1 //! @file mathlib-slatec.c
2 //
3 //! @section copyright
4 //
5 // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
6 // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
7 //
8 //! @section license
9 //
10 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the
12 // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability
17 // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for
18 // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public
19 // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //! @Synopsis
22 //
23 //! 527 subprograms from SLATEC
25 // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
26 // Selected subprograms are:
27 //
82 // Miscellaneous routines from SLATEC, not in other packages as BLAS,
84 //
85 // Source:
86 //
87 // For VIF, all source file have been formatted and labels have been renumbered.
89 // The license for SLATEC Fortran source code is:
90 //
91 // The SLATEC Common Mathematical Library was developed at
92 // US government research laboratories and is in the public domain.
93 //
94 // Repository:
95 //
96 // The SLATEC common mathematical library is issued by the following
97 //
98 // Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Albuquerque
99 // Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore
100 // Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos
101 // National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington
102 // National Energy Research Supercomputer Center, Livermore
103 // Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
104 // Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque
105 // Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore
106 //
107 // All questions concerning the distribution of the library should be
108 // directed to the NATIONAL ENERGY SOFTWARE CENTER, 9700 Cass Ave.,
109 // Argonne, Illinois 60439, and not to the authors of the subprograms.
110 //
111 // * * * * * Notice * * * * *
112 //
113 // This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the
114 // United States Government. Neither the United States, nor the
115 // Department of Energy, nor the Department of Defense, nor any of
116 // their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or
117 // their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or
118 // assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
119 // completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product,
120 // or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
121 // upon privately owned rights.
123 /*
124 Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
125 VIF release 1.1.7
126 */
1024 static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
1025 {"aaaaaa", 0}, // subroutine
1026 {"asyik", 0}, // subroutine
1027 {"asyjy", 0}, // subroutine
1028 {"avint", 0}, // subroutine
1029 {"bcrh", 0}, // function
1030 {"bdiff", 0}, // subroutine
1031 {"bksol", 0}, // subroutine
1032 {"blktr1", 0}, // subroutine
1033 {"bndacc", 0}, // subroutine
1034 {"bndsol", 0}, // subroutine
1035 {"bnfac", 0}, // subroutine
1036 {"bnslv", 0}, // subroutine
1037 {"bsgq8", 0}, // subroutine
1038 {"bspdoc", 0}, // subroutine
1039 {"bspdr", 0}, // subroutine
1040 {"bsplvd", 0}, // subroutine
1041 {"bsplvn", 0}, // subroutine
1042 {"bspvn", 0}, // subroutine
1043 {"bsrh", 0}, // function
1044 {"c1merg", 0}, // subroutine
1045 {"casyi", 0}, // subroutine
1046 {"cblkt1", 0}, // subroutine
1047 {"ccmpb", 0}, // subroutine
1048 {"cdcdot", 0}, // complex*8 function
1049 {"cdcst", 0}, // subroutine
1050 {"cdntp", 0}, // subroutine
1051 {"cdpsc", 0}, // subroutine
1052 {"cdscl", 0}, // subroutine
1053 {"cfod", 0}, // subroutine
1054 {"cgeev", 0}, // subroutine
1055 {"cgefs", 0}, // subroutine
1056 {"cgeir", 0}, // subroutine
1057 {"chfcm", 0}, // integer*4 function
1058 {"chfdv", 0}, // subroutine
1059 {"chfev", 0}, // subroutine
1060 {"chfie", 0}, // real*4 function
1061 {"chiev", 0}, // subroutine
1062 {"chkder", 0}, // subroutine
1063 {"chkpr4", 0}, // subroutine
1064 {"chkprm", 0}, // subroutine
1065 {"chksn4", 0}, // subroutine
1066 {"chksng", 0}, // subroutine
1067 {"cmpcsg", 0}, // subroutine
1068 {"cmposd", 0}, // subroutine
1069 {"cmposn", 0}, // subroutine
1070 {"cmposp", 0}, // subroutine
1071 {"cmptr3", 0}, // subroutine
1072 {"cmptrx", 0}, // subroutine
1073 {"cnbco", 0}, // subroutine
1074 {"cnbdi", 0}, // subroutine
1075 {"cnbfa", 0}, // subroutine
1076 {"cnbfs", 0}, // subroutine
1077 {"cnbir", 0}, // subroutine
1078 {"cnbsl", 0}, // subroutine
1079 {"compb", 0}, // subroutine
1080 {"cosgen", 0}, // subroutine
1081 {"cpadd", 0}, // subroutine
1082 {"cpevl", 0}, // subroutine
1083 {"cpevlr", 0}, // subroutine
1084 {"cpofs", 0}, // subroutine
1085 {"cpoir", 0}, // subroutine
1086 {"cpqr79", 0}, // subroutine
1087 {"cproc", 0}, // subroutine
1088 {"cprocp", 0}, // subroutine
1089 {"cprod", 0}, // subroutine
1090 {"cprodp", 0}, // subroutine
1091 {"cpzero", 0}, // subroutine
1092 {"crati", 0}, // subroutine
1093 {"cs1s2", 0}, // subroutine
1094 {"cscale", 0}, // subroutine
1095 {"cshch", 0}, // subroutine
1096 {"cuchk", 0}, // subroutine
1097 {"cunhj", 0}, // subroutine
1098 {"cunik", 0}, // subroutine
1099 {"cv", 0}, // real*4 function
1100 {"d1merg", 0}, // subroutine
1101 {"d1mpyq", 0}, // subroutine
1102 {"d1updt", 0}, // subroutine
1103 {"dasyik", 0}, // subroutine
1104 {"davint", 0}, // subroutine
1105 {"dbdiff", 0}, // subroutine
1106 {"dbhin", 0}, // subroutine
1107 {"dbksol", 0}, // subroutine
1108 {"dbndac", 0}, // subroutine
1109 {"dbndsl", 0}, // subroutine
1110 {"dbnfac", 0}, // subroutine
1111 {"dbnslv", 0}, // subroutine
1112 {"dbocls", 0}, // subroutine
1113 {"dbols", 0}, // subroutine
1114 {"dbolsm", 0}, // subroutine
1115 {"dbsgq8", 0}, // subroutine
1116 {"dbspdr", 0}, // subroutine
1117 {"dbspvn", 0}, // subroutine
1118 {"dcdot", 0}, // subroutine
1119 {"dcfod", 0}, // subroutine
1120 {"dchfcm", 0}, // integer*4 function
1121 {"dchfdv", 0}, // subroutine
1122 {"dchfev", 0}, // subroutine
1123 {"dchfie", 0}, // real*8 function
1124 {"dchkw", 0}, // subroutine
1125 {"dckder", 0}, // subroutine
1126 {"dcoef", 0}, // subroutine
1127 {"dcopym", 0}, // subroutine
1128 {"dcov", 0}, // subroutine
1129 {"dcpplt", 0}, // subroutine
1130 {"dcscal", 0}, // subroutine
1131 {"dcv", 0}, // real*8 function
1132 {"ddanrm", 0}, // real*8 function
1133 {"ddatrp", 0}, // subroutine
1134 {"ddawts", 0}, // subroutine
1135 {"ddcst", 0}, // subroutine
1136 {"ddeabm", 0}, // subroutine
1137 {"dderkf", 0}, // subroutine
1138 {"ddes", 0}, // subroutine
1139 {"ddntp", 0}, // subroutine
1140 {"ddoglg", 0}, // subroutine
1141 {"ddpsc", 0}, // subroutine
1142 {"ddscl", 0}, // subroutine
1143 {"deabm", 0}, // subroutine
1144 {"defc", 0}, // subroutine
1145 {"defcmn", 0}, // subroutine
1146 {"defe4", 0}, // subroutine
1147 {"defehl", 0}, // subroutine
1148 {"defer", 0}, // subroutine
1149 {"denorm", 0}, // real*8 function
1150 {"derkf", 0}, // subroutine
1151 {"derkfs", 0}, // subroutine
1152 {"des", 0}, // subroutine
1153 {"dfc", 0}, // subroutine
1154 {"dfcmn", 0}, // subroutine
1155 {"dfdjc1", 0}, // subroutine
1156 {"dfdjc3", 0}, // subroutine
1157 {"dfehl", 0}, // subroutine
1158 {"dfspvd", 0}, // subroutine
1159 {"dfspvn", 0}, // subroutine
1160 {"dfulmt", 0}, // subroutine
1161 {"dfzero", 0}, // subroutine
1162 {"dgaus8", 0}, // subroutine
1163 {"dgefs", 0}, // subroutine
1164 {"dglss", 0}, // subroutine
1165 {"dh12", 0}, // subroutine
1166 {"dhfti", 0}, // subroutine
1167 {"dhstrt", 0}, // subroutine
1168 {"dhvnrm", 0}, // real*8 function
1169 {"dintp", 0}, // subroutine
1170 {"dintrv", 0}, // subroutine
1171 {"djairy", 0}, // subroutine
1172 {"dllsia", 0}, // subroutine
1173 {"dllti2", 0}, // subroutine
1174 {"dlpdoc", 0}, // subroutine
1175 {"dlpdp", 0}, // subroutine
1176 {"dlsei", 0}, // subroutine
1177 {"dlsi", 0}, // subroutine
1178 {"dlssud", 0}, // subroutine
1179 {"dmacon", 0}, // subroutine
1180 {"dmgsbv", 0}, // subroutine
1181 {"dmout", 0}, // subroutine
1182 {"dmpar", 0}, // subroutine
1183 {"dnbco", 0}, // subroutine
1184 {"dnbdi", 0}, // subroutine
1185 {"dnbfa", 0}, // subroutine
1186 {"dnbfs", 0}, // subroutine
1187 {"dnbsl", 0}, // subroutine
1188 {"dnls1e", 0}, // subroutine
1189 {"dnls1", 0}, // subroutine
1190 {"dnsqe", 0}, // subroutine
1191 {"dnsq", 0}, // subroutine
1192 {"dogleg", 0}, // subroutine
1193 {"dohtrl", 0}, // subroutine
1194 {"dorthr", 0}, // subroutine
1195 {"dp1vlu", 0}, // subroutine
1196 {"dpchdf", 0}, // real*8 function
1197 {"dpchid", 0}, // real*8 function
1198 {"dpchkt", 0}, // subroutine
1199 {"dpchng", 0}, // subroutine
1200 {"dpchst", 0}, // real*8 function
1201 {"dpchsw", 0}, // subroutine
1202 {"dpcoef", 0}, // subroutine
1203 {"dpincw", 0}, // subroutine
1204 {"dpinit", 0}, // subroutine
1205 {"dpintm", 0}, // subroutine
1206 {"dplint", 0}, // subroutine
1207 {"dplpce", 0}, // subroutine
1208 {"dplpdm", 0}, // subroutine
1209 {"dplpfe", 0}, // subroutine
1210 {"dplpfl", 0}, // subroutine
1211 {"dplpmn", 0}, // subroutine
1212 {"dplpmu", 0}, // subroutine
1213 {"dplpup", 0}, // subroutine
1214 {"dpnnzr", 0}, // subroutine
1215 {"dpofs", 0}, // subroutine
1216 {"dpolcf", 0}, // subroutine
1217 {"dpolft", 0}, // subroutine
1218 {"dpolvl", 0}, // subroutine
1219 {"dpopt", 0}, // subroutine
1220 {"dpperm", 0}, // subroutine
1221 {"dppgq8", 0}, // subroutine
1222 {"dprvec", 0}, // real*8 function
1223 {"dprwpg", 0}, // subroutine
1224 {"dprwvr", 0}, // subroutine
1225 {"dpsixn", 0}, // real*8 function
1226 {"dpsort", 0}, // subroutine
1227 {"dqdota", 0}, // real*8 function
1228 {"dqdoti", 0}, // real*8 function
1229 {"dqform", 0}, // subroutine
1230 {"dqrfac", 0}, // subroutine
1231 {"dqrslv", 0}, // subroutine
1232 {"drc3jj", 0}, // subroutine
1233 {"drc3jm", 0}, // subroutine
1234 {"drc6j", 0}, // subroutine
1235 {"drc", 0}, // real*8 function
1236 {"drd", 0}, // real*8 function
1237 {"dreadp", 0}, // subroutine
1238 {"dreort", 0}, // subroutine
1239 {"drf", 0}, // real*8 function
1240 {"drj", 0}, // real*8 function
1241 {"drkfs", 0}, // subroutine
1242 {"ds2lt", 0}, // subroutine
1243 {"dsd2s", 0}, // subroutine
1244 {"dsdi", 0}, // subroutine
1245 {"dsdscl", 0}, // subroutine
1246 {"dsds", 0}, // subroutine
1247 {"dsics", 0}, // subroutine
1248 {"dsilus", 0}, // subroutine
1249 {"dsli2", 0}, // subroutine
1250 {"dslui2", 0}, // subroutine
1251 {"dslui4", 0}, // subroutine
1252 {"dsmmi2", 0}, // subroutine
1253 {"dsmtv", 0}, // subroutine
1254 {"dsmv", 0}, // subroutine
1255 {"dsort", 0}, // subroutine
1256 {"dsoseq", 0}, // subroutine
1257 {"dsos", 0}, // subroutine
1258 {"dsossl", 0}, // subroutine
1259 {"dsplp", 0}, // subroutine
1260 {"dsteps", 0}, // subroutine
1261 {"dstor1", 0}, // subroutine
1262 {"dstway", 0}, // subroutine
1263 {"dsuds", 0}, // subroutine
1264 {"dtin", 0}, // subroutine
1265 {"dtout", 0}, // subroutine
1266 {"du11ls", 0}, // subroutine
1267 {"du11us", 0}, // subroutine
1268 {"du12ls", 0}, // subroutine
1269 {"du12us", 0}, // subroutine
1270 {"dulsia", 0}, // subroutine
1271 {"dusrmt", 0}, // subroutine
1272 {"dvecs", 0}, // subroutine
1273 {"dvnrms", 0}, // real*8 function
1274 {"dvout", 0}, // subroutine
1275 {"dwnlit", 0}, // subroutine
1276 {"dwnlsm", 0}, // subroutine
1277 {"dwnlt1", 0}, // subroutine
1278 {"dwnlt2", 0}, // logical*4 function
1279 {"dwnlt3", 0}, // subroutine
1280 {"dwnnls", 0}, // subroutine
1281 {"dwritp", 0}, // subroutine
1282 {"dwupdt", 0}, // subroutine
1283 {"dx4", 0}, // subroutine
1284 {"dxadj", 0}, // subroutine
1285 {"dxc210", 0}, // subroutine
1286 {"dx", 0}, // subroutine
1287 {"dxpsi", 0}, // real*8 function
1288 {"dxred", 0}, // subroutine
1289 {"dy4", 0}, // subroutine
1290 {"dyairy", 0}, // subroutine
1291 {"dy", 0}, // subroutine
1292 {"efc", 0}, // subroutine
1293 {"efcmn", 0}, // subroutine
1294 {"eisdoc", 0}, // subroutine
1295 {"enorm", 0}, // real*4 function
1296 {"fc", 0}, // subroutine
1297 {"fcmn", 0}, // subroutine
1298 {"fdjac1", 0}, // subroutine
1299 {"fdjac3", 0}, // subroutine
1300 {"fdump", 0}, // subroutine
1301 {"fftdoc", 0}, // subroutine
1302 {"fulmat", 0}, // subroutine
1303 {"fzero", 0}, // subroutine
1304 {"gamrn", 0}, // real*4 function
1305 {"gaus8", 0}, // subroutine
1306 {"h12", 0}, // subroutine
1307 {"hfti", 0}, // subroutine
1308 {"hkseq", 0}, // subroutine
1309 {"hpperm", 0}, // subroutine
1310 {"hpsort", 0}, // subroutine
1311 {"hstart", 0}, // subroutine
1312 {"hstcs1", 0}, // subroutine
1313 {"hvnrm", 0}, // function
1314 {"hwscs1", 0}, // subroutine
1315 {"hwsss1", 0}, // subroutine
1316 {"i1merg", 0}, // subroutine
1317 {"icopy", 0}, // subroutine
1318 {"idloc", 0}, // integer*4 function
1319 {"indxa", 0}, // subroutine
1320 {"indxb", 0}, // subroutine
1321 {"indxc", 0}, // subroutine
1322 {"intrv", 0}, // subroutine
1323 {"inxca", 0}, // subroutine
1324 {"inxcb", 0}, // subroutine
1325 {"inxcc", 0}, // subroutine
1326 {"iploc", 0}, // integer*4 function
1327 {"ipperm", 0}, // subroutine
1328 {"ipsort", 0}, // subroutine
1329 {"isort", 0}, // subroutine
1330 {"iswap", 0}, // subroutine
1331 {"ivout", 0}, // subroutine
1332 {"jairy", 0}, // subroutine
1333 {"la05ad", 0}, // subroutine
1334 {"la05as", 0}, // subroutine
1335 {"la05bd", 0}, // subroutine
1336 {"la05bs", 0}, // subroutine
1337 {"la05cd", 0}, // subroutine
1338 {"la05cs", 0}, // subroutine
1339 {"la05ed", 0}, // subroutine
1340 {"la05es", 0}, // subroutine
1341 {"llsia", 0}, // subroutine
1342 {"lmpar", 0}, // subroutine
1343 {"lpdp", 0}, // subroutine
1344 {"lsei", 0}, // subroutine
1345 {"lsi", 0}, // subroutine
1346 {"lssods", 0}, // subroutine
1347 {"lssuds", 0}, // subroutine
1348 {"macon", 0}, // subroutine
1349 {"mc20ad", 0}, // subroutine
1350 {"mc20as", 0}, // subroutine
1351 {"mgsbv", 0}, // subroutine
1352 {"minso4", 0}, // subroutine
1353 {"minsol", 0}, // subroutine
1354 {"mpadd2", 0}, // subroutine
1355 {"mpadd3", 0}, // subroutine
1356 {"mpadd", 0}, // subroutine
1357 {"mpblas", 0}, // subroutine
1358 {"mpcdm", 0}, // subroutine
1359 {"mpchk", 0}, // subroutine
1360 {"mpcmd", 0}, // subroutine
1361 {"mpdivi", 0}, // subroutine
1362 {"mperr", 0}, // subroutine
1363 {"mpmaxr", 0}, // subroutine
1364 {"mpmlp", 0}, // subroutine
1365 {"mpmul2", 0}, // subroutine
1366 {"mpmul", 0}, // subroutine
1367 {"mpmuli", 0}, // subroutine
1368 {"mpnzr", 0}, // subroutine
1369 {"mpovfl", 0}, // subroutine
1370 {"mpstr", 0}, // subroutine
1371 {"mpunfl", 0}, // subroutine
1372 {"numxer", 0}, // function
1373 {"ohtrol", 0}, // subroutine
1374 {"ohtror", 0}, // subroutine
1375 {"ortho4", 0}, // subroutine
1376 {"orthog", 0}, // subroutine
1377 {"orthol", 0}, // subroutine
1378 {"orthor", 0}, // subroutine
1379 {"pchdf", 0}, // real*4 function
1380 {"pchdoc", 0}, // subroutine
1381 {"pchid", 0}, // real*4 function
1382 {"pchkt", 0}, // subroutine
1383 {"pchngs", 0}, // subroutine
1384 {"pchst", 0}, // real*4 function
1385 {"pchsw", 0}, // subroutine
1386 {"pcoef", 0}, // subroutine
1387 {"pgsf", 0}, // function
1388 {"pimach", 0}, // function
1389 {"pinitm", 0}, // subroutine
1390 {"pnnzrs", 0}, // subroutine
1391 {"poisd2", 0}, // subroutine
1392 {"poisn2", 0}, // subroutine
1393 {"poisp2", 0}, // subroutine
1394 {"polcof", 0}, // subroutine
1395 {"polfit", 0}, // subroutine
1396 {"polint", 0}, // subroutine
1397 {"polyvl", 0}, // subroutine
1398 {"pos3d1", 0}, // subroutine
1399 {"postg2", 0}, // subroutine
1400 {"ppadd", 0}, // subroutine
1401 {"ppgq8", 0}, // subroutine
1402 {"ppgsf", 0}, // function
1403 {"pppsf", 0}, // function
1404 {"ppsgf", 0}, // function
1405 {"ppspf", 0}, // function
1406 {"proc", 0}, // subroutine
1407 {"procp", 0}, // subroutine
1408 {"prod", 0}, // subroutine
1409 {"prodp", 0}, // subroutine
1410 {"prvec", 0}, // function
1411 {"prwpge", 0}, // subroutine
1412 {"prwvir", 0}, // subroutine
1413 {"psgf", 0}, // function
1414 {"psifn", 0}, // subroutine
1415 {"psixn", 0}, // function
1416 {"pvalue", 0}, // subroutine
1417 {"pythag", 0}, // real*4 function
1418 {"qform", 0}, // subroutine
1419 {"qrfac", 0}, // subroutine
1420 {"qrsolv", 0}, // subroutine
1421 {"qs2i1d", 0}, // subroutine
1422 {"qs2i1r", 0}, // subroutine
1423 {"r1mpyq", 0}, // subroutine
1424 {"r1updt", 0}, // subroutine
1425 {"rc3jj", 0}, // subroutine
1426 {"rc3jm", 0}, // subroutine
1427 {"rc6j", 0}, // subroutine
1428 {"rc", 0}, // real*4 function
1429 {"rd", 0}, // real*4 function
1430 {"reort", 0}, // subroutine
1431 {"rf", 0}, // real*4 function
1432 {"rj", 0}, // real*4 function
1433 {"rpqr79", 0}, // subroutine
1434 {"rpzero", 0}, // subroutine
1435 {"rwupdt", 0}, // subroutine
1436 {"s1merg", 0}, // subroutine
1437 {"sbhin", 0}, // subroutine
1438 {"sbocls", 0}, // subroutine
1439 {"sbols", 0}, // subroutine
1440 {"sbolsm", 0}, // subroutine
1441 {"schkw", 0}, // subroutine
1442 {"sclosm", 0}, // subroutine
1443 {"scoef", 0}, // subroutine
1444 {"scopym", 0}, // subroutine
1445 {"scov", 0}, // subroutine
1446 {"scpplt", 0}, // subroutine
1447 {"sdanrm", 0}, // real*4 function
1448 {"sdatrp", 0}, // subroutine
1449 {"sdawts", 0}, // subroutine
1450 {"sdcst", 0}, // subroutine
1451 {"sdntp", 0}, // subroutine
1452 {"sdpsc", 0}, // subroutine
1453 {"sdscl", 0}, // subroutine
1454 {"sgeev", 0}, // subroutine
1455 {"sgefs", 0}, // subroutine
1456 {"sgeir", 0}, // subroutine
1457 {"sglss", 0}, // subroutine
1458 {"sheqr", 0}, // subroutine
1459 {"sintrp", 0}, // subroutine
1460 {"sllti2", 0}, // subroutine
1461 {"slpdoc", 0}, // subroutine
1462 {"smout", 0}, // subroutine
1463 {"snbco", 0}, // subroutine
1464 {"snbdi", 0}, // subroutine
1465 {"snbfa", 0}, // subroutine
1466 {"snbfs", 0}, // subroutine
1467 {"snbir", 0}, // subroutine
1468 {"snbsl", 0}, // subroutine
1469 {"snls1e", 0}, // subroutine
1470 {"snls1", 0}, // subroutine
1471 {"snsqe", 0}, // subroutine
1472 {"snsq", 0}, // subroutine
1473 {"sods", 0}, // subroutine
1474 {"sopenm", 0}, // subroutine
1475 {"soseqs", 0}, // subroutine
1476 {"sos", 0}, // subroutine
1477 {"sossol", 0}, // subroutine
1478 {"speli4", 0}, // subroutine
1479 {"spelip", 0}, // subroutine
1480 {"spincw", 0}, // subroutine
1481 {"spinit", 0}, // subroutine
1482 {"splpce", 0}, // subroutine
1483 {"splpdm", 0}, // subroutine
1484 {"splp", 0}, // subroutine
1485 {"splpfe", 0}, // subroutine
1486 {"splpfl", 0}, // subroutine
1487 {"splpmn", 0}, // subroutine
1488 {"splpmu", 0}, // subroutine
1489 {"splpup", 0}, // subroutine
1490 {"spofs", 0}, // subroutine
1491 {"spoir", 0}, // subroutine
1492 {"spopt", 0}, // subroutine
1493 {"spperm", 0}, // subroutine
1494 {"spsort", 0}, // subroutine
1495 {"sreadp", 0}, // subroutine
1496 {"ss2lt", 0}, // subroutine
1497 {"ssd2s", 0}, // subroutine
1498 {"ssdi", 0}, // subroutine
1499 {"ssdscl", 0}, // subroutine
1500 {"ssds", 0}, // subroutine
1501 {"ssics", 0}, // subroutine
1502 {"ssiev", 0}, // subroutine
1503 {"ssilus", 0}, // subroutine
1504 {"ssli2", 0}, // subroutine
1505 {"sslui2", 0}, // subroutine
1506 {"sslui4", 0}, // subroutine
1507 {"ssmmi2", 0}, // subroutine
1508 {"ssmtv", 0}, // subroutine
1509 {"ssmv", 0}, // subroutine
1510 {"ssort", 0}, // subroutine
1511 {"steps", 0}, // subroutine
1512 {"stin", 0}, // subroutine
1513 {"stor1", 0}, // subroutine
1514 {"stout", 0}, // subroutine
1515 {"stway", 0}, // subroutine
1516 {"suds", 0}, // subroutine
1517 {"svecs", 0}, // subroutine
1518 {"svout", 0}, // subroutine
1519 {"swritp", 0}, // subroutine
1520 {"tevlc", 0}, // subroutine
1521 {"tevls", 0}, // subroutine
1522 {"tri3", 0}, // subroutine
1523 {"tridq", 0}, // subroutine
1524 {"tris4", 0}, // subroutine
1525 {"trisp", 0}, // subroutine
1526 {"trix", 0}, // subroutine
1527 {"u11ls", 0}, // subroutine
1528 {"u11us", 0}, // subroutine
1529 {"u12ls", 0}, // subroutine
1530 {"u12us", 0}, // subroutine
1531 {"ulsia", 0}, // subroutine
1532 {"usrmat", 0}, // subroutine
1533 {"vnwrms", 0}, // real*4 function
1534 {"wnlit", 0}, // subroutine
1535 {"wnlsm", 0}, // subroutine
1536 {"wnlt1", 0}, // subroutine
1537 {"wnlt2", 0}, // logical*4 function
1538 {"wnlt3", 0}, // subroutine
1539 {"wnnls", 0}, // subroutine
1540 {"xadj", 0}, // subroutine
1541 {"xc210", 0}, // subroutine
1542 {"xpsi", 0}, // real*4 function
1543 {"xred", 0}, // subroutine
1544 {"yairy", 0}, // subroutine
1545 {NULL, 0}
1546 };
1547 static struct {
1548 int_4 npp_, k_, nm_, ncmplx_, ik_;
1549 real_4 eps_, cnv_, machep_;
1550 } ccblk_;
1551 static struct {
1552 int_4 npp_, k_, nm_, ncmplx_, ik_;
1553 real_4 eps_, cnv_, machep_;
1554 } cblkt_;
1555 static struct {
1556 int_4 kswx_, kswy_, k_, l_, mit_, nit_, is_, ms_, js_, ns_;
1557 real_4 ait_, bit_, cit_, dit_, dlx_, dly_, tdlx3_, tdly3_, dlx4_, dly4_;
1558 } spl4_;
1559 static struct {
1560 int_4 kswx_, kswy_, k_, l_, mit_, nit_, is_, ms_, js_, ns_;
1561 real_4 ait_, bit_, cit_, dit_, dlx_, dly_, tdlx3_, tdly3_, dlx4_, dly4_;
1562 } splpcm_;
1563 static struct {
1564 int_4 lpar_;
1565 real_8 eps_, fouru_, sqovfl_, sru_, twou_, uro_;
1566 } dml5mc_;
1567 static struct {
1568 int_4 icoco_, indpvt_, integ_, mxnon_, ndisk_, neq_, neqivp_, nfcc_, nic_, nopg_, nps_, ntape_, ntp_, numort_, nxpts_,
1569 lnfcc_;
1570 real_8 ae_, re_, tol_;
1571 } dml18j_;
1572 static struct {
1573 int_4 lp_, lenl_, lenu_, ncp_, lrow_, lcol_;
1574 real_8 small_;
1575 } la05dd_;
1576 static struct {
1577 int_4 mpb_, mpt_, mpm_, mplun_, mpmxr_, mpr_[30], b_, t_, m_, lun_, mxr_, r_[30];
1578 } mpcom_;
1579 static struct {
1580 int_4 igofx_, inhomo_, ivp_, ncompd_, nfc_, ncomp_;
1581 real_8 c_, xsav_;
1582 } dml8sz_;
1583 static struct {
1584 int_4 info_[15], istkop_, knswot_, kop_, lotjp_, mnswot_, nswot_;
1585 real_8 pwcnd_, px_, tnd_, x_, xbeg_, xend_, xop_, xot_;
1586 } dml15t_;
1587 static struct {
1588 real_8 soln_[1];
1589 } dslblk_;
1590 static struct {
1591 int_4 l_, l2_, kmax_;
1592 real_8 radix_, radixl_, rad2l_, dlg10r_;
1593 } dxblk2_;
1594 static struct {
1595 int_4 nlg102_, mlg102_, lg102_[21];
1596 } dxblk3_;
1597 static struct {
1598 int_4 lp_, lenl_, lenu_, ncp_, lrow_, lcol_;
1599 real_4 small_;
1600 } la05ds_;
1601 static struct {
1602 int_4 lpar_;
1603 real_4 uro_, sru_, eps_, sqovfl_, twou_, fouru_;
1604 } ml5mco_;
1605 static struct {
1606 int_4 nxpts_, nic_, nopg_, mxnon_, ndisk_, ntape_, neq_, indpvt_, integ_, nps_, ntp_, neqivp_, numort_, nfcc_, icoco_,
1607 lnfcc_;
1608 real_4 ae_, re_, tol_;
1609 } ml18jr_;
1610 static struct {
1611 int_4 igofx_, inhomo_, ivp_, ncompd_, nfc_, ncomp_;
1612 real_4 c_, xsav_;
1613 } ml8sz_;
1614 static struct {
1615 int_4 info_[15], istkop_, knswot_, kop_, lotjp_, mnswot_, nswot_;
1616 real_4 px_, pwcnd_, tnd_, x_, xbeg_, xend_, xot_, xop_;
1617 } ml15to_;
1618 static struct {
1619 real_4 soln_[1];
1620 } sslblk_;
1621 static struct {
1622 int_4 l_, l2_, kmax_;
1623 real_4 radix_, radixl_, rad2l_, dlg10r_;
1624 } xblk2_;
1625 static struct {
1626 int_4 nlg102_, mlg102_, lg102_[21];
1627 } xblk3_;
1630 arg_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ y_);
1632 y_, real_4 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflw_);
1634 int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1636 real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ sgn_);
1640 real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, int_4 _p_ idimy_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ w1_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4
1641 _p_ w3_, real_4 _p_ wd_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ wu_, int_4 (*_prdct)(), int_4 (*_cprdct)());
1643 int_4 _p_ jt_);
1645 real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_);
1647 _p_ iflag_);
1649 _p_ b_);
1651 real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inbv_, real_4 _p_ err_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ work_);
1655 nderiv_);
1657 vnikx_);
1659 ileft_, real_4 _p_ vnikx_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1661 real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ sgn_);
1663 );
1665 nz_, real_4 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_);
1667 complex_8 _p_ bm_, complex_8 _p_ cm_, int_4 _p_ idimy_, complex_8 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ w1_, complex_8
1668 _p_ w2_, complex_8 _p_ w3_, complex_8 _p_ wd_, complex_8 _p_ ww_, complex_8 _p_ wu_, int_4 (*_prdct)(), int_4
