1 //! @file mathlib-lapack-arpack.c
2 //
3 //! @section copyright
4 //
5 // This file is part of VIF - vintage fortran compiler.
6 // Copyright 2020-2025 J. Marcel van der Veer <>.
7 //
8 //! @section license
9 //
10 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the
12 // free software foundation; either version 3 of the license, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 // without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability
17 // or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU general public license for
18 // more details. you should have received a copy of the GNU general public
19 // license along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //! @Synopsis
22 //
23 //! 161 subprograms from LAPACK-ARPACK
25 // Compiled from Fortran source code by VIF.
26 // Selected subprograms are:
27 //
44 // CLARTG
46 // LAPACK routines to support ARPACK.
47 // These LAPACK routines MUST be from the public release.
49 // The license for LAPACK Fortran source code is:
50 //
51 // BSD Software License
52 //
53 // Pertains to ARPACK and P_ARPACK
54 //
55 // Copyright (c) 1996-2008 Rice University.
56 // Developed by D.C. Sorensen, R.B. Lehoucq, C. Yang, and K. Maschhoff.
57 // All rights reserved.
58 //
59 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
60 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
61 // met:
62 //
63 // - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
64 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
65 //
66 // - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
67 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer listed
68 // in this license in the documentation and/or other materials
69 // provided with the distribution.
70 //
71 // - Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
72 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
73 // this software without specific prior written permission.
74 //
87 /*
88 Generated by VIF - experimental VIntage Fortran compiler.
89 VIF release 1.1.7
90 */
232 static CALLS __calls[__ncalls] = {
233 {"cgbtf2", 0}, // subroutine
234 {"cgbtrf", 0}, // subroutine
235 {"cgbtrs", 0}, // subroutine
236 {"cgeqr2", 0}, // subroutine
237 {"cgttrf", 0}, // subroutine
238 {"cgttrs", 0}, // subroutine
239 {"clacgv", 0}, // subroutine
240 {"clacon", 0}, // subroutine
241 {"clacpy", 0}, // subroutine
242 {"cladiv", 0}, // complex*8 function
243 {"clahqr", 0}, // subroutine
244 {"clange", 0}, // real*4 function
245 {"clanhs", 0}, // real*4 function
246 {"clarf", 0}, // subroutine
247 {"clarfg", 0}, // subroutine
248 {"clarnv", 0}, // subroutine
249 {"clartg", 0}, // subroutine
250 {"clascl", 0}, // subroutine
251 {"claset", 0}, // subroutine
252 {"classq", 0}, // subroutine
253 {"claswp", 0}, // subroutine
254 {"clatrs", 0}, // subroutine
255 {"cmach", 0}, // real*4 function
256 {"crot", 0}, // subroutine
257 {"ctrevc", 0}, // subroutine
258 {"ctrexc", 0}, // subroutine
259 {"ctrsen", 0}, // subroutine
260 {"ctrsyl", 0}, // subroutine
261 {"cunm2r", 0}, // subroutine
262 {"dgbtf2", 0}, // subroutine
263 {"dgbtrf", 0}, // subroutine
264 {"dgbtrs", 0}, // subroutine
265 {"dgeqr2", 0}, // subroutine
266 {"dgttrf", 0}, // subroutine
267 {"dgttrs", 0}, // subroutine
268 {"dlabad", 0}, // subroutine
269 {"dlacon", 0}, // subroutine
270 {"dlacpy", 0}, // subroutine
271 {"dladiv", 0}, // subroutine
272 {"dlae2", 0}, // subroutine
273 {"dlaev2", 0}, // subroutine
274 {"dlaexc", 0}, // subroutine
275 {"dlagtm", 0}, // subroutine
276 {"dlahqr", 0}, // subroutine
277 {"dlaln2", 0}, // subroutine
278 {"dlange", 0}, // real*8 function
279 {"dlanhs", 0}, // real*8 function
280 {"dlanst", 0}, // real*8 function
281 {"dlanv2", 0}, // subroutine
282 {"dlaptm", 0}, // subroutine
283 {"dlapy2", 0}, // real*8 function
284 {"dlapy3", 0}, // real*8 function
285 {"dlaran", 0}, // real*8 function
286 {"dlarf", 0}, // subroutine
287 {"dlarfg", 0}, // subroutine
288 {"dlarfx", 0}, // subroutine
289 {"dlarnd", 0}, // real*8 function
290 {"dlarnv", 0}, // subroutine
291 {"dlartg", 0}, // subroutine
292 {"dlaruv", 0}, // subroutine
293 {"dlascl", 0}, // subroutine
294 {"dlaset", 0}, // subroutine
295 {"dlasr", 0}, // subroutine
296 {"dlasrt", 0}, // subroutine
297 {"dlassq", 0}, // subroutine
298 {"dlaswp", 0}, // subroutine
299 {"dlasy2", 0}, // subroutine
300 {"dorm2r", 0}, // subroutine
301 {"dpttrf", 0}, // subroutine
302 {"dpttrs", 0}, // subroutine
303 {"dsteqr", 0}, // subroutine
304 {"dtrevc", 0}, // subroutine
305 {"dtrexc", 0}, // subroutine
306 {"dtrsen", 0}, // subroutine
307 {"dtrsyl", 0}, // subroutine
308 {"dzsum1", 0}, // real*8 function
309 {"icmax1", 0}, // integer*4 function
310 {"ilaenv", 0}, // integer*4 function
311 {"izmax1", 0}, // integer*4 function
312 {"scsum1", 0}, // real*4 function
313 {"sgbtf2", 0}, // subroutine
314 {"sgbtrf", 0}, // subroutine
315 {"sgbtrs", 0}, // subroutine
316 {"sgeqr2", 0}, // subroutine
317 {"sgttrf", 0}, // subroutine
318 {"sgttrs", 0}, // subroutine
319 {"slabad", 0}, // subroutine
320 {"slacon", 0}, // subroutine
321 {"slacpy", 0}, // subroutine
322 {"sladiv", 0}, // subroutine
323 {"slae2", 0}, // subroutine
324 {"slaev2", 0}, // subroutine
325 {"slaexc", 0}, // subroutine
326 {"slagtm", 0}, // subroutine
327 {"slahqr", 0}, // subroutine
328 {"slaln2", 0}, // subroutine
329 {"slamch", 0}, // real*4 function
330 {"slamc1", 0}, // subroutine
331 {"slamc2", 0}, // subroutine
332 {"slamc3", 0}, // real*4 function
333 {"slamc4", 0}, // subroutine
334 {"slamc5", 0}, // subroutine
335 {"slange", 0}, // real*4 function
336 {"slanhs", 0}, // real*4 function
337 {"slanst", 0}, // real*4 function
338 {"slanv2", 0}, // subroutine
339 {"slaptm", 0}, // subroutine
340 {"slapy2", 0}, // real*4 function
341 {"slapy3", 0}, // real*4 function
342 {"slaran", 0}, // real*4 function
343 {"slarf", 0}, // subroutine
344 {"slarfg", 0}, // subroutine
345 {"slarfx", 0}, // subroutine
346 {"slarnd", 0}, // real*4 function
347 {"slarnv", 0}, // subroutine
348 {"slartg", 0}, // subroutine
349 {"slaruv", 0}, // subroutine
350 {"slascl", 0}, // subroutine
351 {"slaset", 0}, // subroutine
352 {"slasr", 0}, // subroutine
353 {"slasrt", 0}, // subroutine
354 {"slassq", 0}, // subroutine
355 {"slaswp", 0}, // subroutine
356 {"slasy2", 0}, // subroutine
357 {"sorm2r", 0}, // subroutine
358 {"spttrf", 0}, // subroutine
359 {"spttrs", 0}, // subroutine
360 {"ssteqr", 0}, // subroutine
361 {"strevc", 0}, // subroutine
362 {"strexc", 0}, // subroutine
363 {"strsen", 0}, // subroutine
364 {"strsyl", 0}, // subroutine
365 {"xlaenv", 0}, // subroutine
366 {"zgbtf2", 0}, // subroutine
367 {"zgbtrf", 0}, // subroutine
368 {"zgbtrs", 0}, // subroutine
369 {"zgeqr2", 0}, // subroutine
370 {"zgttrf", 0}, // subroutine
371 {"zgttrs", 0}, // subroutine
372 {"zlacgv", 0}, // subroutine
373 {"zlacon", 0}, // subroutine
374 {"zlacpy", 0}, // subroutine
375 {"zladiv", 0}, // complex*16 function
376 {"zlahqr", 0}, // subroutine
377 {"zlange", 0}, // real*8 function
378 {"zlanhs", 0}, // real*8 function
379 {"zlarf", 0}, // subroutine
380 {"zlarfg", 0}, // subroutine
381 {"zlarnv", 0}, // subroutine
382 {"zlartg", 0}, // subroutine
383 {"zlascl", 0}, // subroutine
384 {"zlaset", 0}, // subroutine
385 {"zlassq", 0}, // subroutine
386 {"zlaswp", 0}, // subroutine
387 {"zlatrs", 0}, // subroutine
388 {"zrot", 0}, // subroutine
389 {"ztrevc", 0}, // subroutine
390 {"ztrexc", 0}, // subroutine
391 {"ztrsen", 0}, // subroutine
392 {"ztrsyl", 0}, // subroutine
393 {"zunm2r", 0}, // subroutine
394 {NULL, 0}
395 };
396 static struct {
397 int_4 iparms_[100];
398 } claenv_;
400 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
402 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
404 ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
406 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
408 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
410 _p_ du_, complex_8 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
414 , int_4 _p_ ldb_);
417 complex_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, complex_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_,
418 int_4 _p_ info_);
420 work_);
423 tau_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_8 _p_ work_);
428 , int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_);
430 complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_);
433 int_4 _p_ incx_);
435 a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ cnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_);
438 c_, complex_8 _p_ s_);
440 _p_ ldt_, complex_8 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, complex_8 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_,
441 complex_8 _p_ work_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
443 ldq_, int_4 _p_ ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, int_4 _p_ info_);
445 _p_ ldt_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ sep_, complex_8
446 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
448 a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_
449 info_);
451 int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ tau_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
453 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
455 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
457 int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
459 int_4 _p_ info_);
461 int_4 _p_ info_);
463 real_8 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
466 ;
468 int_4 _p_ ldb_);
472 , real_8 _p_ sn1_);
474 ldq_, int_4 _p_ j1_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
476 d_, real_8 _p_ du_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_);
478 real_8 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4
479 _p_ ldz_, int_4 _p_ info_);
481 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_,
482 real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_);
487 , real_8 _p_ rt2r_, real_8 _p_ rt2i_, real_8 _p_ cs_, real_8 _p_ sn_);
489 int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_);
494 real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ work_);
497 int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ work_);
503 , int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_);
505 , int_4 _p_ lda_);
507 real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_);
511 int_4 _p_ incx_);
513 real_8 _p_ tl_, int_4 _p_ ldtl_, real_8 _p_ tr_, int_4 _p_ ldtr_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_8 _p_ scale_,
514 real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_);
516 int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ tau_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
519 int_4 _p_ info_);
521 real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
523 _p_ ldt_, real_8 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, real_8 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_
524 work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
526 int_4 _p_ ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
528 ldt_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ sep_,
529 real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
531 int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_ info_);
535 int_4 _p_ n4_);
539 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
541 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
543 int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
545 int_4 _p_ info_);
547 int_4 _p_ info_);
549 real_4 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
552 ;
554 int_4 _p_ ldb_);
558 , real_4 _p_ sn1_);
560 ldq_, int_4 _p_ j1_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
562 d_, real_4 _p_ du_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_);
564 real_4 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4
565 _p_ ldz_, int_4 _p_ info_);
567 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_,
568 real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_);
572 _p_ rmin_, int_4 _p_ emax_, real_4 _p_ rmax_);
576 _p_ rmax_);
581 , real_4 _p_ rt2r_, real_4 _p_ rt2i_, real_4 _p_ cs_, real_4 _p_ sn_);
583 int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_);
588 real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ work_);
591 int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ work_);
597 , int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_);
599 , int_4 _p_ lda_);
601 real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_);
605 int_4 _p_ incx_);
607 real_4 _p_ tl_, int_4 _p_ ldtl_, real_4 _p_ tr_, int_4 _p_ ldtr_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_4 _p_ scale_,
608 real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_);
610 int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ tau_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
613 int_4 _p_ info_);
615 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
617 _p_ ldt_, real_4 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, real_4 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_
618 work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
620 int_4 _p_ ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
622 ldt_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ sep_,
623 real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
625 int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_ info_);
628 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
630 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
632 ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
634 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
636 int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_);
638 complex_16 _p_ du_, complex_16 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_);
642 b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_);
645 complex_16 _p_ h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, complex_16 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_
646 ldz_, int_4 _p_ info_);
648 work_);
651 tau_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_16 _p_ work_);
656 , int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_);
658 complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_);
661 , int_4 _p_ incx_);
663 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ cnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_);
665 _p_ c_, complex_16 _p_ s_);
667 int_4 _p_ ldt_, complex_16 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, complex_16 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_,
668 complex_16 _p_ work_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
670 ldq_, int_4 _p_ ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, int_4 _p_ info_);
672 _p_ ldt_, complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ sep_,
673 complex_16 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ info_);
675 a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_
676 info_);
678 int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ tau_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_16 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_);
679 int_4 _cgbtf2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, complex_8 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
680 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
681 { // ** body not listed **
754 }
755 int_4 _cgbtrf (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, complex_8 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
756 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
757 { // ** body not listed **
953 }
954 int_4 _cgbtrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, complex_8 _p_ ab_, int_4
955 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
956 { // ** body not listed **
1057 }
1058 int_4 _cgeqr2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ tau_, complex_8 _p_ work_,
1059 int_4 _p_ info_)
1060 { // ** body not listed **
1095 }
1096 int_4 _cgttrf (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ dl_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ du_, complex_8 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_
1097 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
1098 { // ** body not listed **
1146 }
1147 if (d_[(*n_) - 1] == CMPLXF (0.0, 0.0) && (*info_) == 0) {
1148 (*info_) = (*n_);
1149 goto _l0;
1150 }
1151 _l0:;
1152 __calls[4].calls++;
1153 return 0;
1154 }
1155 int_4 _cgttrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, complex_8 _p_ dl_, complex_8 _p_ d_, complex_8 _p_ du_,
1156 complex_8 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
1157 { // ** body not listed **
1259 }
1260 int_4 _clacgv (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_)
1261 { // ** body not listed **
1280 }
1281 int_4 _clacon (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ v_, complex_8 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ est_, int_4 _p_ kase_)
1282 { // ** body not listed **
1377 }
1378 int_4 _clacpy (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4
1379 _p_ ldb_)
1380 { // ** body not listed **
1406 }
1407 complex_8 _cladiv (complex_8 _p_ x_, complex_8 _p_ y_)
1408 { // ** body not listed **
1417 }
1418 int_4 _clahqr (logical_4 _p_ wantt_, logical_4 _p_ wantz_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ihi_, complex_8 _p_
1419 h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, complex_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, int_4 _p_
1420 info_)
1421 { // ** body not listed **
1593 }
1594 real_4 _clange (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ work_)
1595 { // ** body not listed **
1646 }
1647 real_4 _clanhs (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ work_)
1648 { // ** body not listed **
1700 }
1701 int_4 _clarf (char _p_ side_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ incv_, complex_8 _p_ tau_,
1702 complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_8 _p_ work_)
1703 { // ** body not listed **
1724 }
1725 int_4 _clarfg (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ alpha_, complex_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, complex_8 _p_ tau_)
1726 { // ** body not listed **
1780 }
1781 int_4 _clarnv (int_4 _p_ idist_, int_4 _p_ iseed_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ x_)
1782 { // ** body not listed **
1817 }
1818 int_4 _clartg (complex_8 _p_ f_, complex_8 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ cs_, complex_8 _p_ sn_, complex_8 _p_ r_)
1819 { // ** body not listed **
1863 }
1864 int_4 _clascl (char _p_ type_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_4 _p_ cfrom_, real_4 _p_ cto_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4
1865 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_)
1866 { // ** body not listed **
2016 }
2017 int_4 _claset (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ alpha_, complex_8 _p_ beta_, complex_8 _p_ a_,
2018 int_4 _p_ lda_)
2019 { // ** body not listed **
2054 }
2055 int_4 _classq (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ sumsq_)
2056 { // ** body not listed **
2087 }
2088 int_4 _claswp (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ k1_, int_4 _p_ k2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_
2089 incx_)
2090 { // ** body not listed **
2131 }
2132 int_4 _clatrs (char _p_ uplo_, char _p_ trans_, char _p_ diag_, char _p_ normin_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4
2133 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ cnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_)
2134 { // ** body not listed **
2603 }
2604 real_4 _cmach (int_4 _p_ job_)
2605 { // ** body not listed **
2645 }
2646 int_4 _crot (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, complex_8 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ incy_, real_4 _p_ c_,
2647 complex_8 _p_ s_)
2648 { // ** body not listed **
2682 }
2683 int_4 _ctrevc (char _p_ side_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
2684 complex_8 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, complex_8 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_8 _p_
2685 work_, real_4 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
2686 { // ** body not listed **
2809 }
2810 if (leftv_) {
2811 is_ = 1;
2812 for (ki_ = 1; ki_ <= (*n_); (ki_)++) {
2813 if (somev_) {
2814 if (! (select_[ki_ - 1])) {
2815 goto _l130;
2816 }
2817 }
2818 smin_ = _max (ulp_ * (({complex_8 cdum_1_ = t_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((ki_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (cdum_1_))) +
2819 _abs (cimagf (cdum_1_));})), smlnum_);
2820 work_[(*n_) - 1] = CMPLXF (1.0, 0.0);
2821 for (k_ = ki_ + 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
2822 work_[k_ - 1] = -conjf (t_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))]);
2823 }
2824 for (k_ = ki_ + 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
2825 t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] = t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] - t_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((ki_ - 1))];
2826 if (({complex_8 cdum_1_ = t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (cdum_1_))) + _abs (cimagf
2827 (cdum_1_));}) < smin_) {
2828 t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] = smin_;
2829 }
2830 }
2831 if (ki_ < (*n_)) {
2832 (void) _clatrs (_dc_11, _dc_14, _dc_12, _dc_35, ($6_ = (*n_) - ki_, &$6_), &t_[ki_ + 1 - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((ki_ + 1 -
2833 1))], ldt_, &work_[ki_ + 1 - 1], &scale_, rwork_, info_);
2834 work_[ki_ - 1] = scale_;
2835 }
2836 if (! (over_)) {
2837 (void) _ccopy (($7_ = (*n_) - ki_ + 1, &$7_), &work_[ki_ - 1], &_k1, &vl_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))], &_k1);
2838 ii_ = _icamax (($8_ = (*n_) - ki_ + 1, &$8_), &vl_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))], &_k1) + ki_ - 1;
2839 remax_ = 1.0 / ({complex_8 cdum_1_ = vl_[ii_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (cdum_1_))) + _abs
2840 (cimagf (cdum_1_));});
2841 (void) _csscal (($9_ = (*n_) - ki_ + 1, &$9_), &remax_, &vl_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))], &_k1);
2842 for (k_ = 1; k_ <= ki_ - 1; (k_)++) {
2843 vl_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))] = CMPLXF (0.0, 0.0);
2844 }
2845 }
2846 else {
2847 if (ki_ < (*n_)) {
2848 (void) _cgemv (_dc_7, n_, ($10_ = (*n_) - ki_, &$10_), ($11_ = CMPLXF (1.0, 0.0), &$11_), &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ +
2849 1 - 1))], ldvl_, &work_[ki_ + 1 - 1], &_k1, ($12_ = (complex_8) (scale_), &$12_), &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))],
2850 &_k1);
2851 }
2852 ii_ = _icamax (n_, &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))], &_k1);
2853 remax_ = 1.0 / ({complex_8 cdum_1_ = vl_[ii_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (cdum_1_))) + _abs
2854 (cimagf (cdum_1_));});
2855 (void) _csscal (n_, &remax_, &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))], &_k1);
2856 }
2857 for (k_ = ki_ + 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
2858 t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] = work_[k_ + (*n_) - 1];
2859 }
2860 is_ = is_ + 1;
2861 _l130:;
2862 }
2863 }
2864 _l0:;
2865 __calls[24].calls++;
2866 return 0;
2867 }
2868 int_4 _ctrexc (char _p_ compq_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_, complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, int_4
2869 _p_ ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, int_4 _p_ info_)
2870 { // ** body not listed **
2936 }
2937 int_4 _ctrsen (char _p_ job_, char _p_ compq_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
2938 complex_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_8 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ sep_, complex_8 _p_ work_,
2939 int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
2940 { // ** body not listed **
3038 }
3039 int_4 _ctrsyl (char _p_ trana_, char _p_ tranb_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4
3040 _p_ lda_, complex_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_ info_)
3041 { // ** body not listed **
3228 }
3229 int_4 _cunm2r (char _p_ side_, char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, complex_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_
3230 lda_, complex_8 _p_ tau_, complex_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
3231 { // ** body not listed **
3317 }
3318 int_4 _dgbtf2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_8 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
3319 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
3320 { // ** body not listed **
3393 }
3394 int_4 _dgbtrf (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_8 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
3395 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
3396 { // ** body not listed **
3590 }
3591 int_4 _dgbtrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_8 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_
3592 ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
3593 { // ** body not listed **
3673 }
3674 int_4 _dgeqr2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ tau_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_
3675 info_)
3676 { // ** body not listed **
3710 }
3711 int_4 _dgttrf (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ dl_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ du_, real_8 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_
3712 info_)
3713 { // ** body not listed **
3768 }
3769 int_4 _dgttrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_8 _p_ dl_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ du_, real_8
3770 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
3771 { // ** body not listed **
3849 }
3850 int_4 _dlabad (real_8 _p_ small_, real_8 _p_ large_)
3851 { // ** body not listed **
3858 }
3859 int_4 _dlacon (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, real_8 _p_ est_, int_4 _p_ kase_)
3860 { // ** body not listed **
3955 }
3956 int_4 _dlacpy (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_
3957 )
3958 { // ** body not listed **
3984 }
3985 int_4 _dladiv (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ p_, real_8 _p_ q_)
3986 { // ** body not listed **
4002 }
4003 int_4 _dlae2 (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ rt1_, real_8 _p_ rt2_)
4004 { // ** body not listed **
4043 }
4044 int_4 _dlaev2 (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ rt1_, real_8 _p_ rt2_, real_8 _p_ cs1_, real_8
4045 _p_ sn1_)
4046 { // ** body not listed **
4119 }
4120 int_4 _dlaexc (logical_4 _p_ wantq_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, int_4
4121 _p_ j1_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
4122 { // ** body not listed **
4288 }
4289 int_4 _dlagtm (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ dl_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8
4290 _p_ du_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_)
4291 { // ** body not listed **
4390 }
4391 int_4 _dlahqr (logical_4 _p_ wantt_, logical_4 _p_ wantz_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ihi_, real_8 _p_ h_,
4392 int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, int_4
4393 _p_ info_)
4394 { // ** body not listed **
4587 }
4588 int_4 _dlaln2 (logical_4 _p_ ltrans_, int_4 _p_ na_, int_4 _p_ nw_, real_8 _p_ smin_, real_8 _p_ ca_, real_8 _p_ a_,
4589 int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ d1_, real_8 _p_ d2_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, real_8
4590 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_)
4591 { // ** body not listed **
4916 }
4917 real_8 _dlange (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ work_)
4918 { // ** body not listed **
4969 }
4970 real_8 _dlanhs (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ work_)
4971 { // ** body not listed **
5023 }
5024 real_8 _dlanst (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ e_)
5025 { // ** body not listed **
5065 }
5066 int_4 _dlanv2 (real_8 _p_ a_, real_8 _p_ b_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ rt1r_, real_8 _p_ rt1i_, real_8
5067 _p_ rt2r_, real_8 _p_ rt2i_, real_8 _p_ cs_, real_8 _p_ sn_)
5068 { // ** body not listed **
5149 }
5150 int_4 _dlaptm (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_
5151 ldx_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_)
5152 { // ** body not listed **
5210 }
5211 real_8 _dlapy2 (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_)
5212 { // ** body not listed **
5228 }
5229 real_8 _dlapy3 (real_8 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ y_, real_8 _p_ z_)
5230 { // ** body not listed **
5247 }
5248 real_8 _dlaran (int_4 _p_ iseed_)
5249 { // ** body not listed **
5271 }
5272 int_4 _dlarf (char _p_ side_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ incv_, real_8 _p_ tau_, real_8 _p_
5273 c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ work_)
5274 { // ** body not listed **
5293 }
5294 int_4 _dlarfg (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_8 _p_ tau_)
5295 { // ** body not listed **
5343 }
5344 int_4 _dlarfx (char _p_ side_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ v_, real_8 _p_ tau_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_
5345 ldc_, real_8 _p_ work_)
5346 { // ** body not listed **
5853 }
5854 real_8 _dlarnd (int_4 _p_ idist_, int_4 _p_ iseed_)
5855 { // ** body not listed **
5871 }
5872 int_4 _dlarnv (int_4 _p_ idist_, int_4 _p_ iseed_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_)
5873 { // ** body not listed **
5903 }
5904 int_4 _dlartg (real_8 _p_ f_, real_8 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ cs_, real_8 _p_ sn_, real_8 _p_ r_)
5905 { // ** body not listed **
5990 }
5991 int_4 _dlaruv (int_4 _p_ iseed_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_)
5992 { // ** body not listed **
8081 }
8082 int_4 _dlascl (char _p_ type_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_8 _p_ cfrom_, real_8 _p_ cto_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4
8083 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_)
8084 { // ** body not listed **
8235 }
8236 int_4 _dlaset (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ alpha_, real_8 _p_ beta_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4
8237 _p_ lda_)
8238 { // ** body not listed **
8267 }
8268 int_4 _dlasr (char _p_ side_, char _p_ pivot_, char _p_ direct_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ c_, real_8 _p_
8269 s_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_)
8270 { // ** body not listed **
8476 }
8477 int_4 _dlasrt (char _p_ id_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ info_)
8478 { // ** body not listed **
8652 }
8653 int_4 _dlassq (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ sumsq_)
8654 { // ** body not listed **
8675 }
8676 int_4 _dlaswp (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ k1_, int_4 _p_ k2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_
8677 incx_)
8678 { // ** body not listed **
8719 }
8720 int_4 _dlasy2 (logical_4 _p_ ltranl_, logical_4 _p_ ltranr_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_8 _p_
8721 tl_, int_4 _p_ ldtl_, real_8 _p_ tr_, int_4 _p_ ldtr_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ x_,
8722 int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_8 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_)
8723 { // ** body not listed **
9033 }
9034 int_4 _dorm2r (char _p_ side_, char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_
9035 , real_8 _p_ tau_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
9036 { // ** body not listed **
9116 }
9117 int_4 _dpttrf (int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ e_, int_4 _p_ info_)
9118 { // ** body not listed **
9151 }
9152 int_4 _dpttrs (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_
9153 info_)
9154 { // ** body not listed **
9189 }
9190 int_4 _dsteqr (char _p_ compz_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ d_, real_8 _p_ e_, real_8 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_8 _p_
9191 work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
9192 { // ** body not listed **
9514 }
9515 int_4 _dtrevc (char _p_ side_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
9516 real_8 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, real_8 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4
9517 _p_ info_)
9518 { // ** body not listed **
10130 }
10131 int_4 _dtrexc (char _p_ compq_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_, real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, int_4 _p_
10132 ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, real_8 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
10133 { // ** body not listed **
10323 }
10324 int_4 _dtrsen (char _p_ job_, char _p_ compq_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
10325 real_8 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_8 _p_ wr_, real_8 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ sep_, real_8 _p_
10326 work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
10327 { // ** body not listed **
10487 }
10488 int_4 _dtrsyl (char _p_ trana_, char _p_ tranb_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_8 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_
10489 lda_, real_8 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_8 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_ info_)
10490 { // ** body not listed **
11226 }
11227 real_8 _dzsum1 (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_)
11228 { // ** body not listed **
11254 }
11255 int_4 _icmax1 (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_)
11256 { // ** body not listed **
11283 }
11284 goto _l0;
11285 _l30:;
11286 smax_ = ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = cx_[0]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_)));});
11287 for (i_ = 2; i_ <= (*n_); (i_)++) {
11288 if (({complex_8 zdum_1_ = cx_[i_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_)));}) <= smax_) {
11289 goto _l40;
11290 }
11291 icmax1_ = i_;
11292 smax_ = ({complex_8 zdum_1_ = cx_[i_ - 1]; _abs ((real_4) (crealf (zdum_1_)));});
11293 _l40:;
11294 }
11295 _l0:;
11296 __calls[76].calls++;
11297 return icmax1_;
11298 }
11299 int_4 _ilaenv (int_4 _p_ ispec_, char _p_ name_, char _p_ opts_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, int_4 _p_ n3_, int_4 _p_
11300 n4_)
11301 { // ** body not listed **
11712 }
11713 int_4 _izmax1 (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_)
11714 { // ** body not listed **
11741 }
11742 goto _l0;
11743 _l30:;
11744 smax_ = ({complex_16 zdum_1_ = cx_[0]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (zdum_1_)));});
11745 for (i_ = 2; i_ <= (*n_); (i_)++) {
11746 if (({complex_16 zdum_1_ = cx_[i_ - 1]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (zdum_1_)));}) <= smax_) {
11747 goto _l40;
11748 }
11749 izmax1_ = i_;
11750 smax_ = ({complex_16 zdum_1_ = cx_[i_ - 1]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (zdum_1_)));});
11751 _l40:;
11752 }
11753 _l0:;
11754 __calls[78].calls++;
11755 return izmax1_;
11756 }
11757 real_4 _scsum1 (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_8 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_)
11758 { // ** body not listed **
11784 }
11785 int_4 _sgbtf2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_4 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
11786 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
11787 { // ** body not listed **
11860 }
11861 int_4 _sgbtrf (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_4 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
11862 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
11863 { // ** body not listed **
12057 }
12058 int_4 _sgbtrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_4 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_
12059 ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
12060 { // ** body not listed **
12140 }
12141 int_4 _sgeqr2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ tau_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_
12142 info_)
12143 { // ** body not listed **
12177 }
12178 int_4 _sgttrf (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ dl_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ du_, real_4 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_
12179 info_)
12180 { // ** body not listed **
12235 }
12236 int_4 _sgttrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_4 _p_ dl_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ du_, real_4
12237 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
12238 { // ** body not listed **
12316 }
12317 int_4 _slabad (real_4 _p_ small_, real_4 _p_ large_)
12318 { // ** body not listed **
12325 }
12326 int_4 _slacon (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, real_4 _p_ est_, int_4 _p_ kase_)
12327 { // ** body not listed **
12422 }
12423 int_4 _slacpy (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_
12424 )
12425 { // ** body not listed **
12451 }
12452 int_4 _sladiv (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ p_, real_4 _p_ q_)
12453 { // ** body not listed **
12469 }
12470 int_4 _slae2 (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ rt1_, real_4 _p_ rt2_)
12471 { // ** body not listed **
12510 }
12511 int_4 _slaev2 (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ rt1_, real_4 _p_ rt2_, real_4 _p_ cs1_, real_4
12512 _p_ sn1_)
12513 { // ** body not listed **
12586 }
12587 int_4 _slaexc (logical_4 _p_ wantq_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, int_4
12588 _p_ j1_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
12589 { // ** body not listed **
12754 }
12755 int_4 _slagtm (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ dl_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4
12756 _p_ du_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_)
12757 { // ** body not listed **
12856 }
12857 int_4 _slahqr (logical_4 _p_ wantt_, logical_4 _p_ wantz_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ihi_, real_4 _p_ h_,
12858 int_4 _p_ ldh_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, int_4
12859 _p_ info_)
12860 { // ** body not listed **
13052 }
13053 int_4 _slaln2 (logical_4 _p_ ltrans_, int_4 _p_ na_, int_4 _p_ nw_, real_4 _p_ smin_, real_4 _p_ ca_, real_4 _p_ a_,
13054 int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ d1_, real_4 _p_ d2_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, real_4
13055 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_)
13056 { // ** body not listed **
13380 }
13381 real_4 _slamch (char _p_ cmach_)
13382 { // ** body not listed **
13455 }
13456 int_4 _slamc1 (int_4 _p_ beta_, int_4 _p_ t_, logical_4 _p_ rnd_, logical_4 _p_ ieee1_)
13457 { // ** body not listed **
13533 }
13534 int_4 _slamc2 (int_4 _p_ beta_, int_4 _p_ t_, logical_4 _p_ rnd_, real_4 _p_ eps_, int_4 _p_ emin_, real_4 _p_ rmin_,
13535 int_4 _p_ emax_, real_4 _p_ rmax_)
13536 { // ** body not listed **
13709 }
13710 real_4 _slamc3 (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_)
13711 { // ** body not listed **
13716 }
13717 int_4 _slamc4 (int_4 _p_ emin_, real_4 _p_ start_, int_4 _p_ base_)
13718 { // ** body not listed **
13752 }
13753 int_4 _slamc5 (int_4 _p_ beta_, int_4 _p_ p_, int_4 _p_ emin_, logical_4 _p_ ieee_, int_4 _p_ emax_, real_4 _p_ rmax_)
13754 { // ** body not listed **
13807 }
13808 real_4 _slange (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ work_)
13809 { // ** body not listed **
13860 }
13861 real_4 _slanhs (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_4 _p_ work_)
13862 { // ** body not listed **
13914 }
13915 real_4 _slanst (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e_)
13916 { // ** body not listed **
13956 }
13957 int_4 _slanv2 (real_4 _p_ a_, real_4 _p_ b_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ rt1r_, real_4 _p_ rt1i_, real_4
13958 _p_ rt2r_, real_4 _p_ rt2i_, real_4 _p_ cs_, real_4 _p_ sn_)
13959 { // ** body not listed **
14040 }
14041 int_4 _slaptm (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_
14042 ldx_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_)
14043 { // ** body not listed **
14101 }
14102 real_4 _slapy2 (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_)
14103 { // ** body not listed **
14119 }
14120 real_4 _slapy3 (real_4 _p_ x_, real_4 _p_ y_, real_4 _p_ z_)
14121 { // ** body not listed **
14138 }
14139 real_4 _slaran (int_4 _p_ iseed_)
14140 { // ** body not listed **
14162 }
14163 int_4 _slarf (char _p_ side_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ incv_, real_4 _p_ tau_, real_4 _p_
14164 c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14165 { // ** body not listed **
14184 }
14185 int_4 _slarfg (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_4 _p_ tau_)
14186 { // ** body not listed **
14233 }
14234 int_4 _slarfx (char _p_ side_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ v_, real_4 _p_ tau_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_
14235 ldc_, real_4 _p_ work_)
14236 { // ** body not listed **
14743 }
14744 real_4 _slarnd (int_4 _p_ idist_, int_4 _p_ iseed_)
14745 { // ** body not listed **
14761 }
14762 int_4 _slarnv (int_4 _p_ idist_, int_4 _p_ iseed_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_)
14763 { // ** body not listed **
14793 }
14794 int_4 _slartg (real_4 _p_ f_, real_4 _p_ g_, real_4 _p_ cs_, real_4 _p_ sn_, real_4 _p_ r_)
14795 { // ** body not listed **
14879 }
14880 int_4 _slaruv (int_4 _p_ iseed_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_)
14881 { // ** body not listed **
16971 }
16972 int_4 _slascl (char _p_ type_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_4 _p_ cfrom_, real_4 _p_ cto_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4
16973 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_)
16974 { // ** body not listed **
17124 }
17125 int_4 _slaset (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ alpha_, real_4 _p_ beta_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4
17126 _p_ lda_)
17127 { // ** body not listed **
17156 }
17157 int_4 _slasr (char _p_ side_, char _p_ pivot_, char _p_ direct_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ c_, real_4 _p_
17158 s_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_)
17159 { // ** body not listed **
17365 }
17366 int_4 _slasrt (char _p_ id_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, int_4 _p_ info_)
17367 { // ** body not listed **
17541 }
17542 int_4 _slassq (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ sumsq_)
17543 { // ** body not listed **
17564 }
17565 int_4 _slaswp (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ k1_, int_4 _p_ k2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4 _p_
17566 incx_)
17567 { // ** body not listed **
17608 }
17609 int_4 _slasy2 (logical_4 _p_ ltranl_, logical_4 _p_ ltranr_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, int_4 _p_ n1_, int_4 _p_ n2_, real_4 _p_
17610 tl_, int_4 _p_ ldtl_, real_4 _p_ tr_, int_4 _p_ ldtr_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_4 _p_ scale_, real_4 _p_ x_,
17611 int_4 _p_ ldx_, real_4 _p_ xnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_)
17612 { // ** body not listed **
17921 }
17922 int_4 _sorm2r (char _p_ side_, char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_
17923 , real_4 _p_ tau_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
17924 { // ** body not listed **
18004 }
18005 int_4 _spttrf (int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e_, int_4 _p_ info_)
18006 { // ** body not listed **
18039 }
18040 int_4 _spttrs (int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_
18041 info_)
18042 { // ** body not listed **
18077 }
18078 int_4 _ssteqr (char _p_ compz_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ d_, real_4 _p_ e_, real_4 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, real_4 _p_
18079 work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
18080 { // ** body not listed **
18401 }
18402 int_4 _strevc (char _p_ side_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
18403 real_4 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, real_4 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4
18404 _p_ info_)
18405 { // ** body not listed **
19016 }
19017 int_4 _strexc (char _p_ compq_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_, real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, int_4 _p_
19018 ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, real_4 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
19019 { // ** body not listed **
19209 }
19210 int_4 _strsen (char _p_ job_, char _p_ compq_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
19211 real_4 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, real_4 _p_ wr_, real_4 _p_ wi_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_4 _p_ s_, real_4 _p_ sep_, real_4 _p_
19212 work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ iwork_, int_4 _p_ liwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
19213 { // ** body not listed **
19373 }
19374 int_4 _strsyl (char _p_ trana_, char _p_ tranb_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, real_4 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_
19375 lda_, real_4 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, real_4 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_4 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_ info_)
19376 { // ** body not listed **
20111 }
20112 int_4 _xlaenv (int_4 _p_ ispec_, int_4 _p_ nvalue_)
20113 { // ** body not listed **
20119 }
20120 int_4 _zgbtf2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, complex_16 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
20121 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
20122 { // ** body not listed **
20195 }
20196 int_4 _zgbtrf (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, complex_16 _p_ ab_, int_4 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_
20197 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
20198 { // ** body not listed **
20394 }
20395 int_4 _zgbtrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, complex_16 _p_ ab_, int_4
20396 _p_ ldab_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
20397 { // ** body not listed **
20498 }
20499 int_4 _zgeqr2 (int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ tau_, complex_16 _p_ work_
20500 , int_4 _p_ info_)
20501 { // ** body not listed **
20538 }
20539 int_4 _zgttrf (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ dl_, complex_16 _p_ d_, complex_16 _p_ du_, complex_16 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_
20540 ipiv_, int_4 _p_ info_)
20541 { // ** body not listed **
20589 }
20590 if (d_[(*n_) - 1] == CMPLX (0.0, 0.0) && (*info_) == 0) {
20591 (*info_) = (*n_);
20592 goto _l0;
20593 }
20594 _l0:;
20595 __calls[137].calls++;
20596 return 0;
20597 }
20598 int_4 _zgttrs (char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ nrhs_, complex_16 _p_ dl_, complex_16 _p_ d_, complex_16 _p_
20599 du_, complex_16 _p_ du2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, int_4 _p_ info_)
20600 { // ** body not listed **
20705 }
20706 int_4 _zlacgv (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_)
20707 { // ** body not listed **
20728 }
20729 int_4 _zlacon (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ v_, complex_16 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ est_, int_4 _p_ kase_)
20730 { // ** body not listed **
20826 }
20827 int_4 _zlacpy (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4
20828 _p_ ldb_)
20829 { // ** body not listed **
20855 }
20856 complex_16 _zladiv (complex_16 _p_ x_, complex_16 _p_ y_)
20857 { // ** body not listed **
20866 }
20867 int_4 _zlahqr (logical_4 _p_ wantt_, logical_4 _p_ wantz_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ ilo_, int_4 _p_ ihi_, complex_16 _p_
20868 h_, int_4 _p_ ldh_, complex_16 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ iloz_, int_4 _p_ ihiz_, complex_16 _p_ z_, int_4 _p_ ldz_, int_4 _p_
20869 info_)
20870 { // ** body not listed **
21046 }
21047 real_8 _zlange (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ work_)
21048 { // ** body not listed **
21099 }
21100 real_8 _zlanhs (char _p_ norm_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, real_8 _p_ work_)
21101 { // ** body not listed **
21153 }
21154 int_4 _zlarf (char _p_ side_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ v_, int_4 _p_ incv_, complex_16 _p_ tau_,
21155 complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_16 _p_ work_)
21156 { // ** body not listed **
21177 }
21178 int_4 _zlarfg (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ alpha_, complex_16 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, complex_16 _p_ tau_)
21179 { // ** body not listed **
21234 }
21235 int_4 _zlarnv (int_4 _p_ idist_, int_4 _p_ iseed_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ x_)
21236 { // ** body not listed **
21272 }
21273 int_4 _zlartg (complex_16 _p_ f_, complex_16 _p_ g_, real_8 _p_ cs_, complex_16 _p_ sn_, complex_16 _p_ r_)
21274 { // ** body not listed **
21320 }
21321 int_4 _zlascl (char _p_ type_, int_4 _p_ kl_, int_4 _p_ ku_, real_8 _p_ cfrom_, real_8 _p_ cto_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4
21322 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ info_)
21323 { // ** body not listed **
21474 }
21475 int_4 _zlaset (char _p_ uplo_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ alpha_, complex_16 _p_ beta_, complex_16 _p_
21476 a_, int_4 _p_ lda_)
21477 { // ** body not listed **
21512 }
21513 int_4 _zlassq (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ x_, int_4 _p_ incx_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ sumsq_)
21514 { // ** body not listed **
21545 }
21546 int_4 _zlaswp (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_ lda_, int_4 _p_ k1_, int_4 _p_ k2_, int_4 _p_ ipiv_, int_4
21547 _p_ incx_)
21548 { // ** body not listed **
21589 }
21590 int_4 _zlatrs (char _p_ uplo_, char _p_ trans_, char _p_ diag_, char _p_ normin_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_,
21591 int_4 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ x_, real_8 _p_ scale_, real_8 _p_ cnorm_, int_4 _p_ info_)
21592 { // ** body not listed **
22064 }
22065 int_4 _zrot (int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ cx_, int_4 _p_ incx_, complex_16 _p_ cy_, int_4 _p_ incy_, real_8 _p_ c_,
22066 complex_16 _p_ s_)
22067 { // ** body not listed **
22103 }
22104 int_4 _ztrevc (char _p_ side_, char _p_ howmny_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_
22105 , complex_16 _p_ vl_, int_4 _p_ ldvl_, complex_16 _p_ vr_, int_4 _p_ ldvr_, int_4 _p_ mm_, int_4 _p_ m_, complex_16 _p_
22106 work_, real_8 _p_ rwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
22107 { // ** body not listed **
22233 }
22234 if (leftv_) {
22235 is_ = 1;
22236 for (ki_ = 1; ki_ <= (*n_); (ki_)++) {
22237 if (somev_) {
22238 if (! (select_[ki_ - 1])) {
22239 goto _l130;
22240 }
22241 }
22242 smin_ = _max (ulp_ * (({complex_16 cdum_1_ = t_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((ki_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (cdum_1_))) +
22243 _abs (cimag (cdum_1_));})), smlnum_);
22244 work_[(*n_) - 1] = CMPLX (1.0, 0.0);
22245 for (k_ = ki_ + 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
22246 work_[k_ - 1] = -__dconjg (&t_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))]);
22247 }
22248 for (k_ = ki_ + 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
22249 t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] = t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] - t_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((ki_ - 1))];
22250 if (({complex_16 cdum_1_ = t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (cdum_1_))) + _abs (cimag
22251 (cdum_1_));}) < smin_) {
22252 t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] = smin_;
22253 }
22254 }
22255 if (ki_ < (*n_)) {
22256 (void) _zlatrs (_dc_11, _dc_14, _dc_12, _dc_35, ($6_ = (*n_) - ki_, &$6_), &t_[ki_ + 1 - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((ki_ + 1 -
22257 1))], ldt_, &work_[ki_ + 1 - 1], &scale_, rwork_, info_);
22258 work_[ki_ - 1] = scale_;
22259 }
22260 if (! (over_)) {
22261 (void) _zcopy (($7_ = (*n_) - ki_ + 1, &$7_), &work_[ki_ - 1], &_k1, &vl_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))], &_k1);
22262 ii_ = _izamax (($8_ = (*n_) - ki_ + 1, &$8_), &vl_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))], &_k1) + ki_ - 1;
22263 remax_ = 1.0 / ({complex_16 cdum_1_ = vl_[ii_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (cdum_1_))) + _abs
22264 (cimag (cdum_1_));});
22265 (void) _zdscal (($9_ = (*n_) - ki_ + 1, &$9_), &remax_, &vl_[ki_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))], &_k1);
22266 for (k_ = 1; k_ <= ki_ - 1; (k_)++) {
22267 vl_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((is_ - 1))] = CMPLX (0.0, 0.0);
22268 }
22269 }
22270 else {
22271 if (ki_ < (*n_)) {
22272 (void) _zgemv (_dc_7, n_, ($10_ = (*n_) - ki_, &$10_), ($11_ = CMPLX (1.0, 0.0), &$11_), &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ +
22273 1 - 1))], ldvl_, &work_[ki_ + 1 - 1], &_k1, ($12_ = (complex_16) (scale_), &$12_), &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))],
22274 &_k1);
22275 }
22276 ii_ = _izamax (n_, &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))], &_k1);
22277 remax_ = 1.0 / ({complex_16 cdum_1_ = vl_[ii_ - 1 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))]; _abs ((real_8) (creal (cdum_1_))) + _abs
22278 (cimag (cdum_1_));});
22279 (void) _zdscal (n_, &remax_, &vl_[0 + ((*ldvl_)) * ((ki_ - 1))], &_k1);
22280 }
22281 for (k_ = ki_ + 1; k_ <= (*n_); (k_)++) {
22282 t_[k_ - 1 + ((*ldt_)) * ((k_ - 1))] = work_[k_ + (*n_) - 1];
22283 }
22284 is_ = is_ + 1;
22285 _l130:;
22286 }
22287 }
22288 _l0:;
22289 __calls[156].calls++;
22290 return 0;
22291 }
22292 int_4 _ztrexc (char _p_ compq_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_, complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_,
22293 int_4 _p_ ifst_, int_4 _p_ ilst_, int_4 _p_ info_)
22294 { // ** body not listed **
22362 }
22363 int_4 _ztrsen (char _p_ job_, char _p_ compq_, logical_4 _p_ select_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ t_, int_4 _p_ ldt_,
22364 complex_16 _p_ q_, int_4 _p_ ldq_, complex_16 _p_ w_, int_4 _p_ m_, real_8 _p_ s_, real_8 _p_ sep_, complex_16 _p_
22365 work_, int_4 _p_ lwork_, int_4 _p_ info_)
22366 { // ** body not listed **
22464 }
22465 int_4 _ztrsyl (char _p_ trana_, char _p_ tranb_, int_4 _p_ isgn_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4
22466 _p_ lda_, complex_16 _p_ b_, int_4 _p_ ldb_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, real_8 _p_ scale_, int_4 _p_ info_)
22467 { // ** body not listed **
22658 }
22659 int_4 _zunm2r (char _p_ side_, char _p_ trans_, int_4 _p_ m_, int_4 _p_ n_, int_4 _p_ k_, complex_16 _p_ a_, int_4 _p_
22660 lda_, complex_16 _p_ tau_, complex_16 _p_ c_, int_4 _p_ ldc_, complex_16 _p_ work_, int_4 _p_ info_)
22661 { // ** body not listed **
22749 }
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