1 //! @file mathlib-odepack.c
2 //
3 //! @section copyright
4 //
5 // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
6 // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
7 //
8 //! @section license
9 //
10 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the
12 // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability
17 // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for
18 // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public
19 // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //! @Synopsis
22 //
23 //! 85 subprograms from ODEPACK
25 // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
26 // Selected subprograms are:
27 //
38 // ODEPACK - A Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers
39 //
40 // Source:
41 //
42 // Original author is Alan C. Hindmarsh.
43 //
44 // Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
45 // by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract
46 // No. W-7405-Eng-48, and supported (formerly) by the DOE Office of
47 // Energy Research, Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Program.
48 //
50 // The license for ODEPACK Fortran source code is:
51 //
52 // NOTICE
53 //
54 // This work was produced at the University of California, Lawrence Livermore
55 // National Laboratory (UC LLNL) under contract no. W-7405-ENG-48 (Contract
56 // 48) between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and The Regents of the
57 // University of California (University) for the operation of UC LLNL. The
58 // rights of the Federal Government are reserved under Contract 48 subject
59 // to the restrictions agreed upon by the DOE and University as allowed
60 // under DOE Acquisition Letter 97-1.
61 //
62 // The ODEPACK package has been declared to be in the Public Domain.
63 //
65 //
66 // This work was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
67 // the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the
68 // University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty,
69 // express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the
70 // accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
71 // product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
72 // infringe privately-owned rights. Reference herein to any specific
73 // commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark,
74 // manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply
75 // its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States
76 // Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of
77 // authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of
78 // the United States Government or the University of California, and shall
79 // not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
81 /*
82 Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
83 VIF release 1.1.7
84 */
506 static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
507 {"adjlr", 0}, // subroutine
508 {"cdrv", 0}, // subroutine
509 {"nroc", 0}, // subroutine
510 {"nsfc", 0}, // subroutine
511 {"nnfc", 0}, // subroutine
512 {"nnsc", 0}, // subroutine
513 {"nntc", 0}, // subroutine
514 {"cntnzu", 0}, // subroutine
515 {"daigbt", 0}, // subroutine
516 {"dainvg", 0}, // subroutine
517 {"dainvgs", 0}, // subroutine
518 {"datp", 0}, // subroutine
519 {"datv", 0}, // subroutine
520 {"dbnorm", 0}, // real*8 function
521 {"dcfode", 0}, // subroutine
522 {"ddecbt", 0}, // subroutine
523 {"dewset", 0}, // subroutine
524 {"dfnorm", 0}, // real*8 function
525 {"dhefa", 0}, // subroutine
526 {"dhels", 0}, // subroutine
527 {"dheqr", 0}, // subroutine
528 {"dhesl", 0}, // subroutine
529 {"dintdy", 0}, // subroutine
530 {"diprep", 0}, // subroutine
531 {"diprepi", 0}, // subroutine
532 {"dlhin", 0}, // subroutine
533 {"dlsoda", 0}, // subroutine
534 {"dlsodar", 0}, // subroutine
535 {"dlsode", 0}, // subroutine
536 {"dlsodes", 0}, // subroutine
537 {"dlsoibt", 0}, // subroutine
538 {"dlsodi", 0}, // subroutine
539 {"dlsodis", 0}, // subroutine
540 {"dlsodkr", 0}, // subroutine
541 {"dlsodpk", 0}, // subroutine
542 {"dmnorm", 0}, // real*8 function
543 {"dorthog", 0}, // subroutine
544 {"dpcg", 0}, // subroutine
545 {"dpcgs", 0}, // subroutine
546 {"dpjibt", 0}, // subroutine
547 {"dpkset", 0}, // subroutine
548 {"dprep", 0}, // subroutine
549 {"dprepi", 0}, // subroutine
550 {"dprepj", 0}, // subroutine
551 {"dprepji", 0}, // subroutine
552 {"dprja", 0}, // subroutine
553 {"dprjis", 0}, // subroutine
554 {"dprjs", 0}, // subroutine
555 {"drchek", 0}, // subroutine
556 {"droots", 0}, // subroutine
557 {"dsetpk", 0}, // subroutine
558 {"dslsbt", 0}, // subroutine
559 {"dsolbt", 0}, // subroutine
560 {"dsolpk", 0}, // subroutine
561 {"dsolss", 0}, // subroutine
562 {"dsolsy", 0}, // subroutine
563 {"dspigmr", 0}, // subroutine
564 {"dspiom", 0}, // subroutine
565 {"dsrcar", 0}, // subroutine
566 {"dsrckr", 0}, // subroutine
567 {"dsrcma", 0}, // subroutine