1669 (*_cprdct)());
1671 real_4 _p_ ah_, real_4 _p_ bh_);
1673 int_4 _p_ incy_);
1676 complex_8 _p_ yh_, complex_8 _p_ y_);
1679 real_4 _p_ rh_, complex_8 _p_ yh_);
1682 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ info_);
1684 ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1686 ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1689 int_4 _p_ ne_, real_4 _p_ xe_, real_4 _p_ fe_, real_4 _p_ de_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1691 int_4 _p_ ne_, real_4 _p_ xe_, real_4 _p_ fe_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1693 , real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_);
1695 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ info_);
1697 ldfjac_, real_4 _p_ xp_, real_4 _p_ fvecp_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ err_);
1699 c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 _p_ idmn_, int_4 _p_ ierror_);
1701 mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 (*_cofy)(), int_4 _p_
1702 idmn_, int_4 _p_ ierror_);
1704 logical_4 _p_ singlr_);
1706 real_4 _p_ xnu_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 (*_cofy)(), logical_4 _p_ singlr_);
1709 complex_8 _p_ bc_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8
1710 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ p_);
1712 _p_ bb_, complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ b2_, complex_8 _p_ b3_,
1713 complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ w2_, complex_8 _p_ w3_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ p_);
1715 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ b2_, complex_8 _p_ b3_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ w2_,
1716 complex_8 _p_ w3_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ p_);
1718 _p_ y1_, complex_8 _p_ y2_, complex_8 _p_ y3_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w1_, complex_8 _p_
1719 w2_, complex_8 _p_ w3_);
1721 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_);
1723 , real_4 _p_ rcond_, complex_8 _p_ z_);
1725 , complex_8 _p_ det_);
1727 , int_4 _p_ info_);
1729 v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1731 v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1733 , complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ job_);
1735 real_4 _p_ ah_, real_4 _p_ bh_);
1738 bp_, real_4 _p_ bh_);
1740 b_, logical_4 _p_ kbd_);
1743 ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_);
1745 ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_);
1747 ;
1749 bm2_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_
1750 b_, complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ yy_);
1752 bm2_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_
1753 b_, complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ yy_);
1755 bm2_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ yy_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4
1756 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ y_);
1758 bm2_, int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ yy_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4
1759 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ u_, complex_8 _p_ y_);
1761 _p_ s_);
1764 real_4 _p_ alim_, int_4 _p_ iuf_);
1766 colsav_, real_4 _p_ rows_, real_4 _p_ rowsav_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_ scales_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, int_4 _p_ ic_)
1767 ;
1771 complex_8 _p_ arg_, complex_8 _p_ zeta1_, complex_8 _p_ zeta2_, complex_8 _p_ asum_, complex_8 _p_ bsum_);
1773 _p_ init_, complex_8 _p_ phi_, complex_8 _p_ zeta1_, complex_8 _p_ zeta2_, complex_8 _p_ sum_, complex_8 _p_ cwrk_);
1775 _p_ bkpt_, real_4 _p_ w_);
1779 _p_ w_, logical_4 _p_ sing_);
1781 arg_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ y_);
1783 int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1786 real_8 _p_ soln_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_);
1789 int_4 _p_ jt_);
1791 real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_);
1793 _p_ iflag_);
1795 _p_ b_);
1797 bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnormc_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_
1798 mode_, real_8 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_);
1800 bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
1801 ;
1803 bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ rw_, real_8 _p_ ww_
1804 , real_8 _p_ scl_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_);
1806 real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inbv_, real_8 _p_ err_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_8 _p_ work_);
1809 ileft_, real_8 _p_ vnikx_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1811 incy_, real_8 _p_ dcr_, real_8 _p_ dci_);
1815 , int_4 _p_ ne_, real_8 _p_ xe_, real_8 _p_ fe_, real_8 _p_ de_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1817 , int_4 _p_ ne_, real_8 _p_ xe_, real_8 _p_ fe_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1819 d2_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_);
1821 ierr_, int_4 _p_ iter_, real_8 _p_ err_);
1823 ldfjac_, real_8 _p_ xp_, real_8 _p_ fvecp_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ err_);
1825 nic_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ coef_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, real_8 _p_
1826 by_, real_8 _p_ cvec_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ nfcc_);
1829 real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_);
1831 int_4 _p_ iunit_);
1833 colsav_, real_8 _p_ rows_, real_8 _p_ rowsav_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_ scales_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, int_4 _p_ ic_)
1834 ;
1836 _p_ bkpt_, real_8 _p_ w_);
1839 _p_ kold_, real_8 _p_ phi_, real_8 _p_ psi_);
1841 wt_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1844 info_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4
1845 _p_ liw_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1847 info_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4
1848 _p_ liw_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1850 real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ ypout_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ yy_, real_8 _p_ wt_,
1851 real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ phi_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ psi_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_,
1852 real_8 _p_ sig_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ gi_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ xold_, real_8
1853 _p_ hold_, real_8 _p_ told_, real_8 _p_ delsgn_, real_8 _p_ tstop_, real_8 _p_ twou_, real_8 _p_ fouru_, logical_4 _p_
1854 start_, logical_4 _p_ phase1_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, logical_4 _p_ stiff_, logical_4 _p_ intout_, int_4 _p_ ns_, int_4
1855 _p_ kord_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kle4_, int_4 _p_ iquit_, int_4 _p_ kprev_,
1856 int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1858 real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ y_);
1860 delta_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
1863 real_8 _p_ rh_, real_8 _p_ yh_);
1865 , real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_
1866 liw_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1868 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, int_4 _p_ lw_, real_8 _p_
1869 w_);
1871 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, real_8 _p_ bf_, real_8
1872 _p_ xtemp_, real_8 _p_ ptemp_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, real_8 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4
1873 _p_ lw_);
1876 real_4 _p_ f1_, real_4 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ f3_, real_4 _p_ f4_, real_4 _p_ f5_, real_4 _p_ ys_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4
1877 _p_ ipar_);
1881 , real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_
1882 liw_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1884 , real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ tolfac_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_
1885 f1_, real_4 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ f3_, real_4 _p_ f4_, real_4 _p_ f5_, real_4 _p_ ys_, real_4 _p_ told_, real_4 _p_
1886 dtsign_, real_4 _p_ u26_, real_4 _p_ rer_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kop_, int_4 _p_ iquit_,
1887 logical_4 _p_ stiff_, logical_4 _p_ nonstf_, int_4 _p_ ntstep_, int_4 _p_ nstifs_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1889 real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ ypout_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ yy_, real_4 _p_ wt_,
1890 real_4 _p_ p_, real_4 _p_ phi_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ psi_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_,
1891 real_4 _p_ sig_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ gi_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ xold_, real_4
1892 _p_ hold_, real_4 _p_ told_, real_4 _p_ delsgn_, real_4 _p_ tstop_, real_4 _p_ twou_, real_4 _p_ fouru_, logical_4 _p_
1893 start_, logical_4 _p_ phase1_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, logical_4 _p_ stiff_, logical_4 _p_ intout_, int_4 _p_ ns_, int_4
1894 _p_ kord_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kle4_, int_4 _p_ iquit_, int_4 _p_ kprev_,
1895 int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
1897 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_8 _p_ xconst_, real_8 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, int_4
1898 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iw_);
1900 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_8 _p_ xconst_, real_8 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_,
1901 int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, real_8 _p_ bf_, real_8 _p_ xtemp_, real_8 _p_ ptemp_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, real_8 _p_
1902 g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1904 ldfjac_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ epsfcn_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
1906 , int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_8 _p_ epsfcn_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
1908 real_8 _p_ f1_, real_8 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ f3_, real_8 _p_ f4_, real_8 _p_ f5_, real_8 _p_ ys_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4
1909 _p_ ipar_);
1911 nderiv_);
1913 vnikx_);
1915 dattrv_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
1917 int_4 _p_ iflag_);
1919 ierr_);
1921 real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1923 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_);
1925 real_8 _p_ up_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ice_, int_4 _p_ icv_, int_4 _p_ ncv_);
1927 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ tau_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ ip_);
1929 yprime_, real_8 _p_ etol_, int_4 _p_ morder_, real_8 _p_ small_, real_8 _p_ big_, real_8 _p_ spy_, real_8 _p_ pv_,
1930 real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ sf_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_8 _p_ h_);
1933 neqn_, int_4 _p_ kold_, real_8 _p_ phi_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_8 _p_ gi_, real_8 _p_
1934 alpha_, real_8 _p_ og_, real_8 _p_ ow_, real_8 _p_ ox_, real_8 _p_ oy_);
1936 mflag_);
1939 int_4 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4
1940 _p_ ksure_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_);
1942 real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ dinv_);
1945 real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ is_);
1947 real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorme_, real_8 _p_ rnorml_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_
1948 ip_);
1950 real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_);
1952 real_8 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ nrdu_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_8 _p_ q_,
1953 real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ div_, real_8 _p_ td_, int_4 _p_ isflg_, real_8 _p_
1954 scales_);
1957 real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ wcnd_);
1960 , real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ par_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_);
1962 real_8 _p_ rcond_, real_8 _p_ z_);
1964 real_8 _p_ det_);
1966 int_4 _p_ info_);
1968 int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
1970 real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ job_);
1972 , real_8 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_8 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_);
1974 real_8 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_8 _p_ ftol_, real_8 _p_ xtol_, real_8 _p_ gtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, real_8
1975 _p_ epsfcn_, real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_
1976 , int_4 _p_ njev_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_ qtf_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_
1977 );
1979 fvec_, real_8 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_);
1981 , real_8 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_8 _p_ xtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_
1982 epsfcn_, real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_,
1983 int_4 _p_ njev_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lr_, real_8 _p_ qtf_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_,
1984 real_8 _p_ wa4_);
1986 delta_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
1988 div_, real_8 _p_ td_);
1990 , int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_8 _p_ scales_, real_8 _p_ rows_, real_8 _p_ rs_);
1992 ;
1995 skip_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ib_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
1998 ircx_);
2001 _p_ slope_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2004 jstrt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_
2005 ibb_, real_8 _p_ costsc_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ dulnrm_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_,
2006 real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_,
2007 real_8 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_);
2009 _p_ ind_, real_8 _p_ primal_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ costsc_, real_8 _p_
2010 colnrm_, real_8 _p_ xlamda_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, real_8 _p_ rhsnrm_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_,
2011 int_4 _p_ imat_, logical_4 _p_ lopt_);
2015 _p_ itbrc_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4
2016 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ tune_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_,
2017 real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ primal_, real_8 _p_ erd_, real_8 _p_ erp_, logical_4 _p_
2018 singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_);
2020 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4
2021 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ uu_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8
2022 _p_ basmat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_);
2024 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8
2025 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ dulnrm_, real_8 _p_ dirnrm_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_
2026 basmat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_
2027 rg_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_, real_8 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ found_);
2029 int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ theta_, real_8 _p_ dirnrm_, real_8 _p_ rprnrm_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_
2030 ww_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, real_8 _p_ erp_, real_8 _p_ rprim_, real_8 _p_ primal_, logical_4 _p_ finite_,
2031 logical_4 _p_ zerolv_);
2033 prgopt_, real_8 _p_ dattrv_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ primal_,
2034 real_8 _p_ duals_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_, real_8 _p_ erd_, real_8 _p_ erp_, real_8 _p_
2035 basmat_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8 _p_ rprim_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, real_8 _p_ ww_, int_4 _p_
2036 lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_
2037 iwr_);
2039 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_ ileave_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ npp_, int_4 _p_ jstrt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_,
2040 int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ anorm_,
2041 real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ uu_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ rprnrm_, real_8 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ dulnrm_, real_8 _p_
2042 theta_, real_8 _p_ costsc_, real_8 _p_ xlamda_, real_8 _p_ rhsnrm_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_, real_8 _p_
2043 csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ rprim_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ bu_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, real_8 _p_
2044 erd_, real_8 _p_ erp_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ primal_,
2045 real_8 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_, logical_4 _p_ zerolv_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_);
2047 dattrv_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ amat_, int_4 _p_ imat_, logical_4
2048 _p_ sizeup_, real_8 _p_ asmall_, real_8 _p_ abig_);
2050 ircx_);
2052 real_8 _p_ work_);
2055 real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_8 _p_ a_);
2057 , real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2059 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, real_8 _p_ ropt_, int_4 _p_ intopt_, logical_4 _p_ lopt_);
2062 , int_4 _p_ id_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inppv_, real_8 _p_ err_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2069 int_4 _p_ incy_);
2071 int_4 _p_ incy_);
2074 ipvt_, int_4 _p_ lipvt_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ acnorm_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
2076 qtb_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ wa_);
2078 l1max_, real_8 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2080 m2max_, real_8 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2082 l1min_, real_8 _p_ l1max_, real_8 _p_ sixcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2087 w_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, real_8 _p_ stowa_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2091 , real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ tolfac_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_
2092 f1_, real_8 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ f3_, real_8 _p_ f4_, real_8 _p_ f5_, real_8 _p_ ys_, real_8 _p_ told_, real_8 _p_
2093 dtsign_, real_8 _p_ u26_, real_8 _p_ rer_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kop_, int_4 _p_ iquit_,
2094 logical_4 _p_ stiff_, logical_4 _p_ nonstf_, int_4 _p_ ntstep_, int_4 _p_ nstifs_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
2096 int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_8 _p_ el_);
2098 real_8 _p_ dinv_);
2100 real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2102 real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ itol_);
2104 real_8 _p_ dinv_);
2106 int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ iwarn_);
2108 int_4 _p_ nl_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_8 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ nu_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_
2109 ju_, real_8 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ ncol_);
2111 real_8 _p_ el_);
2113 real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8 _p_ u_);
2115 real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8 _p_ u_);
2117 real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8 _p_ u_);
2119 real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_);
2121 real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_);
2124 _p_ tolf_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mxit_, int_4 _p_ ncjs_, int_4 _p_ nsrrc_, int_4 _p_ nsri_, int_4 _p_ iprint_,
2125 real_8 _p_ fmax_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ nc_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ temp_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8
2126 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ fac_, int_4 _p_ is_);
2128 _p_ tolf_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_8 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iw_, int_4 _p_ liw_);
2130 _p_ m_);
2132 , real_8 _p_ dattrv_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ primal_, real_8 _p_
2133 duals_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_);
2135 real_8 _p_ wt_, logical_4 _p_ start_, real_8 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, logical_4 _p_ crash_, real_8 _p_
2136 phi_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ psi_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ sig_, real_8 _p_
2137 v_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ g_, logical_4 _p_ phase1_, int_4 _p_ ns_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, real_8
2138 _p_ twou_, real_8 _p_ fouru_, real_8 _p_ xold_, int_4 _p_ kprev_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_8
2139 _p_ gi_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
2141 ndisk_, int_4 _p_ ntape_);
2144 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2146 real_8 _p_ soln_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_);
2148 real_8 _p_ soln_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_);
2150 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ eb_, int_4
2151 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ir_);
2153 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ eb_, int_4
2154 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ ic_);
2156 int_4 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4
2157 _p_ ir_);
2159 int_4 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4
2160 _p_ ic_);
2162 int_4 _p_ nb_, real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4
2163 _p_ ksure_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_);
2165 dattrv_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2167 _p_ inhomo_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2171 int_4 _p_ itype_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ idope_, real_8 _p_ dope_, logical_4
2172 _p_ done_);
2174 real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, int_4 _p_ itype_, real_8 _p_
2175 wd_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ temp_, real_8 _p_ d_);
2177 recalc_, int_4 _p_ imax_, real_8 _p_ hbar_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ w_);
2179 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ wic_);
2181 real_8 _p_ w_);
2183 real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, real_8 _p_ work_);
2186 real_8 _p_ cos_, real_8 _p_ sin_);
2197 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, int_4 _p_ lw_, real_4 _p_
2198 w_);
2200 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, real_4 _p_ bf_, real_4
2201 _p_ xtemp_, real_4 _p_ ptemp_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, real_4 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4
2202 _p_ lw_);
2206 _p_ nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_4 _p_ xconst_, real_4 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, int_4 _p_
2207 mode_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iw_);
2209 int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_4 _p_ xconst_, real_4 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_,
2210 int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, real_4 _p_ bf_, real_4 _p_ xtemp_, real_4 _p_ ptemp_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, real_4 _p_
2211 g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2213 ldfjac_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_4 _p_ epsfcn_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
