
   1  //! @file mp-mpfr.c
   2  //! @author J. Marcel van der Veer
   4  //! @section Copyright
   5  //!
   6  //! This file is part of Algol68G - an Algol 68 compiler-interpreter.
   7  //! Copyright 2001-2024 J. Marcel van der Veer [].
   9  //! @section License
  10  //!
  11  //! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  12  //! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  13  //! Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
  14  //! (at your option) any later version.
  15  //!
  16  //! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
  17  //! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
  18  //! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 
  19  //! more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
  20  //! License along with this program. If not, see [].
  22  //! @section Synopsis
  23  //!
  24  //! [LONG] LONG REAL routines using GNU MPFR.
  26  #include "a68g.h"
  27  #include "a68g-genie.h"
  28  #include "a68g-prelude.h"
  29  #include "a68g-mp.h"
  30  #include "a68g-double.h"
  32  #if (A68_LEVEL >= 3)
  34  #if defined (HAVE_GNU_MPFR)
  36  #define DEFAULT GMP_RNDN
  38  #define MANT_BITS(n) ((int) round ((n) / log10 (2.0)))
  39  #define MPFR_MP_BITS (MANT_BITS (mpfr_digits ()))
  41  #define NO_MPFR ((mpfr_ptr) NULL)
  43  #define CHECK_MPFR(p, z) PRELUDE_ERROR (mpfr_number_p (z) == 0, (p), ERROR_MATH, M_LONG_LONG_REAL)
  45  void zeroin_mpfr (NODE_T *, mpfr_t *, mpfr_t, mpfr_t, mpfr_t, int (*)(mpfr_t, const mpfr_t, mpfr_rnd_t));
  47  //! @brief Decimal digits in mpfr significand.
  49  size_t mpfr_digits (void)
  50  {
  51    return (long_mp_digits () * LOG_MP_RADIX);
  52  }
  54  //! @brief Convert mp to mpfr.
  56  void mp_to_mpfr (NODE_T * p, MP_T * z, mpfr_t * x, int digits)
  57  {
  58  // This routine looks a lot like "strtod".
  59    (void) p;
  60    mpfr_set_ui (*x, 0, DEFAULT);
  61    if (MP_EXPONENT (z) * (MP_T) LOG_MP_RADIX > (MP_T) A68_REAL_MIN_EXP) {
  62      BOOL_T neg = MP_DIGIT (z, 1) < 0;
  63      mpfr_t term, W;
  64      mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, term, W, NO_MPFR);
  65      MP_DIGIT (z, 1) = ABS (MP_DIGIT (z, 1));
  66      int expo = (int) (MP_EXPONENT (z) * LOG_MP_RADIX);
  67      mpfr_set_ui (W, 10, DEFAULT);
  68      mpfr_pow_si (W, W, expo, DEFAULT);
  69      for (int j = 1; j <= digits; j++) {
  70        mpfr_set_d (term, MP_DIGIT (z, j), DEFAULT);
  71        mpfr_mul (term, term, W, DEFAULT);
  72        mpfr_add (*x, *x, term, DEFAULT);
  73        mpfr_div_ui (W, W, MP_RADIX, DEFAULT);
  74      }
  75      if (neg) {
  76        mpfr_neg (*x, *x, DEFAULT);
  77      }
  78    }
  79  }
  81  //! @brief Convert mpfr to mp number.
  83  MP_T *mpfr_to_mp (NODE_T * p, MP_T * z, mpfr_t * x, int digits)
  84  {
  85    SET_MP_ZERO (z, digits);
  86    if (mpfr_zero_p (*x)) {
  87      return z;
  88    }
  89    int sign_x = mpfr_sgn (*x);
  90    mpfr_t u, v, t;
  91    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, t, u, v, NO_MPFR);
  92  // Scale to [0, 0.1>.
