
     1  //! @file mathlib-arpack.c
     2  //
     3  //! @section copyright
     4  //
     5  // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
     6  // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
     7  //
     8  //! @section license
     9  //
    10  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
    11  // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the 
    12  // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or 
    13  // (at your option) any later version.
    14  //
    15  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
    16  // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability 
    17  // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for 
    18  // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public 
    19  // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
    20  //
    21  //! @Synopsis
    22  //
    23  //! 82 subprograms from ARPACK
    25  // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
    26  // Selected subprograms are:
    27  //
    36  // CNGETS DNAUP2
    38  // ARPACK, the ARnoldi PACKage, is a numerical software library written in FORTRAN 
    39  // 77 for solving large scale eigenvalue problems. The package is designed to 
    40  // compute a few eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of large sparse or 
    41  // structured matrices, using the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method (IRAM) or, 
    42  // in the case of symmetric matrices, the corresponding variant of the Lanczos 
    43  // algorithm. It is used by many popular numerical computing environments such as 
    44  // SciPy, Mathematica, GNU Octave and MATLAB to provide this functionality.
    46  // The license for ARPACK Fortran source code is:
    47  //
    48  // BSD Software License
    49  // 
    50  // Pertains to ARPACK and P_ARPACK
    51  // 
    52  // Copyright (c) 1996-2008 Rice University.  
    53  // Developed by D.C. Sorensen, R.B. Lehoucq, C. Yang, and K. Maschhoff.
    54  // All rights reserved.
    55  // 
    56  // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    57  // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
    58  // met:
    59  // 
    60  // - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
    61  //   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
    62  //   
    63  // - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    64  //   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer listed
    65  //   in this license in the documentation and/or other materials
    66  //   provided with the distribution.
    67  //   
    68  // - Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
    69  //   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
    70  //   this software without specific prior written permission.
    71  //   
    84  /*
    85  Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
    86  VIF release 1.1.7
    87  */
   374  static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
   375    {"cgetv0", 0}, // subroutine
   376    {"cmout", 0}, // subroutine
   377    {"cnaitr", 0}, // subroutine
   378    {"cnapps", 0}, // subroutine
   379    {"cnaup2", 0}, // subroutine
   380    {"cnaupd", 0}, // subroutine
   381    {"cneigh", 0}, // subroutine
   382    {"cneupd", 0}, // subroutine
   383    {"cngets", 0}, // subroutine
   384    {"csortc", 0}, // subroutine
   385    {"cstatn", 0}, // subroutine
   386    {"cvout", 0}, // subroutine
   387    {"dgetv0", 0}, // subroutine
   388    {"dlaqrb", 0}, // subroutine
   389    {"dmout", 0}, // subroutine
   390    {"dnaitr", 0}, // subroutine
   391    {"dnapps", 0}, // subroutine
   392    {"dnaup2", 0}, // subroutine
   393    {"dnaupd", 0}, // subroutine
   394    {"dnconv", 0}, // subroutine
   395    {"dneigh", 0}, // subroutine
   396    {"dneupd", 0}, // subroutine
   397    {"dngets", 0}, // subroutine
   398    {"dsaitr", 0}, // subroutine
   399    {"dsapps", 0}, // subroutine
   400    {"dsaup2", 0}, // subroutine
   401    {"dsaupd", 0}, // subroutine
   402    {"dsconv", 0}, // subroutine
   403    {"dseigt", 0}, // subroutine
   404    {"dsesrt", 0}, // subroutine
   405    {"dseupd", 0}, // subroutine
   406    {"dsgets", 0}, // subroutine
   407    {"dsortc", 0}, // subroutine
   408    {"dsortr", 0}, // subroutine
   409    {"dstatn", 0}, // subroutine
   410    {"dstats", 0}, // subroutine
   411    {"dstqrb", 0}, // subroutine
   412    {"dvout", 0}, // subroutine
   413    {"icnteq", 0}, // integer*4 function
   414    {"icopy", 0}, // subroutine
   415    {"iset", 0}, // subroutine
   416    {"iswap", 0}, // subroutine
   417    {"ivout", 0}, // subroutine
   418    {"second", 0}, // subroutine
   419    {"sgetv0", 0}, // subroutine
   420    {"slaqrb", 0}, // subroutine
   421    {"smout", 0}, // subroutine
   422    {"snaitr", 0}, // subroutine
   423    {"snapps", 0}, // subroutine
   424    {"snaup2", 0}, // subroutine
   425    {"snaupd", 0}, // subroutine
   426    {"snconv", 0}, // subroutine
   427    {"sneigh", 0}, // subroutine
   428    {"sneupd", 0}, // subroutine
   429    {"sngets", 0}, // subroutine
   430    {"ssaitr", 0}, // subroutine
   431    {"ssapps", 0}, // subroutine
   432    {"ssaup2", 0}, // subroutine
   433    {"ssaupd", 0}, // subroutine
   434    {"ssconv", 0}, // subroutine
   435    {"sseigt", 0}, // subroutine
   436    {"ssesrt", 0}, // subroutine
   437    {"sseupd", 0}, // subroutine
   438    {"ssgets", 0}, // subroutine
   439    {"ssortc", 0}, // subroutine