2215 , int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_4 _p_ epsfcn_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
2219 dattrv_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2221 int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2224 ierr_);
2226 real_4 _p_ up_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ice_, int_4 _p_ icv_, int_4 _p_ ncv_);
2228 _p_ nb_, real_4 _p_ tau_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ ip_);
2232 _p_ kflag_, char _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2234 , real_4 _p_ etol_, int_4 _p_ morder_, real_4 _p_ small_, real_4 _p_ big_, real_4 _p_ spy_, real_4 _p_ pv_, real_4 _p_
2235 yp_, real_4 _p_ sf_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_4 _p_ h_);
2237 bda_, real_4 _p_ bdb_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdc_, real_4 _p_ bdd_,
2238 real_4 _p_ elmbda_, real_4 _p_ f_, int_4 _p_ idimf_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, int_4 _p_ ierr1_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_
2239 bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ snth_, real_4 _p_ rsq_, real_4 _p_ wrk_
2240 );
2243 bdts_, real_4 _p_ bdtf_, real_4 _p_ rs_, real_4 _p_ rf_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdrs_, real_4 _p_
2244 bdrf_, real_4 _p_ elmbda_, real_4 _p_ f_, int_4 _p_ idimf_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4
2245 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_
2246 sint_, real_4 _p_ bmh_);
2248 bdtf_, real_4 _p_ ps_, real_4 _p_ pf_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdps_, real_4 _p_ bdpf_, real_4 _p_
2249 elmbda_, real_4 _p_ f_, int_4 _p_ idimf_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4
2250 _p_ sn_, real_4 _p_ ss_, real_4 _p_ sint_, real_4 _p_ d_);
2258 mflag_);
2270 int_4 _p_ iw_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ u_);
2272 int_4 _p_ iw_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ u_);
2274 real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ b_, logical_4 _p_ trans_);
2276 real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ b_, logical_4 _p_ trans_);
2278 real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ mm_);
2280 real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ mm_);
2282 logical_4 _p_ reals_);
2284 logical_4 _p_ reals_);
2286 _p_ nb_, real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_
2287 ksure_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_);
2289 , real_4 _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ par_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_);
2291 real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ is_);
2293 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorme_, real_4 _p_ rnorml_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_);
2295 real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_);
2297 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ q_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, int_4 _p_
2298 iter_, real_4 _p_ resnrm_, real_4 _p_ xnorm_, real_4 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ div_, real_4 _p_ td_, real_4 _p_
2299 scales_);
2301 real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ nrdu_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ q_,
2302 real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ div_, real_4 _p_ td_, int_4 _p_ isflg_, real_4 _p_
2303 scales_);
2306 jnum_, int_4 _p_ jdisp_);
2308 jnum_, int_4 _p_ jdisp_);
2310 real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ wcnd_);
2333 div_, real_4 _p_ td_);
2335 div_, real_4 _p_ td_);
2339 , int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_4 _p_ scales_, real_4 _p_ cols_, real_4 _p_ cs_);
2341 , int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_4 _p_ scales_, real_4 _p_ rows_, real_4 _p_ rs_);
2345 skip_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ib_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2348 ircx_);
2351 slope_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2357 ircx_);
2359 , real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_);
2361 , real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ b2_, real_4 _p_ b3_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4
2362 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_);
2364 _p_ idimq_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ b2_, real_4 _p_ b3_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_, real_4 _p_ d_
2365 , real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_);
2368 real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ a_);
2371 , real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2373 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldimf_, int_4 _p_ mdimf_, real_4 _p_ f_, real_4 _p_ xrt_, real_4 _p_ yrt_, real_4 _p_
2374 t_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ wx_, real_4 _p_ wy_, real_4 _p_ c1_, real_4 _p_ c2_, real_4 _p_ bb_);
2376 int_4 _p_ idimq_, real_4 _p_ q_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ b2_, real_4 _p_ b3_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4
2377 _p_ w3_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_);
2379 bp_, real_4 _p_ bh_);
2381 int_4 _p_ id_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inppv_, real_4 _p_ err_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2387 int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_,
2388 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ u_);
2390 , int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_,
2391 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ u_, complex_8 _p_ w_);
2393 int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_,
2394 real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ u_);
2396 , int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_
2397 c_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ w_);
2403 int_4 _p_ ierr_);
2406 ;
2410 ipvt_, int_4 _p_ lipvt_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ acnorm_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
2412 qtb_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ wa_);
2417 _p_ w_, logical_4 _p_ sing_);
2419 l1max_, real_4 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2421 m2max_, real_4 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2423 l1min_, real_4 _p_ l1max_, real_4 _p_ sixcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_);
2427 , real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, real_4 _p_ stowa_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2432 s_);
2434 real_4 _p_ cos_, real_4 _p_ sin_);
2437 real_4 _p_ soln_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_);
2439 bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnormc_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_
2440 mode_, real_4 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_);
2442 bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
2443 ;
2445 bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ rw_, real_4 _p_ ww_
2446 , real_4 _p_ scl_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_);
2448 ierr_, int_4 _p_ iter_, real_4 _p_ err_);
2451 nic_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ coef_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, real_4 _p_
2452 by_, real_4 _p_ cvec_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ nfcc_);
2455 real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_);
2457 int_4 _p_ iunit_);
2460 _p_ kold_, real_4 _p_ phi_, real_4 _p_ psi_);
2462 wt_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
2465 real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ y_);
2468 real_4 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ yh_);
2470 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ info_);
2472 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2474 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2476 _p_ nb_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_);
2479 neqn_, int_4 _p_ kold_, real_4 _p_ phi_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_4 _p_ gi_, real_4 _p_
2480 alpha_, real_4 _p_ og_, real_4 _p_ ow_, real_4 _p_ ox_, real_4 _p_ oy_);
2482 real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ dinv_);
2486 real_4 _p_ rcond_, real_4 _p_ z_);
2488 real_4 _p_ det_);
2490 int_4 _p_ info_);
2492 int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2494 int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2496 real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ job_);
2498 , real_4 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_4 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_);
2500 real_4 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_4 _p_ ftol_, real_4 _p_ xtol_, real_4 _p_ gtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, real_4
2501 _p_ epsfcn_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_
2502 , int_4 _p_ njev_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_ qtf_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_
2503 );
2505 fvec_, real_4 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_);
2507 , real_4 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_4 _p_ xtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_4 _p_
2508 epsfcn_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_,
2509 int_4 _p_ njev_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lr_, real_4 _p_ qtf_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_,
2510 real_4 _p_ wa4_);
2512 int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2515 _p_ tolf_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mxit_, int_4 _p_ ncjs_, int_4 _p_ nsrrc_, int_4 _p_ nsri_, int_4 _p_ iprint_,
2516 real_4 _p_ fmax_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ nc_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ p_, real_4 _p_ temp_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4
2517 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ fac_, int_4 _p_ is_);
2519 tolf_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_4 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iw_, int_4 _p_ liw_);
2521 _p_ m_);
2523 bda_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ bdb_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_
2524 nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdc_, real_4 _p_ bdd_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_
2525 dn_, real_4 _p_ un_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ dm_, real_4 _p_ um_,
2526 real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ grhs_, real_4 _p_ usol_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, int_4 _p_
2527 ierror_);
2529 mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bda_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ bdb_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_
2530 n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdc_, real_4 _p_ gama_, real_4 _p_ bdd_, real_4 _p_ xnu_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4
2531 (*_cofy)(), real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ dn_, real_4 _p_ un_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_
2532 am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ dm_, real_4 _p_ um_, real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ grhs_, real_4 _p_ usol_
2533 , int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, int_4 _p_ ierror_);
2535 jstrt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_
2536 ibb_, real_4 _p_ costsc_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ dulnrm_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_,
2537 real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_,
2538 real_4 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_);
2540 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_ primal_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ costsc_, real_4 _p_
2541 colnrm_, real_4 _p_ xlamda_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, real_4 _p_ rhsnrm_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_,
2542 int_4 _p_ imat_, logical_4 _p_ lopt_);
2544 _p_ itbrc_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4
2545 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ tune_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_,
2546 real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ primal_, real_4 _p_ erd_, real_4 _p_ erp_, logical_4 _p_
2547 singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_);
2549 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4
2550 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ uu_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4
2551 _p_ basmat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_);
2553 real_4 _p_ dattrv_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ primal_, real_4 _p_
2554 duals_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_);
2556 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4
2557 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ dulnrm_, real_4 _p_ dirnrm_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_
2558 basmat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_
2559 rg_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_, real_4 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ found_);
2561 int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ theta_, real_4 _p_ dirnrm_, real_4 _p_ rprnrm_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_
2562 ww_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, real_4 _p_ erp_, real_4 _p_ rprim_, real_4 _p_ primal_, logical_4 _p_ finite_,
2563 logical_4 _p_ zerolv_);
2565 prgopt_, real_4 _p_ dattrv_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ primal_,
2566 real_4 _p_ duals_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_, real_4 _p_ erd_, real_4 _p_ erp_, real_4 _p_
2567 basmat_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4 _p_ rprim_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, real_4 _p_ ww_, int_4 _p_
2568 lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_
2569 iwr_);
2571 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_ ileave_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ npp_, int_4 _p_ jstrt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_,
2572 int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ anorm_,
2573 real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ uu_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ rprnrm_, real_4 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ dulnrm_, real_4 _p_
2574 theta_, real_4 _p_ costsc_, real_4 _p_ xlamda_, real_4 _p_ rhsnrm_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_, real_4 _p_
2575 csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ rprim_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ bu_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, real_4 _p_
2576 erd_, real_4 _p_ erp_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ primal_,
2577 real_4 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_, logical_4 _p_ zerolv_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_);
2579 dattrv_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ amat_, int_4 _p_ imat_, logical_4
2580 _p_ sizeup_, real_4 _p_ asmall_, real_4 _p_ abig_);
2582 real_4 _p_ work_);
2584 real_4 _p_ work_);
2586 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, real_4 _p_ ropt_, int_4 _p_ intopt_, logical_4 _p_ lopt_);
2591 int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_4 _p_ el_);
2593 real_4 _p_ dinv_);
2595 real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2597 real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ itol_);
2599 real_4 _p_ dinv_);
2601 int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ iwarn_);
2603 int_4 _p_ info_);
2605 int_4 _p_ nl_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ nu_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_
2606 ju_, real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ ncol_);
2608 real_4 _p_ el_);
2610 real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4 _p_ u_);
2612 real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4 _p_ u_);
2614 real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4 _p_ u_);
2616 real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_);
2618 real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_);
2621 real_4 _p_ wt_, logical_4 _p_ start_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, logical_4 _p_ crash_, real_4 _p_
2622 phi_, real_4 _p_ p_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ psi_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ sig_, real_4 _p_
2623 v_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ g_, logical_4 _p_ phase1_, int_4 _p_ ns_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, real_4
2624 _p_ twou_, real_4 _p_ fouru_, real_4 _p_ xold_, int_4 _p_ kprev_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_4
2625 _p_ gi_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_);
2627 real_4 _p_ soln_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_);
2629 ndisk_, int_4 _p_ ntape_);
2631 real_4 _p_ soln_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_);
2634 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_);
2636 _p_ inhomo_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2642 _p_ y2_, real_4 _p_ y3_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ w1_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_);
2645 _p_ z_);
2647 _p_ z_);
2649 real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ w_);
2651 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ eb_, int_4
2652 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ir_);
2654 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ eb_, int_4
2655 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ ic_);
2657 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_
2658 ir_);
2660 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_
2661 ic_);
2663 _p_ nb_, real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_
2664 ksure_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_);
2666 dattrv_, int_4 _p_ iflag_);
2669 int_4 _p_ itype_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ idope_, real_4 _p_ dope_, logical_4
2670 _p_ done_);
2672 real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, int_4 _p_ itype_, real_4 _p_
2673 wd_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ temp_, real_4 _p_ d_);
2675 recalc_, int_4 _p_ imax_, real_4 _p_ hbar_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ w_);
2677 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ wic_);
2679 real_4 _p_ w_);
2681 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, real_4 _p_ work_);
2687 int_4 _aaaaaa (char _p_ ver_)
2688 { // ** body not listed **
2692 }
2693 int_4 _asyik (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, real_4 _p_ flgik_, real_4 _p_ ra_, real_4 _p_ arg_,
2694 int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ y_)
2695 { // ** body not listed **
3104 }
3105 int_4 _asyjy (int_4 (*_funjy)(), real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, real_4 _p_ flgjy_, int_4 _p_ in_, real_4 _p_ y_,
3106 real_4 _p_ wk_, int_4 _p_ iflw_)
3107 { // ** body not listed **
5187 }
5188 int_4 _avint (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ xlo_, real_4 _p_ xup_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_
5189 ierr_)
5190 { // ** body not listed **
5336 }
5337 real_4 _bcrh (real_4 _p_ xll_, real_4 _p_ xrr_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_, real_4
5338 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ sgn_)
5339 { // ** body not listed **
5374 }
5375 int_4 _bdiff (int_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_ v_)
5376 { // ** body not listed **
5391 }
5392 int_4 _bksol (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_)
5393 { // ** body not listed **
5410 }
5411 int_4 _blktr1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_
5412 bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, int_4 _p_ idimy_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ w1_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_,
5413 real_4 _p_ wd_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ wu_, int_4 (*_prdct)(), int_4 (*_cprdct)())
5414 { // ** body not listed **
5748 }
5749 int_4 _bndacc (real_4 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, int_4 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ mt_, int_4 _p_ jt_
5750 )
5751 { // ** body not listed **
5827 }
5828 int_4 _bndsol (int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, int_4 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ ir_, real_4 _p_
5829 x_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_)
5830 { // ** body not listed **
5918 }
5919 int_4 _bnfac (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ nroww_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ nbandl_, int_4 _p_ nbandu_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
5920 { // ** body not listed **
5990 }
5991 int_4 _bnslv (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ nroww_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ nbandl_, int_4 _p_ nbandu_, real_4 _p_ b_)
5992 { // ** body not listed **
6033 }
6034 int_4 _bsgq8 (real_4 (*_fun)(), real_4 _p_ xt_, real_4 _p_ bc_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kk_, int_4 _p_ id_, real_4 _p_
6035 a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inbv_, real_4 _p_ err_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ work_)
6036 { // ** body not listed **
6304 }
6305 int_4 _bspdoc (void)
6306 { // ** body not listed **
6309 }
6310 int_4 _bspdr (real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, real_4 _p_ ad_)
6311 { // ** body not listed **
6360 }
6361 int_4 _bsplvd (real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, real_4 _p_ vnikx_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_)
6362 { // ** body not listed **
6428 }
6429 int_4 _bsplvn (real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ jhigh_, int_4 _p_ index_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, real_4 _p_ vnikx_)
6430 { // ** body not listed **
6533 }
6534 int_4 _bspvn (real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ jhigh_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ index_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, real_4
6535 _p_ vnikx_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
6536 { // ** body not listed **
6597 }
6598 real_4 _bsrh (real_4 _p_ xll_, real_4 _p_ xrr_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_, real_4
6599 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ sgn_)
6600 { // ** body not listed **
6635 }
6636 int_4 _c1merg (complex_8 _p_ tcos_, int_4 _p_ i1_, int_4 _p_ m1_, int_4 _p_ i2_, int_4 _p_ m2_, int_4 _p_ i3_)
6637 { // ** body not listed **
6676 }
6677 int_4 _casyi (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4
6678 _p_ rl_, real_4 _p_ tol_, real_4 _p_ elim_, real_4 _p_ alim_)
6679 { // ** body not listed **
6834 }
6835 int_4 _cblkt1 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ am_, complex_8
6836 _p_ bm_, complex_8 _p_ cm_, int_4 _p_ idimy_, complex_8 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ w1_, complex_8 _p_ w2_,
6837 complex_8 _p_ w3_, complex_8 _p_ wd_, complex_8 _p_ ww_, complex_8 _p_ wu_, int_4 (*_prdct)(), int_4 (*_cprdct)())
6838 { // ** body not listed **
7172 }
7173 int_4 _ccmpb (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4
7174 _p_ ah_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
7175 { // ** body not listed **
7333 }
7334 complex_8 _cdcdot (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cb_, complex_8 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_
7335 incy_)
7336 { // ** body not listed **
7367 }
7368 int_4 _cdcst (int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ tq_)
7369 { // ** body not listed **
7455 }
7456 int_4 _cdntp (real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ tout_, complex_8 _p_
7457 yh_, complex_8 _p_ y_)
7458 { // ** body not listed **
7499 }
