, char *);
 671  extern complex_16 _dcmplxq (complex_32);
 672  extern complex_16 _up_complex (complex_16, int_4);
 673  extern complex_32 _qcmplxd (complex_16);
 674  extern complex_32 _up_complex_32 (complex_32, int_4);
 675  extern complex_8 _cmplxd (complex_16);
 676  extern complex_8 _up_complex_8 (complex_8, int_4);
 677  extern int_4 _i1mach (int_4 *);
 678  extern int_4 _int4 (char *);
 679  extern int_4 _srecordf (char *, const char *, ...);
 680  extern int_4 _up_int_4 (int_4, int_4);
 681  extern int_4 _vifprintf (int_4, char*, void*, int_4, int_4);
 682  extern int_4 _vifscanf (int_4, char*, void*, int_4, int_4);
 683  extern int_4 _xerclr (void);
 684  extern int_4 _xermsg (char *, char *, char *, int_4 *, int_4 *);
 685  extern int_4 _xgetf (int_4 *);
 686  extern int_4 _xint4 (real_32);
 687  extern int_4 _xnint4 (real_32);
 688  extern int_4 _xsetf (int_4 *);
 689  extern int_8 _up_int_8 (int_8, int_4);
 690  extern int_8 _xint8 (real_32);
 691  extern int_8 _xnint8 (real_32);
 692  extern real_16 _acotanq (real_16);
 693  extern real_16 cotanq (real_16);
 694  extern real_16 _qext (real_8);
 695  extern real_16 _up_real_16 (real_16, int_4);
 696  extern real_16 _xtoquad (real_32);
 697  extern real_16 _zabs_32 (real_16 re, real_16 im);
 698  extern real_32 _quadtox (real_16);
 699  extern real_32 _quadtop (real_32 *, real_16);
 700  extern real_32 _xerf (real_32);
 701  extern real_32 _xint (real_32);
 702  extern real_32 _xI (real_32);
 703  extern real_32 _xmod (real_32, real_32);
 704  extern real_32 _xnint (real_32);
 705  extern real_32 _zabs_64 (real_32 re, real_32 im);
 706  extern real_4 _acotanf (real_4);
 707  extern real_4 cotanf (real_4);
 708  extern real_4 _up_real_4 (real_4, int_4);
 709  extern real_4 _zabs_8 (real_4 re, real_4 im);
 710  extern real_8 _acotan (real_8);
 711  extern real_8 cotan (real_8);
 712  extern real_8 _drand48 (void);
 713  extern real_8 _up_real_8 (real_8, int_4);
 714  extern real_8 _zabs_16 (real_8 re, real_8 im);
 715  extern void _cputim (real_8 *);
 716  extern void _cputyd (int_4 *);
 717  extern void _fcheck (char *, int_4, char *, char *);
 718  extern void _fclose (int_4);
 719  extern void _fprintf_real_32 (char *, char *, real_32, int_4, int_4);
 720  extern void _fregister (char *, int_4, int_4, char *, char *, char *, char *);
 721  extern void _funregister (char *, int_4);
 722  extern void _ioend_read (char *, int_4);
 723  extern void _ioerr (char *, int_4);
 724  extern void _ioerr_read (char *, int_4);
 725  extern void _ioerr_write (char *, int_4);
 726  extern void _merfi (real_8 *, real_8 *, int_4 *);
 727  extern void _qhex (real_16 *);
 728  extern void _skip_eol (FILE *);
 729  extern void _srand48 (int_4 *);
 730  extern void _vif_exit (void);
 731  extern void _vif_freq (CALLS *);
 732  extern void _vif_init (void);
 733  extern void _xhex (real_32 *);
 735  // ++++ INTRINSIC functions
 737  extern complex_16 _cdcos (complex_16 *);
 738  extern complex_16 _cdexp (complex_16 *);
 739  extern complex_16 _cdlog (complex_16 *);
 740  extern complex_16 _cdsin (complex_16 *);
 741  extern complex_16 _cdsqrt (complex_16 *);
 742  extern complex_16 _cdtan (complex_16 *);
 743  extern complex_32 _cqcos (complex_32 *);
 744  extern complex_32 _cqexp (complex_32 *);
 745  extern complex_32 _cqlog (complex_32 *);
 746  extern complex_32 _cqsin (complex_32 *);
 747  extern complex_32 _cqsqrt (complex_32 *);
