More on "Mathematics"

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
Partial Least Squares Regression in Algol 68
October 2024

We implement a Partial Least Squares Regression algorithm in a pre-Python language …

Marcel van der Veer Chemometrics
Chemometrics algorithms in the original Latin
August 2024

In the days before Python, how did one code machine learning algorithms …

Marcel van der Veer Essays
Artificial Unconsciousness
February 2024

Some announce the development of conscious artificial intelligence in the foreseeable future …

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
A perspective of Algol 68
March 2023

To better understand the position of Algol 68 among today’s plethora of programming languages, we should consider their development …

Marcel van der Veer Essays
Beyond the multiverse
January 2023

A recent study suggests that during the last decades less and less groundbreaking scientific discoveries were made …

Marcel van der Veer Chemometrics
Linear regression explained
September 2022

Did you, like me, have to learn linear regression the hard way during your education, by means of tedious calculus …

Marcel van der Veer Algol 68
Announcing Algol 68 Genie 3.0
December 2021

I have released the current source as version 3.0. I have also updated the documentation, Learning Algol 68 Genie …

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