
   1  //! @file plugin-folder.c
   2  //! @author J. Marcel van der Veer
   4  //! @section Copyright
   5  //!
   6  //! This file is part of Algol68G - an Algol 68 compiler-interpreter.
   7  //! Copyright 2001-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer [].
   9  //! @section License
  10  //!
  11  //! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  12  //! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  13  //! Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
  14  //! (at your option) any later version.
  15  //!
  16  //! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
  17  //! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
  18  //! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 
  19  //! more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
  20  //! License along with this program. If not, see [].
  22  //! @section Synopsis
  23  //!
  24  //! Plugin compiler constant folder.
  26  #include "a68g.h"
  27  #include "a68g-prelude.h"
  28  #include "a68g-genie.h"
  29  #include "a68g-optimiser.h"
  30  #include "a68g-plugin.h"
  31  #include "a68g-transput.h"
  33  // Constant folder                                                .
  34  // Uses interpreter routines to calculate compile-time expressions.
  36  //! @brief Whether mode is handled by the constant folder.
  38  BOOL_T folder_mode (MOID_T * m)
  39  {
  40    if (primitive_mode (m)) {
  41      return A68_TRUE;
  42    } else if (m == M_COMPLEX) {
  43      return A68_TRUE;
  44    } else {
  45      return A68_FALSE;
  46    }
  47  }
  49  // Constant unit check.
  51  //! @brief Whether constant collateral clause.
  53  BOOL_T constant_collateral (NODE_T * p)
  54  {
  55    if (p == NO_NODE) {
  56      return A68_TRUE;
  57    } else if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
  58      return (BOOL_T) (folder_mode (MOID (p)) && constant_unit (SUB (p)) && constant_collateral (NEXT (p)));
  59    } else {
  60      return (BOOL_T) (constant_collateral (SUB (p)) && constant_collateral (NEXT (p)));
  61    }
  62  }
  64  //! @brief Whether constant serial clause.
  66  void count_constant_units (NODE_T * p, int *total, int *good)
  67  {
  68    if (p != NO_NODE) {
  69      if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
  70        (*total)++;
  71        if (constant_unit (p)) {
  72          (*good)++;
  73        }
  74        count_constant_units (NEXT (p), total, good);
  75      } else {
  76        count_constant_units (SUB (p), total, good);
  77        count_constant_units (NEXT (p), total, good);
  78      }
  79    }
  80  }
  82  //! @brief Whether constant serial clause.
  84  BOOL_T constant_serial (NODE_T * p, int want)
  85  {
  86    int total = 0, good = 0;
  87    count_constant_units (p, &total, &good);
  88    if (want > 0) {
  89      return total == want && total == good;
  90    } else {
  91      return total == good;
  92    }
  93  }
  95  //! @brief Whether constant argument.
  97  BOOL_T constant_argument (NODE_T * p)
  98  {
  99    if (p == NO_NODE) {
 100      return A68_TRUE;
 101    } else if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
 102      return (BOOL_T) (folder_mode (MOID (p)) && constant_unit (p) && constant_argument (NEXT (p)));
 103    } else {
 104      return (BOOL_T) (constant_argument (SUB (p)) && constant_argument (NEXT (p)));
 105    }
 106  }
 108  //! @brief Whether constant call.
 110  BOOL_T constant_call (NODE_T * p)
 111  {
 112    if (IS (p, CALL)) {
 113      NODE_T *prim = SUB (p);
 114      NODE_T *idf = stems_from (prim, IDENTIFIER);
 115      if (idf != NO_NODE) {
 116        for (int k = 0; PROCEDURE (&functions[k]) != NO_GPROC; k++) {
 117          if (PROCEDURE (TAX (idf)) == PROCEDURE (&functions[k])) {
 118            NODE_T *args = NEXT (prim);
 119            return constant_argument (args);
 120          }
 121        }
 122      }
 123    }
 124    return A68_FALSE;
 125  }
 127  //! @brief Whether constant monadic formula.
 129  BOOL_T constant_monadic_formula (NODE_T * p)
 130  {
 131    if (IS (p, MONADIC_FORMULA)) {
 132      NODE_T *op = SUB (p);
 133      for (int k = 0; PROCEDURE (&monadics[k]) != NO_GPROC; k++) {
 134        if (PROCEDURE (TAX (op)) == PROCEDURE (&monadics[k])) {
 135          NODE_T *rhs = NEXT (op);
 136          return constant_unit (rhs);
 137        }
 138      }
 139    }
 140    return A68_FALSE;
 141  }
 143  //! @brief Whether constant dyadic formula.