7500 int_4 _cdpsc (int_4 _p_ ksgn_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, complex_8 _p_ yh_)
7501 { // ** body not listed **
7525 }
7526 int_4 _cdscl (real_4 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4
7527 _p_ rh_, complex_8 _p_ yh_)
7528 { // ** body not listed **
7549 }
7550 int_4 _cfod (int_4 _p_ meth_, real_4 _p_ elco_, real_4 _p_ tesco_)
7551 { // ** body not listed **
7626 }
7627 int_4 _cgeev (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_
7628 work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ info_)
7629 { // ** body not listed **
7724 }
7725 int_4 _cgefs (complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
7726 complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
7727 { // ** body not listed **
7918 }
7919 int_4 _cgeir (complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
7920 complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
7921 { // ** body not listed **
8130 }
8131 int_4 _chfcm (real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, real_4 _p_ delta_)
8132 { // ** body not listed **
8234 }
8235 int_4 _chfdv (real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ f1_, real_4 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, int_4 _p_
8236 ne_, real_4 _p_ xe_, real_4 _p_ fe_, real_4 _p_ de_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
8237 { // ** body not listed **
8293 }
8294 int_4 _chfev (real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ f1_, real_4 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, int_4 _p_
8295 ne_, real_4 _p_ xe_, real_4 _p_ fe_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
8296 { // ** body not listed **
8349 }
8350 real_4 _chfie (real_4 _p_ x1_, real_4 _p_ x2_, real_4 _p_ f1_, real_4 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, real_4
8351 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_)
8352 { // ** body not listed **
8431 }
8432 int_4 _chiev (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_
8433 work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ info_)
8434 { // ** body not listed **
8547 }
8548 int_4 _chkder (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_4
8549 _p_ xp_, real_4 _p_ fvecp_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ err_)
8550 { // ** body not listed **
8622 }
8623 int_4 _chkpr4 (int_4 _p_ iorder_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4
8624 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 _p_ idmn_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
8625 { // ** body not listed **
8671 }
8672 int_4 _chkprm (int_4 _p_ intl_, int_4 _p_ iorder_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_,
8673 real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 (*_cofy)(), int_4 _p_ idmn_,
8674 int_4 _p_ ierror_)
8675 { // ** body not listed **
8730 }
8731 int_4 _chksn4 (int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), logical_4
8732 _p_ singlr_)
8733 { // ** body not listed **
8758 }
8759 int_4 _chksng (int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ gama_, real_4 _p_
8760 xnu_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 (*_cofy)(), logical_4 _p_ singlr_)
8761 { // ** body not listed **
8800 }
8801 int_4 _cmpcsg (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ijump_, real_4 _p_ fnum_, real_4 _p_ fden_, complex_8 _p_ a_)
8802 { // ** body not listed **
8835 }
8836 int_4 _cmposd (int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ nr_, int_4 _p_ istag_, complex_8 _p_ ba_, complex_8 _p_ bb_, complex_8 _p_ bc_,
8837 complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_,
8838 complex_8 _p_ p_)
8839 { // ** body not listed **
9261 }
9262 int_4 _cmposn (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ istag_, int_4 _p_ mixbnd_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ bb_,
9263 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ b2_, complex_8 _p_ b3_, complex_8
9264 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ w2_, complex_8 _p_ w3_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ p_)
9265 { // ** body not listed **
9901 }
9902 int_4 _cmposp (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ bb_, complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ q_,
9903 int_4 _p_ idimq_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ b2_, complex_8 _p_ b3_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ w2_,
9904 complex_8 _p_ w3_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ p_)
9905 { // ** body not listed **
10000 }
10001 int_4 _cmptr3 (int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ k_, complex_8 _p_ y1_,
10002 complex_8 _p_ y2_, complex_8 _p_ y3_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w1_, complex_8 _p_ w2_,
10003 complex_8 _p_ w3_)
10004 { // ** body not listed **
10114 }
10115 int_4 _cmptrx (int_4 _p_ idegbr_, int_4 _p_ idegcr_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8 _p_ c_
10116 , complex_8 _p_ y_, complex_8 _p_ tcos_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_)
10117 { // ** body not listed **
10170 }
10171 int_4 _cnbco (complex_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4
10172 _p_ rcond_, complex_8 _p_ z_)
10173 { // ** body not listed **
10206 }
10207 s_ = ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
10208 (zdum_1_));}) / ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = ek_ - z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));})
10209 ;
10210 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10211 ek_ = CMPLXF (s_, 0.0) * ek_;
10212 _l30:;
10213 wk_ = ek_ - z_[k_ - 1];
10214 wkm_ = -ek_ - z_[k_ - 1];
10215 s_ = ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = wk_; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10216 sm_ = ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = wkm_; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10217 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
10218 (zdum_1_));}) == 0.0e0) {
10219 goto _l40;
10220 }
10221 wk_ = wk_ / conjf (abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]);
10222 wkm_ = wkm_ / conjf (abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]);
10223 goto _l50;
10224 _l40:;
10225 wk_ = CMPLXF (1.0, 0.0);
10226 wkm_ = CMPLXF (1.0, 0.0);
10227 _l50:;
10228 kp1_ = k_ + 1;
10229 ju_ = _min (_max (ju_, (*mu_) + ipvt_[k_ - 1]), (*n_));
10230 mm_ = ml1_;
10231 if (kp1_ > ju_) {
10232 goto _l90;
10233 }
10234 for (i_ = kp1_; i_ <= ju_; (i_)++) {
10235 mm_ = mm_ + 1;
10236 sm_ = sm_ + ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[i_ - 1] + wkm_ * conjf (abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((mm_ - 1))]); _abs ((real_4)
10237 (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10238 z_[i_ - 1] = z_[i_ - 1] + wk_ * conjf (abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((mm_ - 1))]);
10239 s_ = s_ + ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[i_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10240 }
10241 if (s_ >= sm_) {
10242 goto _l80;
10243 }
10244 t_ = wkm_ - wk_;
10245 wk_ = wkm_;
10246 mm_ = ml1_;
10247 for (i_ = kp1_; i_ <= ju_; (i_)++) {
10248 mm_ = mm_ + 1;
10249 z_[i_ - 1] = z_[i_ - 1] + t_ * conjf (abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((mm_ - 1))]);
10250 }
10251 _l80:;
10252 _l90:;
10253 z_[k_ - 1] = wk_;
10254 }
10255 s_ = 1.0e0 / _scasum (n_, z_, &_k1);
10256 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10257 for (kb_ = 1; kb_ <= (*n_); (kb_)++) {
10258 k_ = (*n_) + 1 - kb_;
10259 nl_ = _min ((*ml_), (*n_) - k_);
10260 if (k_ < (*n_)) {
10261 z_[k_ - 1] = z_[k_ - 1] + _cdotc (&nl_, &abe_[k_ + nl_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - nl_ - 1))], ($0_ = -ldb_, &$0_),
10262 &z_[k_ + 1 - 1], &_k1);
10263 }
10264 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));}) <= 1.0e0) {
10265 goto _l110;
10266 }
10267 s_ = 1.0e0 / ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10268 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10269 _l110:;
10270 l_ = ipvt_[k_ - 1];
10271 t_ = z_[l_ - 1];
10272 z_[l_ - 1] = z_[k_ - 1];
10273 z_[k_ - 1] = t_;
10274 }
10275 s_ = 1.0e0 / _scasum (n_, z_, &_k1);
10276 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10277 ynorm_ = 1.0;
10278 for (k_ = 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
10279 l_ = ipvt_[k_ - 1];
10280 t_ = z_[l_ - 1];
10281 z_[l_ - 1] = z_[k_ - 1];
10282 z_[k_ - 1] = t_;
10283 nl_ = _min ((*ml_), (*n_) - k_);
10284 if (k_ < (*n_)) {
10285 (void) _caxpy (&nl_, &t_, &abe_[k_ + nl_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - nl_ - 1))], ($1_ = -ldb_, &$1_), &z_[k_ + 1 - 1],
10286 &_k1);
10287 }
10288 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));}) <= 1.0e0) {
10289 goto _l130;
10290 }
10291 s_ = 1.0e0 / ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10292 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10293 ynorm_ = s_ * ynorm_;
10294 _l130:;
10295 }
10296 s_ = 1.0e0 / _scasum (n_, z_, &_k1);
10297 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10298 ynorm_ = s_ * ynorm_;
10299 for (kb_ = 1; kb_ <= (*n_); (kb_)++) {
10300 k_ = (*n_) + 1 - kb_;
10301 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));}) <= ({complex_8
10302 zdum_1_ = abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));})) {
10303 goto _l150;
10304 }
10305 s_ = ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
10306 (zdum_1_));}) / ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = z_[k_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));});
10307 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10308 ynorm_ = s_ * ynorm_;
10309 _l150:;
10310 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
10311 (zdum_1_));}) != 0.0e0) {
10312 z_[k_ - 1] = z_[k_ - 1] / abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))];
10313 }
10314 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = abe_[k_ - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
10315 (zdum_1_));}) == 0.0e0) {
10316 z_[k_ - 1] = 1.0;
10317 }
10318 lm_ = _min (k_, m_) - 1;
10319 lz_ = k_ - lm_;
10320 t_ = -z_[k_ - 1];
10321 (void) _caxpy (&lm_, &t_, &abe_[k_ - 1 - 1 + ((*lda_)) * (((*ml_) + 2 - 1))], ($2_ = -ldb_, &$2_), &z_[lz_ - 1], &_k1)
10322 ;
10323 }
10324 s_ = 1.0e0 / _scasum (n_, z_, &_k1);
10325 (void) _csscal (n_, &s_, z_, &_k1);
10326 ynorm_ = s_ * ynorm_;
10327 if (anorm_ != 0.0e0) {
10328 (*rcond_) = ynorm_ / anorm_;
10329 }
10330 if (anorm_ == 0.0e0) {
10331 (*rcond_) = 0.0;
10332 }
10333 __calls[48].calls++;
10334 return 0;
10335 }
10336 int_4 _cnbdi (complex_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_,
10337 complex_8 _p_ det_)
10338 { // ** body not listed **
10356 }
10357 det_[0] = CMPLXF (ten_, 0.0) * det_[0];
10358 det_[1] = det_[1] - CMPLXF (1.0, 0.0);
10359 goto _l10;
10360 _l20:;
10361 _l30:;
10362 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = det_[0]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf (zdum_1_));}) < ten_) {
10363 goto _l40;
10364 }
10365 det_[0] = det_[0] / CMPLXF (ten_, 0.0);
10366 det_[1] = det_[1] + CMPLXF (1.0, 0.0);
10367 goto _l30;
10368 _l40:;
10369 }
10370 _l60:;
10371 __calls[49].calls++;
10372 return 0;
10373 }
10374 int_4 _cnbfa (complex_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4
10375 _p_ info_)
10376 { // ** body not listed **
10424 }
10425 _l50:;
10426 ipvt_[(*n_) - 1] = (*n_);
10427 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = abe_[(*n_) - 1 + ((*lda_)) * ((ml1_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
10428 (zdum_1_));}) == 0.0e0) {
10429 (*info_) = (*n_);
10430 }
10431 __calls[50].calls++;
10432 return 0;
10433 }
10434 int_4 _cnbfs (complex_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4
10435 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
10436 { // ** body not listed **
10713 }
10714 int_4 _cnbir (complex_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4
10715 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
10716 { // ** body not listed **
11016 }
11017 int_4 _cnbsl (complex_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_,
11018 complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ job_)
11019 { // ** body not listed **
11089 }
11090 int_4 _compb (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4
11091 _p_ ah_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
11092 { // ** body not listed **
11250 }
11251 int_4 _cosgen (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ijump_, real_4 _p_ fnum_, real_4 _p_ fden_, real_4 _p_ a_)
11252 { // ** body not listed **
11285 }
11286 int_4 _cpadd (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ cbp_, real_4 _p_ bp_, real_4
11287 _p_ bh_)
11288 { // ** body not listed **
11574 }
11575 int_4 _cpevl (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ z_, complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ b_,
11576 logical_4 _p_ kbd_)
11577 { // ** body not listed **
11636 }
11637 int_4 _cpevlr (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ c_)
11638 { // ** body not listed **
11658 }
11659 int_4 _cpofs (complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
11660 complex_8 _p_ work_)
11661 { // ** body not listed **
11853 }
11854 int_4 _cpoir (complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
11855 complex_8 _p_ work_)
11856 { // ** body not listed **
12071 }
12072 int_4 _cpqr79 (int_4 _p_ ndeg_, complex_8 _p_ coeff_, complex_8 _p_ root_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ work_)
12073 { // ** body not listed **
12124 }
12125 int_4 _cproc (int_4 _p_ nd_, complex_8 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_, int_4
12126 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_,
12127 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ yy_)
12128 { // ** body not listed **
12281 }
12282 int_4 _cprocp (int_4 _p_ nd_, complex_8 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_,
12283 int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_,
12284 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ yy_)
12285 { // ** body not listed **
12467 }
12468 int_4 _cprod (int_4 _p_ nd_, complex_8 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_, int_4
12469 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ yy_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_,
12470 complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ y_)
12471 { // ** body not listed **
12627 }
12628 int_4 _cprodp (int_4 _p_ nd_, complex_8 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_,
12629 int_4 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ yy_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_
12630 , complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ u_, complex_8 _p_ y_)
12631 { // ** body not listed **
12816 }
12817 int_4 _cpzero (int_4 _p_ in_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ r_, complex_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ iflg_, real_4 _p_ s_)
12818 { // ** body not listed **
12939 }
12940 int_4 _crati (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, real_4 _p_ tol_)
12941 { // ** body not listed **
13050 }
13051 int_4 _cs1s2 (complex_8 _p_ zr_, complex_8 _p_ s1_, complex_8 _p_ s2_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ ascle_, real_4 _p_
13052 alim_, int_4 _p_ iuf_)
13053 { // ** body not listed **
13103 }
13104 int_4 _cscale (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ ncol_, real_4 _p_ cols_, real_4 _p_ colsav_,
13105 real_4 _p_ rows_, real_4 _p_ rowsav_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_ scales_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, int_4 _p_ ic_)
13106 { // ** body not listed **
13190 }
13191 int_4 _cshch (complex_8 _p_ z_, complex_8 _p_ csh_, complex_8 _p_ cch_)
13192 { // ** body not listed **
13208 }
13209 int_4 _cuchk (complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nz_, real_4 _p_ ascle_, real_4 _p_ tol_)
13210 { // ** body not listed **
13229 }
13230 int_4 _cunhj (complex_8 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ ipmtr_, real_4 _p_ tol_, complex_8 _p_ phi_, complex_8 _p_
13231 arg_, complex_8 _p_ zeta1_, complex_8 _p_ zeta2_, complex_8 _p_ asum_, complex_8 _p_ bsum_)
13232 { // ** body not listed **
16487 }
16488 int_4 _cunik (complex_8 _p_ zr_, real_4 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ ikflg_, int_4 _p_ ipmtr_, real_4 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ init_,
16489 complex_8 _p_ phi_, complex_8 _p_ zeta1_, complex_8 _p_ zeta2_, complex_8 _p_ sum_, complex_8 _p_ cwrk_)
16490 { // ** body not listed **
17243 }
17244 real_4 _cv (real_4 _p_ xval_, int_4 _p_ ndata_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_,
17245 real_4 _p_ w_)
17246 { // ** body not listed **
17276 }
17277 int_4 _d1merg (real_8 _p_ tcos_, int_4 _p_ i1_, int_4 _p_ m1_, int_4 _p_ i2_, int_4 _p_ m2_, int_4 _p_ i3_)
17278 { // ** body not listed **
17317 }
17318 int_4 _d1mpyq (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_)
17319 { // ** body not listed **
17382 }
17383 int_4 _d1updt (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ s_, int_4 _p_ ls_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_,
17384 logical_4 _p_ sing_)
17385 { // ** body not listed **
17516 }
17517 int_4 _dasyik (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fnu_, int_4 _p_ kode_, real_8 _p_ flgik_, real_8 _p_ ra_, real_8 _p_ arg_,
17518 int_4 _p_ in_, real_8 _p_ y_)
17519 { // ** body not listed **
17928 }
17929 int_4 _davint (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ xlo_, real_8 _p_ xup_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_
17930 ierr_)
17931 { // ** body not listed **
18075 }
18076 int_4 _dbdiff (int_4 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ v_)
18077 { // ** body not listed **
18092 }
18093 int_4 _dbhin (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_
18094 soln_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_)
18095 { // ** body not listed **
18619 }
18620 int_4 _dbksol (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_)
18621 { // ** body not listed **
18638 }
18639 int_4 _dbndac (real_8 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, int_4 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ mt_, int_4 _p_ jt_
18640 )
18641 { // ** body not listed **
18717 }
18718 int_4 _dbndsl (int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, int_4 _p_ nb_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ ir_, real_8 _p_
18719 x_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_)
18720 { // ** body not listed **
18808 }
18809 int_4 _dbnfac (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ nroww_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ nbandl_, int_4 _p_ nbandu_, int_4 _p_ iflag_
18810 )
18811 { // ** body not listed **
18881 }
18882 int_4 _dbnslv (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ nroww_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ nbandl_, int_4 _p_ nbandu_, real_8 _p_ b_)
18883 { // ** body not listed **
18924 }
18925 int_4 _dbocls (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ mcon_, int_4 _p_ mrows_, int_4 _p_ ncols_, real_8 _p_ bl_,
18926 real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnormc_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_,
18927 real_8 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
18928 { // ** body not listed **
20453 }
20454 int_4 _dbols (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ mrows_, int_4 _p_ ncols_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4
20455 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
20456 { // ** body not listed **
21788 }
21789 int_4 _dbolsm (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ minput_, int_4 _p_ ncols_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_,
21790 int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ rw_, real_8 _p_ ww_,
21791 real_8 _p_ scl_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_)
21792 { // ** body not listed **
23509 }
23510 int_4 _dbsgq8 (real_8 (*_fun)(), real_8 _p_ xt_, real_8 _p_ bc_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kk_, int_4 _p_ id_, real_8 _p_
23511 a_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inbv_, real_8 _p_ err_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_8 _p_ work_)
23512 { // ** body not listed **
23780 }
23781 int_4 _dbspdr (real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, real_8 _p_ ad_)
23782 { // ** body not listed **
23831 }
23832 int_4 _dbspvn (real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ jhigh_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ index_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, real_8
23833 _p_ vnikx_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
23834 { // ** body not listed **
23895 }
23896 int_4 _dcdot (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ fm_, complex_8 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ incy_,
23897 real_8 _p_ dcr_, real_8 _p_ dci_)
23898 { // ** body not listed **
23927 }
23928 int_4 _dcfod (int_4 _p_ meth_, real_8 _p_ elco_, real_8 _p_ tesco_)
23929 { // ** body not listed **
24004 }
24005 int_4 _dchfcm (real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, real_8 _p_ delta_)
24006 { // ** body not listed **
24108 }
24109 int_4 _dchfdv (real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ f1_, real_8 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, int_4
24110 _p_ ne_, real_8 _p_ xe_, real_8 _p_ fe_, real_8 _p_ de_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
24111 { // ** body not listed **
24167 }
24168 int_4 _dchfev (real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ f1_, real_8 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, int_4
24169 _p_ ne_, real_8 _p_ xe_, real_8 _p_ fe_, int_4 _p_ next_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
24170 { // ** body not listed **
24223 }
24224 real_8 _dchfie (real_8 _p_ x1_, real_8 _p_ x2_, real_8 _p_ f1_, real_8 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, real_8
24225 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_)
24226 { // ** body not listed **
24305 }
24306 int_4 _dchkw (char _p_ name_, int_4 _p_ lociw_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 _p_ locw_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierr_,
24307 int_4 _p_ iter_, real_8 _p_ err_)
24308 { // ** body not listed **
24486 }
24487 int_4 _dckder (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_8
24488 _p_ xp_, real_8 _p_ fvecp_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ err_)
24489 { // ** body not listed **
24561 }
24562 int_4 _dcoef (real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ yp_, int_4 _p_ ncomp_, int_4 _p_ nrowb_, int_4 _p_ nfc_, int_4 _p_ nic_,
24563 real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ coef_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, real_8 _p_ by_,
24564 real_8 _p_ cvec_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ nfcc_)
24565 { // ** body not listed **
24699 }
24700 int_4 _dcopym (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ dx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_8 _p_ dy_, int_4 _p_ incy_)
24701 { // ** body not listed **
24763 }
24764 int_4 _dcov (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8 _p_
24765 r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_)
24766 { // ** body not listed **
24905 }
24906 int_4 _dcpplt (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
24907 iunit_)
24908 { // ** body not listed **
25366 }
25367 int_4 _dcscal (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ ncol_, real_8 _p_ cols_, real_8 _p_ colsav_,
25368 real_8 _p_ rows_, real_8 _p_ rowsav_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_ scales_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, int_4 _p_ ic_)
25369 { // ** body not listed **
25453 }
25454 real_8 _dcv (real_8 _p_ xval_, int_4 _p_ ndata_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_ nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_
25455 , real_8 _p_ w_)
25456 { // ** body not listed **
25486 }
25487 real_8 _ddanrm (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ wt_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
25488 { // ** body not listed **
25511 }