568 {"dsrcms", 0}, // subroutine
569 {"dsrcom", 0}, // subroutine
570 {"dsrcpk", 0}, // subroutine
571 {"dstoda", 0}, // subroutine
572 {"dstode", 0}, // subroutine
573 {"dstodi", 0}, // subroutine
574 {"dstodpk", 0}, // subroutine
575 {"dstoka", 0}, // subroutine
576 {"dumach", 0}, // real*8 function
577 {"dumsum", 0}, // subroutine
578 {"dusol", 0}, // subroutine
579 {"dvnorm", 0}, // real*8 function
580 {"iumach", 0}, // integer*4 function
581 {"ixsav", 0}, // integer*4 function
582 {"jgroup", 0}, // subroutine
583 {"odrv", 0}, // subroutine
584 {"md", 0}, // subroutine
585 {"mdi", 0}, // subroutine
586 {"mdm", 0}, // subroutine
587 {"mdp", 0}, // subroutine
588 {"mdu", 0}, // subroutine
589 {"sro", 0}, // subroutine
590 {"xerrwd", 0}, // subroutine
591 {"xsetun", 0}, // subroutine
592 {NULL, 0}
593 };
594 static struct {
595 int_4 iplost_, iesp_, istatc_, iys_, iba_, ibian_, ibjan_, ibjgp_, ipian_, ipjan_, ipjgp_, ipigp_, ipr_, ipc_, ipic_,
596 ipisp_, iprsp_, ipa_, lenyh_, lenyhm_, lenwk_, lreq_, lrat_, lrest_, lwmin_, moss_, msbj_, nslj_, ngp_, nlu_, nnz_,
597 nsp_, nzl_, nzu_, ilss_[34];
598 real_8 rlss_[6], con0_, conmin_, ccmxj_, psmall_, rbig_, seth_;
599 } dlss01_;
600 static struct {
601 int_4 iownd_[6], iowns_[6], icf_, ierpj_, iersl_, jcur_, jstart_, kflag_, l_, lyh_, lewt_, lacor_, lsavf_, lwm_, liwm_,
602 meth_, miter_, maxord_, maxcor_, msbp_, mxncf_, n_, nq_, nst_, nfe_, nje_, nqu_, init_, mxstep_, mxhnil_, nhnil_,
603 nslast_, nyh_, ils_[37], ialth_, ipup_, lmax_, meo_, nqnyh_, nslp_;
604 real_8 rowns_[209], ccmax_, el0_, h_, hmin_, hmxi_, hu_, rc_, tn_, uround_, rls_[218], conit_, crate_, el_[13],
605 elco_[156], hold_, rmax_, tesco_[36];
606 } dls001_;
607 static struct {
608 int_4 insufr_, insufi_, ixpr_, iowns2_[2], jtyp_, mused_, mxordn_, mxords_, iownd2_[3], ilsa_[9], icount_, irflag_;
609 real_8 tsw_, rowns2_[20], pdnorm_, rownd2_, rlsa_[22], cm1_[12], cm2_[5], pdest_, pdlast_, ratio_;
610 } dlsa01_;
611 static struct {
612 int_4 lg0_, lg1_, lgx_, iownr3_[2], irfnd_, itaskc_, ngc_, nge_, iownd3_[3], imax_, last_, idum3_[4], ilsr_[9];
613 real_8 rownr3_[2], t0_, tlast_, toutc_, alpha_, x2_, rdum3_[3], rlsr_[5];
614 } dlsr01_;
615 static struct {
616 int_4 newt_, nsfi_, nslj_, njev_, ils2_[4];
617 real_8 stifr_, rls2_;
618 } dls002_;
619 static struct {
620 int_4 jpre_, jacflg_, locwp_, lociwp_, lsavx_, kmp_, maxl_, mnewt_, nni_, nli_, nps_, ncfn_, ncfl_, ilsp_[13];
621 real_8 delt_, epcon_, sqrtn_, rsqrtn_, rlsp_[4];
622 } dlpk01_;
625 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ nsp_, int_4 _p_ isp_, real_8 _p_ rsp_, int_4 _p_ esp_, int_4 _p_ path_,
626 int_4 _p_ flag_);
628 _p_ ar_, int_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ flag_);
630 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, int_4 _p_ ijl_, int_4 _p_ jumax_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, int_4 _p_ q_,
631 int_4 _p_ ira_, int_4 _p_ jra_, int_4 _p_ irac_, int_4 _p_ irl_, int_4 _p_ jrl_, int_4 _p_ iru_, int_4 _p_ jru_, int_4
632 _p_ flag_);
634 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ lmax_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, int_4 _p_ ijl_, real_8 _p_ l_,
635 real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ umax_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ row_, real_8
636 _p_ tmp_, int_4 _p_ irl_, int_4 _p_ jrl_, int_4 _p_ flag_);
638 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ b_,
639 real_8 _p_ tmp_);
641 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ b_,
642 real_8 _p_ tmp_);
645 ydot_, int_4 _p_ mb_, int_4 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ pw_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
647 ydot_, int_4 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ pw_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
649 , real_8 _p_ ydot_, int_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_adda)());
651 hl0_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ w_);
653 ftem_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ vtem_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_
654 hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ npsl_);
658 _p_ ier_);
660 _p_ ewt_);
667 );
669 ipflag_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
671 , int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ jc_, int_4 _p_ ipflag_, real_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_adda)());
673 real_8 _p_ tout_, real_8 _p_ uround_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_
674 temp_, real_8 _p_ h0_, int_4 _p_ niter_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
676 , real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4
677 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ jt_);
679 itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_,
680 int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ jt_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ng_, int_4
681 _p_ jroot_);
683 , real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4
684 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ mf_);
686 itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_,
687 int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ mf_);
689 _p_ ydoti_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_,
690 int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ mf_)
691 ;
693 ydoti_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4
694 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ mf_);
696 _p_ ydoti_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_,
697 int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ mf_)
698 ;
700 itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_,
701 int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ mf_, real_4 (*_g)(),
702 int_4 _p_ ng_, int_4 _p_ jroot_);
704 itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_,
705 int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ mf_);
708 ldhes_, int_4 _p_ kmp_, real_8 _p_ snormw_);
710 , int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, real_4 (*_f)(),
711 int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ lpcg_, real_8
712 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
714 wght_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, real_4
715 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ lpcg_
716 , real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
718 rtem_, real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4
719 (*_adda)());
721 savf_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
723 ftem_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 _p_ ipper_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
725 ewt_, real_8 _p_ rtem_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ jc_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_,
726 int_4 _p_ ipper_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_adda)());
728 ftem_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
730 rtem_, real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4
731 (*_adda)());
733 ftem_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
735 rtem_, real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4
736 (*_adda)());
738 ftem_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
740 real_8 _p_ g0_, real_8 _p_ g1_, real_8 _p_ gx_, int_4 _p_ jroot_, int_4 _p_ irt_);
742 g0_, real_8 _p_ g1_, real_8 _p_ gx_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ jroot_);
744 savf_, int_4 _p_ jok_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)());
747 _p_ ip_);
749 wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 (*_psol)());
753 wght_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, int_4 _p_ maxlp1_, int_4 _p_ kmp_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_
754 jpre_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_
755 hes_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ lgmr_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, real_8 _p_ dl_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
756 ;
758 wght_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, int_4 _p_ kmp_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_
759 mnewt_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ hes_, int_4 _p_
760 ipvt_, int_4 _p_ liom_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
768 ewt_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4
769 (*_pjac)(), int_4 (*_slvs)());
771 ewt_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4
772 (*_pjac)(), int_4 (*_slvs)());
774 ewt_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), real_4
775 (*_adda)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_pjac)(), int_4 (*_slvs)());
777 ewt_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ savx_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4
778 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_psol)());
780 ewt_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ savx_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4
781 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_psol)());
785 wght_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8
786 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
791 int_4 _p_ jgp_, int_4 _p_ incl_, int_4 _p_ jdone_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
793 _p_ nsp_, int_4 _p_ isp_, int_4 _p_ path_, int_4 _p_ flag_);
795 head_, int_4 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_, int_4 _p_ flag_);
797 head_, int_4 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_, int_4 _p_ tag_, int_4 _p_ flag_);
799 int_4 _p_ mark_);
801 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_);
803 int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_);
805 r_, logical_4 _p_ dflag_);
807 i1_, int_4 _p_ i2_, int_4 _p_ nr_, real_8 _p_ r1_, real_8 _p_ r2_);