  93  // a = ABS (x);
  94    mpfr_set (u, *x, DEFAULT);
  95    mpfr_abs (u, u, DEFAULT);
  96  // expo = (int) log10_double (a);
  97    mpfr_log10 (v, u, DEFAULT);
  98    INT_T expo = mpfr_get_si (v, DEFAULT);
  99  // v /= ten_up_double (expo);
 100    mpfr_set_ui (v, 10, DEFAULT);
 101    mpfr_pow_si (v, v, expo, DEFAULT);
 102    mpfr_div (u, u, v, DEFAULT);
 103    expo--;
 104    if (mpfr_cmp_ui (u, 1) >= 0) {
 105      mpfr_div_ui (u, u, 10, DEFAULT);
 106      expo++;
 107    }
 108  // Transport digits of x to the mantissa of z.
 109    INT_T sum = 0, W = (MP_RADIX / 10); int j = 1;
 110    for (int k = 0; j <= digits && k < mpfr_digits (); k++) {
 111      mpfr_mul_ui (t, u, 10, DEFAULT);
 112      mpfr_floor (v, t);
 113      mpfr_frac (u, t, DEFAULT);
 114      sum += W * mpfr_get_d (v, DEFAULT);
 115      W /= 10;
 116      if (W < 1) {
 117        MP_DIGIT (z, j++) = (MP_T) sum;
 118        sum = 0;
 119        W = (MP_RADIX / 10);
 120      }
 121    }
 122  // Store the last digits.
 123    if (j <= digits) {
 124      MP_DIGIT (z, j) = (MP_T) sum;
 125    }
 126    (void) align_mp (z, &expo, digits);
 127    MP_EXPONENT (z) = (MP_T) expo;
 128    MP_DIGIT (z, 1) *= sign_x;
 129    check_mp_exp (p, z);
 130    mpfr_clear (t);
 131    mpfr_clear (u);
 132    mpfr_clear (v);
 133    return z;
 134  }
 136  //! @brief PROC mpfr_mp = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 138  void genie_mpfr_mp (NODE_T * p)
 139  {
 140    MOID_T *mode = MOID (p);
 141    int digits = DIGITS (mode), size = SIZE (mode);
 142    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 143    mpfr_t u;
 144    mpfr_init2 (u, MPFR_MP_BITS);
 145    mp_to_mpfr (p, z, &u, digits);
 146    mpfr_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, u, DEFAULT);
 147    CHECK_MPFR (p, u);
 148    mpfr_to_mp (p, z, &u, digits);
 149    mpfr_clear (u);
 150  }
 152  //! @brief mpfr_beta_inc
 154  void mpfr_beta_inc (mpfr_t Ix, mpfr_t s, mpfr_t t, mpfr_t x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
 155  {
 156  // Incomplete beta function I{x}(s, t).
 157  // From a continued fraction, see; Lentz's algorithm.
 158    errno = EDOM;                 // Until proven otherwise
 159  //mpfr_printf ("%.128Rf", x);
 160    if (mpfr_cmp_d (x, 0) < 0 || mpfr_cmp_d (x, 1) > 0) {
 161      mpfr_set_nan (Ix);
 162    } else {
 163      mpfr_t a, b, c, d, e, F, T, W;
 164      int N, m, cont = A68_TRUE;
 165      mpfr_prec_t lim = 2 * mpfr_get_prec (x);
 166      mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, a, b, c, d, e, F, T, W, NO_MPFR);
 167  // Rapid convergence when x < (s+1)/(s+t+2)
 168      mpfr_add_d (a, s, 1, rnd);
 169      mpfr_add (b, s, t, rnd);
 170      mpfr_add_d (b, b, 2, rnd);
 171      mpfr_div (c, a, b, rnd);
 172  // Recursion when x > (s+1)/(s+t+2)
 173      if (mpfr_cmp (x, c) > 0) {
 174  // B{x}(s, t) = 1 - B{1-x}(t, s)
 175        mpfr_d_sub (d, 1, x, rnd);
 176        mpfr_beta_inc (Ix, t, s, d, rnd);
 177        mpfr_d_sub (Ix, 1, Ix, rnd);
 178        mpfr_clears (a, b, c, d, e, F, T, W, NO_MPFR);
 179        return;
 180      }
 181  // Lentz's algorithm for continued fraction.
