1 //! @file a68g-apropos.c
2 //! @author J. Marcel van der Veer
4 //! @section Copyright
5 //!
6 //! This file is part of Algol68G - an Algol 68 compiler-interpreter.
7 //! Copyright 2001-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer [algol68g@xs4all.nl].
9 //! @section License
10 //!
11 //! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12 //! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13 //! Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
14 //! (at your option) any later version.
15 //!
16 //! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 //! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
18 //! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
19 //! more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
20 //! License along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
22 //! @section Synopsis
23 //!
24 //! Command line help.
26 #include "a68g.h"
27 #include "a68g-prelude.h"
28 #include "a68g-mp.h"
29 #include "a68g-genie.h"
31 // Interactive help.
33 typedef struct A68_INFO A68_INFO;
35 struct A68_INFO
36 {
37 char *cat;
38 char *term;
39 char *def;
40 };
42 static A68_INFO info_text[] = {
43 {"monitor", "breakpoint clear [all]", "clear breakpoints and watchpoint expression"},
44 {"monitor", "breakpoint clear breakpoints", "clear breakpoints"},
45 {"monitor", "breakpoint clear watchpoint", "clear watchpoint expression"},
46 {"monitor", "breakpoint [list]", "list breakpoints"},
47 {"monitor", "breakpoint \"n\" clear", "clear breakpoints in line \"n\""},
48 {"monitor", "breakpoint \"n\" if \"expression\"", "break in line \"n\" when expression evaluates to true"},
49 {"monitor", "breakpoint \"n\"", "set breakpoints in line \"n\""},
50 {"monitor", "breakpoint watch \"expression\"", "break on watchpoint expression when it evaluates to true"},
51 {"monitor", "calls [n]", "print \"n\" frames in the call stack (default n=3)"},
52 {"monitor", "continue, resume", "continue execution"},
53 {"monitor", "do \"command\", exec \"command\"", "pass \"command\" to the shell and print return code"},
54 {"monitor", "elems [n]", "print first \"n\" elements of rows (default n=24)"},
55 {"monitor", "evaluate \"expression\", x \"expression\"", "print result of \"expression\""},
56 {"monitor", "examine \"n\"", "print value of symbols named \"n\" in the call stack"},
57 {"monitor", "exit, hx, quit", "terminates the program"},
58 {"monitor", "finish, out", "continue execution until current procedure incarnation is finished"},
59 {"monitor", "frame 0", "set current stack frame to top of frame stack"},
60 {"monitor", "frame \"n\"", "set current stack frame to \"n\""},
61 {"monitor", "frame", "print contents of the current stack frame"},
62 {"monitor", "heap \"n\"", "print contents of the heap with address not greater than \"n\""},
63 {"monitor", "help [expression]", "print brief help text"},
64 {"monitor", "ht", "halts typing to standard output"},
65 {"monitor", "list [n]", "show \"n\" lines around the interrupted line (default n=10)"},
66 {"monitor", "next", "continue execution to next interruptable unit (do not enter routine-texts)"},
67 {"monitor", "prompt \"s\"", "set prompt to \"s\""},
68 {"monitor", "rerun, restart", "restarts a program without resetting breakpoints"},
69 {"monitor", "reset", "restarts a program and resets breakpoints"},
70 {"monitor", "rt", "resumes typing to standard output"},
71 {"monitor", "sizes", "print size of memory segments"},
72 {"monitor", "stack [n]", "print \"n\" frames in the stack (default n=3)"},
73 {"monitor", "step", "continue execution to next interruptable unit"},
74 {"monitor", "until \"n\"", "continue execution until line number \"n\" is reached"},
75 {"monitor", "where", "print the interrupted line"},
76 {"monitor", "xref \"n\"", "give detailed information on source line \"n\""},
77 {"options", "--assertions, --noassertions", "switch elaboration of assertions on or off"},
78 {"options", "--backtrace, --nobacktrace", "switch stack backtracing in case of a runtime error"},
79 {"options", "--boldstropping", "set stropping mode to bold stropping"},
80 {"options", "--brackets", "consider [ .. ] and { .. } as equivalent to ( .. )"},
81 {"options", "--check, --norun", "check syntax only, interpreter does not start"},
82 {"options", "--clock", "report execution time excluding compilation time"},
83 {"options", "--compile", "compile source file"},
84 {"options", "--debug, --monitor", "start execution in the debugger and debug in case of runtime error"},
85 {"options", "--echo string", "echo \"string\" to standard output"},
86 {"options", "--execute unit", "execute algol 68 unit \"unit\""},
87 {"options", "--exit, --", "ignore next options"},
88 {"options", "--extensive", "make extensive listing"},
89 {"options", "--file string", "accept string as generic filename"},
90 {"options", "--frame \"number\"", "set frame stack size to \"number\""},
91 {"options", "--handles \"number\"", "set handle space size to \"number\""},
92 {"options", "--heap \"number\"", "set heap size to \"number\""},
93 {"options", "--keep, --nokeep", "switch object file deletion off or on"},
94 {"options", "--listing", "make concise listing"},
95 {"options", "--moids", "make overview of moids in listing file"},
96 {"options", "-O0, -O1, -O2, -O3", "switch compilation on and pass option to back-end C compiler"},
97 {"options", "--optimise, --nooptimise", "switch compilation on or off"},
98 {"options", "--pedantic", "equivalent to --warnings --portcheck"},
99 {"options", "--portcheck, --noportcheck", "switch portability warnings on or off"},
100 {"options", "--pragmats, --nopragmats", "switch elaboration of pragmat items on or off"},
101 {"options", "--precision \"number\"", "set precision for long long modes to \"number\" significant digits"},
102 {"options", "--preludelisting", "make a listing of preludes"},
103 {"options", "--pretty-print", "pretty-print the source file"},
104 {"options", "--print unit", "print value yielded by algol 68 unit \"unit\""},
105 {"options", "--quiet", "suppresses all warning diagnostics"},
106 {"options", "--quotestropping", "set stropping mode to quote stropping"},
107 {"options", "--reductions", "print parser reductions"},
108 {"options", "--run", "override --check/--norun options"},
109 {"options", "--rerun", "run using already compiled code"},
110 {"options", "--script", "set next option as source file name; pass further options to algol 68 program"},
111 {"options", "--source, --nosource", "switch listing of source lines in listing file on or off"},
112 {"options", "--stack \"number\"", "set expression stack size to \"number\""},
113 {"options", "--statistics", "print statistics in listing file"},
114 {"options", "--strict", "disable most extensions to Algol 68 syntax"},
115 {"options", "--timelimit \"number\"", "interrupt the interpreter after \"number\" seconds"},
116 {"options", "--trace, --notrace", "switch tracing of a running program on or off"},
117 {"options", "--tree, --notree", "switch syntax tree listing in listing file on or off"},
118 {"options", "--unused", "make an overview of unused tags in the listing file"},
119 {"options", "--verbose", "inform on program actions"},
120 {"options", "--version", "state version of the running copy"},
121 {"options", "--warnings, --nowarnings", "switch warning diagnostics on or off"},
122 {"options", "--xref, --noxref", "switch cross reference in the listing file on or off"},
124 };
126 //! @brief Print_info.
128 void print_info (FILE_T f, char *prompt, int k)
129 {
130 if (prompt != NO_TEXT) {
131 ASSERT (a68_bufprt (A68 (output_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "%s %s: %s.", prompt, TERM (&info_text[k]), DEF (&info_text[k])) >= 0);
132 } else {
133 ASSERT (a68_bufprt (A68 (output_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "%s: %s.", TERM (&info_text[k]), DEF (&info_text[k])) >= 0);
134 }
135 WRITE (f, A68 (output_line));
136 WRITELN (f, "");
137 }
139 //! @brief Apropos.
141 void apropos (FILE_T f, char *prompt, char *item)
142 {
143 io_close_tty_line ();
144 if (item == NO_TEXT) {
145 for (int k = 0; CAT (&info_text[k]) != NO_TEXT; k++) {
146 print_info (f, prompt, k);
147 }
148 return;
149 }
150 int n = 0;
151 for (int k = 0; CAT (&info_text[k]) != NO_TEXT; k++) {
152 if (grep_in_string (item, CAT (&info_text[k]), NO_INT, NO_INT) == 0) {
153 print_info (f, prompt, k);
154 n++;
155 }
156 }
157 if (n > 0) {
158 return;
159 }
160 for (int k = 0; CAT (&info_text[k]) != NO_TEXT; k++) {
161 if (grep_in_string (item, TERM (&info_text[k]), NO_INT, NO_INT) == 0 || grep_in_string (item, DEF (&info_text[k]), NO_INT, NO_INT) == 0) {
162 print_info (f, prompt, k);
163 }
164 }
165 }
© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (jmvdveer@xs4all.nl)