809 int_4 _adjlr (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ isp_, int_4 _p_ ldif_)
810 { // ** body not listed **
821 }
822 int_4 _cdrv (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_,
823 real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ nsp_, int_4 _p_ isp_, real_8 _p_ rsp_, int_4 _p_ esp_, int_4 _p_ path_, int_4
824 _p_ flag_)
825 { // ** body not listed **
943 }
944 int_4 _nroc (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ jar_, real_8 _p_ ar_,
945 int_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ flag_)
946 { // ** body not listed **
988 }
989 int_4 _nsfc (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ jlmax_, int_4 _p_ il_,
990 int_4 _p_ jl_, int_4 _p_ ijl_, int_4 _p_ jumax_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, int_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_
991 ira_, int_4 _p_ jra_, int_4 _p_ irac_, int_4 _p_ irl_, int_4 _p_ jrl_, int_4 _p_ iru_, int_4 _p_ jru_, int_4 _p_ flag_)
992 { // ** body not listed **
1381 }
1382 int_4 _nnfc (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_,
1383 real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ lmax_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, int_4 _p_ ijl_, real_8 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_
1384 d_, int_4 _p_ umax_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ row_, real_8 _p_ tmp_,
1385 int_4 _p_ irl_, int_4 _p_ jrl_, int_4 _p_ flag_)
1386 { // ** body not listed **
1539 }
1540 int_4 _nnsc (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, int_4 _p_ ijl_, real_8 _p_ l_,
1541 real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_
1542 tmp_)
1543 { // ** body not listed **
1582 }
1583 int_4 _nntc (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, int_4 _p_ ijl_, real_8 _p_ l_,
1584 real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, int_4 _p_ iju_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_
1585 tmp_)
1586 { // ** body not listed **
1624 }
1625 int_4 _cntnzu (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ nzsut_)
1626 { // ** body not listed **
1666 }
1667 int_4 _daigbt (int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_adda)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ydot_, int_4
1668 _p_ mb_, int_4 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ pw_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
1669 { // ** body not listed **
1695 }
1696 int_4 _dainvg (int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_adda)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ydot_, int_4
1697 _p_ miter_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ pw_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
1698 { // ** body not listed **
1746 }
1747 int_4 _dainvgs (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, real_8 _p_ tem_, real_8
1748 _p_ ydot_, int_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_adda)())
1749 { // ** body not listed **
1804 }
1805 int_4 _datp (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ wght_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, real_8
1806 _p_ wk_, int_4 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ w_)
1807 { // ** body not listed **
1825 }
1826 int_4 _datv (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ wght_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, int_4
1827 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ vtem_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_
1828 jpre_, int_4 _p_ ier_, int_4 _p_ npsl_)
1829 { // ** body not listed **
1888 }
1889 real_8 _dbnorm (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ nra_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ w_)
1890 { // ** body not listed **
1908 }
1909 int_4 _dcfode (int_4 _p_ meth_, real_8 _p_ elco_, real_8 _p_ tesco_)
1910 { // ** body not listed **
1985 }
1986 int_4 _ddecbt (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
1987 { // ** body not listed **
2061 }
2062 int_4 _dewset (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, real_8 _p_ ycur_, real_8 _p_ ewt_)
2063 { // ** body not listed **
2094 }
2095 real_8 _dfnorm (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ w_)
2096 { // ** body not listed **
2111 }
2112 int_4 _dhefa (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ job_)
2113 { // ** body not listed **
2218 }
2219 int_4 _dhels (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ q_, real_8 _p_ b_)
2220 { // ** body not listed **
2242 }
2243 int_4 _dheqr (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ ijob_)
2244 { // ** body not listed **
2340 }
2341 int_4 _dhesl (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_ b_)
2342 { // ** body not listed **
2370 }
2371 int_4 _dintdy (real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ dky_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
2372 { // ** body not listed **
2447 }
2448 int_4 _diprep (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ ipflag_,