 182      mpfr_set_d (W, 1, rnd);
 183      mpfr_set_d (F, 1, rnd);
 184      mpfr_set_d (c, 1, rnd);
 185      mpfr_set_d (d, 0, rnd);
 186      for (N = 0, m = 0; cont && N < lim; N++) {
 187        if (N == 0) {
 188  // d := 1
 189          mpfr_set_d (T, 1, rnd);
 190        } else if (N % 2 == 0) {
 191  // d{2m} := x m(t-m)/((s+2m-1)(s+2m))
 192          mpfr_sub_si (a, t, m, rnd);
 193          mpfr_mul_si (a, a, m, rnd);
 194          mpfr_mul (a, a, x, rnd);
 195          mpfr_add_si (b, s, m, rnd);
 196          mpfr_add_si (b, b, m, rnd);
 197          mpfr_set (e, b, rnd);
 198          mpfr_sub_d (b, b, 1, rnd);
 199          mpfr_mul (b, b, e, rnd);
 200          mpfr_div (T, a, b, rnd);
 201        } else {
 202  // d{2m+1} := -x (s+m)(s+t+m)/((s+2m+1)(s+2m))
 203          mpfr_add_si (e, s, m, rnd);
 204          mpfr_add (T, e, t, rnd);
 205          mpfr_mul (a, e, T, rnd);
 206          mpfr_mul (a, a, x, rnd);
 207          mpfr_add_si (b, s, m, rnd);
 208          mpfr_add_si (b, b, m, rnd);
 209          mpfr_set (e, b, rnd);
 210          mpfr_add_d (b, b, 1, rnd);
 211          mpfr_mul (b, b, e, rnd);
 212          mpfr_div (T, a, b, rnd);
 213          mpfr_neg (T, T, rnd);
 214          m++;
 215        }
 216        mpfr_mul (e, T, d, rnd);
 217        mpfr_add_d (d, e, 1, rnd);
 218        mpfr_d_div (d, 1, d, rnd);
 219        mpfr_div (e, T, c, rnd);
 220        mpfr_add_d (c, e, 1, rnd);
 221        mpfr_mul (F, F, c, rnd);
 222        mpfr_mul (F, F, d, rnd);
 223        if (mpfr_cmp (F, W) == 0) {
 224          cont = A68_FALSE;
 225          errno = 0;
 226        } else {
 227          mpfr_set (W, F, rnd);
 228        }
 229      }
 230  // I{x}(s,t)=x^s(1-x)^t / a / B(s,t) F
 231      mpfr_pow (a, x, s, rnd);
 232      mpfr_d_sub (b, 1, x, rnd);
 233      mpfr_pow (b, b, t, rnd);
 234      mpfr_mul (a, a, b, rnd);
 235      mpfr_beta (W, s, t, rnd);
 236      mpfr_sub_d (F, F, 1, rnd);
 237      mpfr_mul (b, F, a, rnd);
 238      mpfr_div (b, b, W, rnd);
 239      mpfr_div (b, b, s, rnd);
 240      mpfr_set (Ix, b, rnd);
 241      mpfr_clears (a, b, c, d, e, F, T, W, NO_MPFR);
 242    }
 243  }
 245  //! @brief PROC long long erf = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 247  void genie_mpfr_erf_mp (NODE_T * p)
 248  {
 249    MOID_T *mode = MOID (p);
 250    int digits = DIGITS (mode);
 251    int size = SIZE (mode);
 252    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 253    mpfr_t u;
 254    mpfr_init2 (u, MPFR_MP_BITS);
 255    mp_to_mpfr (p, z, &u, digits);
 256    mpfr_erf (u, u, DEFAULT);
 257    CHECK_MPFR (p, u);
 258    mpfr_to_mp (p, z, &u, digits);
 259    mpfr_clear (u);
 260  }
 262  //! @brief PROC long long erfc = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 264  void genie_mpfr_erfc_mp (NODE_T * p)
 265  {
 266    MOID_T *mode = MOID (p);
 267    int digits = DIGITS (mode);
 268    int size = SIZE (mode);
 269    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 270    mpfr_t u;
 271    mpfr_init2 (u, MPFR_MP_BITS);
 272    mp_to_mpfr (p, z, &u, digits);
 273    mpfr_erfc (u, u, DEFAULT);
 274    CHECK_MPFR (p, u);
 275    mpfr_to_mp (p, z, &u, digits);
