More on "Languages"

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
A perspective of Algol 68
March 2023

To better understand the position of Algol 68 among today’s plethora of programming languages, we should consider their development …

Marcel van der Veer Computing history
FORTRAN - lingua franca with a promising future behind it
March 2022

I wrote a simple compiler that translates most FORTRAN IV/66/77 source code …

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
Announcing Algol 68 Genie 3.0
December 2021

I have released the current source as version 3.0. I have also updated the documentation, Learning Algol 68 Genie …

Marcel van der Veer Education
Be multilingual!
January 2018

Every year my daughter's high school invites parents to partake in an evening of information sessions, to help students orient themselves on their future …

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
A brief history of Algol 68 Genie
November 2016

Being the author of Algol 68 Genie, people frequently ask me why a physical chemist wrote an Algol 68 compiler …

Marcel van der Veer Tech Tips
Building a small Beowulf cluster
October 2016

At home I operate a modest Beowulf type cluster for embarrassingly parallel simulation runs in batch mode …

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68
June 2009

This is a translation of the Algol 68 Revised Report into HTML, for distribution with Algol 68 Genie, an Open Source Algol 68 interpreter …

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
Announcing Algol 68 Genie 1.0
September 2002

Algol 68 was conceived as a successor to Algol 60 …