2449 real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
2450 { // ** body not listed **
2490 }
2491 int_4 _diprepi (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4
2492 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ jc_, int_4 _p_ ipflag_, real_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_adda)())
2493 { // ** body not listed **
2534 }
2535 int_4 _dlhin (int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t0_, real_8 _p_ y0_, real_8 _p_ ydot_, int_4 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_
2536 tout_, real_8 _p_ uround_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ temp_, real_8
2537 _p_ h0_, int_4 _p_ niter_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
2538 { // ** body not listed **
2655 }
2656 int_4 _dlsoda (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8
2657 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_,
2658 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ jt_)
2659 { // ** body not listed **
3541 }
3542 int_4 _dlsodar (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8
3543 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_,
3544 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ jt_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ng_, int_4 _p_ jroot_)
3545 { // ** body not listed **
4534 }
4535 int_4 _dlsode (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8
4536 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_,
4537 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ mf_)
4538 { // ** body not listed **
5287 }
5288 int_4 _dlsodes (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8
5289 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_,
5290 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ mf_)
5291 { // ** body not listed **
6269 }
6270 int_4 _dlsoibt (int_4 (*_res)(), real_4 (*_adda)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ydoti_,
6271 real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_
6272 istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ mf_)
6273 { // ** body not listed **
7081 }
7082 int_4 _dlsodi (int_4 (*_res)(), real_4 (*_adda)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ydoti_,
7083 real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_
7084 istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ mf_)
7085 { // ** body not listed **
7904 }
7905 int_4 _dlsodis (int_4 (*_res)(), real_4 (*_adda)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ydoti_,
7906 real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_
7907 istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ mf_)
7908 { // ** body not listed **
8986 }
8987 int_4 _dlsodkr (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8
8988 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_,
8989 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ mf_, real_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ ng_,
8990 int_4 _p_ jroot_)
8991 { // ** body not listed **
9936 }
9937 int_4 _dlsodpk (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ itol_, real_8
9938 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ istate_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_,
9939 int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ mf_)
9940 { // ** body not listed **
10797 }
10798 real_8 _dmnorm (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_)
10799 { // ** body not listed **
10810 }
10811 int_4 _dorthog (real_8 _p_ vnew_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ hes_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ll_, int_4 _p_ ldhes_, int_4
10812 _p_ kmp_, real_8 _p_ snormw_)
10813 { // ** body not listed **
10848 }
10849 int_4 _dpcg (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ tn_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ wght_, int_4
10850 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4
10851 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ lpcg_, real_8 _p_
10852 wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
10853 { // ** body not listed **
10941 }
10942 int_4 _dpcgs (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ tn_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ wght_, int_4
10943 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4
10944 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ lpcg_, real_8 _p_
10945 wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
10946 { // ** body not listed **
11039 }
11040 int_4 _dpjibt (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ rtem_, real_8
11041 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_adda)())
11042 { // ** body not listed **
11172 }
11173 int_4 _dpkset (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ysv_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, real_8 _p_ savf_,
11174 real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
11175 { // ** body not listed **
11191 }