 748  extern complex_32 _cqtan (complex_32 *);
 749  extern complex_64 _cxcos (complex_64 *);
 750  extern complex_64 _cxexp (complex_64 *);
 751  extern complex_64 _cxlog (complex_64 *);
 752  extern complex_64 _cxsin (complex_64 *);
 753  extern complex_64 _cxsqrt (complex_64 *);
 754  extern complex_64 _cxtan (complex_64 *);
 755  extern complex_8 _ccos (complex_8 *);
 756  extern complex_8 _cexp (complex_8 *);
 757  extern complex_8 _clog (complex_8 *);
 758  extern complex_8 _csin (complex_8 *);
 759  extern complex_8 _csqrt (complex_8 *);
 760  extern complex_8 _ctan (complex_8 *);
 761  extern real_16 _qacos (real_16 *);
 762  extern real_16 _qasin (real_16 *);
 763  extern real_16 _qatan2 (real_16 *, real_16 *);
 764  extern real_16 _qatan (real_16 *);
 765  extern real_16 _qcosh (real_16 *);
 766  extern real_16 _qcos (real_16 *);
 767  extern real_16 _qcotan (real_16 *);
 768  extern real_16 _qexp (real_16 *);
 769  extern real_16 _qint (real_16);
 770  extern real_16 _qlog10 (real_16 *);
 771  extern real_16 _qlog (real_16 *);
 772  extern real_16 _qnint (real_16);
 773  extern real_16 _qsinh (real_16 *);
 774  extern real_16 _qsin (real_16 *);
 775  extern real_16 _qsqrt (real_16 *);
 776  extern real_16 _qtanh (real_16 *);
 777  extern real_16 _qtan (real_16 *);
 778  extern real_16 _strtoquad (char *, char **);
 779  extern real_32 _xacos (real_32 *);
 780  extern real_32 _xasin (real_32 *);
 781  extern real_32 _xatan2 (real_32 *, real_32 *);
 782  extern real_32 _xatan (real_32 *);
 783  extern real_32 _xcosh (real_32 *);
 784  extern real_32 _xcos (real_32 *);
 785  extern real_32 _xcotan (real_32 *);
 786  extern real_32 _xexp (real_32 *);
 787  extern real_32 _xlog10 (real_32 *);
 788  extern real_32 _xlog (real_32 *);
 789  extern real_32 _xsinh (real_32 *);
 790  extern real_32 _xsin (real_32 *);
 791  extern real_32 _xsqrt (real_32 *);
 792  extern real_32 _xtanh (real_32 *);
 793  extern real_32 _xtan (real_32 *);
 794  extern real_4 _acosf (real_4 *);
 795  extern real_4 _aint (real_4);
 796  extern real_4 _anint (real_4);
 797  extern real_4 _atan2f (real_4 *, real_4 *);
 798  extern real_4 _atanf (real_4 *);
 799  extern real_4 _cosf (real_4 *);
 800  extern real_4 _coshf (real_4 *);
 801  extern real_4 _cotanf (real_4 *);
 802  extern real_4 _expf (real_4 *);
 803  extern real_4 _log10f (real_4 *);
 804  extern real_4 _logf (real_4 *);
 805  extern real_4 _sinf (real_4 *);
 806  extern real_4 _sinhf (real_4 *);
 807  extern real_4 _sqrtf (real_4 *);
 808  extern real_4 _tanf (real_4 *);
 809  extern real_4 _tanhf (real_4 *);
 810  extern real_8 _dacos (real_8 *);
 811  extern real_8 _dasin (real_8 *);
 812  extern real_8 _datan2 (real_8 *, real_8 *);
 813  extern real_8 _datan (real_8 *);
 814  extern real_8 _dcosh (real_8 *);
 815  extern real_8 _dcos (real_8 *);
 816  extern real_8 _dcotan (real_8 *);
 817  extern real_8 _dexp (real_8 *);
 818  extern real_8 _dint (real_8);
 819  extern real_8 _dlog10 (real_8 *);
 820  extern real_8 _dlog (real_8 *);
 821  extern real_8 _dnint (real_8);
 822  extern real_8 _dsinh (real_8 *);
 823  extern real_8 _dsin (real_8 *);
 824  extern real_8 _dsqrt (real_8 *);
 825  extern real_8 _dtanh (real_8 *);
 826  extern real_8 _dtan (real_8 *);
 827  extern void _pi16 (real_16 *);
 828  extern void _pi32 (real_32 *);
 829  extern void _pi4 (real_4 *);
 830  extern void _pi8 (real_8 *);
 832  #endif

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