 276    mpfr_clear (u);
 277  }
 279  //! @brief PROC long long inverf = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 281  void genie_mpfr_inverf_mp (NODE_T * _p_)
 282  {
 283    MOID_T *mode = MOID (_p_);
 284    int digits = DIGITS (mode), size = SIZE (mode);
 285    REAL_T x0;
 286    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 287    mpfr_t a, b, u, y;
 288    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, a, b, u, y, NO_MPFR);
 289    mp_to_mpfr (_p_, z, &y, digits);
 290    x0 = a68_inverf_real (mp_to_real (_p_, z, digits));
 291  //  a = z - 1e-9;
 292  //  b = z + 1e-9;
 293    mpfr_set_d (a, x0 - 1e-9, DEFAULT);
 294    mpfr_set_d (b, x0 + 1e-9, DEFAULT);
 295    zeroin_mpfr (_p_, &u, a, b, y, mpfr_erf);
 296    MATH_RTE (_p_, errno != 0, M_LONG_LONG_REAL, NO_TEXT);
 297    mpfr_to_mp (_p_, z, &u, digits);
 298    mpfr_clears (a, b, u, y, NO_MPFR);
 299  }
 301  //! @brief PROC long long inverfc = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 303  void genie_mpfr_inverfc_mp (NODE_T * p)
 304  {
 305    MOID_T *mode = MOID (p);
 306    ADDR_T pop_sp = A68_SP;
 307    int digits = DIGITS (mode), size = SIZE (mode);
 308    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 309    one_minus_mp (p, z, z, digits);
 310    A68_SP = pop_sp;
 311    genie_inverf_mp (p);
 312  }
 314  //! @brief PROC long long gamma = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 316  void genie_gamma_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 317  {
 318    MOID_T *mode = MOID (p);
 319    int digits = DIGITS (mode);
 320    int size = SIZE (mode);
 321    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 322    mpfr_t u;
 323    mpfr_init2 (u, MPFR_MP_BITS);
 324    mp_to_mpfr (p, z, &u, digits);
 325    mpfr_gamma (u, u, DEFAULT);
 326    CHECK_MPFR (p, u);
 327    mpfr_to_mp (p, z, &u, digits);
 328    mpfr_clear (u);
 329  }
 331  //! @brief PROC long long ln gamma = (LONG LONG REAL) LONG LONG REAL
 333  void genie_lngamma_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 334  {
 335    MOID_T *mode = MOID (p);
 336    int digits = DIGITS (mode);
 337    int size = SIZE (mode);
 338    MP_T *z = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 339    mpfr_t u;
 340    mpfr_init2 (u, MPFR_MP_BITS);
 341    mp_to_mpfr (p, z, &u, digits);
 342    mpfr_lngamma (u, u, DEFAULT);
 343    CHECK_MPFR (p, u);
 344    mpfr_to_mp (p, z, &u, digits);
 345    mpfr_clear (u);
 346  }
 348  void genie_gamma_inc_real_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 349  {
 350    A68_REAL x, s;
 351    POP_OBJECT (p, &x, A68_REAL);
 352    POP_OBJECT (p, &s, A68_REAL);
 353    mpfr_t xx, ss;
 354    mpfr_inits2 (A68_DOUBLE_MAN, ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 355    mpfr_set_d (xx, VALUE (&x), DEFAULT);
 356    mpfr_set_d (ss, VALUE (&s), DEFAULT);
 357    mpfr_gamma_inc (ss, ss, xx, DEFAULT);
 358    CHECK_MPFR (p, ss);
 359    PUSH_VALUE (p, mpfr_get_d (ss, DEFAULT), A68_REAL);
 360    mpfr_clears (ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 361  }
 363  void genie_gamma_inc_double_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 364  {
 365    A68_LONG_REAL x, s;
 366    POP_OBJECT (p, &x, A68_LONG_REAL);
 367    POP_OBJECT (p, &s, A68_LONG_REAL);
 368    mpfr_t xx, ss;
 369    mpfr_inits2 (A68_DOUBLE_MAN, ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 370    mpfr_set_float128 (xx, VALUE (&x).f, DEFAULT);
 371    mpfr_set_float128 (ss, VALUE (&s).f, DEFAULT);
 372    mpfr_gamma_inc (ss, ss, xx, DEFAULT);
 373    CHECK_MPFR (p, ss);
 374    PUSH_VALUE (p, dble (mpfr_get_float128 (ss, DEFAULT)), A68_LONG_REAL);
 375    mpfr_clears (ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 376  }
 378  void genie_gamma_inc_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 379  {
 380    int digits = DIGITS (MOID (p)), size = SIZE (MOID (p));
 381    MP_T *x = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 382    MP_T *s = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-2 * size);
 383    A68_SP -= size;
 384    mpfr_t xx, ss;
 385    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 386    mp_to_mpfr (p, x, &xx, digits);
 387    mp_to_mpfr (p, s, &ss, digits);
 388    mpfr_gamma_inc (ss, ss, xx, DEFAULT);
 389    CHECK_MPFR (p, ss);
 390    mpfr_to_mp (p, s, &ss, digits);
 391    mpfr_clears (ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 392  }
 394  void genie_beta_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 395  {
 396    int digits = DIGITS (MOID (p)), size = SIZE (MOID (p));
 397    MP_T *x = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 398    MP_T *s = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-2 * size);
 399    A68_SP -= size;
 400    mpfr_t xx, ss;
 401    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 402    mp_to_mpfr (p, x, &xx, digits);
 403    mp_to_mpfr (p, s, &ss, digits);
 404    mpfr_beta (ss, ss, xx, DEFAULT);
 405    CHECK_MPFR (p, ss);
 406    mpfr_to_mp (p, s, &ss, digits);
 407    mpfr_clears (ss, xx, NO_MPFR);
 408  }
 410  void genie_ln_beta_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 411  {
 412    int digits = DIGITS (MOID (p)), size = SIZE (MOID (p));
 413    MP_T *b = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 414    MP_T *a = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-2 * size);
 415    A68_SP -= size;
 416    mpfr_t bb, aa, yy, zz;
 417    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, aa, bb, yy, zz, NO_MPFR);
 418    mp_to_mpfr (p, b, &bb, digits);
 419    mp_to_mpfr (p, a, &aa, digits);
 420    mpfr_lngamma (zz, aa, DEFAULT);
 421    mpfr_lngamma (yy, bb, DEFAULT);
 422    mpfr_add (zz, zz, yy, DEFAULT);
 423    mpfr_add (yy, aa, bb, DEFAULT);
 424    mpfr_lngamma (yy, yy, DEFAULT);
 425    mpfr_sub (aa, zz, yy, DEFAULT);
 426    CHECK_MPFR (p, aa);
 427    mpfr_to_mp (p, a, &aa, digits);
 428    mpfr_clears (aa, bb, yy, zz, NO_MPFR);
 429  }
 431  void genie_beta_inc_mpfr (NODE_T * p)
 432  {
 433    int digits = DIGITS (MOID (p)), size = SIZE (MOID (p));
 434    MP_T *x = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-size);
 435    MP_T *t = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-2 * size);
 436    MP_T *s = (MP_T *) STACK_OFFSET (-3 * size);
 437    A68_SP -= 2 * size;
 438    mpfr_t xx, ss, tt;
 439    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, ss, tt, xx, NO_MPFR);
 440    mp_to_mpfr (p, x, &xx, digits);
 441    mp_to_mpfr (p, s, &ss, digits);
 442    mp_to_mpfr (p, t, &tt, digits);
 443    mpfr_beta_inc (ss, ss, tt, xx, DEFAULT);
 444    CHECK_MPFR (p, ss);
 445    mpfr_to_mp (p, s, &ss, digits);
 446    mpfr_clears (ss, tt, xx, NO_MPFR);
 447  }
 449  //! @brief zeroin
 451  void zeroin_mpfr (NODE_T * _p_, mpfr_t * z, mpfr_t a, mpfr_t b, mpfr_t y, int (*f) (mpfr_t, const mpfr_t, mpfr_rnd_t))
 452  {
 453  // 'zeroin'
 454  // MCA 2310 in 'ALGOL 60 Procedures in Numerical Algebra' by Th.J. Dekker
 455    BOOL_T siga = A68_TRUE;
 456    mpfr_t c, fa, fb, fc, tolb, eps, p, q, v, w;
 457    mpfr_inits2 (MPFR_MP_BITS, c, fa, fb, fc, tolb, eps, p, q, v, w, NO_MPFR);
 458    mpfr_set_ui (eps, 10, DEFAULT);
 459    mpfr_pow_si (eps, eps, -(mpfr_digits () - 2), DEFAULT);
 460    f (fa, a, DEFAULT);
 461    mpfr_sub (fa, fa, y, DEFAULT);
 462    f (fb, b, DEFAULT);
 463    mpfr_sub (fb, fb, y, DEFAULT);
 464    mpfr_set (c, a, DEFAULT);
 465    mpfr_set (fc, fa, DEFAULT);
 466    int iter = 5;
 467    while (siga && (iter--) > 0) {
 468      mpfr_abs (v, fc, DEFAULT);
 469      mpfr_abs (w, fb, DEFAULT);
 470      if (mpfr_cmp (v, w) < 0) {
 471        mpfr_set (a, b, DEFAULT);
 472        mpfr_set (fa, fb, DEFAULT);
 473        mpfr_set (b, c, DEFAULT);
 474        mpfr_set (fb, fc, DEFAULT);
 475        mpfr_set (c, a, DEFAULT);
 476        mpfr_set (fc, fa, DEFAULT);
 477      }
 478      mpfr_abs (tolb, b, DEFAULT);
 479      mpfr_add_ui (tolb, tolb, 1, DEFAULT);
 480      mpfr_mul (tolb, tolb, eps, DEFAULT);
 481      mpfr_add (w, c, b, DEFAULT);
 482      mpfr_div_2ui (w, w, 1, DEFAULT);
 483      mpfr_sub (v, w, b, DEFAULT);
 484      mpfr_abs (v, v, DEFAULT);
 485      siga = mpfr_cmp (v, tolb) > 0;
 486      if (siga) {
 487        mpfr_sub (p, b, a, DEFAULT);
 488        mpfr_mul (p, p, fb, DEFAULT);
 489        mpfr_sub (q, fa, fb, DEFAULT);
 490        if (mpfr_cmp_ui (p, 0) < 0) {
 491          mpfr_neg (p, p, DEFAULT);
 492          mpfr_neg (q, q, DEFAULT);
 493        }
 494        mpfr_set (a, b, DEFAULT);
 495        mpfr_set (fa, fb, DEFAULT);
 496        mpfr_abs (v, q, DEFAULT);
 497        mpfr_mul (v, v, tolb, DEFAULT);
 498        if (mpfr_cmp (p, v) <= 0) {
 499          if (mpfr_cmp (c, b) > 0) {
 500            mpfr_add (b, b, tolb, DEFAULT);
 501          } else {
 502            mpfr_sub (b, b, tolb, DEFAULT);
 503          }
 504        } else {
 505          mpfr_sub (v, w, b, DEFAULT);
 506          mpfr_mul (v, v, q, DEFAULT);
 507          if (mpfr_cmp (p, v) < 0) {
 508            mpfr_div (v, p, q, DEFAULT);
 509            mpfr_add (b, v, b, DEFAULT);
 510          } else {
 511            mpfr_set (b, w, DEFAULT);
 512          }
 513        }
 514        f (fb, b, DEFAULT);
 515        mpfr_sub (fb, fb, y, DEFAULT);
 516        int sign = mpfr_sgn (fb) + mpfr_sgn (fc);
 517        if (ABS (sign) == 2) {
 518          mpfr_set (c, a, DEFAULT);
 519          mpfr_set (fc, fa, DEFAULT);
 520        }
 521      }
 522    }
 523    CHECK_MPFR (_p_, b);
 524    mpfr_set (*z, b, DEFAULT);
 525    mpfr_clears (c, fa, fb, fc, tolb, eps, p, q, v, w, NO_MPFR);
 526  }
 528  #endif
 530  #endif