11192 int_4 _dprep (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, int_4
11193 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 _p_ ipper_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
11194 { // ** body not listed **
11453 }
11454 int_4 _dprepi (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8
11455 _p_ rtem_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ jc_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 _p_ ipper_
11456 , int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_adda)())
11457 { // ** body not listed **
11861 }
11862 int_4 _dprepj (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, real_8
11863 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
11864 { // ** body not listed **
12011 }
12012 int_4 _dprepji (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ rtem_,
12013 real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_adda)())
12014 { // ** body not listed **
12165 }
12166 int_4 _dprja (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, real_8
12167 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
12168 { // ** body not listed **
12294 }
12295 int_4 _dprjis (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ rtem_, real_8
12296 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 (*_res)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_adda)())
12297 { // ** body not listed **
12407 }
12408 int_4 _dprjs (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, real_8
12409 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
12410 { // ** body not listed **
12579 }
12580 int_4 _drchek (int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 (*_g)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_
12581 g0_, real_8 _p_ g1_, real_8 _p_ gx_, int_4 _p_ jroot_, int_4 _p_ irt_)
12582 { // ** body not listed **
12724 }
12725 int_4 _droots (int_4 _p_ ng_, real_8 _p_ hmin_, int_4 _p_ jflag_, real_8 _p_ x0_, real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ g0_,
12726 real_8 _p_ g1_, real_8 _p_ gx_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ jroot_)
12727 { // ** body not listed **
12945 }
12946 int_4 _dsetpk (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ ysv_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ ftem_, real_8 _p_ savf_,
12947 int_4 _p_ jok_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)())
12948 { // ** body not listed **
12967 }
12968 int_4 _dslsbt (real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ tem_)
12969 { // ** body not listed **
12979 }
12980 int_4 _dsolbt (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
12981 { // ** body not listed **
13018 }
13019 int_4 _dsolpk (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4
13020 _p_ iwm_, real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 (*_psol)())
13021 { // ** body not listed **
13156 }
13157 int_4 _dsolss (real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iwk_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ tem_)
13158 { // ** body not listed **
13202 }
13203 int_4 _dsolsy (real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ tem_)
13204 { // ** body not listed **
13250 }
13251 int_4 _dspigmr (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ tn_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ wght_, int_4
13252 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, int_4 _p_ maxlp1_, int_4 _p_ kmp_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4
13253 _p_ mnewt_, real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ hes_, real_8
13254 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ lgmr_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, real_8 _p_ dl_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
13255 { // ** body not listed **
13399 }
13400 int_4 _dspiom (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ tn_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ wght_, int_4
13401 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ maxl_, int_4 _p_ kmp_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ jpre_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, real_4
13402 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ hes_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
13403 liom_, real_8 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
13404 { // ** body not listed **
13537 }
13538 int_4 _dsrcar (real_8 _p_ rsav_, int_4 _p_ isav_, int_4 _p_ job_)
13539 { // ** body not listed **
13648 }
13649 int_4 _dsrckr (real_8 _p_ rsav_, int_4 _p_ isav_, int_4 _p_ job_)
13650 { // ** body not listed **
13757 }
13758 int_4 _dsrcma (real_8 _p_ rsav_, int_4 _p_ isav_, int_4 _p_ job_)
13759 { // ** body not listed **
13832 }
13833 int_4 _dsrcms (real_8 _p_ rsav_, int_4 _p_ isav_, int_4 _p_ job_)
13834 { // ** body not listed **
13907 }
13908 int_4 _dsrcom (real_8 _p_ rsav_, int_4 _p_ isav_, int_4 _p_ job_)
13909 { // ** body not listed **
13952 }
13953 int_4 _dsrcpk (real_8 _p_ rsav_, int_4 _p_ isav_, int_4 _p_ job_)
13954 { // ** body not listed **
14019 }
14020 int_4 _dstoda (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ yh1_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8
14021 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_pjac)(), int_4
14022 (*_slvs)())
14023 { // ** body not listed **
14591 }
14592 int_4 _dstode (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ yh1_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8
14593 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_pjac)(), int_4
14594 (*_slvs)())
14595 { // ** body not listed **
15004 }
15005 int_4 _dstodi (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ yh1_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8
15006 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ savr_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_res)(), real_4 (*_adda)(),
15007 int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 (*_pjac)(), int_4 (*_slvs)())
15008 { // ** body not listed **
15418 }
15419 int_4 _dstodpk (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ yh1_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8
15420 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ savx_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4
15421 (*_psol)())
15422 { // ** body not listed **
15844 }
15845 int_4 _dstoka (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yh_, int_4 _p_ nyh_, real_8 _p_ yh1_, real_8 _p_ ewt_, real_8
15846 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ savx_, real_8 _p_ acor_, real_8 _p_ wm_, int_4 _p_ iwm_, int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), real_4
15847 (*_psol)())
15848 { // ** body not listed **
16328 }
16329 real_8 _dumach (void)
16330 { // ** body not listed **
16344 }
16345 int_4 _dumsum (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_)
16346 { // ** body not listed **
16350 }
16351 int_4 _dusol (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ tn_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ savf_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ wght_, int_4
16352 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ hl0_, int_4 _p_ mnewt_, int_4 (*_psol)(), int_4 _p_ npsl_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8
16353 _p_ wp_, int_4 _p_ iwp_, real_8 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
16354 { // ** body not listed **
16392 }
16393 real_8 _dvnorm (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_)
16394 { // ** body not listed **
16406 }
16407 int_4 _iumach (void)
16408 { // ** body not listed **
16413 }
16414 int_4 _ixsav (int_4 _p_ ipar_, int_4 _p_ ivalue_, logical_4 _p_ iset_)
16415 { // ** body not listed **
16456 }
16457 int_4 _jgroup (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ maxg_, int_4 _p_ ngrp_, int_4 _p_ igp_, int_4 _p_
16458 jgp_, int_4 _p_ incl_, int_4 _p_ jdone_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
16459 { // ** body not listed **
16508 }
16509 int_4 _odrv (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ nsp_,
16510 int_4 _p_ isp_, int_4 _p_ path_, int_4 _p_ flag_)
16511 { // ** body not listed **
16556 }
16557 int_4 _md (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ max_, int_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ head_,
16558 int_4 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_, int_4 _p_ flag_)
16559 { // ** body not listed **
16602 }
16603 int_4 _mdi (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, int_4 _p_ max_, int_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ head_,
16604 int_4 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_, int_4 _p_ tag_, int_4 _p_ flag_)
16605 { // ** body not listed **
16677 }
16678 int_4 _mdm (int_4 _p_ vk_, int_4 _p_ tail_, int_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_
16679 mark_)
16680 { // ** body not listed **
16722 }
16723 int_4 _mdp (int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ ek_, int_4 _p_ tail_, int_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ head_, int_4 _p_ last_,
16724 int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ mark_)
16725 { // ** body not listed **
16813 }
16814 int_4 _mdu (int_4 _p_ ek_, int_4 _p_ dmin_, int_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ head_, int_4 _p_ last_, int_4 _p_
16815 next_, int_4 _p_ mark_)
16816 { // ** body not listed **
16903 }
16904 int_4 _sro (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ r_,
16905 logical_4 _p_ dflag_)
16906 { // ** body not listed **
16972 }
16973 int_4 _xerrwd (char _p_ msg_, int_4 _p_ nmes_, int_4 _p_ nerr_, int_4 _p_ level_, int_4 _p_ ni_, int_4 _p_ i1_, int_4
16974 _p_ i2_, int_4 _p_ nr_, real_8 _p_ r1_, real_8 _p_ r2_)
16975 { // ** body not listed **
17225 }
17226 int_4 _xsetun (int_4 _p_ lun_)
17227 { // ** body not listed **
17235 }
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