   440    {"ssortr", 0}, // subroutine
   441    {"sstatn", 0}, // subroutine
   442    {"sstats", 0}, // subroutine
   443    {"sstqrb", 0}, // subroutine
   444    {"svout", 0}, // subroutine
   445    {"zgetv0", 0}, // subroutine
   446    {"zmout", 0}, // subroutine
   447    {"znaitr", 0}, // subroutine
   448    {"znapps", 0}, // subroutine
   449    {"znaup2", 0}, // subroutine
   450    {"znaupd", 0}, // subroutine
   451    {"zneigh", 0}, // subroutine
   452    {"zneupd", 0}, // subroutine
   453    {"zngets", 0}, // subroutine
   454    {"zsortc", 0}, // subroutine
   455    {"zstatn", 0}, // subroutine
   456    {"zvout", 0}, // subroutine
   457    {NULL, 0}
   458  };
   459  static struct {
   460    int_4 logfil_, ndigit_, mgetv0_, msaupd_, msaup2_, msaitr_, mseigt_, msapps_, msgets_, mseupd_, mnaupd_, mnaup2_, 
   461    mnaitr_, mneigh_, mnapps_, mngets_, mneupd_, mcaupd_, mcaup2_, mcaitr_, mceigh_, mcapps_, mcgets_, mceupd_;
   462  } debug_;
   463  static struct {
   464    int_4 nopx_, nbx_, nrorth_, nitref_, nrstrt_;
   465    real_4 tsaupd_, tsaup2_, tsaitr_, tseigt_, tsgets_, tsapps_, tsconv_, tnaupd_, tnaup2_, tnaitr_, tneigh_, tngets_, 
   466    tnapps_, tnconv_, tcaupd_, tcaup2_, tcaitr_, tceigh_, tcgets_, tcapps_, tcconv_, tmvopx_, tmvbx_, tgetv0_, titref_, 
   467    trvec_;
   468  } timing_;
   470  j_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, 
   471  int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   473  idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_);
   475  complex_8 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ 
   476  ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   478  ldv_, complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, 
   479  complex_8 _p_ workd_);
   481  real_4 _p_ tol_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, 
   482  complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ ritz_, complex_8 _p_ bounds_, 
   483  complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, 
   484  int_4 _p_ info_);
   486  , complex_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
   487  complex_8 _p_ workd_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   489  complex_8 _p_ bounds_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   491  z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, complex_8 _p_ sigma_, complex_8 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 
   492  _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, 
   493  int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   495  complex_8 _p_ bounds_);
   500  j_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ 
   501  ierr_);
   503  ldh_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   505  char _p_ ifmt_);
   507  real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
   508  real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   510  _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ 
   511  workl_, real_8 _p_ workd_);
   513  real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_8 _p_ 
   514  v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ ritzr_, real_8 _p_ ritzi_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ 
   515  q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   517  , real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ 
   518  workd_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   520  _p_ nconv_);
   522  ritzi_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   524  real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_8 _p_ sigmar_, real_8 _p_ sigmai_, real_8 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_
   525  , char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, 
   526  int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   528  _p_ ritzi_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ shiftr_, real_8 _p_ shifti_);
   530  real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
   531  real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   533  real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workd_);
   535  real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_8 _p_ 
   536  v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ ritz_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, 
   537  real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   539  , real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ 
   540  workd_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   543  bounds_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   545  a_, int_4 _p_ lda_);
   547  int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, 
   548  real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ 
   549  workd_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   551  _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ shifts_);
   553  real_8 _p_ y_);
   566  j_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ 
   567  ierr_);
   569  ldh_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   571  char _p_ ifmt_);
   573  real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
   574  real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   576  _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ 
   577  workl_, real_4 _p_ workd_);
   579  real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_4 _p_ 
   580  v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ ritzr_, real_4 _p_ ritzi_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ 
   581  q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   583  , real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ 
   584  workd_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   586  _p_ nconv_);
   588  ritzi_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   590  real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_4 _p_ sigmar_, real_4 _p_ sigmai_, real_4 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_
   591  , char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, 
   592  int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   594  _p_ ritzi_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ shiftr_, real_4 _p_ shifti_);
   596  real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
   597  real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   599  real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workd_);
   601  real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_4 _p_ 
   602  v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ ritz_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, 
   603  real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   605  , real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ 
   606  workd_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   609  bounds_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   611  a_, int_4 _p_ lda_);
   613  int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, 
   614  real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ 
   615  workd_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   617  _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ shifts_);
   619  real_4 _p_ y_);
   626  j_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ 
   627  workd_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   629  idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_);
   631  complex_16 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 
   632  _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   634  _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ 
   635  workl_, complex_16 _p_ workd_);
   637  real_8 _p_ tol_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, 
   638  complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ ritz_, complex_16 _p_ bounds_, 
   639  complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ workd_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, 
   640  int_4 _p_ info_);
   642  , complex_16 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
   643  complex_16 _p_ workd_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
   645  complex_16 _p_ bounds_, complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
   647  _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, complex_16 _p_ sigma_, complex_16 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, 
   648  int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ 
   649  iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ workd_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 
   650  _p_ info_);
   652  complex_16 _p_ bounds_);
   656  int_4 _cgetv0 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ itry_, logical_4 _p_ initv_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ j_, 
   657  complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, 
   658  int_4 _p_ ierr_)
   659  { // ** body not listed **
   812  }
   813  int_4 _cmout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char 
   814  _p_ ifmt_)
   815  { // ** body not listed **
  3265  }
  3266  int_4 _cnaitr (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ nb_, complex_8 _p_ 
  3267  resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
  3268  complex_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  3269  { // ** body not listed **
  3553  }
  3554  int_4 _cnapps (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, complex_8 _p_ shift_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, 
  3555  complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, 
  3556  complex_8 _p_ workd_)
  3557  { // ** body not listed **
  3731  }
  3732  int_4 _cnaup2 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ 
  3733  tol_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, complex_8 _p_ v_, 
  3734  int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ ritz_, complex_8 _p_ bounds_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 
  3735  _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  3736  { // ** body not listed **
  3998  }
  3999  int_4 _cnaupd (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, 
  4000  complex_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_8 
  4001  _p_ workd_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  4002  { // ** body not listed **
  4599  }
  4600  int_4 _cneigh (real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ ritz_, complex_8 _p_ 
  4601  bounds_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
  4602  { // ** body not listed **
  4655  }
  4656  int_4 _cneupd (logical_4 _p_ rvec_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ z_, int_4 
  4657  _p_ ldz_, complex_8 _p_ sigma_, complex_8 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, 
  4658  real_4 _p_ tol_, complex_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ 
  4659  ipntr_, complex_8 _p_ workd_, complex_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  4660  { // ** body not listed **
  4914  }
  4915  int_4 _cngets (int_4 _p_ ishift_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, complex_8 _p_ ritz_, complex_8 _p_ 
  4916  bounds_)
  4917  { // ** body not listed **
  4938  }
  4939  int_4 _csortc (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_)
  4940  { // ** body not listed **
  5140  }
  5141  int_4 _cstatn (void)
  5142  { // ** body not listed **
  5163  }
  5164  int_4 _cvout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_)
  5165  { // ** body not listed **
  7455  }
  7456  int_4 _dgetv0 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ itry_, logical_4 _p_ initv_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ j_, 
  7457  real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ 
  7458  ierr_)
  7459  { // ** body not listed **
  7612  }
  7613  int_4 _dlaqrb (logical_4 _p_ wantt_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ihi_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, 
  7614  real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  7615  { // ** body not listed **
  7813  }
  7814  int_4 _dmout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ 
  7815  ifmt_)
  7816  { // ** body not listed **
  9095  }
  9096  int_4 _dnaitr (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ 
  9097  resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ 
  9098  workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  9099  { // ** body not listed **
  9376  }
  9377  int_4 _dnapps (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ shiftr_, real_8 _p_ shifti_, real_8 _p_ v_, 
  9378  int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workl_, 
  9379  real_8 _p_ workd_)
  9380  { // ** body not listed **
  9605  }
  9606  int_4 _dnaup2 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ 
  9607  tol_, real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 
  9608  _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ ritzr_, real_8 _p_ ritzi_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 
  9609  _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  9610  { // ** body not listed **
  9894  }
  9895  int_4 _dnaupd (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 
  9896  _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, 
  9897  real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
  9898  { // ** body not listed **
 10501  }
 10502  int_4 _dnconv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ ritzr_, real_8 _p_ ritzi_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ 
 10503  nconv_)
 10504  { // ** body not listed **
 10524  }
 10525  int_4 _dneigh (real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ ritzr_, real_8 _p_ ritzi_, 
 10526  real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
 10527  { // ** body not listed **
 10605  }
 10606  int_4 _dneupd (logical_4 _p_ rvec_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, real_8 _p_ dr_, real_8 _p_ di_, real_8 _p_ 
 10607  z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_8 _p_ sigmar_, real_8 _p_ sigmai_, real_8 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ 
 10608  which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ 
 10609  iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 10610  { // ** body not listed **
 10944  }
 10945  int_4 _dngets (int_4 _p_ ishift_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ ritzr_, real_8 _p_ ritzi_, 
 10946  real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ shiftr_, real_8 _p_ shifti_)
 10947  { // ** body not listed **
 10991  }
 10992  int_4 _dsaitr (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ 
 10993  resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ 
 10994  workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 10995  { // ** body not listed **
 11287  }
 11288  int_4 _dsapps (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ shift_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_8 
 11289  _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ workd_)
 11290  { // ** body not listed **
 11446  }
 11447  int_4 _dsaup2 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ 
 11448  tol_, real_8 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 
 11449  _p_ ldv_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ ritz_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 
 11450  _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 11451  { // ** body not listed **
 11713  }
 11714  int_4 _dsaupd (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 
 11715  _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, 
 11716  real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 11717  { // ** body not listed **
 12292  }
 12293  int_4 _dsconv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ ritz_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, real_8 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nconv_)
 12294  { // ** body not listed **
 12313  }
 12314  int_4 _dseigt (real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ eig_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, 
 12315  real_8 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
 12316  { // ** body not listed **
 12346  }
 12347  int_4 _dsesrt (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 
 12348  _p_ lda_)
 12349  { // ** body not listed **
 12473  }
 12474  int_4 _dseupd (logical_4 _p_ rvec_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ 
 12475  ldz_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, real_8 _p_ 
 12476  resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_8 _p_ workd_, real_8 
 12477  _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 12478  { // ** body not listed **
 12771  }
 12772  int_4 _dsgets (int_4 _p_ ishift_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ ritz_, real_8 _p_ bounds_, 