25512 int_4 _ddatrp (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ xout_, real_8 _p_ yout_, real_8 _p_ ypout_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ kold_,
25513 real_8 _p_ phi_, real_8 _p_ psi_)
25514 { // ** body not listed **
25537 }
25538 int_4 _ddawts (int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ iwt_, real_8 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ wt_,
25539 real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
25540 { // ** body not listed **
25556 }
25557 int_4 _ddcst (int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ tq_)
25558 { // ** body not listed **
25644 }
25645 int_4 _ddeabm (real_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8
25646 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_,
25647 real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
25648 { // ** body not listed **
25860 }
25861 int_4 _dderkf (real_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8
25862 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_,
25863 real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
25864 { // ** body not listed **
26048 }
26049 int_4 _ddes (int_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8
26050 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ ypout_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ yy_, real_8 _p_ wt_, real_8
26051 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ phi_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ psi_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_
26052 sig_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ gi_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ xold_, real_8 _p_ hold_,
26053 real_8 _p_ told_, real_8 _p_ delsgn_, real_8 _p_ tstop_, real_8 _p_ twou_, real_8 _p_ fouru_, logical_4 _p_ start_,
26054 logical_4 _p_ phase1_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, logical_4 _p_ stiff_, logical_4 _p_ intout_, int_4 _p_ ns_, int_4 _p_
26055 kord_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kle4_, int_4 _p_ iquit_, int_4 _p_ kprev_, int_4
26056 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
26057 { // ** body not listed **
26936 }
26937 int_4 _ddntp (real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ tout_, real_8 _p_ yh_
26938 , real_8 _p_ y_)
26939 { // ** body not listed **
26980 }
26981 int_4 _ddoglg (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lr_, real_8 _p_ diag_, real_8 _p_ qtb_, real_8 _p_ delta_, real_8
26982 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
26983 { // ** body not listed **
27092 }
27093 int_4 _ddpsc (int_4 _p_ ksgn_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ yh_)
27094 { // ** body not listed **
27118 }
27119 int_4 _ddscl (real_8 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_8 _p_ rmax_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ rc_, real_8
27120 _p_ rh_, real_8 _p_ yh_)
27121 { // ** body not listed **
27142 }
27143 int_4 _deabm (real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4
27144 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_,
27145 real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
27146 { // ** body not listed **
27358 }
27359 int_4 _defc (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_8 _p_ xdata_, real_8 _p_ ydata_, real_8 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
27360 nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, int_4 _p_ lw_, real_8 _p_ w_)
27361 { // ** body not listed **
27375 }
27376 int_4 _defcmn (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_8 _p_ xdata_, real_8 _p_ ydata_, real_8 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
27377 nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, real_8 _p_ bf_, real_8 _p_ xtemp_,
27378 real_8 _p_ ptemp_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, real_8 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ lw_)
27379 { // ** body not listed **
27574 }
27575 int_4 _defe4 (int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ usol_, real_4 _p_ grhs_)
27576 { // ** body not listed **
27608 }
27609 int_4 _defehl (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_
27610 f1_, real_4 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ f3_, real_4 _p_ f4_, real_4 _p_ f5_, real_4 _p_ ys_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
27611 { // ** body not listed **
27649 }
27650 int_4 _defer (int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4 (*_cofy)(), int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ usol_, real_4 _p_ grhs_)
27651 { // ** body not listed **
27685 }
27686 real_8 _denorm (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_)
27687 { // ** body not listed **
27784 }
27785 int_4 _derkf (real_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4
27786 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_,
27787 real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
27788 { // ** body not listed **
27972 }
27973 int_4 _derkfs (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4
27974 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ tolfac_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ f1_, real_4
27975 _p_ f2_, real_4 _p_ f3_, real_4 _p_ f4_, real_4 _p_ f5_, real_4 _p_ ys_, real_4 _p_ told_, real_4 _p_ dtsign_, real_4
27976 _p_ u26_, real_4 _p_ rer_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kop_, int_4 _p_ iquit_, logical_4 _p_ stiff_,
27977 logical_4 _p_ nonstf_, int_4 _p_ ntstep_, int_4 _p_ nstifs_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
27978 { // ** body not listed **
28818 }
28819 int_4 _des (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_
28820 rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_4 _p_ ypout_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ yy_, real_4 _p_ wt_, real_4 _p_
28821 p_, real_4 _p_ phi_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ psi_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_
28822 sig_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ gi_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ xold_, real_4 _p_ hold_,
28823 real_4 _p_ told_, real_4 _p_ delsgn_, real_4 _p_ tstop_, real_4 _p_ twou_, real_4 _p_ fouru_, logical_4 _p_ start_,
28824 logical_4 _p_ phase1_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, logical_4 _p_ stiff_, logical_4 _p_ intout_, int_4 _p_ ns_, int_4 _p_
28825 kord_, int_4 _p_ kold_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kle4_, int_4 _p_ iquit_, int_4 _p_ kprev_, int_4
28826 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
28827 { // ** body not listed **
29707 }
29708 int_4 _dfc (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_8 _p_ xdata_, real_8 _p_ ydata_, real_8 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
29709 nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_8 _p_ xconst_, real_8 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, int_4 _p_ mode_
29710 , real_8 _p_ coeff_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
29711 { // ** body not listed **
29727 }
29728 int_4 _dfcmn (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_8 _p_ xdata_, real_8 _p_ ydata_, real_8 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
29729 nbkpt_, real_8 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_8 _p_ xconst_, real_8 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, int_4 _p_
29730 mode_, real_8 _p_ coeff_, real_8 _p_ bf_, real_8 _p_ xtemp_, real_8 _p_ ptemp_, real_8 _p_ bkpt_, real_8 _p_ g_, int_4
29731 _p_ mdg_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
29732 { // ** body not listed **
30097 }
30098 int_4 _dfdjc1 (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_,
30099 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ epsfcn_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
30100 { // ** body not listed **
30172 }
30173 int_4 _dfdjc3 (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8 _p_ fjac_, int_4
30174 _p_ ldfjac_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_8 _p_ epsfcn_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
30175 { // ** body not listed **
30213 }
30214 int_4 _dfehl (int_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_
30215 f1_, real_8 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ f3_, real_8 _p_ f4_, real_8 _p_ f5_, real_8 _p_ ys_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
30216 { // ** body not listed **
30254 }
30255 int_4 _dfspvd (real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, real_8 _p_ vnikx_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_)
30256 { // ** body not listed **
30322 }
30323 int_4 _dfspvn (real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ jhigh_, int_4 _p_ index_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, real_8 _p_ vnikx_)
30324 { // ** body not listed **
30427 }
30428 int_4 _dfulmt (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_8 _p_ aij_, int_4 _p_ indcat_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_ dattrv_,
30429 int_4 _p_ iflag_)
30430 { // ** body not listed **
30501 }
30502 int_4 _dfzero (real_8 (*_f)(), real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ r_, real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_
30503 iflag_)
30504 { // ** body not listed **
30634 }
30635 int_4 _dgaus8 (real_8 (*_fun)(), real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ err_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
30636 { // ** body not listed **
30885 }
30886 int_4 _dgefs (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_8 _p_
30887 work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
30888 { // ** body not listed **
31079 }
31080 int_4 _dglss (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
31081 real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_)
31082 { // ** body not listed **
31110 }
31111 int_4 _dh12 (int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ lpivot_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ iue_, real_8 _p_
31112 up_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ice_, int_4 _p_ icv_, int_4 _p_ ncv_)
31113 { // ** body not listed **
31215 }
31216 int_4 _dhfti (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
31217 real_8 _p_ tau_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
31218 { // ** body not listed **
31402 }
31403 int_4 _dhstrt (int_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yprime_, real_8
31404 _p_ etol_, int_4 _p_ morder_, real_8 _p_ small_, real_8 _p_ big_, real_8 _p_ spy_, real_8 _p_ pv_, real_8 _p_ yp_,
31405 real_8 _p_ sf_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_8 _p_ h_)
31406 { // ** body not listed **
31551 }
31552 real_8 _dhvnrm (real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ncomp_)
31553 { // ** body not listed **
31562 }
31563 int_4 _dintp (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ xout_, real_8 _p_ yout_, real_8 _p_ ypout_, int_4 _p_ neqn_,
31564 int_4 _p_ kold_, real_8 _p_ phi_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_8 _p_ gi_, real_8 _p_ alpha_,
31565 real_8 _p_ og_, real_8 _p_ ow_, real_8 _p_ ox_, real_8 _p_ oy_)
31566 { // ** body not listed **
31649 }
31650 int_4 _dintrv (real_8 _p_ xt_, int_4 _p_ lxt_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, int_4 _p_ mflag_)
31651 { // ** body not listed **
31735 }
31736 int_4 _djairy (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rx_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ ai_, real_8 _p_ dai_)
31737 { // ** body not listed **
33326 }
33327 int_4 _dllsia (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
33328 real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_,
33329 real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_)
33330 { // ** body not listed **
33579 }
33580 int_4 _dllti2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_8 _p_
33581 el_, real_8 _p_ dinv_)
33582 { // ** body not listed **
33610 }
33611 int_4 _dlpdoc (void)
33612 { // ** body not listed **
33615 }
33616 int_4 _dlpdp (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_
33617 x_, real_8 _p_ wnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ is_)
33618 { // ** body not listed **
33777 }
33778 int_4 _dlsei (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ me_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ mg_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_
33779 prgopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorme_, real_8 _p_ rnorml_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
33780 { // ** body not listed **
34284 }
34285 int_4 _dlsi (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ mg_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_
34286 x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
34287 { // ** body not listed **
34504 }
34505 int_4 _dlssud (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, real_8 _p_ u_,
34506 int_4 _p_ nrdu_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_8 _p_ q_, real_8 _p_
34507 diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ div_, real_8 _p_ td_, int_4 _p_ isflg_, real_8 _p_ scales_)
34508 { // ** body not listed **
34680 }
34681 int_4 _dmacon (void)
34682 { // ** body not listed **
34698 }
34699 int_4 _dmgsbv (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ niv_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_8 _p_
34700 s_, real_8 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ wcnd_)
34701 { // ** body not listed **
34940 }
34941 int_4 _dmout (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ a_, char _p_ ifmt_, int_4 _p_ idigit_)
34942 { // ** body not listed **
36316 }
36317 int_4 _dmpar (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_ diag_, real_8 _p_ qtb_, real_8
36318 _p_ delta_, real_8 _p_ par_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_)
36319 { // ** body not listed **
36478 }
36479 int_4 _dnbco (real_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_
36480 rcond_, real_8 _p_ z_)
36481 { // ** body not listed **
36630 }
36631 int_4 _dnbdi (real_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_
36632 det_)
36633 { // ** body not listed **
36667 }
36668 int_4 _dnbfa (real_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
36669 info_)
36670 { // ** body not listed **
36725 }
36726 int_4 _dnbfs (real_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_
36727 itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
36728 { // ** body not listed **
37005 }
37006 int_4 _dnbsl (real_8 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_
37007 b_, int_4 _p_ job_)
37008 { // ** body not listed **
37078 }
37079 int_4 _dnls1e (real_8 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8
37080 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_8 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_)
37081 { // ** body not listed **
37131 }
37132 int_4 _dnls1 (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8 _p_
37133 fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_8 _p_ ftol_, real_8 _p_ xtol_, real_8 _p_ gtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, real_8 _p_ epsfcn_,
37134 real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_, int_4 _p_
37135 njev_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_ qtf_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_ wa4_)
37136 { // ** body not listed **
37709 }
37710 int_4 _dnsqe (real_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8
37711 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_)
37712 { // ** body not listed **
37768 }
37769 int_4 _dnsq (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ fvec_, real_8
37770 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_8 _p_ xtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_8 _p_ epsfcn_,
37771 real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_8 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_, int_4 _p_
37772 njev_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lr_, real_8 _p_ qtf_, real_8 _p_ wa1_, real_8 _p_ wa2_, real_8 _p_ wa3_, real_8 _p_
37773 wa4_)
37774 { // ** body not listed **
38087 }
38088 int_4 _dogleg (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lr_, real_4 _p_ diag_, real_4 _p_ qtb_, real_4 _p_ delta_, real_4
38089 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
38090 { // ** body not listed **
38199 }
38200 int_4 _dohtrl (real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, real_8 _p_ div_,
38201 real_8 _p_ td_)
38202 { // ** body not listed **
38235 }
38236 int_4 _dorthr (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4
38237 _p_ iscale_, real_8 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_8 _p_ scales_, real_8 _p_ rows_, real_8 _p_ rs_)
38238 { // ** body not listed **
38344 }
38345 int_4 _dp1vlu (int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ nder_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ yfit_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ a_)
38346 { // ** body not listed **
38519 }
38520 real_8 _dpchdf (int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ s_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
38521 { // ** body not listed **
38559 }
38560 real_8 _dpchid (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ f_, real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ incfd_, logical_4 _p_ skip_, int_4
38561 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ib_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
38562 { // ** body not listed **
38656 }
38657 int_4 _dpchkt (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ knotyp_, real_8 _p_ t_)
38658 { // ** body not listed **
38686 }
38687 int_4 _dpchng (int_4 _p_ ii_, real_8 _p_ xval_, int_4 _p_ iplace_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ircx_)
38688 { // ** body not listed **
38898 }
38899 real_8 _dpchst (real_8 _p_ arg1_, real_8 _p_ arg2_)
38900 { // ** body not listed **
38930 }
38931 int_4 _dpchsw (real_8 _p_ dfmax_, int_4 _p_ iextrm_, real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ slope_,
38932 int_4 _p_ ierr_)
38933 { // ** body not listed **
39067 }
39068 int_4 _dpcoef (int_4 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ tc_, real_8 _p_ a_)
39069 { // ** body not listed **
39098 }
39099 int_4 _dpincw (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ npp_, int_4 _p_ jstrt_,
39100 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_,
39101 real_8 _p_ costsc_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ dulnrm_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_,
39102 real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_,
39103 real_8 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_)
39104 { // ** body not listed **
39236 }
39237 int_4 _dpinit (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
39238 real_8 _p_ primal_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ costsc_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_, real_8
39239 _p_ xlamda_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, real_8 _p_ rhsnrm_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, int_4 _p_ imat_
39240 , logical_4 _p_ lopt_)
39241 { // ** body not listed **
39513 }
39514 int_4 _dpintm (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ ipagef_)
39515 { // ** body not listed **
39588 }
39589 int_4 _dplint (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ c_)
39590 { // ** body not listed **
39621 }
39622 int_4 _dplpce (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ itlp_, int_4 _p_ itbrc_,
39623 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_,
39624 real_8 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ tune_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_, real_8 _p_
39625 csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ primal_, real_8 _p_ erd_, real_8 _p_ erp_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_,
39626 logical_4 _p_ redbas_)
39627 { // ** body not listed **
39820 }
39821 int_4 _dplpdm (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ nredc_, int_4 _p_ info_,
39822 int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
39823 int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ uu_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_
39824 basmat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_)
39825 { // ** body not listed **
39922 }
39923 int_4 _dplpfe (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_
39924 ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_
39925 erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ dulnrm_, real_8 _p_ dirnrm_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_,
39926 real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8
39927 _p_ colnrm_, real_8 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ found_)
39928 { // ** body not listed **
40077 }
40078 int_4 _dplpfl (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_ ileave_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_
40079 ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ theta_, real_8 _p_ dirnrm_, real_8 _p_ rprnrm_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ ww_,
40080 real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, real_8 _p_ erp_, real_8 _p_ rprim_, real_8 _p_ primal_, logical_4 _p_ finite_,
40081 logical_4 _p_ zerolv_)
40082 { // ** body not listed **
40232 }
40233 int_4 _dplpmn (real_4 (*_dusrmt)(), int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8
40234 _p_ dattrv_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ primal_, real_8 _p_ duals_,
40235 real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ csc_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_, real_8 _p_ erd_, real_8 _p_ erp_, real_8 _p_ basmat_, real_8 _p_
40236 wr_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8 _p_ rprim_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, real_8 _p_ ww_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_
40237 , int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_)
40238 { // ** body not listed **
41504 }
41505 int_4 _dplpmu (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ nredc_, int_4 _p_ info_,
41506 int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_ ileave_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ npp_, int_4 _p_ jstrt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_
41507 imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_8 _p_ anorm_, real_8 _p_
41508 eps_, real_8 _p_ uu_, real_8 _p_ gg_, real_8 _p_ rprnrm_, real_8 _p_ erdnrm_, real_8 _p_ dulnrm_, real_8 _p_ theta_,
41509 real_8 _p_ costsc_, real_8 _p_ xlamda_, real_8 _p_ rhsnrm_, real_8 _p_ amat_, real_8 _p_ basmat_, real_8 _p_ csc_,
41510 real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ rprim_, real_8 _p_ ww_, real_8 _p_ bu_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, real_8 _p_ erd_,
41511 real_8 _p_ erp_, real_8 _p_ rz_, real_8 _p_ rg_, real_8 _p_ colnrm_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ primal_, real_8 _p_
41512 duals_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_, logical_4 _p_ zerolv_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_)
41513 { // ** body not listed **
41971 }
41972 int_4 _dplpup (int_4 (*_dusrmt)(), int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_ dattrv_, real_8
41973 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ amat_, int_4 _p_ imat_, logical_4 _p_ sizeup_,
41974 real_8 _p_ asmall_, real_8 _p_ abig_)
41975 { // ** body not listed **
42516 }
42517 int_4 _dpnnzr (int_4 _p_ i_, real_8 _p_ xval_, int_4 _p_ iplace_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ircx_)
42518 { // ** body not listed **
42722 }
42723 int_4 _dpofs (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_8 _p_
42724 work_)
42725 { // ** body not listed **
42917 }
42918 int_4 _dpolcf (real_8 _p_ xx_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ work_)
42919 { // ** body not listed **
42958 }
42959 int_4 _dpolft (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ maxdeg_, int_4 _p_ ndeg_, real_8
42960 _p_ eps_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_8 _p_ a_)
42961 { // ** body not listed **
43270 }
43271 int_4 _dpolvl (int_4 _p_ nder_, real_8 _p_ xx_, real_8 _p_ yfit_, real_8 _p_ yp_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8
43272 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
43273 { // ** body not listed **
43367 }
43368 int_4 _dpopt (real_8 _p_ prgopt_, int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ csc_, int_4 _p_
43369 ibasis_, real_8 _p_ ropt_, int_4 _p_ intopt_, logical_4 _p_ lopt_)
43370 { // ** body not listed **
43726 }
43727 int_4 _dpperm (real_8 _p_ dx_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
43728 { // ** body not listed **
43773 }
43774 int_4 _dppgq8 (real_8 (*_fun)(), int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ kk_, int_4
43775 _p_ id_, real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inppv_, real_8 _p_ err_, real_8 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
43776 { // ** body not listed **
44044 }
44045 real_8 _dprvec (int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ v_)
44046 { // ** body not listed **
44057 }
44058 int_4 _dprwpg (int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ lpg_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_)
44059 { // ** body not listed **
44079 }
44080 int_4 _dprwvr (int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ lpg_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_)
44081 { // ** body not listed **
44126 }
44127 real_8 _dpsixn (int_4 _p_ n_)
44128 { // ** body not listed **
44727 }
44728 int_4 _dpsort (real_8 _p_ dx_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ kflag_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
44729 { // ** body not listed **
44885 }
44886 real_8 _dqdota (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ db_, int_4 _p_ qc_, real_8 _p_ dx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_8 _p_ dy_, int_4 _p_
44887 incy_)
44888 { // ** body not listed **
44935 }
44936 real_8 _dqdoti (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ db_, int_4 _p_ qc_, real_8 _p_ dx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_8 _p_ dy_, int_4 _p_
44937 incy_)
44938 { // ** body not listed **
44986 }
44987 int_4 _dqform (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
44988 { // ** body not listed **
45054 }
45055 int_4 _dqrfac (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, logical_4 _p_ pivot_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4
45056 _p_ lipvt_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ acnorm_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
45057 { // ** body not listed **
45160 }
45161 int_4 _dqrslv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_8 _p_ diag_, real_8 _p_ qtb_, real_8
45162 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ sigma_, real_8 _p_ wa_)
45163 { // ** body not listed **
45272 }
45273 int_4 _drc3jj (real_8 _p_ l2_, real_8 _p_ l3_, real_8 _p_ m2_, real_8 _p_ m3_, real_8 _p_ l1min_, real_8 _p_ l1max_,
45274 real_8 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
45275 { // ** body not listed **
45553 }
45554 int_4 _drc3jm (real_8 _p_ l1_, real_8 _p_ l2_, real_8 _p_ l3_, real_8 _p_ m1_, real_8 _p_ m2min_, real_8 _p_ m2max_,
45555 real_8 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
45556 { // ** body not listed **
45826 }
45827 int_4 _drc6j (real_8 _p_ l2_, real_8 _p_ l3_, real_8 _p_ l4_, real_8 _p_ l5_, real_8 _p_ l6_, real_8 _p_ l1min_, real_8
45828 _p_ l1max_, real_8 _p_ sixcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
45829 { // ** body not listed **
46123 }
46124 real_8 _drc (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
46125 { // ** body not listed **
46498 }
46499 real_8 _drd (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
46500 { // ** body not listed **
46977 }
46978 int_4 _dreadp (int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ list_, real_8 _p_ rlist_, int_4 _p_ lpage_, int_4 _p_ irec_)
46979 { // ** body not listed **
47084 }
47085 int_4 _dreort (int_4 _p_ ncomp_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ yhp_, int_4 _p_ niv_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8
47086 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, real_8 _p_ stowa_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
47087 { // ** body not listed **
47230 }
47231 real_8 _drf (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
47232 { // ** body not listed **
47736 }
47737 real_8 _drj (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
47738 { // ** body not listed **
48334 }
48335 int_4 _drkfs (int_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ t_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ tout_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8
48336 _p_ rtol_, real_8 _p_ atol_, int_4 _p_ idid_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ tolfac_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ f1_, real_8
48337 _p_ f2_, real_8 _p_ f3_, real_8 _p_ f4_, real_8 _p_ f5_, real_8 _p_ ys_, real_8 _p_ told_, real_8 _p_ dtsign_, real_8
48338 _p_ u26_, real_8 _p_ rer_, int_4 _p_ init_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, int_4 _p_ kop_, int_4 _p_ iquit_, logical_4 _p_ stiff_,
48339 logical_4 _p_ nonstf_, int_4 _p_ ntstep_, int_4 _p_ nstifs_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
48340 { // ** body not listed **
49194 }
49195 int_4 _ds2lt (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
49196 nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_8 _p_ el_)
49197 { // ** body not listed **
49227 }
49228 int_4 _dsd2s (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_
49229 dinv_)
49230 { // ** body not listed **
49255 }
49256 int_4 _dsdi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_,
49257 int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
49258 { // ** body not listed **
49266 }
49267 int_4 _dsdscl (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_
49268 x_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ itol_)
49269 { // ** body not listed **
49301 }
49302 int_4 _dsds (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_
49303 dinv_)
49304 { // ** body not listed **
49311 }
49312 int_4 _dsics (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
49313 nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_8 _p_ el_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ iwarn_)
49314 { // ** body not listed **
49484 }
49485 int_4 _dsilus (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
49486 nl_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_8 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ nu_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8
49487 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ ncol_)
49488 { // ** body not listed **
49710 }
49711 int_4 _dsli2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_8 _p_
49712 el_)
49713 { // ** body not listed **
49730 }
49731 int_4 _dslui2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_8 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_
49732 dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8 _p_ u_)
49733 { // ** body not listed **
49761 }
49762 int_4 _dslui4 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_8 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_
49763 dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8 _p_ u_)
49764 { // ** body not listed **
49792 }
49793 int_4 _dsmmi2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_8 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_
49794 dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_8 _p_ u_)
49795 { // ** body not listed **
49844 }
49845 int_4 _dsmtv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_,
49846 int_4 _p_ isym_)
49847 { // ** body not listed **
49874 }
49875 int_4 _dsmv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_,
49876 int_4 _p_ isym_)
49877 { // ** body not listed **
49904 }
49905 int_4 _dsort (real_8 _p_ dx_, real_8 _p_ dy_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kflag_)
49906 { // ** body not listed **
50147 }
50148 int_4 _dsoseq (real_8 (*_fnc)(), int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ rtolx_, real_8 _p_ atolx_, real_8 _p_ tolf_,
50149 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mxit_, int_4 _p_ ncjs_, int_4 _p_ nsrrc_, int_4 _p_ nsri_, int_4 _p_ iprint_, real_8 _p_
50150 fmax_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ nc_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ temp_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_,
50151 real_8 _p_ fac_, int_4 _p_ is_)
50152 { // ** body not listed **
50530 }
50531 int_4 _dsos (real_8 (*_fnc)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rtolx_, real_8 _p_ atolx_, real_8 _p_ tolf_,
50532 int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_8 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iw_, int_4 _p_ liw_)
50533 { // ** body not listed **
50861 }
50862 int_4 _dsossl (int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_)
50863 { // ** body not listed **
50897 }
50898 int_4 _dsplp (real_4 (*_dusrmt)(), int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_8 _p_ costs_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8
50899 _p_ dattrv_, real_8 _p_ bl_, real_8 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_8 _p_ primal_, real_8 _p_ duals_,
50900 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_)
50901 { // ** body not listed **
51200 }
51201 int_4 _dsteps (int_4 (*_df)(), int_4 _p_ neqn_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ eps_, real_8
51202 _p_ wt_, logical_4 _p_ start_, real_8 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, logical_4 _p_ crash_, real_8 _p_ phi_,
51203 real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ yp_, real_8 _p_ psi_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ sig_, real_8 _p_ v_,
51204 real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ g_, logical_4 _p_ phase1_, int_4 _p_ ns_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, real_8 _p_
51205 twou_, real_8 _p_ fouru_, real_8 _p_ xold_, int_4 _p_ kprev_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_8 _p_
51206 gi_, real_8 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
51207 { // ** body not listed **
51771 }
51772 int_4 _dstor1 (real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ yh_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ yp_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_, int_4 _p_ ndisk_, int_4
51773 _p_ ntape_)
51774 { // ** body not listed **
51819 }
51820 int_4 _dstway (real_8 _p_ u_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ yhp_, int_4 _p_ inout_, real_8 _p_ stowa_)
51821 { // ** body not listed **
51879 }
51880 int_4 _dsuds (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ nuk_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_
51881 iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
51882 { // ** body not listed **
51895 }
51896 int_4 _dtin (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_
51897 soln_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_)
51898 { // ** body not listed **
52166 }
52167 int_4 _dtout (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_8 _p_
52168 soln_, real_8 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_)
52169 { // ** body not listed **
52455 }
52456 int_4 _du11ls (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ ub_, real_8 _p_ db_, int_4 _p_
52457 mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ eb_, int_4 _p_ ic_,
52458 int_4 _p_ ir_)
52459 { // ** body not listed **
52741 }
52742 int_4 _du11us (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ ub_, real_8 _p_ db_, int_4 _p_
52743 mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ eb_, int_4 _p_ ir_,
52744 int_4 _p_ ic_)
52745 { // ** body not listed **
53027 }
53028 int_4 _du12ls (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
53029 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ir_)
53030 { // ** body not listed **
53171 }
53172 int_4 _du12us (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
53173 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ ic_)
53174 { // ** body not listed **
53314 }
53315 int_4 _dulsia (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
53316 real_8 _p_ re_, real_8 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_,
53317 real_8 _p_ rnorm_, real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_)
53318 { // ** body not listed **
53567 }
53568 int_4 _dusrmt (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_8 _p_ aij_, int_4 _p_ indcat_, real_8 _p_ prgopt_, real_8 _p_ dattrv_,
53569 int_4 _p_ iflag_)
53570 { // ** body not listed **
53608 }
53609 int_4 _dvecs (int_4 _p_ ncomp_, int_4 _p_ lnfc_, real_8 _p_ yhp_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_
53610 , int_4 _p_ iflag_)
53611 { // ** body not listed **
53649 }
53650 real_8 _dvnrms (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ w_)
53651 { // ** body not listed **
53663 }
53664 int_4 _dvout (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ dx_, char _p_ ifmt_, int_4 _p_ idigit_)
53665 { // ** body not listed **
54379 }
54380 int_4 _dwnlit (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, int_4 _p_
54381 itype_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ idope_, real_8 _p_ dope_, logical_4 _p_ done_)
54382 { // ** body not listed **
54547 }
54548 int_4 _dwnlsm (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ mme_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_
54549 prgopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, int_4 _p_ itype_, real_8 _p_ wd_, real_8
54550 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ z_, real_8 _p_ temp_, real_8 _p_ d_)
54551 { // ** body not listed **
54979 }
54980 int_4 _dwnlt1 (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ lend_, int_4 _p_ mend_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, logical_4 _p_ recalc_,
54981 int_4 _p_ imax_, real_8 _p_ hbar_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ w_)
54982 { // ** body not listed **
55007 }
55008 logical_4 _dwnlt2 (int_4 _p_ me_, int_4 _p_ mend_, int_4 _p_ ir_, real_8 _p_ factor_, real_8 _p_ tau_, real_8 _p_
55009 scale_, real_8 _p_ wic_)
55010 { // ** body not listed **
55032 }
55033 int_4 _dwnlt3 (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ imax_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, real_8 _p_ h_, real_8
55034 _p_ w_)
55035 { // ** body not listed **
55050 }
55051 int_4 _dwnnls (real_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ me_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, real_8 _p_
55052 prgopt_, real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, real_8 _p_ work_)
55053 { // ** body not listed **
55175 }
55176 int_4 _dwritp (int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ list_, real_8 _p_ rlist_, int_4 _p_ lpage_, int_4 _p_ irec_)
55177 { // ** body not listed **
55282 }
55283 int_4 _dwupdt (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_
55284 cos_, real_8 _p_ sin_)
55285 { // ** body not listed **
55352 }
55353 int_4 _dx4 (real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_4 _p_ uxxx_, real_4 _p_ uxxxx_)
55354 { // ** body not listed **
55443 }
55444 int_4 _dxadj (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
55445 { // ** body not listed **
55499 }
55500 int_4 _dxc210 (int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ j_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
55501 { // ** body not listed **
55565 }
55566 int_4 _dx (real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_4 _p_ uxxx_, real_4 _p_ uxxxx_)
55567 { // ** body not listed **
55657 }
55658 real_8 _dxpsi (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ipsik_, int_4 _p_ ipsix_)
55659 { // ** body not listed **
55816 }
55817 int_4 _dxred (real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
55818 { // ** body not listed **
55889 }
55890 int_4 _dy4 (real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_4 _p_ uyyy_, real_4 _p_ uyyyy_)
55891 { // ** body not listed **
55979 }
55980 int_4 _dyairy (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ rx_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ bi_, real_8 _p_ dbi_)
55981 { // ** body not listed **
57818 }
57819 int_4 _dy (real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_4 _p_ uyyy_, real_4 _p_ uyyyy_)
57820 { // ** body not listed **
57910 }
57911 int_4 _efc (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_4 _p_ xdata_, real_4 _p_ ydata_, real_4 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
57912 nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, int_4 _p_ lw_, real_4 _p_ w_)
57913 { // ** body not listed **
57927 }
57928 int_4 _efcmn (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_4 _p_ xdata_, real_4 _p_ ydata_, real_4 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
57929 nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ mdein_, int_4 _p_ mdeout_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, real_4 _p_ bf_, real_4 _p_ xtemp_,
57930 real_4 _p_ ptemp_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, real_4 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ mdg_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ lw_)
57931 { // ** body not listed **
58126 }
58127 int_4 _eisdoc (void)
58128 { // ** body not listed **
58131 }
58132 real_4 _enorm (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_)
58133 { // ** body not listed **
58230 }
58231 int_4 _fc (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_4 _p_ xdata_, real_4 _p_ ydata_, real_4 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
58232 nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_4 _p_ xconst_, real_4 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, int_4 _p_ mode_
58233 , real_4 _p_ coeff_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
58234 { // ** body not listed **
58249 }
58250 int_4 _fcmn (int_4 _p_ ndata_, real_4 _p_ xdata_, real_4 _p_ ydata_, real_4 _p_ sddata_, int_4 _p_ nord_, int_4 _p_
58251 nbkpt_, real_4 _p_ bkptin_, int_4 _p_ nconst_, real_4 _p_ xconst_, real_4 _p_ yconst_, int_4 _p_ nderiv_, int_4 _p_
58252 mode_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, real_4 _p_ bf_, real_4 _p_ xtemp_, real_4 _p_ ptemp_, real_4 _p_ bkpt_, real_4 _p_ g_, int_4
58253 _p_ mdg_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
58254 { // ** body not listed **
58619 }
58620 int_4 _fdjac1 (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_,
58621 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_4 _p_ epsfcn_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
58622 { // ** body not listed **
58694 }
58695 int_4 _fdjac3 (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4 _p_ fjac_, int_4
58696 _p_ ldfjac_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_4 _p_ epsfcn_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
58697 { // ** body not listed **
58735 }
58736 int_4 _fdump (void)
58737 { // ** body not listed **
58740 }
58741 int_4 _fftdoc (void)
58742 { // ** body not listed **
58745 }
58746 int_4 _fulmat (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_4 _p_ aij_, int_4 _p_ indcat_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_ dattrv_,
58747 int_4 _p_ iflag_)
58748 { // ** body not listed **
58820 }
58821 int_4 _fzero (real_4 (*_f)(), real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_
58822 iflag_)
58823 { // ** body not listed **
58953 }
58954 real_4 _gamrn (real_4 _p_ x_)
58955 { // ** body not listed **
59078 }
59079 int_4 _gaus8 (real_4 (*_fun)(), real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ err_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
59080 { // ** body not listed **
59329 }
59330 int_4 _h12 (int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ lpivot_, int_4 _p_ l1_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ iue_, real_4 _p_
59331 up_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ice_, int_4 _p_ icv_, int_4 _p_ ncv_)
59332 { // ** body not listed **
59462 }
59463 int_4 _hfti (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
59464 real_4 _p_ tau_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ g_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
59465 { // ** body not listed **
59647 }
59648 int_4 _hkseq (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
59649 { // ** body not listed **
59876 }
59877 int_4 _hpperm (char _p_ _p_ hx_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, char _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
59878 { // ** body not listed **
59927 }
59928 int_4 _hpsort (char _p_ _p_ hx_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ strbeg_, int_4 _p_ strend_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ kflag_
59929 , char _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
59930 { // ** body not listed **
60115 }
60116 int_4 _hstart (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yprime_, real_4
60117 _p_ etol_, int_4 _p_ morder_, real_4 _p_ small_, real_4 _p_ big_, real_4 _p_ spy_, real_4 _p_ pv_, real_4 _p_ yp_,
60118 real_4 _p_ sf_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_, real_4 _p_ h_)
60119 { // ** body not listed **
60299 }
60300 int_4 _hstcs1 (int_4 _p_ intl_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bda_, real_4
60301 _p_ bdb_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdc_, real_4 _p_ bdd_, real_4 _p_
60302 elmbda_, real_4 _p_ f_, int_4 _p_ idimf_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, int_4 _p_ ierr1_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4
60303 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ snth_, real_4 _p_ rsq_, real_4 _p_ wrk_)
60304 { // ** body not listed **
60536 }
60537 real_4 _hvnrm (real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ncomp_)
60538 { // ** body not listed **
60547 }
60548 int_4 _hwscs1 (int_4 _p_ intl_, real_4 _p_ ts_, real_4 _p_ tf_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdts_,
60549 real_4 _p_ bdtf_, real_4 _p_ rs_, real_4 _p_ rf_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdrs_, real_4 _p_ bdrf_,
60550 real_4 _p_ elmbda_, real_4 _p_ f_, int_4 _p_ idimf_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ an_,
60551 real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ sint_, real_4
60552 _p_ bmh_)
60553 { // ** body not listed **
61045 }
61046 int_4 _hwsss1 (real_4 _p_ ts_, real_4 _p_ tf_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdts_, real_4 _p_ bdtf_,
61047 real_4 _p_ ps_, real_4 _p_ pf_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdps_, real_4 _p_ bdpf_, real_4 _p_ elmbda_
61048 , real_4 _p_ f_, int_4 _p_ idimf_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ sn_,
61049 real_4 _p_ ss_, real_4 _p_ sint_, real_4 _p_ d_)
61050 { // ** body not listed **
61687 }
61688 int_4 _i1merg (real_4 _p_ icos_, int_4 _p_ i1_, int_4 _p_ m1_, int_4 _p_ i2_, int_4 _p_ m2_, int_4 _p_ i3_)
61689 { // ** body not listed **
61728 }
61729 int_4 _icopy (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ incx_, int_4 _p_ iy_, int_4 _p_ incy_)
61730 { // ** body not listed **
61792 }
61793 int_4 _idloc (int_4 _p_ loc_, real_8 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_)
61794 { // ** body not listed **
61827 }
61828 int_4 _indxa (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ idxa_, int_4 _p_ na_)
61829 { // ** body not listed **
61846 }
61847 int_4 _indxb (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ idx_, int_4 _p_ idp_)
61848 { // ** body not listed **
61906 }
61907 int_4 _indxc (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ idxc_, int_4 _p_ nc_)
61908 { // ** body not listed **
61925 }
61926 int_4 _intrv (real_4 _p_ xt_, int_4 _p_ lxt_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ileft_, int_4 _p_ mflag_)
61927 { // ** body not listed **
62011 }
62012 int_4 _inxca (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ idxa_, int_4 _p_ na_)
62013 { // ** body not listed **
62030 }
62031 int_4 _inxcb (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ idx_, int_4 _p_ idp_)
62032 { // ** body not listed **
62089 }
62090 int_4 _inxcc (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ idxc_, int_4 _p_ nc_)
62091 { // ** body not listed **
62108 }