 145  BOOL_T constant_formula (NODE_T * p)
 146  {
 147    if (IS (p, FORMULA)) {
 148      NODE_T *lhs = SUB (p);
 149      NODE_T *op = NEXT (lhs);
 150      if (op == NO_NODE) {
 151        return constant_monadic_formula (lhs);
 152      } else {
 153        for (int k = 0; PROCEDURE (&dyadics[k]) != NO_GPROC; k++) {
 154          if (PROCEDURE (TAX (op)) == PROCEDURE (&dyadics[k])) {
 155            NODE_T *rhs = NEXT (op);
 156            return (BOOL_T) (constant_unit (lhs) && constant_unit (rhs));
 157          }
 158        }
 159      }
 160    }
 161    return A68_FALSE;
 162  }
 164  //! @brief Whether constant unit.
 166  BOOL_T constant_unit (NODE_T * p)
 167  {
 168    if (p == NO_NODE) {
 169      return A68_FALSE;
 170    } else if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
 171      return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 172    } else if (IS (p, TERTIARY)) {
 173      return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 174    } else if (IS (p, SECONDARY)) {
 175      return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 176    } else if (IS (p, PRIMARY)) {
 177      return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 178    } else if (IS (p, ENCLOSED_CLAUSE)) {
 179      return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 180    } else if (IS (p, CLOSED_CLAUSE)) {
 181      return constant_serial (NEXT_SUB (p), 1);
 182    } else if (IS (p, COLLATERAL_CLAUSE)) {
 183      return folder_mode (MOID (p)) && constant_collateral (NEXT_SUB (p));
 184    } else if (IS (p, WIDENING)) {
 185      if (WIDEN_TO (p, INT, REAL)) {
 186        return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 187      } else if (WIDEN_TO (p, REAL, COMPLEX)) {
 188        return constant_unit (SUB (p));
 189      } else {
 190        return A68_FALSE;
 191      }
 192    } else if (IS (p, IDENTIFIER)) {
 193      if (A68_STANDENV_PROC (TAX (p))) {
 194        for (int k = 0; PROCEDURE (&constants[k]) != NO_GPROC; k++) {
 195          if (PROCEDURE (TAX (p)) == PROCEDURE (&constants[k])) {
 196            return A68_TRUE;
 197          }
 198        }
 199        return A68_FALSE;
 200      } else {
 201  // Possible constant folding.
 202        NODE_T *def = NODE (TAX (p));
 203        BOOL_T ret = A68_FALSE;
 204        if (STATUS (p) & COOKIE_MASK) {
 205          diagnostic (A68_WARNING, p, WARNING_UNINITIALISED);
 206        } else {
 207          STATUS (p) |= COOKIE_MASK;
 208          if (folder_mode (MOID (p)) && def != NO_NODE && NEXT (def) != NO_NODE && IS (NEXT (def), EQUALS_SYMBOL)) {
 209            ret = constant_unit (NEXT_NEXT (def));
 210          }
 211        }
 212        STATUS (p) &= !(COOKIE_MASK);
 213        return ret;
 214      }
 215    } else if (IS (p, DENOTATION)) {
 216      return primitive_mode (MOID (p));
 217    } else if (IS (p, MONADIC_FORMULA)) {
 218      return (BOOL_T) (folder_mode (MOID (p)) && constant_monadic_formula (p));
 219    } else if (IS (p, FORMULA)) {
 220      return (BOOL_T) (folder_mode (MOID (p)) && constant_formula (p));
 221    } else if (IS (p, CALL)) {
 222      return (BOOL_T) (folder_mode (MOID (p)) && constant_call (p));
 223    } else if (IS (p, CAST)) {
 224      return (BOOL_T) (folder_mode (MOID (SUB (p))) && constant_unit (NEXT_SUB (p)));
 225    } else {
 226      return A68_FALSE;
 227    }
 228  }
 230  // Evaluate compile-time expressions using interpreter routines.
 232  //! @brief Push denotation.
 234  void push_denotation (NODE_T * p)
 235  {
 236  #define PUSH_DENOTATION(mode, decl) {\
 237    decl z;\
 238    NODE_T *s = (IS (SUB (p), SHORTETY) ? NEXT_SUB (p) : SUB (p));\
 239    if (genie_string_to_value_internal (p, MODE (mode), NSYMBOL (s), (BYTE_T *) & z) == A68_FALSE) {\
 240      diagnostic (A68_SYNTAX_ERROR, p, ERROR_IN_DENOTATION, MODE (mode));\
 241    }\
 242    PUSH_VALUE (p, VALUE (&z), decl);}
 244    if (MOID (p) == M_INT) {
 246    } else if (MOID (p) == M_REAL) {
 248    } else if (MOID (p) == M_BOOL) {
 250    } else if (MOID (p) == M_CHAR) {
 251      if ((NSYMBOL (p))[0] == NULL_CHAR) {
 252        PUSH_VALUE (p, NULL_CHAR, A68_CHAR);
 253      } else {
 254        PUSH_VALUE (p, (NSYMBOL (p))[0], A68_CHAR);
 255      }
 256    } else if (MOID (p) == M_BITS) {
 258    }
 259  #undef PUSH_DENOTATION
 260  }
 262  //! @brief Push widening.
 264  void push_widening (NODE_T * p)
 265  {
 266    push_unit (SUB (p));
 267    if (WIDEN_TO (p, INT, REAL)) {
 268      A68_INT k;
 269      POP_OBJECT (p, &k, A68_INT);
 270      PUSH_VALUE (p, (REAL_T) VALUE (&k), A68_REAL);
 271    } else if (WIDEN_TO (p, REAL, COMPLEX)) {
 272      PUSH_VALUE (p, 0.0, A68_REAL);
 273    }
 274  }
 276  //! @brief Code collateral units.
 278  void push_collateral_units (NODE_T * p)
 279  {
 280    if (p == NO_NODE) {
 281      return;
 282    } else if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
 283      push_unit (p);
 284    } else {
 285      push_collateral_units (SUB (p));
 286      push_collateral_units (NEXT (p));
 287    }
 288  }
 290  //! @brief Code argument.
 292  void push_argument (NODE_T * p)
 293  {
 294    for (; p != NO_NODE; FORWARD (p)) {
 295      if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
 296        push_unit (p);
 297      } else {
 298        push_argument (SUB (p));
 299      }
 300    }
 301  }
 303  //! @brief Push unit.
 305  void push_unit (NODE_T * p)
 306  {
 307    if (p == NO_NODE) {
 308      return;
 309    }
 310    if (IS (p, UNIT)) {
 311      push_unit (SUB (p));
 312    } else if (IS (p, TERTIARY)) {
 313      push_unit (SUB (p));
 314    } else if (IS (p, SECONDARY)) {
 315      push_unit (SUB (p));
 316    } else if (IS (p, PRIMARY)) {
 317      push_unit (SUB (p));
 318    } else if (IS (p, ENCLOSED_CLAUSE)) {
 319      push_unit (SUB (p));
 320    } else if (IS (p, CLOSED_CLAUSE)) {
 321      push_unit (SUB (NEXT_SUB (p)));
 322    } else if (IS (p, COLLATERAL_CLAUSE)) {
 323      push_collateral_units (NEXT_SUB (p));
 324    } else if (IS (p, WIDENING)) {
 325      push_widening (p);
 326    } else if (IS (p, IDENTIFIER)) {
 327      if (A68_STANDENV_PROC (TAX (p))) {
 328        (void) (*(PROCEDURE (TAX (p)))) (p);
 329      } else {
 330  // Possible constant folding 
 331        NODE_T *def = NODE (TAX (p));
 332        push_unit (NEXT_NEXT (def));
 333      }
 334    } else if (IS (p, DENOTATION)) {
 335      push_denotation (p);
 336    } else if (IS (p, MONADIC_FORMULA)) {
 337      NODE_T *op = SUB (p);
 338      NODE_T *rhs = NEXT (op);
 339      push_unit (rhs);
 340      (*(PROCEDURE (TAX (op)))) (op);
 341    } else if (IS (p, FORMULA)) {
 342      NODE_T *lhs = SUB (p);
 343      NODE_T *op = NEXT (lhs);
 344      if (op == NO_NODE) {
 345        push_unit (lhs);
 346      } else {
 347        NODE_T *rhs = NEXT (op);
 348        push_unit (lhs);
 349        push_unit (rhs);
 350        (*(PROCEDURE (TAX (op)))) (op);
 351      }
 352    } else if (IS (p, CALL)) {
 353      NODE_T *prim = SUB (p);
 354      NODE_T *args = NEXT (prim);
 355      NODE_T *idf = stems_from (prim, IDENTIFIER);
 356      push_argument (args);
 357      (void) (*(PROCEDURE (TAX (idf)))) (p);
 358    } else if (IS (p, CAST)) {
 359      push_unit (NEXT_SUB (p));
 360    }
 361  }
 363  //! @brief Code constant folding.
 365  void constant_folder (NODE_T * p, FILE_T out, int phase)
 366  {
 367    if (phase == L_DECLARE) {
 368      if (MOID (p) == M_COMPLEX) {
 369        char acc[NAME_SIZE];
 370        A68_REAL re, im;
 371        (void) make_name (acc, CON, "", NUMBER (p));
 372        A68_SP = 0;
 373        push_unit (p);
 374        POP_OBJECT (p, &im, A68_REAL);
 375        POP_OBJECT (p, &re, A68_REAL);
 376        indentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "A68_COMPLEX %s = {", acc));
 377        undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "{INIT_MASK, %.*g}", A68_REAL_WIDTH + 2, VALUE (&re)));
 378        undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, ", {INIT_MASK, %.*g}", A68_REAL_WIDTH + 2, VALUE (&im)));
 379        undent (out, "};\n");
 380        ABEND (A68_SP > 0, ERROR_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY, __func__);
 381      }
 382    } else if (phase == L_EXECUTE) {
 383      if (MOID (p) == M_COMPLEX) {
 384  // Done at declaration stage 
 385      }
 386    } else if (phase == L_YIELD) {
 387      if (MOID (p) == M_INT) {
 388        A68_INT k;
 389        A68_SP = 0;
 390        push_unit (p);
 391        POP_OBJECT (p, &k, A68_INT);
 392        ASSERT (a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, A68_LD, VALUE (&k)) >= 0);
 393        undent (out, A68 (edit_line));
 394        ABEND (A68_SP > 0, ERROR_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY, __func__);
 395      } else if (MOID (p) == M_REAL) {
 396        A68_REAL x;
 397        A68_SP = 0;
 398        push_unit (p);
 399        POP_OBJECT (p, &x, A68_REAL);
 400  // Mind overflowing or underflowing values.
 401        if (!a68_finite_real (VALUE (&x))) {
 402          A68_OPT (code_errors)++;
 403          VALUE (&x) = 0.0;
 404        }
 405        if (VALUE (&x) == A68_REAL_MAX) {
 406          undent (out, "A68_REAL_MAX");
 407        } else if (VALUE (&x) == -A68_REAL_MAX) {
 408          undent (out, "(-A68_REAL_MAX)");
 409        } else {
 410          ASSERT (a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "%.*g", A68_REAL_WIDTH + 2, VALUE (&x)) >= 0);
 411          undent (out, A68 (edit_line));
 412        }
 413        ABEND (A68_SP > 0, ERROR_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY, __func__);
 414      } else if (MOID (p) == M_BOOL) {
 415        A68_BOOL b;
 416        A68_SP = 0;
 417        push_unit (p);
 418        POP_OBJECT (p, &b, A68_BOOL);
 419        ASSERT (a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "%s", (VALUE (&b) ? "A68_TRUE" : "A68_FALSE")) >= 0);
 420        undent (out, A68 (edit_line));
 421        ABEND (A68_SP > 0, ERROR_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY, __func__);
 422      } else if (MOID (p) == M_CHAR) {
 423        A68_CHAR c;
 424        A68_SP = 0;
 425        push_unit (p);
 426        POP_OBJECT (p, &c, A68_CHAR);
 427        if (VALUE (&c) == '\'') {
 428          undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "'\\\''"));
 429        } else if (VALUE (&c) == '\\') {
 430          undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "'\\\\'"));
 431        } else if (VALUE (&c) == NULL_CHAR) {
 432          undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "NULL_CHAR"));
 433        } else if (IS_PRINT (VALUE (&c))) {
 434          undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "'%c'", (CHAR_T) VALUE (&c)));
 435        } else {
 436          undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "(CHAR_T) %d", VALUE (&c)));
 437        }
 438        ABEND (A68_SP > 0, ERROR_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY, __func__);
 439      } else if (MOID (p) == M_BITS) {
 440        A68_BITS b;
 441        A68_SP = 0;
 442        push_unit (p);
 443        POP_OBJECT (p, &b, A68_BITS);
 444        ASSERT (a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "(UNSIGNED_T) 0x" A68_LX, VALUE (&b)) >= 0);
 445        undent (out, A68 (edit_line));
 446        ABEND (A68_SP > 0, ERROR_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY, __func__);
 447      } else if (MOID (p) == M_COMPLEX) {
 448        char acc[NAME_SIZE];
 449        (void) make_name (acc, CON, "", NUMBER (p));
 450        undentf (out, a68_bufprt (A68 (edit_line), SNPRINTF_SIZE, "(A68_REAL *) %s", acc));
 451      }
 452    }
 453  }

© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (