1 //! @file jcl.c
2 //! @author J. Marcel van der Veer
3 //
4 //! @section Copyright
5 //
6 // This file is part of VIF - vintage FORTRAN compiler.
7 // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <algol68g@xs4all.nl>.
8 //
9 //! @section License
10 //
11 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13 // Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
14 // (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
18 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
19 // more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
20 // License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 //! @section Synopsis
23 //!
24 //! Rudimentary JCL handler
26 // Most JCL does not map onto UNIX and is ignored here.
27 // This code manages in-stream redirections like
28 //
29 // //FT02F001 DD *
30 // ...
31 // ...
32 // ...
33 // /*
34 //
35 // Above means that UNIT 2 will be initialized to read
36 // the enclosed data upon READ (2, ...).
38 #include <vif.h>
40 int_4 jcllin = 0;
42 extern int_4 n_dc;
44 void vif_jcl (void)
45 {
46 if (CUR_LIN.jcl) {
47 return;
48 }
49 CUR_LIN.jcl = TRUE;
50 if (POS (0) == '/' && POS (1) == '*') {
51 return;
52 } else if (POS (0) == '/' && POS (1) == '/') {
53 // Log the line.
54 NEW_RECORD (jline);
55 jcllin++;
56 _srecordf (jline, "// %6d %6d //%s\n", curlin, jcllin, &CUR_LIN.text[2]);
57 code (0, JCL, jline);
58 //
59 int_4 k = 0, N = 0, fn;
60 // Parse step and name field.
61 NEW_RECORD (step);
62 NEW_RECORD (name);
63 curcol = 2;
64 while (N < RECLN && (isalpha (CUR_COL) || (strlen (name) > 0 ? isdigit (CUR_COL) : FALSE))) {
65 name[k++] = tolower (CUR_COL);
66 curcol++;
67 N++;
68 }
69 if (CUR_COL == '.') {
70 RECCPY (step, name);
71 RECCLR (name);
72 curcol++;
73 k = 0;
74 N = 0;
75 while (N < RECLN && (isalpha (CUR_COL) || (strlen (name) > 0 ? isdigit (CUR_COL) : FALSE))) {
76 name[k++] = tolower (CUR_COL);
77 curcol++;
78 N++;
79 }
80 }
81 // Parse operation field.
82 while (isspace (CUR_COL)) {
83 curcol++;
84 }
85 NEW_RECORD (oper);
86 k = 0;
87 while (N < RECLN && (isalpha (CUR_COL) || (strlen (oper) > 0 ? isdigit (CUR_COL) : FALSE))) {
88 oper[k++] = tolower (CUR_COL);
89 curcol++;
90 N++;
91 }
92 // Parse parameter field.
93 while (isspace (CUR_COL)) {
94 curcol++;
95 }
96 NEW_RECORD (parm);
97 k = 0;
98 while (N < RECLN && CUR_COL != '\0' && isprint (CUR_COL)) {
99 parm[k++] = CUR_COL;
100 curcol++;
101 N++;
102 }
103 // Match FT..F001.
104 if (sscanf(name, "ft%02df001", &fn) == 1 && EQUAL (oper, "dd")) {
105 if (EQUAL (parm, "*")) {
106 NEW_RECORD (str);
107 CUR_LIN.jcl = TRUE;
108 CUR_LIN.isn = 0;
109 // Write as row of chars as C cannot have comments in string denotations.
110 _srecordf (str, "char %s[] = {\n", name);
111 code (0, CONSTANTS, str);
112 _ffile[fn].in_stream = TRUE;
113 _ffile[fn].name = f_stralloc (name);
114 curlin++;
115 int_4 col = 0;
116 while (curlin < nftnlines && !EQUAL (CUR_LIN.text, "/*")) {
117 _srecordf (str, "//%s\n", CUR_LIN.text);
118 code (0, CONSTANTS, str);
119 CUR_LIN.jcl = TRUE;
120 CUR_LIN.isn = 0;
121 // Pad to 80 characters (vintage punch card record length).
122 for (int_4 m = 0; m < 80; m++) {
123 if (m < strlen (CUR_LIN.text)) {
124 _srecordf (str, "'\\x%02x',", CUR_LIN.text[m]);
125 } else {
126 _srecordf (str, "'\\x%02x',", ' ');
127 }
128 code (0, CONSTANTS, str);
129 if (col == 9) {
130 code (0, CONSTANTS, "\n");
131 col = 0;
132 } else {
133 code (0, CONSTANTS, " ");
134 col++;
135 }
136 }
137 _srecordf (str, "'\\x%02x'\n,", '\n');
138 code (0, CONSTANTS, str);
139 curlin++;
140 }
141 code (0, CONSTANTS, "'\\0'\n");
142 code (0, CONSTANTS, "};");
143 while (curlin < nftnlines) {
144 if (! IS_JCL (CUR_LIN.text[0])) {
145 FATAL (2401, "jcl error", CUR_LIN.text);
146 }
147 curlin++;
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 }
152 }
© 2002-2025 J.M. van der Veer (jmvdveer@xs4all.nl)