 12773  real_8 _p_ shifts_)
 12774  { // ** body not listed **
 12808  }
 12809  int_4 _dsortc (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ xreal_, real_8 _p_ ximag_, real_8 _p_ y_
 12810  )
 12811  { // ** body not listed **
 13027  }
 13028  int_4 _dsortr (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_)
 13029  { // ** body not listed **
 13160  }
 13161  int_4 _dstatn (void)
 13162  { // ** body not listed **
 13183  }
 13184  int_4 _dstats (void)
 13185  { // ** body not listed **
 13206  }
 13207  int_4 _dstqrb (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 13208  { // ** body not listed **
 13512  }
 13513  int_4 _dvout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_)
 13514  { // ** body not listed **
 14299  }
 14300  int_4 _icnteq (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ array_, int_4 _p_ value_)
 14301  { // ** body not listed **
 14313  }
 14314  int_4 _icopy (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ lx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, int_4 _p_ ly_, int_4 _p_ incy_)
 14315  { // ** body not listed **
 14344  }
 14345  int_4 _iset (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ value_, int_4 _p_ array_, int_4 _p_ inc_)
 14346  { // ** body not listed **
 14353  }
 14354  int_4 _iswap (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, int_4 _p_ sy_, int_4 _p_ incy_)
 14355  { // ** body not listed **
 14408  }
 14409  int_4 _ivout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_)
 14410  { // ** body not listed **
 15260  }
 15261  int_4 _second (real_4 _p_ t_)
 15262  { // ** body not listed **
 15268  }
 15269  int_4 _sgetv0 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ itry_, logical_4 _p_ initv_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ j_, 
 15270  real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ 
 15271  ierr_)
 15272  { // ** body not listed **
 15424  }
 15425  int_4 _slaqrb (logical_4 _p_ wantt_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ihi_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, 
 15426  real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 15427  { // ** body not listed **
 15625  }
 15626  int_4 _smout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ 
 15627  ifmt_)
 15628  { // ** body not listed **
 16905  }
 16906  int_4 _snaitr (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ nb_, real_4 _p_ 
 16907  resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ 
 16908  workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 16909  { // ** body not listed **
 17186  }
 17187  int_4 _snapps (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ shiftr_, real_4 _p_ shifti_, real_4 _p_ v_, 
 17188  int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workl_, 
 17189  real_4 _p_ workd_)
 17190  { // ** body not listed **
 17414  }
 17415  int_4 _snaup2 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ 
 17416  tol_, real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 
 17417  _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ ritzr_, real_4 _p_ ritzi_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 
 17418  _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 17419  { // ** body not listed **
 17702  }
 17703  int_4 _snaupd (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 
 17704  _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, 
 17705  real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 17706  { // ** body not listed **
 18305  }
 18306  int_4 _snconv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ ritzr_, real_4 _p_ ritzi_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ 
 18307  nconv_)
 18308  { // ** body not listed **
 18327  }
 18328  int_4 _sneigh (real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ ritzr_, real_4 _p_ ritzi_, 
 18329  real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
 18330  { // ** body not listed **
 18407  }
 18408  int_4 _sneupd (logical_4 _p_ rvec_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, real_4 _p_ dr_, real_4 _p_ di_, real_4 _p_ 
 18409  z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_4 _p_ sigmar_, real_4 _p_ sigmai_, real_4 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ 
 18410  which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ 
 18411  iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 18412  { // ** body not listed **
 18745  }
 18746  int_4 _sngets (int_4 _p_ ishift_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ ritzr_, real_4 _p_ ritzi_, 
 18747  real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ shiftr_, real_4 _p_ shifti_)
 18748  { // ** body not listed **
 18792  }
 18793  int_4 _ssaitr (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ 
 18794  resid_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ 
 18795  workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 18796  { // ** body not listed **
 19087  }
 19088  int_4 _ssapps (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ shift_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 
 19089  _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ resid_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ workd_)
 19090  { // ** body not listed **
 19245  }
 19246  int_4 _ssaup2 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ 
 19247  tol_, real_4 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 
 19248  _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ ritz_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 
 19249  _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 19250  { // ** body not listed **