62109 int_4 _iploc (int_4 _p_ loc_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_)
62110 { // ** body not listed **
62143 }
62144 int_4 _ipperm (int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
62145 { // ** body not listed **
62189 }
62190 int_4 _ipsort (int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ kflag_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
62191 { // ** body not listed **
62347 }
62348 int_4 _isort (int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ iy_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kflag_)
62349 { // ** body not listed **
62590 }
62591 int_4 _iswap (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ incx_, int_4 _p_ iy_, int_4 _p_ incy_)
62592 { // ** body not listed **
62663 }
62664 int_4 _ivout (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ix_, char _p_ ifmt_, int_4 _p_ idigit_)
62665 { // ** body not listed **
63456 }
63457 int_4 _jairy (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rx_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ ai_, real_4 _p_ dai_)
63458 { // ** body not listed **
65047 }
65048 int_4 _la05ad (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ iw_,
65049 real_8 _p_ w_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ u_)
65050 { // ** body not listed **
65878 }
65879 int_4 _la05as (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ iw_,
65880 real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ u_)
65881 { // ** body not listed **
66709 }
66710 int_4 _la05bd (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_8 _p_ w_,
66711 real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ b_, logical_4 _p_ trans_)
66712 { // ** body not listed **
66827 }
66828 int_4 _la05bs (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_4 _p_ w_,
66829 real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ b_, logical_4 _p_ trans_)
66830 { // ** body not listed **
66945 }
66946 int_4 _la05cd (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_8 _p_ w_,
66947 real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ mm_)
66948 { // ** body not listed **
67451 }
67452 int_4 _la05cs (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_4 _p_ w_,
67453 real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ mm_)
67454 { // ** body not listed **
67957 }
67958 int_4 _la05ed (real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ irn_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iw_, int_4 _p_ ia_, logical_4 _p_
67959 reals_)
67960 { // ** body not listed **
68007 }
68008 int_4 _la05es (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ irn_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iw_, int_4 _p_ ia_, logical_4 _p_
68009 reals_)
68010 { // ** body not listed **
68057 }
68058 int_4 _llsia (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
68059 real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_,
68060 real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_)
68061 { // ** body not listed **
68310 }
68311 int_4 _lmpar (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_ diag_, real_4 _p_ qtb_, real_4
68312 _p_ delta_, real_4 _p_ par_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_)
68313 { // ** body not listed **
68472 }
68473 int_4 _lpdp (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_
68474 x_, real_4 _p_ wnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ is_)
68475 { // ** body not listed **
68633 }
68634 int_4 _lsei (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ me_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ mg_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_
68635 prgopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorme_, real_4 _p_ rnorml_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
68636 { // ** body not listed **
69140 }
69141 int_4 _lsi (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ mg_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_
69142 x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ ws_, int_4 _p_ ip_)
69143 { // ** body not listed **
69360 }
69361 int_4 _lssods (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_
69362 iflag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ q_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, int_4 _p_ iter_,
69363 real_4 _p_ resnrm_, real_4 _p_ xnorm_, real_4 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ r_, real_4 _p_ div_, real_4 _p_ td_, real_4 _p_
69364 scales_)
69365 { // ** body not listed **
69534 }
69535 int_4 _lssuds (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, real_4 _p_ u_,
69536 int_4 _p_ nrdu_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ q_, real_4 _p_
69537 diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ div_, real_4 _p_ td_, int_4 _p_ isflg_, real_4 _p_ scales_)
69538 { // ** body not listed **
69709 }
69710 int_4 _macon (void)
69711 { // ** body not listed **
69727 }
69728 int_4 _mc20ad (int_4 _p_ nc_, int_4 _p_ maxa_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ inum_, int_4 _p_ jptr_, int_4 _p_ jnum_, int_4
69729 _p_ jdisp_)
69730 { // ** body not listed **
69781 }
69782 int_4 _mc20as (int_4 _p_ nc_, int_4 _p_ maxa_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ inum_, int_4 _p_ jptr_, int_4 _p_ jnum_, int_4
69783 _p_ jdisp_)
69784 { // ** body not listed **
69835 }
69836 int_4 _mgsbv (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ niv_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_4 _p_ s_
69837 , real_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ wcnd_)
69838 { // ** body not listed **
70078 }
70079 int_4 _minso4 (real_4 _p_ usol_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ pertb_)
70080 { // ** body not listed **
70105 }
70106 int_4 _minsol (real_4 _p_ usol_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ pertb_)
70107 { // ** body not listed **
70132 }
70133 int_4 _mpadd2 (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ y1_, int_4 _p_ trunc_)
70134 { // ** body not listed **
70226 }
70227 int_4 _mpadd3 (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ s_, int_4 _p_ med_, int_4 _p_ re_)
70228 { // ** body not listed **
70355 }
70356 int_4 _mpadd (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ z_)
70357 { // ** body not listed **
70361 }
70362 int_4 _mpblas (int_4 _p_ i1_)
70363 { // ** body not listed **
70382 }
70383 int_4 _mpcdm (real_8 _p_ dx_, int_4 _p_ z_)
70384 { // ** body not listed **
70470 }
70471 int_4 _mpchk (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_)
70472 { // ** body not listed **
70741 }
70742 int_4 _mpcmd (int_4 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ dz_)
70743 { // ** body not listed **
70792 }
70793 int_4 _mpdivi (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iy_, int_4 _p_ z_)
70794 { // ** body not listed **
70985 }
70986 int_4 _mperr (void)
70987 { // ** body not listed **
70994 }
70995 int_4 _mpmaxr (int_4 _p_ x_)
70996 { // ** body not listed **
71008 }
71009 int_4 _mpmlp (int_4 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ j_)
71010 { // ** body not listed **
71017 }
71018 int_4 _mpmul2 (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iy_, int_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ trunc_)
71019 { // ** body not listed **
71161 }
71162 int_4 _mpmul (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ z_)
71163 { // ** body not listed **
71269 }
71270 int_4 _mpmuli (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iy_, int_4 _p_ z_)
71271 { // ** body not listed **
71275 }
71276 int_4 _mpnzr (int_4 _p_ rs_, int_4 _p_ re_, int_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ trunc_)
71277 { // ** body not listed **
71413 }
71414 int_4 _mpovfl (int_4 _p_ x_)
71415 { // ** body not listed **
71436 }
71437 int_4 _mpstr (int_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ y_)
71438 { // ** body not listed **
71445 }
71446 int_4 _mpunfl (int_4 _p_ x_)
71447 { // ** body not listed **
71453 }
71454 int_4 _numxer (int_4 _p_ nerr_)
71455 { // ** body not listed **
71463 }
71464 int_4 _ohtrol (real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, real_4 _p_ div_,
71465 real_4 _p_ td_)
71466 { // ** body not listed **
71499 }
71500 int_4 _ohtror (real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, real_4 _p_ div_,
71501 real_4 _p_ td_)
71502 { // ** body not listed **
71535 }
71536 int_4 _ortho4 (real_4 _p_ usol_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_)
71537 { // ** body not listed **
71562 }
71563 int_4 _orthog (real_4 _p_ usol_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_)
71564 { // ** body not listed **
71589 }
71590 int_4 _orthol (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4
71591 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_4 _p_ scales_, real_4 _p_ cols_, real_4 _p_ cs_)
71592 { // ** body not listed **
71700 }
71701 int_4 _orthor (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ irank_, int_4
71702 _p_ iscale_, real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ kpivot_, real_4 _p_ scales_, real_4 _p_ rows_, real_4 _p_ rs_)
71703 { // ** body not listed **
71808 }
71809 real_4 _pchdf (int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ s_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
71810 { // ** body not listed **
71848 }
71849 int_4 _pchdoc (void)
71850 { // ** body not listed **
71853 }
71854 real_4 _pchid (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ f_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ incfd_, logical_4 _p_ skip_, int_4
71855 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ib_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
71856 { // ** body not listed **
71950 }
71951 int_4 _pchkt (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ knotyp_, real_4 _p_ t_)
71952 { // ** body not listed **
71980 }
71981 int_4 _pchngs (int_4 _p_ ii_, real_4 _p_ xval_, int_4 _p_ iplace_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ircx_)
71982 { // ** body not listed **
72192 }
72193 real_4 _pchst (real_4 _p_ arg1_, real_4 _p_ arg2_)
72194 { // ** body not listed **
72224 }
72225 int_4 _pchsw (real_4 _p_ dfmax_, int_4 _p_ iextrm_, real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ slope_,
72226 int_4 _p_ ierr_)
72227 { // ** body not listed **
72361 }
72362 int_4 _pcoef (int_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ tc_, real_4 _p_ a_)
72363 { // ** body not listed **
72392 }
72393 real_4 _pgsf (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
72394 { // ** body not listed **
72421 }
72422 real_4 _pimach (real_4 _p_ dum_)
72423 { // ** body not listed **
72428 }
72429 int_4 _pinitm (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ ipagef_)
72430 { // ** body not listed **
72503 }
72504 int_4 _pnnzrs (int_4 _p_ i_, real_4 _p_ xval_, int_4 _p_ iplace_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ircx_)
72505 { // ** body not listed **
72709 }
72710 int_4 _poisd2 (int_4 _p_ mr_, int_4 _p_ nr_, int_4 _p_ istag_, real_4 _p_ ba_, real_4 _p_ bb_, real_4 _p_ bc_, real_4
72711 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_)
72712 { // ** body not listed **
73133 }
73134 int_4 _poisn2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ istag_, int_4 _p_ mixbnd_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bb_, real_4
73135 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ idimq_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ b2_, real_4 _p_ b3_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ w2_,
73136 real_4 _p_ w3_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_)
73137 { // ** body not listed **
73772 }
73773 int_4 _poisp2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bb_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_
73774 idimq_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ b2_, real_4 _p_ b3_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_, real_4 _p_ d_,
73775 real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_)
73776 { // ** body not listed **
73871 }
73872 int_4 _polcof (real_4 _p_ xx_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ work_)
73873 { // ** body not listed **
73912 }
73913 int_4 _polfit (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ maxdeg_, int_4 _p_ ndeg_, real_4
73914 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ a_)
73915 { // ** body not listed **
74224 }
74225 int_4 _polint (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ c_)
74226 { // ** body not listed **
74257 }
74258 int_4 _polyvl (int_4 _p_ nder_, real_4 _p_ xx_, real_4 _p_ yfit_, real_4 _p_ yp_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4
74259 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
74260 { // ** body not listed **
74354 }
74355 int_4 _pos3d1 (int_4 _p_ lp_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ mp_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_,
74356 real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldimf_, int_4 _p_ mdimf_, real_4 _p_ f_, real_4 _p_ xrt_, real_4 _p_ yrt_, real_4 _p_ t_,
74357 real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ wx_, real_4 _p_ wy_, real_4 _p_ c1_, real_4 _p_ c2_, real_4 _p_ bb_)
74358 { // ** body not listed **
74633 }
74634 int_4 _postg2 (int_4 _p_ nperod_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bb_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_
74635 idimq_, real_4 _p_ q_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ b2_, real_4 _p_ b3_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_,
74636 real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ p_)
74637 { // ** body not listed **
75271 }
75272 int_4 _ppadd (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ierror_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ cbp_, real_4 _p_ bp_, real_4
75273 _p_ bh_)
75274 { // ** body not listed **
75560 }
75561 int_4 _ppgq8 (real_4 (*_fun)(), int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ xi_, int_4 _p_ lxi_, int_4 _p_ kk_, int_4 _p_
75562 id_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ inppv_, real_4 _p_ err_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
75563 { // ** body not listed **
75831 }
75832 real_4 _ppgsf (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
75833 { // ** body not listed **
75844 }
75845 real_4 _pppsf (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
75846 { // ** body not listed **
75856 }
75857 real_4 _ppsgf (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
75858 { // ** body not listed **
75869 }
75870 real_4 _ppspf (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
75871 { // ** body not listed **
75881 }
75882 int_4 _proc (int_4 _p_ nd_, real_4 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_, int_4 _p_
75883 na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_, complex_8
75884 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ w_, complex_8 _p_ u_)
75885 { // ** body not listed **
76059 }
76060 int_4 _procp (int_4 _p_ nd_, real_4 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_, int_4
76061 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ b_,
76062 complex_8 _p_ c_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ u_, complex_8 _p_ w_)
76063 { // ** body not listed **
76266 }
76267 int_4 _prod (int_4 _p_ nd_, real_4 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_, int_4 _p_
76268 na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4
76269 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ u_)
76270 { // ** body not listed **
76443 }
76444 int_4 _prodp (int_4 _p_ nd_, real_4 _p_ bd_, int_4 _p_ nm1_, real_4 _p_ bm1_, int_4 _p_ nm2_, real_4 _p_ bm2_, int_4
76445 _p_ na_, real_4 _p_ aa_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_,
76446 real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ w_)
76447 { // ** body not listed **
76649 }
76650 real_4 _prvec (int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ v_)
76651 { // ** body not listed **
76661 }
76662 int_4 _prwpge (int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ lpg_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_)
76663 { // ** body not listed **
76683 }
76684 int_4 _prwvir (int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ lpg_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ ix_)
76685 { // ** body not listed **
76730 }
76731 real_4 _psgf (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ iz_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ bh_)
76732 { // ** body not listed **
76759 }
76760 int_4 _psifn (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kode_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ ans_, int_4 _p_ nz_, int_4 _p_
76761 ierr_)
76762 { // ** body not listed **
77173 }
77174 real_4 _psixn (int_4 _p_ n_)
77175 { // ** body not listed **
77773 }
77774 int_4 _pvalue (int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ nder_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ yfit_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ a_)
77775 { // ** body not listed **
77948 }
77949 real_4 _pythag (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_)
77950 { // ** body not listed **
77973 }
77974 int_4 _qform (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
77975 { // ** body not listed **
78041 }
78042 int_4 _qrfac (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, logical_4 _p_ pivot_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4
78043 _p_ lipvt_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ acnorm_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
78044 { // ** body not listed **
78147 }
78148 int_4 _qrsolv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_ diag_, real_4 _p_ qtb_, real_4
78149 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ sigma_, real_4 _p_ wa_)
78150 { // ** body not listed **
78259 }
78260 int_4 _qs2i1d (int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kflag_)
78261 { // ** body not listed **
78421 }
78422 int_4 _qs2i1r (int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kflag_)
78423 { // ** body not listed **
78583 }
78584 int_4 _r1mpyq (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_)
78585 { // ** body not listed **
78648 }
78649 int_4 _r1updt (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ s_, int_4 _p_ ls_, real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_,
78650 logical_4 _p_ sing_)
78651 { // ** body not listed **
78782 }
78783 int_4 _rc3jj (real_4 _p_ l2_, real_4 _p_ l3_, real_4 _p_ m2_, real_4 _p_ m3_, real_4 _p_ l1min_, real_4 _p_ l1max_,
78784 real_4 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
78785 { // ** body not listed **
79064 }
79065 int_4 _rc3jm (real_4 _p_ l1_, real_4 _p_ l2_, real_4 _p_ l3_, real_4 _p_ m1_, real_4 _p_ m2min_, real_4 _p_ m2max_,
79066 real_4 _p_ thrcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
79067 { // ** body not listed **
79338 }
79339 int_4 _rc6j (real_4 _p_ l2_, real_4 _p_ l3_, real_4 _p_ l4_, real_4 _p_ l5_, real_4 _p_ l6_, real_4 _p_ l1min_, real_4
79340 _p_ l1max_, real_4 _p_ sixcof_, int_4 _p_ ndim_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
79341 { // ** body not listed **
79635 }
79636 real_4 _rc (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
79637 { // ** body not listed **
80010 }
80011 real_4 _rd (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
80012 { // ** body not listed **
80489 }
80490 int_4 _reort (int_4 _p_ ncomp_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ yhp_, int_4 _p_ niv_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4
80491 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ip_, real_4 _p_ stowa_, int_4 _p_ iflag_)
80492 { // ** body not listed **
80622 }
80623 real_4 _rf (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
80624 { // ** body not listed **
81128 }
81129 real_4 _rj (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
81130 { // ** body not listed **
81726 }
81727 int_4 _rpqr79 (int_4 _p_ ndeg_, real_4 _p_ coeff_, complex_8 _p_ root_, int_4 _p_ ierr_, real_4 _p_ work_)
81728 { // ** body not listed **
81775 }
81776 int_4 _rpzero (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, complex_8 _p_ r_, complex_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ iflg_, real_4 _p_ s_)
81777 { // ** body not listed **
81786 }
81787 int_4 _rwupdt (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_
81788 cos_, real_4 _p_ sin_)
81789 { // ** body not listed **
81856 }
81857 int_4 _s1merg (real_4 _p_ tcos_, int_4 _p_ i1_, int_4 _p_ m1_, int_4 _p_ i2_, int_4 _p_ m2_, int_4 _p_ i3_)
81858 { // ** body not listed **
81897 }
81898 int_4 _sbhin (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_
81899 soln_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_)
81900 { // ** body not listed **
82424 }
82425 int_4 _sbocls (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ mcon_, int_4 _p_ mrows_, int_4 _p_ ncols_, real_4 _p_ bl_,
82426 real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnormc_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_,
82427 real_4 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
82428 { // ** body not listed **
83953 }
83954 int_4 _sbols (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ mrows_, int_4 _p_ ncols_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4
83955 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ iw_)
83956 { // ** body not listed **
85289 }
85290 int_4 _sbolsm (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ minput_, int_4 _p_ ncols_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_,
85291 int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ rw_, real_4 _p_ ww_,
85292 real_4 _p_ scl_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_)
85293 { // ** body not listed **
87010 }
87011 int_4 _schkw (char _p_ name_, int_4 _p_ lociw_, int_4 _p_ leniw_, int_4 _p_ locw_, int_4 _p_ lenw_, int_4 _p_ ierr_,
87012 int_4 _p_ iter_, real_4 _p_ err_)
87013 { // ** body not listed **
87192 }
87193 int_4 _sclosm (int_4 _p_ ipage_)
87194 { // ** body not listed **
87252 }
87253 int_4 _scoef (real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ yp_, int_4 _p_ ncomp_, int_4 _p_ nrowb_, int_4 _p_ nfc_, int_4 _p_ nic_,
87254 real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ coef_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_, real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, real_4 _p_ by_,
87255 real_4 _p_ cvec_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ nfcc_)
87256 { // ** body not listed **
87387 }
87388 int_4 _scopym (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ sx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_4 _p_ sy_, int_4 _p_ incy_)
87389 { // ** body not listed **
87451 }
87452 int_4 _scov (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4 _p_
87453 r_, int_4 _p_ ldr_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_)
87454 { // ** body not listed **
87593 }
87594 int_4 _scpplt (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
87595 iunit_)
87596 { // ** body not listed **
88054 }
88055 real_4 _sdanrm (int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ wt_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
88056 { // ** body not listed **
88079 }
88080 int_4 _sdatrp (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ xout_, real_4 _p_ yout_, real_4 _p_ ypout_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ kold_,
88081 real_4 _p_ phi_, real_4 _p_ psi_)
88082 { // ** body not listed **
88105 }
88106 int_4 _sdawts (int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ iwt_, real_4 _p_ rtol_, real_4 _p_ atol_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ wt_,
88107 real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
88108 { // ** body not listed **
88124 }
88125 int_4 _sdcst (int_4 _p_ maxord_, int_4 _p_ mint_, int_4 _p_ iswflg_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ tq_)
88126 { // ** body not listed **
88212 }
88213 int_4 _sdntp (real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ t_, real_4 _p_ tout_, real_4 _p_ yh_
88214 , real_4 _p_ y_)
88215 { // ** body not listed **
88256 }
88257 int_4 _sdpsc (int_4 _p_ ksgn_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ yh_)
88258 { // ** body not listed **
88282 }
88283 int_4 _sdscl (real_4 _p_ hmax_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nq_, real_4 _p_ rmax_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ rc_, real_4
88284 _p_ rh_, real_4 _p_ yh_)
88285 { // ** body not listed **
88306 }
88307 int_4 _sgeev (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ ldv_, real_4 _p_
88308 work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ info_)
88309 { // ** body not listed **
88412 }
88413 int_4 _sgefs (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_
88414 work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
88415 { // ** body not listed **
88606 }
88607 int_4 _sgeir (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_
88608 work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
88609 { // ** body not listed **
88819 }
88820 int_4 _sglss (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
88821 real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_)
88822 { // ** body not listed **
88850 }
88851 int_4 _sheqr (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ ijob_)
88852 { // ** body not listed **
88938 }
88939 int_4 _sintrp (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ xout_, real_4 _p_ yout_, real_4 _p_ ypout_, int_4 _p_ neqn_,
88940 int_4 _p_ kold_, real_4 _p_ phi_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_4 _p_ gi_, real_4 _p_ alpha_,
88941 real_4 _p_ og_, real_4 _p_ ow_, real_4 _p_ ox_, real_4 _p_ oy_)
88942 { // ** body not listed **
89025 }
89026 int_4 _sllti2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_4 _p_
89027 el_, real_4 _p_ dinv_)
89028 { // ** body not listed **
89056 }
89057 int_4 _slpdoc (void)
89058 { // ** body not listed **
89061 }
89062 int_4 _smout (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ a_, char _p_ ifmt_, int_4 _p_ idigit_)
89063 { // ** body not listed **
90195 }
90196 int_4 _snbco (real_4 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_
90197 rcond_, real_4 _p_ z_)
90198 { // ** body not listed **
90347 }
90348 int_4 _snbdi (real_4 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_
90349 det_)
90350 { // ** body not listed **
90384 }
90385 int_4 _snbfa (real_4 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, int_4 _p_
90386 info_)
90387 { // ** body not listed **
90442 }
90443 int_4 _snbfs (real_4 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_
90444 itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
90445 { // ** body not listed **
90722 }
90723 int_4 _snbir (real_4 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_
90724 itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
90725 { // ** body not listed **
91026 }
91027 int_4 _snbsl (real_4 _p_ abe_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_
91028 b_, int_4 _p_ job_)
91029 { // ** body not listed **
91099 }
91100 int_4 _snls1e (real_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4
91101 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ iw_, real_4 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_)
91102 { // ** body not listed **
91152 }
91153 int_4 _snls1 (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4 _p_
91154 fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_4 _p_ ftol_, real_4 _p_ xtol_, real_4 _p_ gtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, real_4 _p_ epsfcn_,
91155 real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_, int_4 _p_
91156 njev_, int_4 _p_ ipvt_, real_4 _p_ qtf_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_ wa4_)
91157 { // ** body not listed **
91730 }
91731 int_4 _snsqe (real_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4
91732 _p_ tol_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ wa_, int_4 _p_ lwa_)
91733 { // ** body not listed **
91789 }
91790 int_4 _snsq (int_4 (*_fcn)(), int_4 (*_jac)(), int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ fvec_, real_4
91791 _p_ fjac_, int_4 _p_ ldfjac_, real_4 _p_ xtol_, int_4 _p_ maxfev_, int_4 _p_ ml_, int_4 _p_ mu_, real_4 _p_ epsfcn_,
91792 real_4 _p_ diag_, int_4 _p_ mode_, real_4 _p_ factor_, int_4 _p_ nprint_, int_4 _p_ info_, int_4 _p_ nfev_, int_4 _p_
91793 njev_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ lr_, real_4 _p_ qtf_, real_4 _p_ wa1_, real_4 _p_ wa2_, real_4 _p_ wa3_, real_4 _p_
91794 wa4_)
91795 { // ** body not listed **
92108 }
92109 int_4 _sods (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ nuk_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_
92110 iflag_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
92111 { // ** body not listed **
92126 }
92127 int_4 _sopenm (int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ lpage_)
92128 { // ** body not listed **
92181 }
92182 int_4 _soseqs (real_4 (*_fnc)(), int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ rtolx_, real_4 _p_ atolx_, real_4 _p_ tolf_,
92183 int_4 _p_ iflag_, int_4 _p_ mxit_, int_4 _p_ ncjs_, int_4 _p_ nsrrc_, int_4 _p_ nsri_, int_4 _p_ iprint_, real_4 _p_
92184 fmax_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ nc_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ p_, real_4 _p_ temp_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_,
92185 real_4 _p_ fac_, int_4 _p_ is_)
92186 { // ** body not listed **
92559 }
92560 int_4 _sos (real_4 (*_fnc)(), int_4 _p_ neq_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rtolx_, real_4 _p_ atolx_, real_4 _p_ tolf_,
92561 int_4 _p_ iflag_, real_4 _p_ rw_, int_4 _p_ lrw_, int_4 _p_ iw_, int_4 _p_ liw_)
92562 { // ** body not listed **
92890 }
92891 int_4 _sossol (int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_)
92892 { // ** body not listed **
92926 }
92927 int_4 _speli4 (int_4 _p_ iorder_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bda_,
92928 real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ bdb_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_,
92929 real_4 _p_ bdc_, real_4 _p_ bdd_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ dn_,
92930 real_4 _p_ un_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_ am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ dm_, real_4 _p_ um_, real_4
92931 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ grhs_, real_4 _p_ usol_, int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
92932 { // ** body not listed **
93236 }
93237 int_4 _spelip (int_4 _p_ intl_, int_4 _p_ iorder_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mbdcnd_,
93238 real_4 _p_ bda_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ bdb_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ n_,
93239 int_4 _p_ nbdcnd_, real_4 _p_ bdc_, real_4 _p_ gama_, real_4 _p_ bdd_, real_4 _p_ xnu_, int_4 (*_cofx)(), int_4
93240 (*_cofy)(), real_4 _p_ an_, real_4 _p_ bn_, real_4 _p_ cn_, real_4 _p_ dn_, real_4 _p_ un_, real_4 _p_ zn_, real_4 _p_
93241 am_, real_4 _p_ bm_, real_4 _p_ cm_, real_4 _p_ dm_, real_4 _p_ um_, real_4 _p_ zm_, real_4 _p_ grhs_, real_4 _p_ usol_
93242 , int_4 _p_ idmn_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ pertrb_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
93243 { // ** body not listed **
93544 }
93545 int_4 _spincw (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ npp_, int_4 _p_ jstrt_,
93546 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_,
93547 real_4 _p_ costsc_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ dulnrm_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_,
93548 real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_,
93549 real_4 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_)
93550 { // ** body not listed **
93682 }
93683 int_4 _spinit (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
93684 real_4 _p_ primal_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ costsc_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_, real_4
93685 _p_ xlamda_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, real_4 _p_ rhsnrm_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, int_4 _p_ imat_
93686 , logical_4 _p_ lopt_)
93687 { // ** body not listed **
93959 }
93960 int_4 _splpce (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ itlp_, int_4 _p_ itbrc_,
93961 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_,
93962 real_4 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ tune_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_, real_4 _p_
93963 csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ primal_, real_4 _p_ erd_, real_4 _p_ erp_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_,
93964 logical_4 _p_ redbas_)
93965 { // ** body not listed **
94157 }
94158 int_4 _splpdm (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ nredc_, int_4 _p_ info_,
94159 int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_,
94160 int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ uu_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_
94161 basmat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_)
94162 { // ** body not listed **
94259 }
94260 int_4 _splp (real_4 (*_usrmat)(), int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4
94261 _p_ dattrv_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ primal_, real_4 _p_ duals_,
94262 int_4 _p_ ibasis_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_)
94263 { // ** body not listed **
94562 }
94563 int_4 _splpfe (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_
94564 ibasis_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_
94565 erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ dulnrm_, real_4 _p_ dirnrm_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_,
94566 real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4
94567 _p_ colnrm_, real_4 _p_ duals_, logical_4 _p_ found_)
94568 { // ** body not listed **
94714 }
94715 int_4 _splpfl (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_ ileave_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_
94716 ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ theta_, real_4 _p_ dirnrm_, real_4 _p_ rprnrm_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ ww_,
94717 real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, real_4 _p_ erp_, real_4 _p_ rprim_, real_4 _p_ primal_, logical_4 _p_ finite_,
94718 logical_4 _p_ zerolv_)
94719 { // ** body not listed **
94869 }
94870 int_4 _splpmn (real_4 (*_usrmat)(), int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4
94871 _p_ dattrv_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ primal_, real_4 _p_ duals_,
94872 real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ csc_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_, real_4 _p_ erd_, real_4 _p_ erp_, real_4 _p_ basmat_, real_4 _p_
94873 wr_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4 _p_ rprim_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, real_4 _p_ ww_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_
94874 , int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, int_4 _p_ imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_)
94875 { // ** body not listed **
96140 }
96141 int_4 _splpmu (int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ lmx_, int_4 _p_ lbm_, int_4 _p_ nredc_, int_4 _p_ info_,
96142 int_4 _p_ ienter_, int_4 _p_ ileave_, int_4 _p_ iopt_, int_4 _p_ npp_, int_4 _p_ jstrt_, int_4 _p_ ibasis_, int_4 _p_
96143 imat_, int_4 _p_ ibrc_, int_4 _p_ ipr_, int_4 _p_ iwr_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ ibb_, real_4 _p_ anorm_, real_4 _p_
96144 eps_, real_4 _p_ uu_, real_4 _p_ gg_, real_4 _p_ rprnrm_, real_4 _p_ erdnrm_, real_4 _p_ dulnrm_, real_4 _p_ theta_,
96145 real_4 _p_ costsc_, real_4 _p_ xlamda_, real_4 _p_ rhsnrm_, real_4 _p_ amat_, real_4 _p_ basmat_, real_4 _p_ csc_,
96146 real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ rprim_, real_4 _p_ ww_, real_4 _p_ bu_, real_4 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, real_4 _p_ erd_,
96147 real_4 _p_ erp_, real_4 _p_ rz_, real_4 _p_ rg_, real_4 _p_ colnrm_, real_4 _p_ costs_, real_4 _p_ primal_, real_4 _p_
96148 duals_, logical_4 _p_ singlr_, logical_4 _p_ redbas_, logical_4 _p_ zerolv_, logical_4 _p_ stpedg_)
96149 { // ** body not listed **
96607 }
96608 int_4 _splpup (int_4 (*_usrmat)(), int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_ dattrv_, real_4
96609 _p_ bl_, real_4 _p_ bu_, int_4 _p_ ind_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ amat_, int_4 _p_ imat_, logical_4 _p_ sizeup_,
96610 real_4 _p_ asmall_, real_4 _p_ abig_)
96611 { // ** body not listed **
97152 }
97153 int_4 _spofs (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_
97154 work_)
97155 { // ** body not listed **
97347 }
97348 int_4 _spoir (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ itask_, int_4 _p_ ind_, real_4 _p_
97349 work_)
97350 { // ** body not listed **
97560 }
97561 int_4 _spopt (real_4 _p_ prgopt_, int_4 _p_ mrelas_, int_4 _p_ nvars_, int_4 _p_ info_, real_4 _p_ csc_, int_4 _p_
97562 ibasis_, real_4 _p_ ropt_, int_4 _p_ intopt_, logical_4 _p_ lopt_)
97563 { // ** body not listed **
97919 }
97920 int_4 _spperm (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
97921 { // ** body not listed **
97966 }
97967 int_4 _spsort (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ iperm_, int_4 _p_ kflag_, int_4 _p_ ier_)
97968 { // ** body not listed **
98124 }
98125 int_4 _sreadp (int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ list_, real_4 _p_ rlist_, int_4 _p_ lpage_, int_4 _p_ irec_)
98126 { // ** body not listed **
98231 }
98232 int_4 _ss2lt (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
98233 nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_4 _p_ el_)
98234 { // ** body not listed **
98264 }
98265 int_4 _ssd2s (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_
98266 dinv_)
98267 { // ** body not listed **
98292 }
98293 int_4 _ssdi (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_,
98294 int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
98295 { // ** body not listed **
98303 }
98304 int_4 _ssdscl (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_
98305 x_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_ itol_)
98306 { // ** body not listed **
98338 }
98339 int_4 _ssds (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_
98340 dinv_)
98341 { // ** body not listed **
98348 }
98349 int_4 _ssics (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
98350 nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_4 _p_ el_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ r_, int_4 _p_ iwarn_)
98351 { // ** body not listed **
98521 }
98522 int_4 _ssiev (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ job_, int_4 _p_
98523 info_)
98524 { // ** body not listed **
98561 }
98562 int_4 _ssilus (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, int_4 _p_
98563 nl_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_ dinv_, int_4 _p_ nu_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4
98564 _p_ u_, int_4 _p_ nrow_, int_4 _p_ ncol_)
98565 { // ** body not listed **
98787 }
98788 int_4 _ssli2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ nel_, int_4 _p_ iel_, int_4 _p_ jel_, real_4 _p_
98789 el_)
98790 { // ** body not listed **
98807 }
98808 int_4 _sslui2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_
98809 dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4 _p_ u_)
98810 { // ** body not listed **
98838 }
98839 int_4 _sslui4 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_
98840 dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4 _p_ u_)
98841 { // ** body not listed **
98869 }
98870 int_4 _ssmmi2 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ il_, int_4 _p_ jl_, real_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_
98871 dinv_, int_4 _p_ iu_, int_4 _p_ ju_, real_4 _p_ u_)
98872 { // ** body not listed **
98921 }
98922 int_4 _ssmtv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_,
98923 int_4 _p_ isym_)
98924 { // ** body not listed **
98951 }
98952 int_4 _ssmv (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_,
98953 int_4 _p_ isym_)
98954 { // ** body not listed **
98981 }
98982 int_4 _ssort (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kflag_)
98983 { // ** body not listed **
99224 }
99225 int_4 _steps (int_4 (*_f)(), int_4 _p_ neqn_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ eps_, real_4 _p_
99226 wt_, logical_4 _p_ start_, real_4 _p_ hold_, int_4 _p_ k_, int_4 _p_ kold_, logical_4 _p_ crash_, real_4 _p_ phi_,
99227 real_4 _p_ p_, real_4 _p_ yp_, real_4 _p_ psi_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ sig_, real_4 _p_ v_,
99228 real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ g_, logical_4 _p_ phase1_, int_4 _p_ ns_, logical_4 _p_ nornd_, int_4 _p_ ksteps_, real_4 _p_
99229 twou_, real_4 _p_ fouru_, real_4 _p_ xold_, int_4 _p_ kprev_, int_4 _p_ ivc_, int_4 _p_ iv_, int_4 _p_ kgi_, real_4 _p_
99230 gi_, real_4 _p_ rpar_, int_4 _p_ ipar_)
99231 { // ** body not listed **
99795 }
99796 int_4 _stin (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_
99797 soln_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_)
99798 { // ** body not listed **
100066 }
100067 int_4 _stor1 (real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ yh_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ yp_, int_4 _p_ ntemp_, int_4 _p_ ndisk_, int_4
100068 _p_ ntape_)
100069 { // ** body not listed **
100114 }
100115 int_4 _stout (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nelt_, int_4 _p_ ia_, int_4 _p_ ja_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ isym_, real_4 _p_
100116 soln_, real_4 _p_ rhs_, int_4 _p_ iunit_, int_4 _p_ job_)
100117 { // ** body not listed **
100403 }
100404 int_4 _stway (real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ yhp_, int_4 _p_ inout_, real_4 _p_ stowa_)
100405 { // ** body not listed **
100462 }
100463 int_4 _suds (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ neq_, int_4 _p_ nuk_, int_4 _p_ nrda_, int_4 _p_
100464 iflag_, int_4 _p_ mlso_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_)
100465 { // ** body not listed **
100478 }
100479 int_4 _svecs (int_4 _p_ ncomp_, int_4 _p_ lnfc_, real_4 _p_ yhp_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ inhomo_
100480 , int_4 _p_ iflag_)
100481 { // ** body not listed **
100511 }
100512 int_4 _svout (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ sx_, char _p_ ifmt_, int_4 _p_ idigit_)
100513 { // ** body not listed **
101236 }
101237 int_4 _swritp (int_4 _p_ ipage_, int_4 _p_ list_, real_4 _p_ rlist_, int_4 _p_ lpage_, int_4 _p_ irec_)
101238 { // ** body not listed **
101343 }
101344 int_4 _tevlc (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e2_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
101345 { // ** body not listed **
101457 }
101458 int_4 _tevls (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e2_, int_4 _p_ ierr_)
101459 { // ** body not listed **
101571 }
101572 int_4 _tri3 (int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ y1_, real_4 _p_ y2_,
101573 real_4 _p_ y3_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ w1_, real_4 _p_ w2_, real_4 _p_ w3_)
101574 { // ** body not listed **
101684 }
101685 int_4 _tridq (int_4 _p_ mr_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ d_)
101686 { // ** body not listed **
101714 }
101715 int_4 _tris4 (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ z_)
101716 { // ** body not listed **
101745 }
101746 int_4 _trisp (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ u_, real_4 _p_ z_)
101747 { // ** body not listed **
101776 }
101777 int_4 _trix (int_4 _p_ idegbr_, int_4 _p_ idegcr_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4
101778 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ tcos_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ w_)
101779 { // ** body not listed **
101832 }
101833 int_4 _u11ls (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ ub_, real_4 _p_ db_, int_4 _p_
101834 mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ eb_, int_4 _p_ ic_,
101835 int_4 _p_ ir_)
101836 { // ** body not listed **
102118 }
102119 int_4 _u11us (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ ub_, real_4 _p_ db_, int_4 _p_
102120 mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, real_4 _p_ eb_, int_4 _p_ ir_,
102121 int_4 _p_ ic_)
102122 { // ** body not listed **
102404 }
102405 int_4 _u12ls (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
102406 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ic_, int_4 _p_ ir_)
102407 { // ** body not listed **
102548 }
102549 int_4 _u12us (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
102550 int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ krank_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ ic_)
102551 { // ** body not listed **
102691 }
102692 int_4 _ulsia (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ mda_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ mdb_, int_4 _p_ nb_,
102693 real_4 _p_ re_, real_4 _p_ ae_, int_4 _p_ key_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ np_, int_4 _p_ krank_, int_4 _p_ ksure_,
102694 real_4 _p_ rnorm_, real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ lw_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liw_, int_4 _p_ info_)
102695 { // ** body not listed **
102944 }
102945 int_4 _usrmat (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ j_, real_4 _p_ aij_, int_4 _p_ indcat_, real_4 _p_ prgopt_, real_4 _p_ dattrv_,
102946 int_4 _p_ iflag_)
102947 { // ** body not listed **
102985 }
102986 real_4 _vnwrms (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ w_)
102987 { // ** body not listed **
102999 }
103000 int_4 _wnlit (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, int_4 _p_
103001 itype_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ idope_, real_4 _p_ dope_, logical_4 _p_ done_)
103002 { // ** body not listed **
103167 }
103168 int_4 _wnlsm (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ mme_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_
103169 prgopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, int_4 _p_ itype_, real_4 _p_ wd_, real_4
103170 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ z_, real_4 _p_ temp_, real_4 _p_ d_)
103171 { // ** body not listed **
103598 }
103599 int_4 _wnlt1 (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ lend_, int_4 _p_ mend_, int_4 _p_ ir_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, logical_4 _p_ recalc_,
103600 int_4 _p_ imax_, real_4 _p_ hbar_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ w_)
103601 { // ** body not listed **
103626 }
103627 logical_4 _wnlt2 (int_4 _p_ me_, int_4 _p_ mend_, int_4 _p_ ir_, real_4 _p_ factor_, real_4 _p_ tau_, real_4 _p_ scale_
103628 , real_4 _p_ wic_)
103629 { // ** body not listed **
103651 }
103652 int_4 _wnlt3 (int_4 _p_ i_, int_4 _p_ imax_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ ipivot_, real_4 _p_ h_, real_4 _p_
103653 w_)
103654 { // ** body not listed **
103669 }
103670 int_4 _wnnls (real_4 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ mdw_, int_4 _p_ me_, int_4 _p_ ma_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ l_, real_4 _p_
103671 prgopt_, real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rnorm_, int_4 _p_ mode_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, real_4 _p_ work_)
103672 { // ** body not listed **
103794 }
103795 int_4 _xadj (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
103796 { // ** body not listed **
103850 }
103851 int_4 _xc210 (int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ j_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
103852 { // ** body not listed **
103916 }
103917 real_4 _xpsi (real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ ipsik_, int_4 _p_ ipsix_)
103918 { // ** body not listed **
104075 }
104076 int_4 _xred (real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ix_, int_4 _p_ ierror_)
104077 { // ** body not listed **
104148 }
104149 int_4 _yairy (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ rx_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ bi_, real_4 _p_ dbi_)
104150 { // ** body not listed **
105987 }
© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (