
   1  //! @file code.c
   2  //! @author J. Marcel van der Veer
   3  //
   4  //! @section Copyright
   5  //
   6  // This file is part of VIF - vintage FORTRAN compiler.
   7  // Copyright 2020-2024 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
   8  //
   9  //! @section License
  10  //
  11  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  12  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  13  // Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
  14  // (at your option) any later version.
  15  //
  16  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
  17  // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
  18  // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 
  19  // more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
  20  // License along with this program. If not, see <>.
  22  //! @section Synopsis
  23  //!
  24  //! Routines to emit C object code.
  26  #include <vif.h>
  28  #undef LIST_IMPLICIT
  30  #define MAX_UNIQ_STR 5000
  31  static char *uniq_str[MAX_UNIQ_STR];
  32  static int_4 uniq_index[MAX_UNIQ_STR];
  33  static int_4 n_uniq_str = 0;
  34  static int_4 n_dc = 0;
  36  int_4 code_uniq_str (char *nstr)
  37  {
  38    int_4 k;
  39    for (k = 0; k < n_uniq_str; k++) {
  40      if (strcmp (nstr, uniq_str[k]) == 0) {
  41        return uniq_index[k];
  42      }
  43    }
  44    if (k == MAX_UNIQ_STR) {
  45      OVERFLOW (501, "code_uniq_str");
  46    }
  47    RECORD idf, str;
  48    int_4 rc = n_dc;
  49    uniq_index[n_uniq_str] = rc;
  50    _srecordf (idf, "_dc_%d", n_dc++);
  51    _srecordf (str, "#define %s %s", idf, nstr);
  52    code (0, STRINGS, str);
  53    code (0, STRINGS, "\n");
  54    uniq_str[n_uniq_str++] = stralloc (nstr);
  55    return rc;
  56  }
  58  char *get_uniq_str (char *dc, char *buf)
  59  {
  60    for (int_4 k = 0; k < n_uniq_str; k++) {
  61      RECORD idf;
  62      _srecordf (idf, "_dc_%d", uniq_index[k]);
  63      if (strcmp (idf, dc) == 0) {
  64        int_4 j;
  65        for (j = 1; j < strlen (uniq_str[k]) - 1; j++) {
  66          buf[j - 1] = uniq_str[k][j];
  67        }
  68        buf[j] = '\0';
  69        return buf;
  70      }
  71    }
  72    return NULL;
  73  }
  75  int_4 code_real_32_const (char *num)
  76  {
  77    RECORD str;
  78    int_4 rc = n_dc;
  79    _srecordf (str, "real_32 _dc_%d = { // %s\n", n_dc++, curlex);
  80    code (0, CONSTANTS, str);
  81    real_32 x = atox (num);
  82    for (int_4 k = 0; k <= FLT256_LEN; k++) {
  83      if (k < FLT256_LEN) {
  84        _srecordf (str, "0x%04x,", (x.value)[k]);
  85      } else {
  86        _srecordf (str, "0x%04x", (x.value)[k]);
  87      }
  88      code (0, CONSTANTS, str);
  89      if ((k + 1) % 4 == 0) {
  90        code (0, CONSTANTS, "\n");
  91      }
  92    }
  93    code (0, CONSTANTS, "};");
  94    code (0, CONSTANTS, "\n");
  95    code (0, CONSTANTS, "\n");
  96    return rc;
  97  }
  99  int_4 code (int_4 proc, int_4 phase, char *str)
 100  {
 101    if (n_c_src >= MAX_C_SRC) {
 102      MAX_C_SRC += INCREMENT;
 103      object = (C_SRC *) f_realloc (object, MAX_C_SRC * sizeof (C_SRC));
 104    }
 105  // Add to list.
 106    C_SRC *lin = &object[n_c_src];
 107    int_4 patch = n_c_src;
 108    lin->text = stralloc (str);
 109    lin->phase = phase;
 110    lin->proc = proc;
 111    n_c_src++;
 112    return patch;
 113  }
 115  void cpp_direct (int_4 proc, int_4 lin, int_4 phase)
 116  {
 117    if (!gcc_ftn_lines) {
 118      return;
 119    }
 120    if (source[lin].cpp == FALSE) {
 121      RECORD str;
 122      char *q = source[lin].text;
 123      if (q != NULL) {
 124        for (int_4 k = 0; q[k] != '\0' && k < 5; k++) {
 125          q++;
 126        }
 127        while (q[0] != '\0' && q[0] == ' ') {
 128          q++;
 129        }
 130        RECORD edit;
 131        int_4 n = 0, m = 0;
 132        while (q[n] != '\0') {
 133          if (q[n] == '"') {
 134            edit[m++] = '\\';
 135          } else if (q[n] == '%') {
 136            edit[m++] = '%';
 137          }
 138          edit[m++] = q[n++];
 139        }
 140        edit[m] = '\0';
 141        RECORD loc;
 142        _srecordf (loc, "** %-10s ** isn %d %s", modnam, source[lin].isn, edit);
 143        _srecordf (str, "# line %d \"%s\"", source[lin].num, loc);
 144        code (proc, phase, str);
 145        if (trace) {
 146          _srecordf (str, "~fprintf (stderr, \"%s\\n\");", loc);
 147          code (proc, phase, str);
 148          code (proc, phase, "\n");
 149        }
 150      }
 151      source[lin].cpp = TRUE;
 152    }
 153  }
 155  static int_4 idf_code (IDENT *idf, int_4 save, int_4 src)
 156  {
 157  // Must we declare this identifier?
 158    if (idf == NULL) {
 159      return FALSE; // Oops!
 160    }
 161    if (idf-> != save || idf->source != src) {
 162      return FALSE; // Wrong category
 163    }
 164    if (idf->parm != NULL) {
 165      return FALSE; // Parameter to subprogram
 166    }
 167    if (idf->external || idf->intrinsic) {
 168      return FALSE; // Otherwise declared
 169    }
 170    if (idf->nest > 0) {
 171      return FALSE; // Macro parameter, declared inline
 172    }
 173    return TRUE;
 174  }
 176  void code_one_type (IDENT * table, int_4 M, int_4 type, int_4 len, int_4 blck, int_4 proc, int_4 save, int_4 src, int_4 phase)
 177  {
 178    int_4 k, N;
 179    for (k = 0, N = 0; k < M; k++) {
 180      IDENT *idf = &table[k];
 181      if (idf_code (idf, save, src)) {
 182        if (idf->const_ref) {
 183          ;
 184        } else if (idf->alias != NULL && idf->mode.type == type && idf->mode.len == len) {
 185          N++;
 186        } else if (!idf->arg && idf->mode.type == type && idf->mode.len == len && idf->common == blck) {
 187          N++;
 188        }
 189      }
 190    }
 191    if (N > 0) {
 192      RECORD str;
 193      MODE mode = (MODE) {.type = type,.len = len,.dim = 0 };
 194      if (table == locals && (save == STATIC && src == SOURCE)) {
 195        _srecordf (str, "static %s ", wtype (&mode, NOARG, NOFUN));
 196      } else {
 197        _srecordf (str, "%s ", wtype (&mode, NOARG, NOFUN));
 198      }
 199      code (proc, phase, str);
 200      for (k = 0; k < M; k++) {
 201        IDENT *idf = &table[k];
 202        if (idf_code (idf, save, src)) {
 203          if (idf->const_ref) {
 204            ;
 205          } else if (idf->alias != NULL && idf->mode.type == type && idf->mode.len == len) {
 206            code (proc, phase, ptr_to_array (idf, NOCONST, NOCAST, ACTUAL));
 207            if (--N > 0) {
 208              code (proc, phase, ", ");
 209            }
 210          } else if (!idf->arg && idf->mode.type == type && idf->mode.len == len && idf->common == blck) {
 211            str[0] = '\0';
 212            if (idf->mode.dim > 0) {
 213              RECORD buf;
 214              str[0] = '\0';
 215              for (int_4 n = 0; n < idf->mode.dim; n++) {
 216                if (EQUAL (idf->len[n], "VARY")) {
 217                  ERROR (502, "only argument arrays can vary", NULL);
 218                  buf[0] = '\0';
 219                } else {
 220                  fold_int_4 (buf, idf->len[n]);
 221                }
 222                if (isint_4 (buf, NULL)) {
 223                  bufcat (str, buf, RECLN);
 224                } else {
 225                  bufcat (str,"(", RECLN);
 226                  bufcat (str, buf, RECLN);
 227                  bufcat (str,")", RECLN);
 228                }
 229                if (n < idf->mode.dim - 1) {
 230                  bufcat (str, " * ", RECLN);
 231                }
 232              }
 233              fold_int_4 (buf, str);
 234              _srecordf (str, "%s[%s]", CID (idf), buf);
 235              code (proc, phase, str);
 236            } else {
 237              code (proc, phase, CID (idf));
 238            }
 239            if (--N > 0) {
 240              code (proc, phase, ", ");
 241            }
 242          }
 243        }
 244      }
 245      code (proc, phase, ";\n");
 246    }
 247  }
 249  void code_idfs (IDENT * table, int_4 M, int_4 blck, int_4 proc, int_4 phase)
 250  {
 251    for (int_4 n = STATIC; n <= AUTOMATIC; n++) {
 252      for (int_4 m = SOURCE; m <= TEMP; m++) {
 253        code_one_type (table, M, INTEGER, 2, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 254        code_one_type (table, M, INTEGER, 4, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 255        code_one_type (table, M, INTEGER, 8, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 256        code_one_type (table, M, LOGICAL, 4, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 257        code_one_type (table, M, REAL, 4, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 258        code_one_type (table, M, REAL, 8, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 259        code_one_type (table, M, REAL, 16, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 260        code_one_type (table, M, REAL, 32, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 261        code_one_type (table, M, COMPLEX, 8, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 262        code_one_type (table, M, COMPLEX, 16, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 263        code_one_type (table, M, COMPLEX, 32, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 264        code_one_type (table, M, COMPLEX, 64, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 265        for (int_4 k = 0, len = 2; k < MAX_STRLENS; k++, len *= 2) {
 266          if (strlens[k]) {
 267            code_one_type (table, M, CHARACTER, len - 1, blck, proc, n, m, phase);
 268          }
 269        }
 270      }
 271    }
 272  }
 274  void code_common (void)
 275  {
 276    int_4 k;
 277    for (k = EXTERN + 1; k < ncommons; k++) {
 278      RECORD name;
 279      code (0, COMMON, "\n");
 280      _srecordf (name, "// common /%s/\n", commons[k]);
 281      code (0, COMMON, name);
 282      _srecordf (name, "static struct {\n");
 283      code (0, COMMON, name);
 284      code_idfs (globals, nglobals, k, 0, COMMON);
 285      _srecordf (name, "} %s;\n", commons[k]);
 286      code (0, COMMON, name);
 287    }
 288  }
 290  void code_exts (IDENT * table, int_4 M, int_4 eblck, int_4 proc, int_4 phase)
 291  {
 292    int_4 k;
 293    (void) eblck;
 294    for (k = 0; k < M; k++) {
 295      IDENT *idf = &table[k];
 296      if (idf->external && idf->arg == NOARG) {
 297        if (!find_module (CID (idf))) { // Avoid prototype error.
 298          RECORD str;
 299          MODE *mode = &(idf->mode);
 300          if (!idf->used) {
 301            code (proc, phase, "// ");
 302          }
 303          _srecordf (str, "extern %s %s ();\n", wtype (mode, NOARG, NOFUN), edit_f (CID (idf)));
 304          code (proc, phase, str);
 305        }
 306      }
 307    }
 308  }
 310  void code_arrlen (IDENT * idf)
 311  {
 312    int_4 k, tlen = 1, npack = 0;
 313    RECORD pack, str;
 314    pack[0] = '\0';
 315    for (k = 0; k < idf->mode.dim; k++) {
 316      int_4 len;
 317      if (EQUAL (idf->len[k], "VARY")) {
 318        ERROR (503, "array has varying size", NULL);
 319      } else if (isint_4 (idf->len[k], &len)) {
 320        tlen *= len;
 321      } else {
 322        if (npack > 0) {
 323          bufcat (pack, " * ", RECLN);
 324        }
 325        bufcat (pack, "(", RECLN);
 326        bufcat (pack, idf->len[k], RECLN);
 327        bufcat (pack, ")", RECLN);
 328        npack++;
 329      }
 330    }
 331    if (tlen == 1 && npack > 0) {
 332      _srecordf (str, "%s", pack);
 333    } else if (npack == 0) {
 334      _srecordf (str, "%d", tlen);
 335    } else {
 336      _srecordf (str, "%d * %s", tlen, pack);
 337    }
 338    code (nprocs, BODY, str);
 339  }
 341  void proc_listing (int_4 proc)
 342  {
 343    int_4 k, n, l_i, l_f;
 344    RECORD lin;
 345    code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, newpage (modnam, "symbol-table"));
 346  #if defined (LIST_IMPLICIT)
 347  // Implicit modes
 348    strcpy (lin, "//  ");
 349    for (k = ord ('a'); k <= ord ('z'); k++) {
 350      RECORD str;
 351      _srecordf (str, "'%c' %-12s", 'a' + k, qtype (&implic[k].mode));
 352      bufcat (lin, str, RECLN);
 353      if ((k + 1) % 6 == 0) {
 354        bufcat (lin, "\n", RECLN);
 355        code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, lin);
 356        strcpy (lin, "//  ");
 357      }
 358    }
 359    code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, lin);
 360    code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, "\n");
 361  #endif
 362  // Local variables
 363    if (nlocals > 0) {
 364      for (k = 0; k < nlocals; k++) {
 365        IDENT *idf = &locals[k];
 366        if (idf->source != SOURCE || idf->external || idf->intrinsic) {
 367          continue;
 368        }
 369        RECORD str;
 370        _srecordf (lin, "// line %6d %4s %-12s %-8s", idf->line, (idf-> == STATIC ? "save" : "auto"), qtype (&idf->mode), CID (idf));
 371        for (n = 0; n < idf->mode.dim; n++) {
 372          _srecordf (str, " (%s, %s)", idf->lwb[n], idf->upb[n]);
 373          bufcat (lin, str, RECLN);
 374        }
 375        if (idf->parm != NULL) {
 376          bufcat (lin, " parm", RECLN);
 377        } else if (idf->used) {
 378          bufcat (lin, " used", RECLN);
 379        } else {
 380          bufcat (lin, " idle", RECLN);
 381        }
 382        if (idf->alias != NULL) {
 383          _srecordf (str, " aliased to %s", CID (idf->alias));
 384          bufcat (lin, str, RECLN);
 385        }
 386        if (idf->equiv != NULL) {
 387          _srecordf (str, " aliased from %s", CID (idf->equiv));
 388          bufcat (lin, str, RECLN);
 389        }
 390        if (idf->parm != NULL) {
 391          _srecordf (str, " = %s", idf->parm);
 392          bufcat (lin, str, RECLN);
 393        }
 394        code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, lin);
 395      }
 396      code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, "\n");
 397    }
 398    if (nlabels > 0) {
 399      for (k = 1; k < nlabels; k++) {
 400        LBL *L = &labels[k];
 401        if (L->jumped > 0) {
 402          _srecordf (lin, "// label %5d %5d in line %5d, goto\n", L->index, L->num, L->line);
 403        } else if (L->nonexe) {
 404          _srecordf (lin, "// label %5d %5d in line %5d, non-executable\n", L->index, L->num, L->line);
 405        } else {
 406          _srecordf (lin, "// label %5d %5d in line %5d\n", L->index, L->index, L->line);
 407        }
 408        code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, lin);
 409      }
 410      code (nprocs, SYMBOLS, "\n");
 411    }
 412  // Unclassified comments need a place.
 413    int_4 xproc = nprocs;
 414    int_4 lisn = curlin;
 415    if (source[lisn].isn != 0) {
 416  // If there is next module, delay comments after 'END' to the next module.
 417  // We assume they belong there.
 418      lisn--;
 419      while (lisn >= 0 && source[lisn].isn == 0) {
 420        source[lisn].proc = 0;
 421        lisn--;
 422      }
 423    }
 424  // Now assign comments to a module.
 425    for (k = lisn; k >= 0; k--) {
 426      FTN_LINE *flin = &source[k];
 427      if (xproc > 1 && flin->proc > 0 && flin->proc < xproc) {
 428        xproc = flin->proc;
 429      }
 430      if (flin->text != NULL && IS_COMMENT (flin->text[0]) && flin->proc == 0) {
 431        flin->proc = xproc;
 432      }
 433    }
 434  //  
 435    l_i = l_f = ERR;
 436    for (k = 1; k < nftnlines && l_i == ERR; k++) {
 437      FTN_LINE *flin = &source[k];
 438      if (flin->proc == proc) {
 439        l_i = k;
 440      }
 441    }
 442    for (k = nftnlines - 1; k >= 1 && l_f == ERR; k--) {
 443      FTN_LINE *flin = &source[k];
 444      if (flin->proc == proc) {
 445        l_f = k;
 446      }
 447    }
 448    code (nprocs, LIST, newpage (modnam, "source-code"));
 449    for (k = l_i; k <= l_f; k++) {
 450      FTN_LINE *flin = &source[k];
 451      RECORD lrec;
 452      if (flin->isn > 0) {
 453        if (flin->inc > 0) {
 454           _srecordf (lrec, "// %1d%5d %6d %s\n", flin->inc, flin->num, flin->isn, flin->text);
 455        } else {
 456           _srecordf (lrec, "// %6d %6d %s\n", flin->num, flin->isn, flin->text);
 457        }
 458      } else {
 459        if (flin->inc > 0) {
 460          _srecordf (lrec, "// %1d%5d        %s\n", flin->inc, flin->num, flin->text);
 461        } else {
 462          _srecordf (lrec, "// %6d        %s\n", flin->num, flin->text);
 463        }
 464      }
 465      code (nprocs, LIST, lrec);
 466    }
 467  }

© 2002-2024 J.M. van der Veer (