 19511  }
 19512  int_4 _ssaupd (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 
 19513  _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, 
 19514  real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 19515  { // ** body not listed **
 20090  }
 20091  int_4 _ssconv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ ritz_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, real_4 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nconv_)
 20092  { // ** body not listed **
 20110  }
 20111  int_4 _sseigt (real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ eig_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, 
 20112  real_4 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
 20113  { // ** body not listed **
 20143  }
 20144  int_4 _ssesrt (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 
 20145  _p_ lda_)
 20146  { // ** body not listed **
 20270  }
 20271  int_4 _sseupd (logical_4 _p_ rvec_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ 
 20272  ldz_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ 
 20273  resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, real_4 _p_ workd_, real_4 
 20274  _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 20275  { // ** body not listed **
 20567  }
 20568  int_4 _ssgets (int_4 _p_ ishift_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_4 _p_ ritz_, real_4 _p_ bounds_, 
 20569  real_4 _p_ shifts_)
 20570  { // ** body not listed **
 20604  }
 20605  int_4 _ssortc (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ xreal_, real_4 _p_ ximag_, real_4 _p_ y_
 20606  )
 20607  { // ** body not listed **
 20823  }
 20824  int_4 _ssortr (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_)
 20825  { // ** body not listed **
 20956  }
 20957  int_4 _sstatn (void)
 20958  { // ** body not listed **
 20979  }
 20980  int_4 _sstats (void)
 20981  { // ** body not listed **
 21002  }
 21003  int_4 _sstqrb (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 21004  { // ** body not listed **
 21308  }
 21309  int_4 _svout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_)
 21310  { // ** body not listed **
 22093  }
 22094  int_4 _zgetv0 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ itry_, logical_4 _p_ initv_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ j_, 
 22095  complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ workd_, 
 22096  int_4 _p_ ierr_)
 22097  { // ** body not listed **
 22251  }
 22252  int_4 _zmout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char 
 22253  _p_ ifmt_)
 22254  { // ** body not listed **
 24704  }
 24705  int_4 _znaitr (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ nb_, complex_16 _p_ 
 24706  resid_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
 24707  complex_16 _p_ workd_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 24708  { // ** body not listed **
 24991  }
 24992  int_4 _znapps (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, complex_16 _p_ shift_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, 
 24993  complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, 
 24994  complex_16 _p_ workd_)
 24995  { // ** body not listed **
 25169  }
 25170  int_4 _znaup2 (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, int_4 _p_ np_, real_8 _p_ 
 25171  tol_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iupd_, int_4 _p_ ishift_, int_4 _p_ mxiter_, complex_16 _p_ v_, 
 25172  int_4 _p_ ldv_, complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ ritz_, complex_16 _p_ bounds_, complex_16 _p_ q_, 
 25173  int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ workd_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 25174  { // ** body not listed **
 25436  }
 25437  int_4 _znaupd (int_4 _p_ ido_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, 
 25438  complex_16 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, int_4 _p_ ipntr_, 
 25439  complex_16 _p_ workd_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 25440  { // ** body not listed **
 26037  }
 26038  int_4 _zneigh (real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ ritz_, complex_16 _p_ 
 26039  bounds_, complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
 26040  { // ** body not listed **
 26094  }
 26095  int_4 _zneupd (logical_4 _p_ rvec_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, complex_16 _p_ d_, complex_16 _p_ z_, 
 26096  int_4 _p_ ldz_, complex_16 _p_ sigma_, complex_16 _p_ workev_, char _p_ bmat_, int_4 _p_ n_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ 
 26097  nev_, real_8 _p_ tol_, complex_16 _p_ resid_, int_4 _p_ ncv_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, int_4 _p_ iparam_, 
 26098  int_4 _p_ ipntr_, complex_16 _p_ workd_, complex_16 _p_ workl_, int_4 _p_ lworkl_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
 26099  { // ** body not listed **
 26354  }
 26355  int_4 _zngets (int_4 _p_ ishift_, char _p_ which_, int_4 _p_ kev_, int_4 _p_ np_, complex_16 _p_ ritz_, complex_16 _p_ 
 26356  bounds_)
 26357  { // ** body not listed **
 26378  }
 26379  int_4 _zsortc (char _p_ which_, logical_4 _p_ apply_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ x_, complex_16 _p_ y_)
 26380  { // ** body not listed **
 26580  }
 26581  int_4 _zstatn (void)
 26582  { // ** body not listed **
 26603  }
 26604  int_4 _zvout (int_4 _p_ lout_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ idigit_, char _p_ ifmt_)
 26605  { // ** body not listed **
 28895  }

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